Exemple #1
            private static SymbolLocation?ComputeNewSymbolLocation(SymbolLocation oldLocation, Range changeRange, Position afterChangeEndOffset)
                var identifier = ComputeNewRange(oldLocation.Name, changeRange, afterChangeEndOffset);

                if (identifier == null)
                var declaration = ComputeNewRange(oldLocation.Declaration, changeRange, afterChangeEndOffset);

                if (declaration == null)
                return(new SymbolLocation(oldLocation.Uri, identifier, declaration));
        // The assertion Assert.IsFalse(document.SymbolTable.Resolved) is used to ensure that
        // we're working on a migrated symbol table. If that's not the case, the test case has
        // to be adapted.

        // TODO The Declaration Range currently does not incorporate keywords such as "class" and "var".
        // TODO The "BodyEndToken" used by the CreateDeclarationDictionary.CreateDeclarationDictionary()
        //      does not incorporate the closing braces.

        private bool TryFindSymbolDeclarationByName(DafnyDocument document, string symbolName, out SymbolLocation location)
            location = document.SymbolTable.Locations
                       .Where(entry => entry.Key.Name == symbolName)
                       .Select(entry => entry.Value)
            return(location != null);