Exemple #1
        protected override async Task HandleMessage(FeedMessage msg)
            if (msg.Type == "message")
                if (msg.Subject == Subject)
                    var i = msg.Topic.IndexOf(":");
                    if (i == -1)

                    var ticker = new KlineFeedMessage <TCandle>();

                    var sk = SymbolKline.Parse(msg.Topic.Substring(i + 1));

                    // The JSON.NET documentation states clearly that
                    // for tricky deserialization scenarios, the fastest
                    // way is manual deserialization.

                    ticker.Timestamp = EpochTime.NanosecondsToDate(msg.Data["time"].ToObject <long>());
                    ticker.Symbol    = msg.Data["symbol"].ToObject <string>();

                    // Here we have the candle data efficiently served as an array of strings.
                    // In C# we want to parse this array into a strongly-typed object.

                    var values = msg.Data["candles"].ToObject <string[]>();
                    var candle = new TCandle
                        Timestamp = EpochTime.SecondsToDate(long.Parse(values[0])),

                        // We are going to assume that the data from the feed is correctly formatted.
                        // If an error is thrown here, then there is a deeper problem.

                        OpenPrice  = decimal.Parse(values[1]),
                        ClosePrice = decimal.Parse(values[2]),

                        HighPrice = decimal.Parse(values[3]),
                        LowPrice  = decimal.Parse(values[4]),

                        Amount = decimal.Parse(values[5]),
                        Volume = decimal.Parse(values[6])

                    // The candlestick does not need to be a typed candle,
                    // but if it is, we will set that value, as well.
                    if (candle is IFullKlineCandle <KlineType> wt)
                        wt.Type = sk.KlineType;

                    ticker.Candles = candle;

                    // push the final object.
                    await PushNext(ticker);