Exemple #1
        public AltRule(SymbolPosition pos, string markWith, IEnumerable <RhsGroup> groups, CodeMix gen)
            this.Position = pos;
            this.MarkWith = markWith;

            // [@PARSER_USER_ACTION]
            // here we swap the notion of user action
            // if in grammar user didn't pass ANY code -- it means identity function
            // if the grammar user pass empty code -- it means passing null value, so as shorcut set null as entire user action
            if (gen == null) // if there was no code at all, we infer the end object
                CodeMix mix = null;
                if (inferEndObject(groups, ref mix))
                    this.Code = mix;
                    throw ParseControlException.NewAndRun("Couldn't infer which object to pass at " + pos.XYString());
            // if there was an empty code, such code does not produce anything (i.e. null)
            // thus we set entire action as null -- it is a shortcut
            else if (gen.IsEmpty)
                this.Code = null;
                this.Code = gen;

Exemple #2
 private CodeMix(SymbolPosition position, string comment)
     this.Position    = position;
     this.Comment     = comment;
     this.identifiers = new HashSet <string>();
     this.elements    = new List <IMixedBody>();
Exemple #3
        private IEnumerable <AltRule> createSeedAndAppend(SymbolPosition position,
                                                          List <Production> productions, bool doubleSeed, string lhsSymbolName,
                                                          IEnumerable <string> elementTypeNames, params RhsSymbol[] symbols)
            yield return(createSeed(position, productions, doubleSeed, lhsSymbolName, elementTypeNames, symbols));

            yield return(createAppend(position, lhsSymbolName, elementTypeNames, symbols));
Exemple #4
 public RhsSymbol(SymbolPosition coords, string userLabel, string symbolName, IEnumerable <string> tabooSymbols, bool marked, bool skip)
     : base(userLabel, symbolName)
     this.Coords          = coords;
     this.SkipInitially   = skip;
     this.IsMarked        = marked;
     this.TabooSymbols    = (tabooSymbols ?? new string[] { }).ToList();
     this.CombinedSymbols = null;
Exemple #5
        private static AltRule createSubstitution(SymbolPosition position, string substSymbolName)
            var code = new CodeBody().AddIdentifier("obj");

            return(AltRule.CreateInternally(position, new RhsGroup[] {
                RhsGroup.CreateSequence(position, RepetitionEnum.Once, new RhsSymbol(position, "obj", substSymbolName))
                                            new CodeMix(CodeMix.SubstitutionComment).AddBody(code)));
            internal MatchInfo(STATE_ENUM state, SymbolPosition position, Rule <SYMBOL_ENUM, STATE_ENUM> rule, string text)
                this.StateIn  = state;
                this.Position = position;
                this.Rule     = rule;
                this.Text     = text;

                this.tokens       = new List <TokenMatch <SYMBOL_ENUM> >();
                this.stateActions = new List <string>();
Exemple #7
 // multiple entities repeated are created not as list of tuples, but tuple of the lists
 // e.g. (a b)+ translates into Tuple<List(a),List(b)>
 private CodeBody makeTupleListCode(SymbolPosition position, IEnumerable <string> elementTypeNames)
     if (elementTypeNames.Any())
         reportError(position.XYString() + " Cannot infer which elements have to be aggregated with repetition");
         return(new CodeBody());
Exemple #8
 internal ProductionInfo(SymbolPosition pos, string lhsSymbol, RecursiveEnum recursive,
                         IEnumerable <RhsSymbol> rhsSymbols, string altMarkWith)
     this.Position                        = pos;
     this.LhsSymbol                       = lhsSymbol;
     this.Recursive                       = recursive;
     this.rhsSymbols                      = rhsSymbols.ToList();
     this.TabooSymbols                    = rhsSymbols.Select(it => it.TabooSymbols).ToArray();
     this.PassedMarkedWith                = altMarkWith;
     this.EffectiveMarkedWith             = altMarkWith ?? rhsSymbols.Where(it => it.IsMarked).Select(it => it.SymbolName).SingleOrDefault();
     this.IdentityOuterFunctionParamIndex = NoIdentityFunction;
Exemple #9
        protected override void SetSymbolPositions()
            SymbolPosition.Add('a', new Point(0, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('b', new Point(16, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('c', new Point(32, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('d', new Point(48, 0));

            SymbolPosition.Add('e', new Point(64, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('f', new Point(80, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('g', new Point(96, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('h', new Point(112, 0));

            SymbolPosition.Add('i', new Point(128, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('j', new Point(144, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('k', new Point(160, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('l', new Point(176, 0));

            SymbolPosition.Add('m', new Point(192, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('n', new Point(208, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('o', new Point(224, 0));
            SymbolPosition.Add('p', new Point(240, 0));

            // Second Row
            SymbolPosition.Add('q', new Point(0, 32));
            SymbolPosition.Add('r', new Point(16, 32));
            SymbolPosition.Add('s', new Point(32, 32));
            SymbolPosition.Add('t', new Point(48, 32));

            SymbolPosition.Add('u', new Point(64, 32));
            SymbolPosition.Add('v', new Point(80, 32));
            SymbolPosition.Add('w', new Point(96, 32));
            SymbolPosition.Add('x', new Point(112, 32));

            SymbolPosition.Add('y', new Point(128, 32));
            SymbolPosition.Add('z', new Point(144, 32));

            // Third Row
            SymbolPosition.Add('0', new Point(0, 64));
            SymbolPosition.Add('1', new Point(16, 64));
            SymbolPosition.Add('2', new Point(32, 64));
            SymbolPosition.Add('3', new Point(48, 64));

            SymbolPosition.Add('4', new Point(64, 64));
            SymbolPosition.Add('5', new Point(80, 64));
            SymbolPosition.Add('6', new Point(96, 64));
            SymbolPosition.Add('7', new Point(112, 64));

            SymbolPosition.Add('8', new Point(128, 64));
            SymbolPosition.Add('9', new Point(144, 64));
        private bool SyntaxError(ITokenMatch <int> cur_token, List <string> errors)
            SymbolPosition coords = cur_token.Coordinates.FirstPosition;

            customErrors.Add("\"" + filename + "\", at (" + coords.Line + "," + coords.Column + "): syntax error at or near " + cur_token.Text);

            if (omerrs > 50)
                customErrors.Add("More than 50 errors");

Exemple #11
        private static AltRule createAppend(SymbolPosition position,
                                            string lhsSymbolName,
                                            IEnumerable <string> elementTypeNames,
                                            params RhsSymbol[] symbols)
            // if it does not exists it means we don't care about adding it
            IEnumerable <RhsSymbol> named_symbols = symbols.Where(it => it.ObjName != null).ToArray();

            string list_obj_name;

            if (named_symbols.Count() == 1)
                list_obj_name = "list";
                list_obj_name = "tuple_list";

            // since we are creating this code, the only conflict can come from symbol object names
            list_obj_name = Grammar.RegisterName(list_obj_name, named_symbols.Select(it => it.ObjName).ToList());

            var code = new CodeBody().AddSnippet("{");

            if (named_symbols.Count() == 1)
                code.AddWithIdentifier(list_obj_name, ".", "Add", "(", named_symbols.Single().ObjName, ");");
                foreach (Tuple <RhsSymbol, int> sym_pair in named_symbols.ZipWithIndex())
                    code.AddWithIdentifier(list_obj_name, ".", CodeWords.Item(sym_pair.Item2 + 1), ".", "Add", "(");

            code.AddWithIdentifier("return", " ", list_obj_name, ";}");

            return(AltRule.CreateInternally(position, new RhsGroup[] {
                RhsGroup.CreateSequence(position, RepetitionEnum.Once, new RhsSymbol(position, list_obj_name, lhsSymbolName)),
                RhsGroup.CreateSequence(position, RepetitionEnum.Once, symbols.Select(it => it.ShallowClone().SetSkip(false)).ToArray())
                                            new CodeMix(CodeMix.AppendComment).AddBody(code)));
Exemple #12
        private RhsGroup addListProduction(SymbolPosition position,
                                           List <Production> productions,
                                           string lhsSymbolName,
                                           RhsGroup group,
                                           string elementObjName,
                                           IEnumerable <string> elementTypeNames)
            if (!group.CanBeMultiplied)
                throw new ArgumentException("Internal error");

            if (group.Repetition.In(RepetitionEnum.OneOrMore, RepetitionEnum.TwoOrMore, RepetitionEnum.NullOrMany))
                return(RhsGroup.CreateSequence(position, group.Repetition == RepetitionEnum.NullOrMany? RepetitionEnum.Option: RepetitionEnum.Once,
                                               new RhsSymbol(position, elementObjName, lhsSymbolName)));
            // can be empty production
            else if (group.Repetition.In(RepetitionEnum.EmptyOrMany))
                // we don't use another approach -- making a list an optional element -- because it would mean
                // a list or no list, and this approach translates always to a list, just either filled or empty
                // it is a difference as null or empty list -- and X* with repetition 0 should produce empty list,
                // not null
                string opt_lhs_typename    = makeTupleListCode(position, elementTypeNames).Make();
                string opt_lhs_symbol_name = grammar.RegisterNewSymbol(AutoNames.OptList + elementObjName + "__", opt_lhs_typename);

                                    new SymbolInfo(opt_lhs_symbol_name, opt_lhs_typename),
                                    new AltRule[] {
                    createSeed(position, productions, false, opt_lhs_symbol_name, elementTypeNames /*, no symbols*/),                   // empty seed
                    createSubstitution(position, lhsSymbolName)

                return(RhsGroup.CreateSequence(position, RepetitionEnum.Once, new RhsSymbol(position, elementObjName, opt_lhs_symbol_name)));
            else if (group.Repetition.In(RepetitionEnum.Once, RepetitionEnum.Option))
                throw new ArgumentException("Internal error");
                throw new NotImplementedException();
 public long IncreaseActualPosition(SymbolInfo symbol, long increase)
     using (positionsLocker.Using())
         SymbolPosition symbolPosition;
         if (!positions.TryGetValue(symbol.BinaryIdentifier, out symbolPosition))
             symbolPosition = new SymbolPosition {
                 Position = increase
             positions.Add(symbol.BinaryIdentifier, symbolPosition);
             symbolPosition.Position += increase;
 public void SetActualPosition(SymbolInfo symbol, long position)
     using (positionsLocker.Using())
         if (debug)
             log.Debug("SetActualPosition( " + symbol + " = " + position + ")");
         SymbolPosition symbolPosition;
         if (!positions.TryGetValue(symbol.BinaryIdentifier, out symbolPosition))
             symbolPosition = new SymbolPosition {
                 Position = position
             positions.Add(symbol.BinaryIdentifier, symbolPosition);
             positions[symbol.BinaryIdentifier].Position = position;
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Tokenises the specified string
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IEnumerable<Symbol> Tokenise(string input)
     int ptr = 0;
     SymbolPosition currentPos = new SymbolPosition(1, 0);
     while (ptr < input.Length)
         bool found = false;
         for (int i = 0; i < tokenInfoList.Count; i++)
             TokenInfo tokenInfo = tokenInfoList[i];
             Match match = tokenInfo.Pattern.Match(input, ptr);
             if (match.Success && match.Index == ptr)
                 string segment = input.Substring(match.Index, match.Length);
                 if (!tokenInfo.Discard) yield return new Symbol(tokenInfo.Token, segment, currentPos);
                 ptr = match.Index + match.Length;
                 int numNewLines = 0, newCol = currentPos.Column;
                 for (int j = 0; j < segment.Length; j++)
                     if (segment[j] == '\n')
                         newCol = 0;
                     else if (segment[j] == '\t')
                         newCol += TAB_SIZE;
                     else if (segment[j] != '\r')
                 currentPos = new SymbolPosition(currentPos.Line + numNewLines, newCol);
                 found = true;
         if (!found) throw new Exception(string.Format("Unrecognised symbol '{0}'", StringUtils.Escape(input.Substring(ptr, 1))));
     yield break;
Exemple #16
        private RhsGroup unfoldMultiplicatedGroup(SymbolPosition position,
                                                  string objName,
                                                  IEnumerable <string> objTypes,
                                                  List <Production> outProductions,
                                                  RhsGroup group,
                                                  params IEnumerable <RhsSymbol>[] symbols)
            if (!group.CanBeMultiplied)
                throw new ArgumentException("Internal error");

            string lhs_typename    = makeTupleListCode(position, objTypes).Make();
            string lhs_symbol_name = grammar.RegisterNewSymbol(AutoNames.List + objName + "__", lhs_typename);

            outProductions.Add(Production.CreateInternally(new SymbolInfo(lhs_symbol_name, lhs_typename),
                                                           symbols.Select(ss =>
                                                                          createSeedAndAppend(position, outProductions,
                                                                                              group.Repetition == RepetitionEnum.TwoOrMore, // double initially
                                                                                              lhs_symbol_name, objTypes, ss.ToArray()))

            return(addListProduction(position, outProductions, lhs_symbol_name, group, objName, objTypes));
Exemple #17
 private RhsGroup(SymbolPosition position, IEnumerable <IRhsEntity> chunks, RepetitionEnum repetition, ModeEnum mode)
     : this(position, null, chunks, repetition, mode)
Exemple #18
 public static RhsGroup CreateSet(SymbolPosition position, string name, IEnumerable <IRhsEntity> chunks, RepetitionEnum repetition)
     return(new RhsGroup(position, name, chunks, repetition, ModeEnum.Set));
Exemple #19
 public static RhsGroup CreateSet(SymbolPosition position, IEnumerable <IRhsEntity> chunks, RepetitionEnum repetition)
     return(CreateSet(position, null, chunks, repetition));
Exemple #20
 public static RhsGroup CreateAltogether(SymbolPosition position, string name, IEnumerable <IRhsEntity> chunks, RepetitionEnum repetition)
     return(new RhsGroup(position, name, chunks, repetition, ModeEnum.Altogether));
     //return RhsGroup.CreateSet(position, name, chunks.Concat(RhsGroup.CreateSequence(position,RepetitionEnum.Once,chunks.ToArray())), repetition);
Exemple #21
 public static RhsGroup CreateSequence(SymbolPosition pos, string name, RepetitionEnum repetition, params IRhsEntity[] symbols)
     return(new RhsGroup(pos, name, symbols, repetition, ModeEnum.Sequence));
Exemple #22
 public static RhsGroup CreateSequence(SymbolPosition pos, RepetitionEnum repetition, params IRhsEntity[] symbols)
     return(CreateSequence(pos, null, repetition, symbols));
        private bool SnapshotLoadLast(Snapshot snapshot)

                memory.Position = snapshot.Offset + sizeof(Int32); // Skip the snapshot length;

                remoteSequence    = reader.ReadInt32();
                localSequence     = reader.ReadInt32();
                lastSequenceReset = new TimeStamp(reader.ReadInt64());

                int orderCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                for (var i = 0; i < orderCount; i++)
                    var id                  = reader.ReadInt32();
                    var action              = (OrderAction)reader.ReadInt32();
                    var brokerOrder         = reader.ReadInt64();
                    var logicalOrderId      = reader.ReadInt32();
                    var logicalSerialNumber = reader.ReadInt64();
                    var orderState          = (OrderState)reader.ReadInt32();
                    var price               = reader.ReadDouble();
                    var flags               = (OrderFlags)reader.ReadInt32();
                    var replaceId           = reader.ReadInt32();
                    var originalId          = reader.ReadInt32();
                    var side                = (OrderSide)reader.ReadInt32();
                    var size                = reader.ReadInt32();
                    var symbol              = reader.ReadString();
                    var tag                 = reader.ReadString();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag))
                        tag = null;
                    var type            = (OrderType)reader.ReadInt32();
                    var utcCreateTime   = new TimeStamp(reader.ReadInt64());
                    var lastStateChange = new TimeStamp(reader.ReadInt64());
                    var sequence        = reader.ReadInt32();
                    var symbolInfo      = Factory.Symbol.LookupSymbol(symbol);
                    var order           = Factory.Utility.PhysicalOrder(action, orderState, symbolInfo, side, type, flags, price, size,
                                                                        logicalOrderId, logicalSerialNumber, brokerOrder, tag, utcCreateTime);
                    order.Sequence = sequence;
                    uniqueIds.Add(id, order);
                    if (replaceId != 0)
                        replaceIds.Add(id, replaceId);
                    if (originalId != 0)
                        originalIds.Add(id, originalId);

                foreach (var kvp in replaceIds)
                    var orderId   = kvp.Key;
                    var replaceId = kvp.Value;
                    uniqueIds[orderId].ReplacedBy = uniqueIds[replaceId];

                foreach (var kvp in originalIds)
                    var orderId    = kvp.Key;
                    var originalId = kvp.Value;
                    uniqueIds[orderId].OriginalOrder = uniqueIds[originalId];


                foreach (var kvp in uniqueIds)
                    var order = kvp.Value;
                    ordersByBrokerId[order.BrokerOrder] = order;
                    ordersBySequence[order.Sequence]    = order;
                    if (order.Action == OrderAction.Cancel && order.OriginalOrder == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Cancel order w/o any original order setting: " + order);

                var bySerialCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                for (var i = 0; i < bySerialCount; i++)
                    var logicalSerialNum = reader.ReadInt64();
                    var orderId          = reader.ReadInt32();
                    var order            = uniqueIds[orderId];
                    ordersBySerial[order.LogicalSerialNumber] = order;

                using (positionsLocker.Using())
                    var positionCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    positions = new Dictionary <long, SymbolPosition>();
                    for (var i = 0L; i < positionCount; i++)
                        var symbolString   = reader.ReadString();
                        var symbol         = Factory.Symbol.LookupSymbol(symbolString);
                        var position       = reader.ReadInt64();
                        var symbolPosition = new SymbolPosition {
                            Position = position
                        positions.Add(symbol.BinaryIdentifier, symbolPosition);

                    strategyPositions = new Dictionary <int, StrategyPosition>();
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Info("Loading snapshot at offset " + snapshot.Offset + " failed due to " + ex.Message + ". Rolling back to previous snapshot.", ex);
Exemple #24
 public RhsSymbol(SymbolPosition coords, string userLabel, string symbolName)
     : this(coords, userLabel, symbolName, tabooSymbols : null, marked : false)
Exemple #25
        private AltRule createSeed(SymbolPosition position,
                                   List <Production> productions,
                                   bool doubled,  // should we double the seed right at the start
                                   string lhsSymbolName,
                                   IEnumerable <string> elementTypeNames,
                                   params RhsSymbol[] symbols)
            RhsSymbol[] init_symbols = symbols.Where(it => !it.SkipInitially).ToArray();

            var main_code = new CodeBody().AddWithIdentifier(CodeWords.New, " ");

            main_code.Append(makeTupleListCode(position, elementTypeNames));

            IEnumerable <CodeBody> code_lists
                = elementTypeNames.Select(it => new CodeBody().AddWithIdentifier(CodeWords.New, " ", CodeWords.List, "<", it, ">{")).ToList();

            // purpose: to handle names in doubled seed mode
            Dictionary <RhsSymbol, string[]> obj_name_substs = new Dictionary <RhsSymbol, string[]>();

                IEnumerable <RhsSymbol> named_symbols = symbols.Where(it => it.ObjName != null);

                if (named_symbols.Any())
                    foreach (Tuple <RhsSymbol, CodeBody> tuple in named_symbols.SyncZip(code_lists))
                        RhsSymbol nsymbol    = tuple.Item1;
                        CodeBody  lcode      = tuple.Item2;
                        bool      double_sym = doubled && !nsymbol.SkipInitially;

                        string[] name_subst = new string[double_sym ? 2 : 1];
                        obj_name_substs.Add(nsymbol, name_subst);

                        // if we double the element, we have to come up with new names
                        if (double_sym)
                            name_subst[0] = AutoNames.Double1 + nsymbol.ObjName + "__";
                            name_subst[1] = AutoNames.Double2 + nsymbol.ObjName + "__";
                            name_subst[0] = nsymbol.ObjName;

                        for (int i = 0; i < (double_sym ? 2 : 1); ++i)
                            if (i == 1)

                            if (double_sym)

            foreach (Tuple <CodeBody, int> code_pair in code_lists.ZipWithIndex())

                if (code_pair.Item2 > 0)


            // in case of doubled seed we have to rename the symbols
            // otherwise just make shallow copies without renaming
            // but since we already set proxy name correctly, we can use shared code for both cases
            var seed_symbols = new LinkedList <RhsSymbol>();

            for (int i = 0; i < (doubled ? 2 : 1); ++i)
                foreach (RhsSymbol sym in (i == 0 ? init_symbols : symbols))
                    if (sym.ObjName == null)
                        int s_idx = (i == 1 && sym.SkipInitially) ? 0 : i;

                                            // are there any symbols for production
                ? new RhsGroup[] { RhsGroup.CreateSequence(position, RepetitionEnum.Once, seed_symbols.Select(it => it.SetSkip(false)).ToArray()) }
                : new RhsGroup[] { },
                                            new CodeMix(CodeMix.SeedComment).AddBody(main_code)));
Exemple #26
 public RhsSymbol(SymbolPosition coords, string userLabel, string symbolName, IEnumerable <string> tabooSymbols, bool marked)
     : this(coords, userLabel, symbolName, tabooSymbols, marked : marked, skip : false)
Exemple #27
 internal static AltRule CreateInternally(SymbolPosition pos, IEnumerable <RhsGroup> groups, CodeMix code)
     return(new AltRule(pos, null, groups, code));
Exemple #28
 public CodeMix(SymbolPosition position) : this(position, null)