public async Task TestTagsChangedForEntireFile()
            var code =
                @"class Program2
    string x = @""/// <summary>$$
/// </summary>"";

            using var workspace = TestWorkspace.CreateCSharp(code);
            var document      = workspace.Documents.First();
            var subjectBuffer = document.GetTextBuffer();
            var checkpoint    = new Checkpoint();
            var tagComputer   = new SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider.TagComputer(
                workspace.GetService <IForegroundNotificationService>(),
                new SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider(workspace.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue <IThreadingContext>(), null, null, null));

            // Capture the expected value before the await, in case it changes.
            var expectedLength      = subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length;
            int?actualVersionNumber = null;
            int?actualLength        = null;
            var callstacks          = new List <string>();

            tagComputer.TagsChanged += (s, e) =>
                actualVersionNumber = e.Span.Snapshot.Version.VersionNumber;
                actualLength        = e.Span.Length;
                callstacks.Add(new StackTrace().ToString());

            await checkpoint.Task;

            Assert.Equal(1, actualVersionNumber);
            Assert.Equal(expectedLength, actualLength);
            Assert.Equal(1, callstacks.Count);

            checkpoint = new Checkpoint();

            // Now apply an edit that require us to reclassify more that just the current line
            var snapshot = subjectBuffer.Insert(document.CursorPosition.Value, "\"");

            expectedLength = snapshot.Length;

            // NOTE: TagsChanged is raised on the UI thread, so there is no race between
            // assigning expected here and verifying in the event handler, because the
            // event handler can't run until we await.
            await checkpoint.Task;

            Assert.Equal(2, actualVersionNumber);
            Assert.Equal(expectedLength, actualLength);
            Assert.Equal(2, callstacks.Count);
        public async Task TestTagsChangedForEntireFile()
            var code =
                @"class Program2
    string x = @""/// <summary>$$
/// </summary>"";

            using (var workspace = CSharpWorkspaceFactory.CreateWorkspaceFromFile(code))
                var document      = workspace.Documents.First();
                var subjectBuffer = document.TextBuffer;
                var checkpoint    = new Checkpoint();
                var tagComputer   = new SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider.TagComputer(
                    workspace.GetService <IForegroundNotificationService>(),
                    typeMap: null,
                    taggerProvider: new SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider(
                        notificationService: null,
                        typeMap: null,
                        viewSupportsClassificationServiceOpt: null,
                        associatedViewService: null,
                        allLanguageServices: ImmutableArray <Lazy <ILanguageService, LanguageServiceMetadata> > .Empty,
                        contentTypes: ImmutableArray <Lazy <ILanguageService, ContentTypeLanguageMetadata> > .Empty,
                        asyncListeners: ImmutableArray <Lazy <IAsynchronousOperationListener, FeatureMetadata> > .Empty),
                    viewSupportsClassificationServiceOpt: null,
                    associatedViewService: null,
                    editorClassificationService: null,
                    languageName: null);

                SnapshotSpan span = default(SnapshotSpan);
                tagComputer.TagsChanged += (s, e) =>
                    span = e.Span;

                await checkpoint.Task.ConfigureAwait(true);

                checkpoint = new Checkpoint();

                // Now apply an edit that require us to reclassify more that just the current line
                subjectBuffer.Insert(document.CursorPosition.Value, "\"");

                await checkpoint.Task.ConfigureAwait(true);

                Assert.Equal(subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length, span.Length);
Exemple #3
        public async Task TestTagsChangedForEntireFile()
            var code =
                @"class Program2
    string x = @""/// <summary>$$
/// </summary>"";

            using (var workspace = CSharpWorkspaceFactory.CreateWorkspaceFromFile(code))
                var document      = workspace.Documents.First();
                var subjectBuffer = document.TextBuffer;
                var checkpoint    = new Checkpoint();
                var tagComputer   = new SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider.TagComputer(
                    workspace.GetService <IForegroundNotificationService>(),
                    new SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider(null, null, null));

                SnapshotSpan span = default(SnapshotSpan);
                tagComputer.TagsChanged += (s, e) =>
                    span = e.Span;

                await checkpoint.Task.ConfigureAwait(true);

                checkpoint = new Checkpoint();

                // Now apply an edit that require us to reclassify more that just the current line
                subjectBuffer.Insert(document.CursorPosition.Value, "\"");

                await checkpoint.Task.ConfigureAwait(true);

                Assert.Equal(subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length, span.Length);
Exemple #4
        public async Task TestTagsChangedAfterDelete()
            var code =
                @"class Goo";

            using var workspace = TestWorkspace.CreateCSharp(code);
            var document      = workspace.Documents.First();
            var subjectBuffer = document.GetTextBuffer();

            var checkpoint = new Checkpoint();

            var typeMap = workspace.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue <ClassificationTypeMap>();

            var tagComputer = new SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider.TagComputer(
                new SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider(
                    workspace.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue <IThreadingContext>(),
                diffTimeout: TimeSpan.MaxValue);

            // Capture the expected value before the await, in case it changes.
            var expectedLength      = subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length;
            int?actualVersionNumber = null;
            int?actualLength        = null;
            var callstacks          = new List <string>();

            tagComputer.TagsChanged += (s, e) =>
                actualVersionNumber = e.Span.Snapshot.Version.VersionNumber;
                actualLength        = e.Span.Length;
                callstacks.Add(new StackTrace().ToString());

            await checkpoint.Task;

            Assert.Equal(0, actualVersionNumber);
            Assert.Equal(expectedLength, actualLength);
            Assert.Equal(1, callstacks.Count);

            checkpoint = new Checkpoint();

            // Now delete the last character.
            var snapshot = subjectBuffer.Delete(new Span(subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length - 1, 1));

            // Try to get the tags prior to TagsChanged firing.  This will force us to use the previous
            // data we've cached to produce the new results.
            tagComputer.GetTags(new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetFullSpan()));

            expectedLength = snapshot.Length;

            // NOTE: TagsChanged is raised on the UI thread, so there is no race between
            // assigning expected here and verifying in the event handler, because the
            // event handler can't run until we await.
            await checkpoint.Task;

            Assert.Equal(1, actualVersionNumber);
            Assert.Equal(2, actualLength);
            Assert.Equal(2, callstacks.Count);