Exemple #1
        // OBJECT

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>JavascriptSyntaxLanguage</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public JavascriptSyntaxLanguage() : base("Javascript")
            // Initialize this language from a language definition
            SyntaxEditorHelper.InitializeLanguageFromResourceStream(this, "JavaScript.langdef");

            // NOTE: Make sure that you've set up an ambient parse request dispatcher for your application
            //   (see documentation on 'Parse Requests and Dispatchers') so that this parser is called in
            //   a worker thread as the editor is updated

            // Register a parser that will construct a complete range-based outlining source for the document
            //   within a worker thread after any text change... for this sample, the outlining source is returned
            //   as the parser's result to the ICodeDocument.ParseData property, where it is retrieved by
            //   the outliner below... note that if we were doing more advanced parsing
            //   by constructing an AST of the document, we'd want to use the AST result to construct the
            //   range-based outlining source instead
            this.RegisterService <IParser>(new JavascriptOutliningParser());

            // Register an outliner, which tells the document's outlining manager that
            //   this language supports automatic outlining, and helps drive outlining updates
            this.RegisterService <IOutliner>(new JavascriptOutliner());

            // Register a built-in service that automatically provides quick info tips
            //   when hovering over collapsed outlining nodes
            this.RegisterService(new CollapsedRegionQuickInfoProvider());
        // OBJECT

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>CollapsedRegionSyntaxLanguage</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public CollapsedRegionSyntaxLanguage() : base("CollapsedRegion")
            // Initialize this language from a language definition
            SyntaxEditorHelper.InitializeLanguageFromResourceStream(this, "CSharp.langdef");

            // Register a tagger provider on the language as a service that can create CollapsedRegionTag objects
            this.RegisterService(new CodeDocumentTaggerProvider <CollapsedRegionTagger>(typeof(CollapsedRegionTagger)));
Exemple #3
        // OBJECT

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>CustomSyntaxLanguage</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public CustomSyntaxLanguage() : base("CustomDecorator")
            // Initialize this language from a language definition
            SyntaxEditorHelper.InitializeLanguageFromResourceStream(this, "CSharp.langdef");

            // Register a tagger provider on the language as a service that can create CustomTag objects
            this.RegisterService(new TextViewTaggerProvider <WordHighlightTagger>(typeof(WordHighlightTagger)));
        // OBJECT

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>CustomSyntaxLanguage</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public CustomSyntaxLanguage() : base("CustomDecorator")
            // Initialize this language from a language definition
            SyntaxEditorHelper.InitializeLanguageFromResourceStream(this, "CSharp.langdef");

            // Register a provider service that can create the custom adornment manager
            this.RegisterService(new AdornmentManagerProvider <AlternatingRowsAdornmentManager>(typeof(AlternatingRowsAdornmentManager)));
        // OBJECT

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>ColorPreviewSyntaxLanguage</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public ColorPreviewSyntaxLanguage() : base("ColorPreview")
            // Initialize this language from a language definition
            SyntaxEditorHelper.InitializeLanguageFromResourceStream(this, "Css.langdef");

            // Register a tagger provider on the language as a service that can create ColorPreviewTag objects
            this.RegisterService(new CodeDocumentTaggerProvider <ColorPreviewTagger>(typeof(ColorPreviewTagger)));

            // Register a provider service that can create the custom adornment manager
            this.RegisterService(new AdornmentManagerProvider <ColorPreviewAdornmentManager>(typeof(ColorPreviewAdornmentManager)));
        // OBJECT

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>IntraTextNoteSyntaxLanguage</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public IntraTextNoteSyntaxLanguage() : base("IntraTextNote")
            // Initialize this language from a language definition
            SyntaxEditorHelper.InitializeLanguageFromResourceStream(this, "CSharp.langdef");

            // Register a provider service that can create the custom adornment manager
            this.RegisterService(new AdornmentManagerProvider <IntraTextNoteAdornmentManager>(typeof(IntraTextNoteAdornmentManager)));

            // Register a tagger provider on the language as a service that can create IntraTextNoteTag objects
            this.RegisterService(new CodeDocumentTaggerProvider <IntraTextNoteTagger>(typeof(IntraTextNoteTagger)));
Exemple #7
        // OBJECT

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>SimpleSyntaxLanguage</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public SimpleSyntaxLanguage() : base("Simple")
            // Initialize the language using the lexer and token tagger in the .langdef file
            SyntaxEditorHelper.InitializeLanguageFromResourceStream(this, "Simple-Basic.langdef");

            // NOTE: Make sure that you've set up an ambient parse request dispatcher for your application
            //   (see documentation on 'Parse Requests and Dispatchers') so that this parser is called in
            //   a worker thread as the editor is updated
            this.RegisterParser(new SimpleParser());
Exemple #8
        // OBJECT

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>JavascriptSyntaxLanguage</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public JavascriptSyntaxLanguage() : base("Javascript")
            // Initialize this language from a language definition
            SyntaxEditorHelper.InitializeLanguageFromResourceStream(this, "JavaScript.langdef");

            // Register an outliner, which tells the document's outlining manager that
            //   this language supports automatic outlining, and helps drive outlining updates
            this.RegisterService <IOutliner>(new TokenOutliner <JavascriptOutliningSource>());

            // Register a built-in service that automatically provides quick info tips
            //   when hovering over collapsed outlining nodes
            this.RegisterService(new CollapsedRegionQuickInfoProvider());
Exemple #9
        // OBJECT

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>CollapsedRegionSyntaxLanguage</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public CollapsedRegionSyntaxLanguage() : base("CollapsedRegion")
            // Initialize this language from a language definition
            SyntaxEditorHelper.InitializeLanguageFromResourceStream(this, "CSharp.langdef");

            // Register a provider service that can create the custom adornment manager
            this.RegisterService(new AdornmentManagerProvider <CollapsedRegionAdornmentManager>(typeof(CollapsedRegionAdornmentManager)));

            // Register a tagger provider on the language as a service that can create CollapsedRegionTag objects
            this.RegisterService(new CodeDocumentTaggerProvider <CollapsedRegionTagger>(typeof(CollapsedRegionTagger)));

            // Register a quick info provider for collapsed regions
            this.RegisterService(new CollapsedRegionQuickInfoProvider());