public static void Run()
            string               linkPath      = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "SpiderLinks.txt");
            Queue <string>       linksQueue    = new Queue <string>();
            SysCatalogRepository SysCatalogDal = new SysCatalogRepository();

            if (File.Exists(linkPath))
                foreach (var item in File.ReadAllLines(linkPath))
                    string link = item.Trim();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link))

            CasperJs casperJs = new CasperJs(DataReceived);

            while (linksQueue.Count > 0)
                string     link   = linksQueue.Dequeue();
                SysCatalog entity = SysCatalogDal.FindSingle(o => o.Url == link);
                if (entity == null)
                    casperJs.Exec(CatalogScriptPath, link);
        public void GetCatalogProductRankList(string obj, int start, int limit, IJavascriptCallback javascriptCallback)
            Task.Factory.StartNew(async() =>
                using (javascriptCallback)
                    Result <List <ProductListItemViewModel> > result = new Result <List <ProductListItemViewModel> >(true);
                    ProductListItemQueryViewModel queryEntity        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProductListItemQueryViewModel>(obj);
                    if (queryEntity == null)
                        result.Success = false;
                        result.Msg     = "数据转换失败!";
                        using (DbContext db = DbContextFactory.Context)
                            var dbSet                    = db.Set <SysCatalog>();
                            SysCatalog entity            = dbSet.First(o => o.ID == queryEntity.CatalogID);
                            List <SQLiteParameter> param = new List <SQLiteParameter>()
                                new SQLiteParameter("@CatalogID", queryEntity.CatalogID),
                                new SQLiteParameter("@RankLevel", queryEntity.RankNumber),
                                new SQLiteParameter("@StartDate", queryEntity.StartDate),
                                new SQLiteParameter("@EndDate", queryEntity.EndDate)
                            string sql, fromSql, whereSql, totalSql;

                            fromSql  = $"from {entity.CatalogProductTableName} map join tb_Sys_Product p on map.ProductID = p.ID ";
                            whereSql = "where map.CatalogID = @CatalogID ";

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryEntity.Name))
                                whereSql += $"AND p.Name LIKE @Name ";
                                param.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Name", $"%{queryEntity.Name}%"));

                            whereSql += $"AND map.RankLevel = @RankLevel ";
                            whereSql += $"AND map.CreateTime Between @StartDate AND @EndDate ";

                            sql = " select p.Name,p.ImgPath,map.RankTime,map.RankLevel "
                                  + fromSql
                                  + whereSql
                                  + "order by map.CreateTime desc, map.RankLevel asc "
                                  + $"limit {limit} offset {start}; ";

                            totalSql = " select count(1) " + fromSql + whereSql;

                            SQLiteParameter[] paramArray = param.ToArray();

                            result.Data  = db.Database.SqlQuery <ProductListItemViewModel>(sql, paramArray).ToList();
                            result.Total = db.Database.SqlQuery <int>(totalSql, paramArray).FirstOrDefault();
                    await javascriptCallback.ExecuteAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));
        private static void DataReceived(string ouput, SysCatalog entity, SysCatalogRepository SysCatalogDal, string updateString)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ouput) &&
                List <SysProduct> ProductList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <SysProduct> >(ouput.TrimStart('※'));
                if (ProductList != null &&
                    ProductList.Count > 0)
                    Dictionary <string, string>    dic            = SysCatalogDal.GetCatalogProducts(entity.ID);
                    List <SysProduct>              AddList        = new List <SysProduct>();
                    List <CatalogProductViewModel> AddMappingList = new List <CatalogProductViewModel>();
                    ProductList.ForEach(l =>
                        l.ID         = CommonMethods.NewGuidString;
                        l.CatalogID  = entity.ID;
                        l.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;

                        if (!dic.ContainsKey(l.Asin))
                            l.ID = dic[l.Asin];

                        AddMappingList.Add(new CatalogProductViewModel()
                            ID         = CommonMethods.NewGuidString,
                            CatalogID  = entity.ID,
                            CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
                            ProductID  = l.ID,
                            RankLevel  = l.RankNumber,
                            RankTime   = updateString



                    SysCatalogDal.AddCatalogProductMapping(entity.CatalogProductTableName, AddMappingList);

                    SysCatalogDal.UpdateCatalogUpdateString(entity.ID, updateString);
        /// <summary>
        /// cmd 消息接收事件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ouput"></param>
        private static void DataReceived(string ouput)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ouput) &&
                SysCatalogRepository SysCatalogDal = new SysCatalogRepository();
                SysCatalogViewModel  entity        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SysCatalogViewModel>(ouput.TrimStart('※'));
                if (entity != null)
                    List <SysCatalog> entities   = new List <SysCatalog>();
                    string            updateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                    entity.CatalogProductTableName = SysCatalogDal.CreateCatalogProductMapTable();
                    SysCatalog firstCatalog = new SysCatalog
                        ID                      = CommonMethods.NewGuidString,
                        UpdateString            = updateTime,
                        CreateTime              = DateTime.Now,
                        Name                    = entity.Name,
                        Url                     = entity.Url,
                        CatalogProductTableName = entity.CatalogProductTableName,
                        IsDel                   = false
                    entity.ChildCatalogs.ForEach(l =>
                        entities.Add(new SysCatalog
                            ID                      = CommonMethods.NewGuidString,
                            UpdateString            = firstCatalog.UpdateString,
                            CreateTime              = DateTime.Now,
                            Name                    = l.Name,
                            Url                     = l.Url,
                            CatalogProductTableName = firstCatalog.CatalogProductTableName,
                            ParentID                = firstCatalog.ID,
                            IsDel                   = false


                    Console.WriteLine($"链接:{entity.Url} 分类数据添加完成!");
        public void GetCatalogProductList(string obj, IJavascriptCallback javascriptCallback)
            Task.Factory.StartNew(async() =>
                using (javascriptCallback)
                    Result <List <CatalogProductListViewModel> > result = new Result <List <CatalogProductListViewModel> >(true);
                        ProductListItemQueryViewModel queryEntity = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProductListItemQueryViewModel>(obj);
                        if (queryEntity == null)
                            result.Success = false;
                            result.Msg     = "查询参数转换失败!";
                            using (DbContext db = DbContextFactory.Context)
                                var dbSet         = db.Set <SysCatalog>();
                                SysCatalog entity = dbSet.First(o => o.ID == queryEntity.CatalogID);

                                List <SQLiteParameter> param = new List <SQLiteParameter>()
                                    new SQLiteParameter("@CatalogID", queryEntity.CatalogID)

                                string sql, whereSql, innerWhereSql;

                                whereSql = " WHERE p.CatalogID = @CatalogID ";
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryEntity.Name))
                                    whereSql += "AND p.Name LIKE @Name ";
                                    param.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Name", $"%{queryEntity.Name}%"));

                                innerWhereSql = " WHERE map.CatalogID = p.CatalogID AND map.ProductID = p.ID ";
                                //AND map.ProductID = p.ID AND map.CreateTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
                                if (queryEntity.StartDate.HasValue && queryEntity.EndDate.HasValue)
                                    innerWhereSql += " AND map.CreateTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate ";
                                    param.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@StartDate", queryEntity.StartDate.Value));
                                    param.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@EndDate", queryEntity.EndDate.Value));

                                sql = string.Format(@"SELECT p.Name AS 'ProductName',p.ImgPath AS 'ProductImgPath'
,(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {0} map {2} ) AS 'TotalCount'
FROM tb_Sys_Product p {1} ", entity.CatalogProductTableName, whereSql, innerWhereSql);

                                List <CatalogProductListViewModel> list = db.Database.SqlQuery <CatalogProductListViewModel>(sql, param.ToArray()).OrderByDescending(o => o.TotalCount).ToList();
                                list.RemoveAll(o => o.TotalCount <= 0);
                                result.Data  = list;
                                result.Total = list.Sum(o => o.TotalCount);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        result.Success = false;
                        result.Msg     = ex.Message;

                    await javascriptCallback.ExecuteAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));