public void EncryptWithTripleDES_Should_ReturnExpectedResult_When_ProvidedKeysAndInitializationVector()
            // Arrange
            var key    = new EncryptionData("SecretKey");
            var vector = new EncryptionData("InitializationVector");

            var e1 = new SymmetricEncryption(SymmetricEncryption.Provider.TripleDES)
                InitializationVector = vector

            var e2 = new SymmetricEncryption(SymmetricEncryption.Provider.TripleDES)
                InitializationVector = vector

            // Act
            var encrypted = e1.Encrypt(_targetData, key);
            var decrypted = e2.Decrypt(encrypted, key);

            // -- the data will be padded to the encryption block size, so we need to trim it back down.
            var actual = decrypted.Text.Substring(0, _targetData.Bytes.Length);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(_targetString, actual);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sign Image document with metadata signature with customer object and encryption
        /// </summary>
        public static void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("[Example Advanced Usage] # SignImageWithCustomMetadata : Sign Image document with metadata signature with customer object and encryption\n");

            // The path to the documents directory.
            string filePath = Constants.SAMPLE_IMAGE;
            string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);

            string outputFilePath = Path.Combine(Constants.OutputPath, "SignImageWithCustomMetadata", fileName);

            using (Signature signature = new Signature(filePath))
                // setup key and passphrase
                string key  = "1234567890";
                string salt = "1234567890";
                // create data encryption
                IDataEncryption encryption = new SymmetricEncryption(SymmetricAlgorithmType.Rijndael, key, salt);

                // setup options with text of signature
                MetadataSignOptions options = new MetadataSignOptions();

                // create custom object
                DocumentSignatureData documentSignature = new DocumentSignatureData()
                    ID         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    Author     = Environment.UserName,
                    Signed     = DateTime.Now,
                    DataFactor = 11.22M

                // Specify different Metadata Signatures and add them to options signature collection
                ushort imgsMetadataId = 41996;

                // Specify different Metadata Signatures and add them to options signature collection
                // setup Author property
                ImageMetadataSignature mdDocument = new ImageMetadataSignature(imgsMetadataId++, documentSignature);
                // set encryption
                mdDocument.DataEncryption = encryption;

                // setup Author property
                ImageMetadataSignature mdAuthor = new ImageMetadataSignature(imgsMetadataId++, "Mr.Scherlock Holmes");
                // set encryption
                mdAuthor.DataEncryption = encryption;

                // setup data of document id
                ImageMetadataSignature mdDocId = new ImageMetadataSignature(imgsMetadataId++, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                // set encryption
                mdDocId.DataEncryption = encryption;

                // add signatures to options

                // sign document to file
                SignResult signResult = signature.Sign(outputFilePath, options);
                Console.WriteLine($"\nSource document signed successfully with {signResult.Succeeded.Count} signature(s).\nFile saved at {outputFilePath}.");
Exemple #3
        public void ToEncyptedDataAndDecryptInternal()
            #region Arrange

            var si = new SecretInformation()
                Filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            var secret = Random.CreateData(512 / 8);
            var result = new MemoryStream();


            #region Act

            var encyptedData = si.ToEncyptedData(secret);
            SymmetricEncryption.DecryptInternal(new MemoryStream(encyptedData), result, secret, null, null);
            var secretInformation = SecretInformation.FromProtoBufData(result.ToArray());


            #region Assert

            Assert.That(secretInformation.Filename, Is.EqualTo(si.Filename));

        public void Encrypted_Data_Differs_From_Raw_data()
            byte[] rawData = Random.GetNumbers(256);

            byte[] encryptedData = SymmetricEncryption.Encrypt(rawData, key, iv);
            CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(rawData, encryptedData);
        public void EncryptDecryptTest_Stream()
            string decryptionKey = "7A008A8C4AD363C77E88F638DC32FFD8";
            string algorithmName = "Rijndael";

            string sourceFileName    = "Source.txt";
            string encryptedFileName = "Encrypted.enc";
            string decryptedFileName = "Decrypted.txt";

            string text = "これは、SymmetricEncryption クラスのテストです。";

            File.WriteAllText(sourceFileName, text, Encoding.UTF8);

            using (Stream input = File.OpenRead(sourceFileName))
                using (Stream output = File.OpenWrite(encryptedFileName))
                    SymmetricEncryption.Encrypt(input, output, decryptionKey, algorithmName);

            using (Stream input = File.OpenRead(encryptedFileName))
                using (Stream output = File.OpenWrite(decryptedFileName))
                    SymmetricEncryption.Decrypt(input, output, decryptionKey, algorithmName);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(File.ReadAllBytes(sourceFileName), File.ReadAllBytes(decryptedFileName));
        public IHttpActionResult Post(Dictionary <string, string> pData)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            SymmetricEncryption se = new SymmetricEncryption();
            string key             = pData["Key"];
            string domain          = pData["Domain"];
            string remoteKey       = se.Decrypt(key, domain);

            var clientData = DataRepository.Instance.ClienDataList.FirstOrDefault(data => data.Domain.Equals(domain));

            if (clientData == null)

            clientData.RemoteKey = remoteKey;

            LicenseRepository.Instance.GenerateLicense(domain, 365);

        public async Task SymmetricEncryptionEqualsTest()
            string message = "aw3lrifos83fusoi3fjsofisjfo";

            byte[] messageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);

            var          asymmetricEncryption = new AsymmetricEncryption(_publicKey, _privateKey);
            string       path            = Path.GetTempFileName();
            MemoryStream encryptedStream = new MemoryStream();
            await asymmetricEncryption.EnvelopeAsync(messageBytes, 256, 128, encryptedStream, CancellationToken.None);

            byte[] encryptedBytes = encryptedStream.ToArray();

            int keyLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(encryptedBytes.Take(4).ToArray(), 0);

            byte[] key = encryptedBytes.Skip(4).Take(keyLen).ToArray();

            int ivLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(encryptedBytes.Skip(4 + key.Length).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);

            byte[] iv = encryptedBytes.Skip(4 + key.Length + 4).Take(ivLen).ToArray();

            key = asymmetricEncryption.DecryptToBytes(key);
            iv  = asymmetricEncryption.DecryptToBytes(iv);

            byte[] encryptedMessageBytes = encryptedBytes.Skip(4 + keyLen + 4 + ivLen).ToArray();

            SymmetricEncryption symmetricEncryption = new SymmetricEncryption(key, iv);
            string decryptedMessage = symmetricEncryption.DecryptToString(encryptedMessageBytes, Encoding.UTF8);

            Assert.Equal(message, decryptedMessage);
Exemple #8
        public void TestMethod5()
            var          se        = new SymmetricEncryption("12345678", "87654321", SymmetricAlgorithmType.TripleDES);
            const string sourceStr = "humin123";
            var          targetStr = se.Encrypt(sourceStr);

            Assert.AreEqual(sourceStr, se.Decrypt(targetStr));
Exemple #9
        public void TestMethod13()
            var          se        = new SymmetricEncryption("爱我中华爱我中华1574551¥#@54633", 0);
            const string sourceStr = "爱我中华爱";

            Assert.AreNotEqual(sourceStr, se.Decrypt(se.Encrypt(sourceStr, Encoding.UTF8), Encoding.Unicode));
            Assert.AreEqual(sourceStr, se.Decrypt(se.Encrypt(sourceStr, Encoding.Unicode), Encoding.Unicode));
Exemple #10
        public void TestMethod11()
            var          se        = new SymmetricEncryption("爱我中华爱我中华1574551¥#@54633", 0);
            const string sourceStr = "humin123";
            var          targetStr = se.Encrypt(sourceStr);

            Assert.AreEqual(sourceStr, se.Decrypt(targetStr));
Exemple #11
        public void TestMethod1()
            const string sourceStr = "humin123";
            var          se        = new SymmetricEncryption("jay123456");
            var          targetStr = se.Encrypt(sourceStr);

            Assert.AreEqual(sourceStr, se.Decrypt(targetStr));
        public void Can_Encrypt_Data()
            byte[] rawData = Random.GetNumbers(256);

            byte[] encryptedData = SymmetricEncryption.Encrypt(rawData, key, iv);
 public void TDES()
   SymmetricEncryption enc = new SymmetricEncryption(new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider());
   for(int i = 1000; i < 1025; i ++) {
     byte[] data = new byte[1010];
     RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
     byte[] encd = enc.EncryptData(data);
     if(i % 12 == 0) {
     byte[] decd = enc.DecryptData(encd);
     MemBlock mdecd = MemBlock.Reference(decd);
     MemBlock mdata = MemBlock.Reference(data);
     Assert.AreEqual(mdecd, mdata, "TDESEncryption: " + i);
    public void Incoming() {
      SymmetricAlgorithm sa = new RijndaelManaged();
      SymmetricEncryption se = new SymmetricEncryption(sa);
      HashAlgorithm hash = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();

      int spi = 12345;
      int epoch = 67890;
      int seqid = 1222;

      Random rand = new Random();
      byte[] data = new byte[144];
      MemBlock mdata = MemBlock.Reference(data);

      byte[] to_sign = new byte[12 + data.Length];
      int pos = 0;
      NumberSerializer.WriteInt(spi, to_sign, pos);
      pos += 4;
      NumberSerializer.WriteInt(epoch, to_sign, pos);
      pos += 4;
      NumberSerializer.WriteInt(seqid, to_sign, pos);
      pos += 4;
      data.CopyTo(to_sign, pos);

      byte[] signature = hash.ComputeHash(to_sign);
      byte[] to_encrypt = new byte[4 + data.Length + signature.Length];
      pos = 0;
      NumberSerializer.WriteInt(data.Length, to_encrypt, pos);
      pos += 4;
      data.CopyTo(to_encrypt, pos);
      pos += data.Length;
      signature.CopyTo(to_encrypt, pos);

      byte[] encrypted = se.EncryptData(to_encrypt);
      byte[] packet = new byte[12 + encrypted.Length];
      pos = 0;
      NumberSerializer.WriteInt(spi, packet, pos);
      pos += 4;
      NumberSerializer.WriteInt(epoch, packet, pos);
      pos += 4;
      NumberSerializer.WriteInt(seqid, packet, pos);
      pos += 4;
      encrypted.CopyTo(packet, pos);

      MemBlock mpacket = MemBlock.Reference(packet);

      // check 
      SecurityDataMessage sdm_e = new SecurityDataMessage(packet);
      Assert.AreEqual(spi, sdm_e.SPI, "SPI");
      Assert.AreEqual(epoch, sdm_e.Epoch, "Epoch");
      Assert.AreEqual(seqid, sdm_e.Seqid, "Seqid");
      Assert.AreEqual(mdata, sdm_e.Data, "Data");
      Assert.IsTrue(sdm_e.Verify(hash), "Signature");
      Assert.AreEqual(mpacket, sdm_e.Packet, "Packet");

      SecurityDataMessage sdm_d = new SecurityDataMessage();
      sdm_d.SPI = spi;
      sdm_d.Epoch = epoch;
      sdm_d.Seqid = seqid;
      sdm_d.Data = data;
      sdm_e = new SecurityDataMessage(sdm_d.Packet);

      Assert.AreEqual(spi, sdm_e.SPI, "SPI");
      Assert.AreEqual(epoch, sdm_e.Epoch, "Epoch");
      Assert.AreEqual(seqid, sdm_e.Seqid, "Seqid");
      Assert.AreEqual(mdata, sdm_e.Data, "Data");
      Assert.IsTrue(sdm_e.Verify(hash), "Signature");
      Assert.AreEqual(sdm_d.Packet, sdm_e.Packet, "Packet");
 ///<summary>Decrypts the packet given a SymmetricEncryption returning true
 ///if it was able to decrypt it.</summary>
 public bool Decrypt(SymmetricEncryption se) {
   byte[] decrypted = se.DecryptData(_encrypted_data);
   int pos = 0;
   int data_len = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(decrypted, pos);
   pos += 4;
   _data = MemBlock.Reference(decrypted, pos, data_len);
   pos += data_len;
   _signature = MemBlock.Reference(decrypted, pos, decrypted.Length - pos);
   return true;
 ///<summary>Encrypts the packet given a SymmetricEncryption.</summary>
 public void Encrypt(SymmetricEncryption se) {
   byte[] to_encrypt = new byte[4 + _data.Length + _signature.Length];
   int pos = 0;
   NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_data.Length, to_encrypt, pos);
   pos += 4;
   _data.CopyTo(to_encrypt, pos);
   pos += _data.Length;
   _signature.CopyTo(to_encrypt, pos);
   _encrypted_data = se.EncryptData(to_encrypt);
   _update_icpacket = true;