Exemple #1
        public async Task <SyncBlockInfo> RewindToBestChain(SyncConnection connection)
            IBlockchainClient client = clientFactory.Create(connection);

            while (true)
                SyncBlockInfo block = storage.GetLatestBlock();

                if (block == null)

                string currentHash = await client.GetblockHashAsync(block.BlockIndex);

                if (currentHash == block.BlockHash)

                log.LogDebug($"Rewinding block {block.BlockIndex}({block.BlockHash})");

                await storage.DeleteBlockAsync(block.BlockHash);
Exemple #2
        public SyncTransactionInfo BlockTransactionGet(string transactionId)
            FilterDefinition <TransactionBlockTable> filter = Builders <TransactionBlockTable> .Filter.Eq(info => info.TransactionId, transactionId);

            TransactionBlockTable trx = mongoDb.TransactionBlockTable.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault();

            if (trx == null)

            SyncBlockInfo current = globalState.StoreTip;// GetLatestBlock();

            SyncBlockInfo blk = BlockByIndex(trx.BlockIndex);

            return(new SyncTransactionInfo
                BlockIndex = trx.BlockIndex,
                BlockHash = blk.BlockHash,
                Timestamp = blk.BlockTime,
                TransactionHash = trx.TransactionId,
                TransactionIndex = trx.TransactionIndex,
                Confirmations = current.BlockIndex + 1 - trx.BlockIndex
Exemple #3
        public SyncTransactionAddressBalance AddressGetBalanceUtxo(string address, long confirmations)
            SyncBlockInfo current = BlockGetBlockCount(1).First();

            var addrs = SelectAddressWithPool(current, address, true).ToList();

            return(CreateAddresBalance(confirmations, addrs, true));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get transactions that belongs to a block.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash"></param>
        public QueryResult <SyncTransactionInfo> TransactionsByBlock(string hash, int offset, int limit)
            SyncBlockInfo blk = BlockByHash(hash);

            if (blk == null)

            return(TransactionsByBlock(blk.BlockIndex, offset, limit));
        public void UpdateConfirmations()
            SyncBlockInfo first = storage.BlockGetBlockCount(1).First();

            for (long i = first.BlockIndex; i > first.BlockIndex - 500; i--)
                SyncBlockInfo next          = storage.BlockGetByIndex(i);
                long          Confirmations = first.BlockIndex - next.BlockIndex + 2;

                data.UpdateConfirmations(next.BlockHash, Confirmations);
Exemple #6
        protected override async Task OnDeleteBlockAsync(SyncBlockInfo block)
            // delete the contracts
            FilterDefinition <CirrusContractTable> contractFilter = Builders <CirrusContractTable> .Filter.Eq(info => info.BlockIndex, block.BlockIndex);

            Task <DeleteResult> contracts = mongoDb.CirrusContractTable.DeleteManyAsync(contractFilter);

            FilterDefinition <CirrusContractCodeTable> contractCodeFilter = Builders <CirrusContractCodeTable> .Filter.Eq(info => info.BlockIndex, block.BlockIndex);

            Task <DeleteResult> contractsCode = mongoDb.CirrusContractCodeTable.DeleteManyAsync(contractCodeFilter);

            await Task.WhenAll(contracts, contractsCode);
Exemple #7
        public IEnumerable <SyncTransactionInfo> BlockTransactionGetByBlockIndex(long blockIndex)
            SyncBlockInfo blk     = BlockGetByIndex(blockIndex);
            SyncBlockInfo current = BlockGetBlockCount(1).First();

            FilterDefinition <MapTransactionBlock> filter = Builders <MapTransactionBlock> .Filter.Eq(info => info.BlockIndex, blk.BlockIndex);

            var trxs = MapTransactionBlock.Find(filter).ToList();

            return(trxs.Select(s => new SyncTransactionInfo
                BlockIndex = s.BlockIndex,
                BlockHash = blk.BlockHash,
                Timestamp = blk.BlockTime,
                TransactionHash = s.TransactionId,
                Confirmations = current.BlockIndex - s.BlockIndex
Exemple #8
        public void DeleteBlock(string blockHash)
            SyncBlockInfo block = BlockGetByHash(blockHash);

            // delete the outputs
            FilterDefinition <MapTransactionAddress> addrFilter = Builders <MapTransactionAddress> .Filter.Eq(addr => addr.BlockIndex, block.BlockIndex);


            // delete the transaction
            FilterDefinition <MapTransactionBlock> transactionFilter = Builders <MapTransactionBlock> .Filter.Eq(info => info.BlockIndex, block.BlockIndex);


            // delete the block itself.
            FilterDefinition <MapBlock> blockFilter = Builders <MapBlock> .Filter.Eq(info => info.BlockHash, blockHash);

Exemple #9
        public async Task <SyncBlockInfo> RewindToLastCompletedBlockAsync()
            SyncBlockInfo lastBlock = storage.GetLatestBlock();

            if (lastBlock == null)

            while (lastBlock != null && lastBlock.SyncComplete == false)
                log.LogDebug($"Rewinding block {lastBlock.BlockIndex}({lastBlock.BlockHash})");

                await storage.DeleteBlockAsync(lastBlock.BlockHash);

                lastBlock = storage.BlockByIndex(lastBlock.BlockIndex - 1);

Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns block information in the section specified with offset and limit. If offset is set to 0, then the last page is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offset">Set to zero if last page should be returned.</param>
        /// <param name="limit">Amount of items to return.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public QueryResult <SyncBlockInfo> Blocks(int?offset, int limit)
            SyncBlockInfo storeTip = globalState.StoreTip;
            long          index    = storeTip?.BlockIndex ?? mongoDb.BlockTable.Find(Builders <BlockTable> .Filter.Empty).CountDocuments() - 1;

            // Get the total number of items based off the index.
            long total = index + 1;

            // If the offset has value, then use it, if not fetch the latest blocks.
            long startPosition = offset ?? total - limit;
            long endPosition   = startPosition + limit;

            // The BlockIndex is 0 based, so we must perform >= to get first.
            IQueryable <BlockTable> filter = mongoDb.BlockTable.AsQueryable().OrderBy(b => b.BlockIndex).Where(w => w.BlockIndex >= startPosition && w.BlockIndex < endPosition);

            IEnumerable <SyncBlockInfo> list = filter.ToList().Select(mongoBlockToStorageBlock.Map);

            return(new QueryResult <SyncBlockInfo> {
                Items = list, Total = total, Offset = (int)startPosition, Limit = limit
Exemple #11
        public void ValidateBlock(SyncBlockTransactionsOperation item)
            if (item.BlockInfo != null)
                SyncBlockInfo lastBlock = storage.BlockGetBlockCount(1).FirstOrDefault();

                if (lastBlock != null)
                    if (lastBlock.BlockHash == item.BlockInfo.Hash)
                        if (lastBlock.SyncComplete)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("This should never happen.");
                        if (item.BlockInfo.PreviousBlockHash != lastBlock.BlockHash)
                            InvalidBlockFound(lastBlock, item);


                        ////if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastBlock.NextBlockHash))
                        ////    lastBlock.NextBlockHash = item.BlockInfo.Hash;
                        ////    this.SyncOperations.UpdateBlockHash(lastBlock);
Exemple #12
        public SyncTransactionInfo BlockTransactionGet(string transactionId)
            FilterDefinition <MapTransactionBlock> filter = Builders <MapTransactionBlock> .Filter.Eq(info => info.TransactionId, transactionId);

            MapTransactionBlock trx = MapTransactionBlock.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault();

            if (trx == null)

            SyncBlockInfo current = BlockGetBlockCount(1).First();

            SyncBlockInfo blk = BlockGetByIndex(trx.BlockIndex);

            return(new SyncTransactionInfo
                BlockIndex = trx.BlockIndex,
                BlockHash = blk.BlockHash,
                Timestamp = blk.BlockTime,
                TransactionHash = trx.TransactionId,
                Confirmations = current.BlockIndex - trx.BlockIndex
Exemple #13
        private IEnumerable <SyncTransactionAddressItem> SelectAddressWithPool(SyncBlockInfo current, string address, bool availableOnly)
            FilterDefinitionBuilder <MapTransactionAddress> builder = Builders <MapTransactionAddress> .Filter;
            var addressFiler = new List <string> {
            FilterDefinition <MapTransactionAddress> filter = builder.AnyIn(transactionAddress => transactionAddress.Addresses, addressFiler);

            if (availableOnly)
                // we only want spendable transactions
                filter = filter & builder.Eq(info => info.SpendingTransactionId, null);


            SortDefinition <MapTransactionAddress> sort = Builders <MapTransactionAddress> .Sort.Descending(info => info.BlockIndex);

            var addrs = MapTransactionAddress.Find(filter).Sort(sort).ToList();


            log.LogInformation($"Select: Seconds = {watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} - UnspentOnly = {availableOnly} - Addr = {address} - Items = {addrs.Count()}");

            // this creates a copy of the collection (to avoid thread issues)
            ICollection <Transaction> pool = MemoryTransactions.Values;

            if (pool.Any())
                // mark trx in output as spent if they exist in the pool
                List <MapTransactionAddress> addrsupdate = addrs;
                GetPoolOutputs(pool).ForEach(f =>
                    MapTransactionAddress adr = addrsupdate.FirstOrDefault(a => a.TransactionId == f.Item1.PrevOut.Hash.ToString() && a.Index == f.Item1.PrevOut.N);
                    if (adr != null)
                        adr.SpendingTransactionId = f.Item2;

                // if only spendable transactions are to be returned we need to remove
                // any that have been marked as spent by a transaction in the pool
                if (availableOnly)
                    addrs = addrs.Where(d => d.SpendingTransactionId == null).ToList();

                // add all pool transactions to main output
                var paddr = PoolToMapTransactionAddress(pool, address).ToList();
                addrs = addrs.OrderByDescending(s => s.BlockIndex).Concat(paddr).ToList();

            // map to return type and calculate confirmations
            return(addrs.Select(s => new SyncTransactionAddressItem
                Address = address,
                Index = s.Index,
                TransactionHash = s.TransactionId,
                BlockIndex = s.BlockIndex == -1 ? default(long?) : s.BlockIndex,
                Value = s.Value,
                Confirmations = s.BlockIndex == -1 ? 0 : current.BlockIndex - s.BlockIndex + 1,
                SpendingTransactionHash = s.SpendingTransactionId,
                SpendingBlockIndex = s.SpendingBlockIndex,
                CoinBase = s.CoinBase,
                CoinStake = s.CoinStake,
                ScriptHex = new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(s.ScriptHex)).ToString(),
                Type = StandardScripts.GetTemplateFromScriptPubKey(new Script(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(s.ScriptHex)))?.Type.ToString(),
                Time = s.BlockIndex == -1 ? UnixUtils.DateToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.UtcNow) : current.BlockTime
Exemple #14
        public QueryResult <QueryAddressItem> AddressHistory(string address, int?offset, int limit)
            // make sure fields are computed
            AddressComputedTable addressComputedTable = ComputeAddressBalance(address);

            IQueryable <AddressHistoryComputedTable> filter = mongoDb.AddressHistoryComputedTable.AsQueryable()
                                                              .Where(t => t.Address == address);

            SyncBlockInfo storeTip = globalState.StoreTip;

            if (storeTip == null)
                // this can happen if node is in the middle of reorg

                return(new QueryResult <QueryAddressItem>
                    Items = Enumerable.Empty <QueryAddressItem>(),
                    Offset = 0,
                    Limit = limit,
                    Total = 0

            // This will first perform one db query.
            long total = addressComputedTable.CountSent + addressComputedTable.CountReceived + addressComputedTable.CountStaked + addressComputedTable.CountMined;

            // Filter by the position, in the order of first entry being 1 and then second entry being 2.
            filter = filter.OrderBy(s => s.Position);

            long startPosition = offset ?? total - limit;
            long endPosition   = (startPosition) + limit;

            // Get all items that is higher than start position and lower than end position.
            var list = filter.Where(w => w.Position > startPosition && w.Position <= endPosition).ToList();

            // Loop all transaction IDs and get the transaction object.
            IEnumerable <QueryAddressItem> transactions = list.Select(item => new QueryAddressItem
                BlockIndex      = item.BlockIndex,
                Value           = item.AmountInOutputs - item.AmountInInputs,
                EntryType       = item.EntryType,
                TransactionHash = item.TransactionId,
                Confirmations   = storeTip.BlockIndex + 1 - item.BlockIndex

            IEnumerable <QueryAddressItem> mempollTransactions = null;

            if (offset == total)
                List <MapMempoolAddressBag> mempoolAddressBag = MempoolBalance(address);

                mempollTransactions = mempoolAddressBag.Select(item => new QueryAddressItem
                    BlockIndex      = 0,
                    Value           = item.AmountInOutputs - item.AmountInInputs,
                    EntryType       = item.AmountInOutputs > item.AmountInInputs ? "receive" : "send",
                    TransactionHash = item.Mempool.TransactionId,
                    Confirmations   = 0

            List <QueryAddressItem> allTransactions = new();

            if (mempollTransactions != null)


            return(new QueryResult <QueryAddressItem>
                Items = allTransactions,
                Offset = (int)startPosition,
                Limit = limit,
                Total = total
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the balance and history of a given address.
        /// If the address already has history only the difference is computed.
        /// The difference is any new entries related to the given address from the last time it was computed.
        /// Edge cases that need special handling:
        /// - two inputs in the same transaction
        /// - to outputs in the same transaction
        /// - outputs and inputs in the same transaction
        /// Paging:
        /// We use a computed field called position that is incremented on each entry that is added to the list.
        /// The position is indexed but is only directly related to the given address
        /// When paging is requested we will fetch directly the required rows (no need to perform a table scan)
        /// Resource Access:
        /// concerns around computing tables
        ///    users call the method concurrently and compute the data simultaneously, this is mostly cpu wistful
        ///    as the tables are idempotent and the first call will compute and persist the computed data but second
        ///    will just fail to persist any existing entries, to apply this we use OCC (Optimistic Concurrency Control)
        ///    on the block height, if the version currently in disk is not the same as when the row was read
        ///    another process already calculated the latest additional entries
        /// </summary>
        private AddressComputedTable ComputeAddressBalance(string address)
            //if (globalState.IndexModeCompleted == false)
            //   // do not compute tables if indexes have not run.
            //   throw new ApplicationException("node in syncing process");

            FilterDefinition <AddressComputedTable> addrFilter = Builders <AddressComputedTable> .Filter
                                                                 .Where(f => f.Address == address);

            AddressComputedTable addressComputedTable = mongoDb.AddressComputedTable.Find(addrFilter).FirstOrDefault();

            if (addressComputedTable == null)
                addressComputedTable = new AddressComputedTable()
                    Id = address, Address = address, ComputedBlockIndex = 0
                mongoDb.AddressComputedTable.ReplaceOne(addrFilter, addressComputedTable, new ReplaceOptions {
                    IsUpsert = true

            SyncBlockInfo storeTip = globalState.StoreTip;

            if (storeTip == null)
                return(addressComputedTable); // this can happen if node is in the middle of reorg
            long currentHeight = addressComputedTable.ComputedBlockIndex;
            long tipHeight     = storeTip.BlockIndex;

            IQueryable <OutputTable> filterOutputs = mongoDb.OutputTable.AsQueryable()
                                                     .Where(t => t.Address == address)
                                                     .Where(b => b.BlockIndex > currentHeight && b.BlockIndex <= tipHeight);

            IQueryable <InputTable> filterInputs = mongoDb.InputTable.AsQueryable()
                                                   .Where(t => t.Address == address)
                                                   .Where(b => b.BlockIndex > currentHeight && b.BlockIndex <= tipHeight);

            long countReceived = 0, countSent = 0, countStaked = 0, countMined = 0;
            long received = 0, sent = 0, staked = 0, mined = 0;
            long maxHeight = 0;

            var history      = new Dictionary <string, AddressHistoryComputedTable>();
            var transcations = new Dictionary <string, MapAddressBag>();
            var utxoToAdd    = new Dictionary <string, AddressUtxoComputedTable>();
            var utxoToDelete = new Dictionary <string, Outpoint>();

            foreach (OutputTable item in filterOutputs)
                if (item.BlockIndex > currentHeight && item.BlockIndex <= tipHeight)
                    maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, item.BlockIndex);

                    if (transcations.TryGetValue(item.Outpoint.TransactionId, out MapAddressBag current))
                        current.CoinBase  = item.CoinBase;
                        current.CoinStake = item.CoinStake;
                        var bag = new MapAddressBag {
                            BlockIndex = item.BlockIndex, CoinBase = item.CoinBase, CoinStake = item.CoinStake
                        transcations.Add(item.Outpoint.TransactionId, bag);

                    // add to the utxo table
                    utxoToAdd.Add(item.Outpoint.ToString(), new AddressUtxoComputedTable {
                        Outpoint = item.Outpoint, BlockIndex = item.BlockIndex, Address = item.Address, CoinBase = item.CoinBase, CoinStake = item.CoinStake, ScriptHex = item.ScriptHex, Value = item.Value

            foreach (InputTable item in filterInputs)
                if (item.BlockIndex > currentHeight && item.BlockIndex <= tipHeight)
                    maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, item.BlockIndex);

                    if (transcations.TryGetValue(item.TrxHash, out MapAddressBag current))
                        var bag = new MapAddressBag {
                            BlockIndex = item.BlockIndex
                        transcations.Add(item.TrxHash, bag);

                    // remove from the utxo table
                    if (!utxoToAdd.Remove(item.Outpoint.ToString()))
                        // if not found in memory we need to delete form disk
                        utxoToDelete.Add(item.Outpoint.ToString(), item.Outpoint);

            if (transcations.Any())
                foreach ((string key, MapAddressBag mapAddressBag) in transcations.OrderBy(o => o.Value.BlockIndex))
                    var historyItem = new AddressHistoryComputedTable
                        Address       = addressComputedTable.Address,
                        TransactionId = key,
                        BlockIndex    = Convert.ToUInt32(mapAddressBag.BlockIndex),
                        Id            = $"{key}-{address}",

                    history.Add(key, historyItem);

                    foreach (OutputTable output in mapAddressBag.Ouputs)
                        historyItem.AmountInOutputs += output.Value;

                    foreach (InputTable output in mapAddressBag.Inputs)
                        historyItem.AmountInInputs += output.Value;

                    if (mapAddressBag.CoinBase)
                        mined += historyItem.AmountInOutputs;
                        historyItem.EntryType = "mine";
                    else if (mapAddressBag.CoinStake)
                        staked += historyItem.AmountInOutputs - historyItem.AmountInInputs;
                        historyItem.EntryType = "stake";
                        received += historyItem.AmountInOutputs;
                        sent     += historyItem.AmountInInputs;

                        if (historyItem.AmountInOutputs > historyItem.AmountInInputs)
                            historyItem.EntryType = "receive";
                            historyItem.EntryType = "send";

                long totalCount = countSent + countReceived + countMined + countStaked;
                if (totalCount < history.Values.Count)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Failed to compute history correctly");

                // each entry is assigned an incremental id to improve efficiency of paging.
                long position = addressComputedTable.CountSent + addressComputedTable.CountReceived + addressComputedTable.CountStaked + addressComputedTable.CountMined;
                foreach (AddressHistoryComputedTable historyValue in history.Values.OrderBy(o => o.BlockIndex))
                    historyValue.Position = ++position;

                addressComputedTable.Received      += received;
                addressComputedTable.Staked        += staked;
                addressComputedTable.Mined         += mined;
                addressComputedTable.Sent          += sent;
                addressComputedTable.Available      = addressComputedTable.Received + addressComputedTable.Mined + addressComputedTable.Staked - addressComputedTable.Sent;
                addressComputedTable.CountReceived += countReceived;
                addressComputedTable.CountSent     += countSent;
                addressComputedTable.CountStaked   += countStaked;
                addressComputedTable.CountMined    += countMined;
                addressComputedTable.CountUtxo      = addressComputedTable.CountUtxo - utxoToDelete.Count + utxoToAdd.Count;

                addressComputedTable.ComputedBlockIndex = maxHeight; // the last block a trx was received to this address

                if (addressComputedTable.Available < 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Failed to compute balance correctly");

                    // only push to store if the same version of computed bloc index is present (meaning entry was not modified)
                    // block height must change if new trx are added so use it to apply OCC (Optimistic Concurrency Control)
                    // to determine if a newer entry was pushed to store.
                    FilterDefinition <AddressComputedTable> updateFilter = Builders <AddressComputedTable> .Filter
                                                                           .Where(f => f.Address == address && f.ComputedBlockIndex == currentHeight);

                    // update the computed address entry, this will throw if a newer version is in store
                    mongoDb.AddressComputedTable.ReplaceOne(updateFilter, addressComputedTable, new ReplaceOptions {
                        IsUpsert = true
                catch (MongoWriteException nwe)
                    if (nwe.WriteError.Category != ServerErrorCategory.DuplicateKey)

                    // address was already modified fetch the latest version
                    addressComputedTable = mongoDb.AddressComputedTable.Find(addrFilter).FirstOrDefault();


                var historyTask = Task.Run(() =>
                        // if we managed to update the address we can safely insert history
                        mongoDb.AddressHistoryComputedTable.InsertMany(history.Values, new InsertManyOptions {
                            IsOrdered = false
                    catch (MongoBulkWriteException mbwex)
                        // in cases of reorgs trx are not deleted from the store,
                        // if a trx is already written and we attempt to write it again
                        // the write will fail and throw, so we ignore such errors.
                        // (IsOrdered = false will attempt all entries and only throw when done)
                        if (mbwex.WriteErrors.Any(e => e.Category != ServerErrorCategory.DuplicateKey))


        public async Task <Statistics> Statistics()
            SyncConnection connection = syncConnection;
            var            client     = clientFactory.Create(connection);
            var            stats      = new Statistics {
                Symbol = syncConnection.Symbol

                stats.Blockchain = await client.GetBlockchainInfo();

                stats.Network = await client.GetNetworkInfo();
            catch (Exception ex)
                stats.Error = ex.Message;

            stats.TransactionsInPool = storage.GetMemoryTransactionsCount();

                SyncBlockInfo latestBlock = storage.GetLatestBlock();

                if (latestBlock != null)
                    stats.SyncBlockIndex   = latestBlock.BlockIndex;
                    stats.Progress         = $"{stats.SyncBlockIndex}/{stats.Blockchain.Blocks} - {stats.Blockchain.Blocks - stats.SyncBlockIndex}";
                    stats.BlocksLeftToSync = stats.Blockchain.Blocks - stats.SyncBlockIndex;

                    if (globalState.IndexMode)
                        stats.Progress = $"{stats.Progress} (indexing)";

                    double totalSeconds = syncConnection.RecentItems.Sum(s => s.Duration.TotalSeconds);
                    stats.AvgBlockPersistInSeconds = Math.Round(totalSeconds / syncConnection.RecentItems.Count, 2);

                    long totalSize = syncConnection.RecentItems.Sum(s => s.Size);
                    stats.AvgBlockSizeKb = Math.Round((double)totalSize / syncConnection.RecentItems.Count, 0);

                    //var groupedByMin = syncConnection.RecentItems
                    //   //.GroupBy(g => g.Inserted.Hour + g.Inserted.Minute)
                    //   .OrderByDescending(o => o.Inserted)
                    //   .GroupBy(g => g.Inserted.Minute)
                    //   .Take(10)
                    //   .ToDictionary(s => s.Key,
                    //      s => s.ToList().Count);

                    //int totalBlocks = groupedByMin.Skip(1).Take(5).Sum(s => s.Value);
                    //int totalSecondsPerBlok = groupedByMin.Skip(1).Take(5).Count();

                    //stats.BlocksPerMinute = (int)Math.Round((double)totalBlocks / totalSecondsPerBlok);

                    stats.BlocksPerMinute = syncConnection.RecentItems.Count(w => w.Inserted > DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1));
            catch (Exception ex)
                stats.Progress = ex.Message;

        private IEnumerable <SyncTransactionAddressItem> SelectAddressWithPool(SyncBlockInfo current, string address, bool availableOnly)
            // this code will not work as we need to have the actual transactions to deduct their value in case a memory pool transaction is found.
            // this is not way to know if a mem pool transaction belongs to an address with heavily querying mongo, so the best solution (for now)
            // is to just fetch the entire history,  this could be limited to the available balance only.

            ////var confirmations = 3;

            //// var res = this.MapTransactionAddress.Aggregate()
            ////    .Match(new BsonDocument
            ////        {
            ////            new BsonElement("Addresses", new BsonArray(new[] { address })),
            ////            // in case we only want unspet values un comment this row
            ////            //new BsonElement("SpendingTransactionId", new BsonDocument("$eq", BsonNull.Value))
            ////        })
            ////    .Project(new BsonDocument
            ////        {
            ////            new BsonElement("confirmed", new BsonDocument(new BsonElement("$lte", new BsonArray(new[] {"$BlockIndex", (object)(current.BlockIndex - confirmations + 1)})))),
            ////            new BsonElement("val", new BsonString("$Value")),
            ////            new BsonElement("spent", new BsonDocument(new BsonElement("$ne", new BsonArray(new[] {"$SpendingTransactionId", (object)BsonNull.Value})))),

            ////        })
            ////    .Group(new BsonDocument
            ////        {
            ////            new BsonElement("_id", new BsonDocument{ {"Confirmed", new BsonString("$confirmed") }, { new BsonDocument("Spent", new BsonString("$spent")) }}),
            ////            new BsonElement("TotalAmount", new BsonDocument("$sum", new BsonString("$val"))),
            ////            new BsonElement("Count", new BsonDocument("$sum", 1)),
            ////        });

            //// var results = res.ToList().Select(s => BsonSerializer.Deserialize<SelectBalanceResult>(s)).ToList();
            ////var enumerated = results.ToList();

            ////var received = enumerated.Where(w => w.id.Confirmed).Sum(s => s.TotalAmount);
            ////var sent = enumerated.Where(w => w.id.Spent).Sum(s => s.TotalAmount);
            ////var uncinfirmed = enumerated.Where(w => !w.id.Confirmed).Sum(s => s.TotalAmount);

            ////// the mongo aggregator may change the precision so we corrected here limiting to 8 digits.
            ////var balanceNew = new SyncTransactionAddressBalance
            ////    Received = System.Convert.ToDecimal(received.ToString("#0.########")),
            ////    Sent = System.Convert.ToDecimal(sent.ToString("#0.########")),
            ////    Unconfirmed = System.Convert.ToDecimal(uncinfirmed.ToString("#0.########")),

            var builder = Builders <MapTransactionAddress> .Filter;
            var filter  = builder.Eq(info => info.Addresses, new List <string> {

            if (availableOnly)
                // we only want spendable transactions
                filter = filter & builder.Eq(info => info.SpendingTransactionId, null);

            var stoper1 = Stopwatch.Start();

            var addrs = this.MapTransactionAddress.Find(filter).ToList();


            this.tracer.Trace("Select", string.Format("Seconds = {0} - UnspentOnly = {1} - Addr = {2} - Items = {3}", stoper1.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, availableOnly, address, addrs.Count()), ConsoleColor.Yellow);

            // this creates a copy of the collection (to avoid thread issues)
            var pool = this.MemoryTransactions.Values;

            if (pool.Any())
                // mark trx in output as spent if they exist in the pool
                var addrsupdate = addrs;
                this.GetPoolOutputs(pool).ForEach(f =>
                    var adr = addrsupdate.FirstOrDefault(a => a.TransactionId == f.Item1.TxId && a.Index == f.Item1.VOut);
                    if (adr != null)
                        adr.SpendingTransactionId = f.Item2;

                // if only spendable transactions are to be returned we need to remove
                // any that have been marked as spent by a transaction in the pool
                if (availableOnly)
                    addrs = addrs.Where(d => d.SpendingTransactionId == null).ToList();

                // add all pool transactions to main output
                var paddr = this.PoolToMapTransactionAddress(pool, address).ToList();
                addrs = addrs.Concat(paddr).ToList();

            // map to return type and calculate confirmations
            return(addrs.Select(s => new SyncTransactionAddressItem
                Address = address,
                Index = s.Index,
                TransactionHash = !s.CoinBase ? s.TransactionId : string.Empty,
                BlockIndex = s.BlockIndex == -1 ? default(long?) : s.BlockIndex,
                Value = System.Convert.ToDecimal(s.Value),
                Confirmations = s.BlockIndex == -1 ? 0 : current.BlockIndex - s.BlockIndex + 1,
                SpendingTransactionHash = s.SpendingTransactionId,
                CoinBase = s.CoinBase ? s.TransactionId : string.Empty,
                ScriptHex = s.ScriptHex
        public SyncBlockInfo PushStorageBatch(StorageBatch storageBatch)
            if (globalState.IndexModeCompleted)
                if (globalState.IbdMode() == false)
                    if (globalState.LocalMempoolView.Any())
                        var toRemoveFromMempool = storageBatch.TransactionBlockTable.Select(s => s.TransactionId).ToList();

                        FilterDefinitionBuilder <MempoolTable> builder = Builders <MempoolTable> .Filter;
                        FilterDefinition <MempoolTable>        filter  = builder.In(mempoolItem => mempoolItem.TransactionId,


                        foreach (string mempooltrx in toRemoveFromMempool)
                            globalState.LocalMempoolView.Remove(mempooltrx, out _);

            var blockTableTask = storageBatch.BlockTable.Values.Any()
            ? db.BlockTable.InsertManyAsync(storageBatch.BlockTable.Values, new InsertManyOptions {
                IsOrdered = false
            : Task.CompletedTask;

            var transactionBlockTableTask = storageBatch.TransactionBlockTable.Any()
            ? db.TransactionBlockTable.InsertManyAsync(storageBatch.TransactionBlockTable, new InsertManyOptions {
                IsOrdered = false
            : Task.CompletedTask;

            var outputTableTask = storageBatch.OutputTable.Any()
            ? db.OutputTable.InsertManyAsync(storageBatch.OutputTable.Values, new InsertManyOptions {
                IsOrdered = false
            : Task.CompletedTask;

            Task transactionTableTask = Task.Run(() =>
                    if (storageBatch.TransactionTable.Any())
                        db.TransactionTable.InsertMany(storageBatch.TransactionTable, new InsertManyOptions {
                            IsOrdered = false
                catch (MongoBulkWriteException mbwex)
                    // transactions are a special case they are not deleted from store in case of reorgs
                    // because they will just be included in another blocks, so we ignore if key is already present
                    if (mbwex.WriteErrors.Any(e => e.Category != ServerErrorCategory.DuplicateKey))

            var utxos = new List <UnspentOutputTable>(storageBatch.OutputTable.Values.Count);

            foreach (OutputTable outputTable in storageBatch.OutputTable.Values)
                if (outputTable.Address.Equals(OpReturnAddress))

                // TODO: filter out outputs that are already spent in the storageBatch.InputTable table
                // such inputs will get deleted anyway in the next operation of UnspentOutputTable.DeleteMany
                // this means we should probably make the storageBatch.InputTable a dictionary as well.

                utxos.Add(new UnspentOutputTable
                    Address    = outputTable.Address,
                    Outpoint   = outputTable.Outpoint,
                    Value      = outputTable.Value,
                    BlockIndex = outputTable.BlockIndex

            var unspentOutputTableTask = utxos.Any()
            ? db.UnspentOutputTable.InsertManyAsync(utxos, new InsertManyOptions {
                IsOrdered = false
            : Task.CompletedTask;

            var inputTableTask = Task.CompletedTask;

            if (storageBatch.InputTable.Any())
                var utxosLookups = FetchUtxos(
                    .Where(_ => _.Address == null)
                    .Select(_ => _.Outpoint));

                foreach (InputTable input in storageBatch.InputTable)
                    if (input.Address != null)

                    string key = input.Outpoint.ToString();
                    input.Address = utxosLookups[key].Address;
                    input.Value   = utxosLookups[key].Value;

                inputTableTask = db.InputTable.InsertManyAsync(storageBatch.InputTable, new InsertManyOptions {
                    IsOrdered = false

            Task.WaitAll(blockTableTask, transactionBlockTableTask, outputTableTask, inputTableTask, transactionTableTask, unspentOutputTableTask);

            if (storageBatch.InputTable.Any())
                // TODO: if earlier we filtered out outputs that are already spent and not pushed to the utxo table
                // now we do not need to try and delete such outputs becuase they where never pushed to the store.

                var outpointsFromNewInput = storageBatch.InputTable
                                            .Select(_ => _.Outpoint)

                var filterToDelete = Builders <UnspentOutputTable> .Filter
                                     .Where(_ => outpointsFromNewInput.Contains(_.Outpoint));

                var deleteResult = db.UnspentOutputTable.DeleteMany(filterToDelete);

                if (deleteResult.DeletedCount != outpointsFromNewInput.Count)
                    throw new ApplicationException($"Delete of unspent outputs did not complete successfully : {deleteResult.DeletedCount} deleted but {outpointsFromNewInput.Count} expected");

            // allow any extensions to push to repo before we complete the block.

            string lastBlockHash        = null;
            long   blockIndex           = 0;
            var    markBlocksAsComplete = new List <UpdateOneModel <BlockTable> >();

            foreach (BlockTable mapBlock in storageBatch.BlockTable.Values.OrderBy(b => b.BlockIndex))
                FilterDefinition <BlockTable> filter =
                    Builders <BlockTable> .Filter.Eq(block => block.BlockIndex, mapBlock.BlockIndex);

                UpdateDefinition <BlockTable> update =
                    Builders <BlockTable> .Update.Set(blockInfo => blockInfo.SyncComplete, true);

                markBlocksAsComplete.Add(new UpdateOneModel <BlockTable>(filter, update));
                lastBlockHash = mapBlock.BlockHash;
                blockIndex    = mapBlock.BlockIndex;

            // mark each block is complete
            db.BlockTable.BulkWrite(markBlocksAsComplete, new BulkWriteOptions()
                IsOrdered = true

            SyncBlockInfo block = storage.BlockByIndex(blockIndex);

            if (block.BlockHash != lastBlockHash)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Expected hash {blockIndex} for block {lastBlockHash} but was {block.BlockHash}");

Exemple #19
 private void InvalidBlockFound(SyncBlockInfo lastBlock, SyncBlockTransactionsOperation item)
     // Re-org happened.
     throw new SyncRestartException();
 private void UpdateLastBlockNextHash(SyncBlockInfo block)
     data.UpdateLastBlockNextHash(block.BlockHash, block.NextBlockHash);