public ImageInfo RenderSPTG(String symbolID, Dictionary <int, String> modifiers, Dictionary <int, String> attributes)
            if (modifiers == null)
                modifiers = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            if (attributes == null)
                attributes = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            Bitmap finalBmp = null;

            Bitmap coreBMP = null;

                //Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(dimensionsBMP);

                //get unit font
                Font spFont = _spFont;

                //get font character indexes
                int fillIndex  = -1;
                int frameIndex = -1;

                int alpha = 255;

                int     symbolOutlineSize  = 0;
                Color   symbolOutlineColor = Color.Empty;
                Boolean drawAsIcon         = false;
                Boolean keepUnitRatio      = true;
                int     pixelSize          = 35;
                int     w = pixelSize;
                int     h = pixelSize;

                char[] fillString  = new char[1];
                char[] frameString = new char[1];
                char[] symbol1     = new char[1];
                char[] symbol2     = new char[1];

                Color lineColor = Color.Empty;
                Color fillColor = Color.Empty;

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.LineColor))
                    lineColor = SymbolUtilities.getColorFromHexString(attributes[MilStdAttributes.LineColor]);
                    lineColor = SymbolUtilities.getLineColorOfAffiliation(symbolID);

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.FillColor))
                    fillColor = SymbolUtilities.getColorFromHexString(attributes[MilStdAttributes.FillColor]);

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.Alpha))
                    alpha = Convert.ToInt32(attributes[MilStdAttributes.Alpha]);

                /*if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineColor))
                 *  symbolOutlineColor = SymbolUtilities.getColorFromHexString(attributes[MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineColor]);
                 * else
                 *  symbolOutlineColor = RenderUtilities.getIdealTextBackgroundColor(lineColor);
                 * if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineSize))
                 *  symbolOutlineSize = Convert.ToInt32(attributes[MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineSize]);
                 * else
                 *  symbolOutlineSize = RendererSettings.getInstance().getSymbolOutlineWidth();//*/

                symbolOutlineColor = RendererUtilities.getIdealOutlineColor(lineColor);
                symbolOutlineSize  = RendererSettings.getInstance().getSymbolOutlineWidth();

                if (symbolOutlineSize <= 0)
                    symbolOutlineColor = Color.Empty;

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.DrawAsIcon))
                    drawAsIcon = Convert.ToBoolean(attributes[MilStdAttributes.DrawAsIcon]);

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.PixelSize))
                    pixelSize = Convert.ToInt32(attributes[MilStdAttributes.PixelSize]);

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.KeepUnitRatio))
                    keepUnitRatio = Convert.ToBoolean(attributes[MilStdAttributes.KeepUnitRatio]);

                SinglePointLookupInfo spli = SinglePointLookup.getInstance().getSPLookupInfo(SymbolUtilities.getBasicSymbolID(symbolID));

                if (spli == null)//default to action point on bad symbolID
                    if (modifiers == null)
                        modifiers = new Dictionary <int, String>();
                    if (modifiers.ContainsKey(ModifiersTG.H_ADDITIONAL_INFO_1))
                        modifiers[ModifiersTG.H1_ADDITIONAL_INFO_2] = modifiers[ModifiersTG.H_ADDITIONAL_INFO_1];
                    modifiers[ModifiersTG.H_ADDITIONAL_INFO_1] = symbolID.Substring(0, 10);

                    symbolID = "G" + SymbolUtilities.getAffiliation(symbolID) +
                               "G" + SymbolUtilities.getStatus(symbolID) + "GPP---****X";
                    spli      = SinglePointLookup.getInstance().getSPLookupInfo(symbolID);
                    lineColor = SymbolUtilities.getLineColorOfAffiliation(symbolID);
                    //fillColor = SymbolUtilities.getFillColorOfAffiliation(symbolID);

                //Check if we need to set 'N' to ENY

                if (symbolID[1] == 'H' && drawAsIcon == false)
                    if (modifiers == null)
                        modifiers = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                    modifiers[ModifiersTG.N_HOSTILE] = "ENY";

                if (SymbolUtilities.getStatus(symbolID) == "A")
                    frameIndex = spli.getMappingA();
                    frameIndex = spli.getMappingP();

                if (SymbolUtilities.hasDefaultFill(symbolID))
                    fillColor = SymbolUtilities.getFillColorOfAffiliation(symbolID);
                if (SymbolUtilities.isTGSPWithFill(symbolID))
                    String fillID = SymbolUtilities.getTGFillSymbolCode(symbolID);
                    if (fillID != null)
                        fillIndex = SinglePointLookup.getInstance().getCharCodeFromFillID(fillID);
                else if (SymbolUtilities.isWeatherSPWithFill(symbolID))
                    fillIndex = frameIndex + 1;
                    fillColor = SymbolUtilities.getFillColorOfWeather(symbolID);

                fillString[0]  = (char)fillIndex;
                frameString[0] = (char)frameIndex;

                SVGPath svgFill  = null;
                SVGPath svgFrame = null;

                if (fillIndex > 0)
                    svgFill = SymbolSVGTable.getInstance().getSVGPath(fillIndex);
                if (frameIndex > 0)
                    svgFrame = SymbolSVGTable.getInstance().getSVGPath(frameIndex);

                float      scale = 1;
                RectangleF rr    = svgFrame.getBounds();

                if (keepUnitRatio)
                    scale = pixelSize * .00095f;
                    if (rr.Height > rr.Width)
                        pixelSize = (int)((scale * rr.Height) + 0.5);
                        pixelSize = (int)((scale * rr.Width) + 0.5);

                Matrix m = svgFrame.TransformToFitDimensions(pixelSize, pixelSize);
                //Matrix m = svgFrame.TransformToFitDimensions(w, h);
                rr = svgFrame.getBounds();
                w  = (int)((rr.Width) + 0.5f);
                h  = (int)((rr.Height) + 0.5f);
                //draw location
                PointF centerPoint = SymbolDimensions.getSymbolCenter(spli.getBasicSymbolID(), rr);
                PointF location    = new PointF(0, 0);

                location.X = centerPoint.X;
                location.Y = 0;// centerPoint.Y;
                //location.Y = (h * 1.5f);

                float  outlineOffsetX = 0;
                float  outlineOffsetY = 0;
                Matrix mOutline       = new Matrix();
                if (symbolOutlineSize > 0)
                    RectangleF rectOutline = svgFrame.getBounds(symbolOutlineSize);
                    outlineOffsetX = (rectOutline.Width - w) / 2f - 1;
                    outlineOffsetY = (rectOutline.Height - h) / 2f - 1;//too much added for AA
                    w = (int)(rectOutline.Width + 0.5f);
                    h = (int)(rectOutline.Height + 0.5f);
                    mOutline.Translate(outlineOffsetX, outlineOffsetY);
                    centerPoint.X += outlineOffsetX;
                    centerPoint.Y += outlineOffsetY;
                    coreBMP        = new Bitmap(w - 1, h - 1);//getBounds adds too much for AA
                    coreBMP = new Bitmap(w + 1, h + 1);//add for AA
                //coreBMP = new Bitmap(w, h);

                //get & setup graphics object for destination BMP
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(coreBMP);

                g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                //draw test outline
                //g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.LightSkyBlue), 0, 0, coreBMP.Width - 1, coreBMP.Height - 1);

                if (svgFill != null)
                    svgFill.Draw(g, Color.Empty, 0, fillColor, mOutline);

                if (svgFrame != null)
                    svgFrame.Draw(g, symbolOutlineColor, symbolOutlineSize, lineColor, mOutline);

                RectangleF coreDimensions = new RectangleF(0, 0, coreBMP.Width, coreBMP.Height);

                ImageInfo ii = new ImageInfo(coreBMP, new PointF(centerPoint.X, centerPoint.Y), coreDimensions);

                //process display modifiers
                ImageInfo iinew = null;

                Boolean   hasDisplayModifiers = ModifierRenderer.hasDisplayModifiers(symbolID, modifiers);
                Boolean   hasTextModifiers    = ModifierRenderer.hasTextModifiers(symbolID, modifiers, attributes);
                ImageInfo iiNew = null;

                if (drawAsIcon == false && (hasTextModifiers || hasDisplayModifiers || SymbolUtilities.isTGSPWithIntegralText(symbolID)))
                    if (SymbolUtilities.isTGSPWithSpecialModifierLayout(symbolID) ||
                        iiNew = ModifierRenderer.ProcessTGSPWithSpecialModifierLayout(ii, symbolID, modifiers, attributes, lineColor);
                        iiNew = ModifierRenderer.ProcessTGSPModifiers(ii, symbolID, modifiers, attributes, lineColor);

                if (iiNew != null)
                    ii = iiNew;

                iinew = null;

                g = null;

            catch (Exception exc)
                ErrorLogger.LogException("SinglePointRenderer", "RenderSPTG", exc);
        public Bitmap DrawTest()
            Bitmap myBmp = null;

                float dpi             = 72;
                float fontSize        = 50;
                float windowsFontSize = fontSize;
                float javaDPI         = 96;//72;
                float windowsDPI      = 72;

                //get symbol dimensions
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(dimensionsBMP);
                // g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
                //g.MeasureString("text", font);
                dpi = g.DpiX;

                //scaled the font for the C# renderer down by 0.75 so this calculation not necessary
                //had to scale it down also because bottom of symbols were getting clipped.
                //windowsFontSize = fontSize * windowsDPI / javaDPI;

                String spaceStation = "SUPPT-----*****"; //space station
                String airTrack     = "SUAPM-----*****"; //air track, militray
                String AtoSMissle   = "SFAPWMAP--*****"; //air track, air to space missile
                String armor        = "SUGPUCA---*****"; //ground
                String mLauncher    = "SFGPEWM---*****"; //ground equipment
                String SSGN         = "SUUPSNG---*****"; //sub surface, guided missile (SSGN)

                String sar    = "SHAPMFQH--*****";       //search and rescue
                String sensor = "SHGPUUMRS-*****";       //sensor

                String symbolID = SSGN;

                int    fillIndex    = -1;
                int    frameIndex   = -1;
                int    symbol1Index = -1;
                int    symbol2Index = -1;
                char[] fillString   = new char[1];
                char[] frameString  = new char[1];
                char[] symbol1      = new char[1];
                char[] symbol2      = new char[1];

                UnitFontLookupInfo ufli = UnitFontLookup.getInstance().getLookupInfo(symbolID);

                fillIndex    = UnitFontLookup.getFillCode(symbolID);
                frameIndex   = UnitFontLookup.getFrameCode(symbolID, fillIndex);
                symbol1Index = ufli.getMapping1(symbolID);
                symbol2Index = ufli.getMapping2();

                fillString[0]  = (char)fillIndex;
                frameString[0] = (char)frameIndex;
                symbol1[0]     = (char)symbol1Index;
                symbol2[0]     = (char)symbol2Index;

                Color fillColor  = SymbolUtilities.getFillColorOfAffiliation(symbolID);
                Color frameColor = SymbolUtilities.getLineColorOfAffiliation(symbolID);

                PointF center   = new PointF(150f, 150f);
                PointF location = new PointF(center.X, center.Y);

                StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
                sf.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center; //horizontal
                sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; //vertical
                sf.FormatFlags   = StringFormatFlags.NoClip;

                sf = StringFormat.GenericTypographic;

                RectangleF rectF      = SymbolDimensions.getUnitBounds(fillIndex, fontSize);
                RectangleF rectLayout = new RectangleF(100f, 100f, 100f, 100f);

                //location.Y = location.Y + (rectF.Height / 2);// +rectF.Y;

                //create bitmap to draw to.
                //myBmp = new Bitmap(500,500);
                String temp = new String(frameString);

                int w = (int)Math.Round(rectF.Width);
                int h = (int)Math.Round(rectF.Height);
                myBmp      = new Bitmap(w, h);
                location.X = 0;//rectF.Width / 2;
                location.Y = 0;

                location.X = rectF.Width / 2.0f;
                //location.Y = rectF.Height * 0.3f;
                location.Y = -(rectF.Height / 2.0f);
                RectangleF rectL = new RectangleF(0, 0, rectF.Width, rectF.Height);

                g           = Graphics.FromImage(myBmp);
                g.Transform = new Matrix();
                //g.TranslateTransform(rectF.Width / 2, rectF.Height * 0.25f);
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
                //g.DrawString(new String(frameString), unitFont, new SolidBrush(frameColor), location, sf);

                location.Y += rectF.Y;

                //g.DrawString(Convert.ToString("fillString"), new Font("Arial",35f), new SolidBrush(frameColor), new PointF(100f, 100f));
                g.Transform = new Matrix();
                Pen RectanglePen = new Pen(Color.Red, 1.0f);
                RectanglePen.DashPattern = new float[] { 4.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f };
                g.DrawRectangle(RectanglePen, 0, 0, w - 1, h - 1);
                //g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, rectLayout.X,rectLayout.Y,rectLayout.Width,rectLayout.Height);
                //g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red,center.X-1f,center.Y-1f, 2f, 2f);

                sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;

                g.DrawString("T", new Font("arial", 24f), Brushes.Orange, center, sf);
                //g.DrawString("g", new Font("arial", 24f), Brushes.Purple, center, sf);
                //g = null;
                //g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, center.X - 1f, center.Y - 1f, 2f, 2f);

            catch (Exception exc)
                ErrorLogger.LogException("SinglePointRenderer", "DrawTest", exc);
        public ImageInfo RenderSPTG(String symbolID, Dictionary <int, String> modifiers, Dictionary <int, String> attributes)
            if (modifiers == null)
                modifiers = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            if (attributes == null)
                attributes = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            CanvasRenderTarget finalBmp = null;

            CanvasRenderTarget coreBMP = null;

                //get font character indexes (svg file for this renderer port)
                int fillIndex  = -1;
                int frameIndex = -1;

                int alpha = 255;

                int     symbolOutlineSize  = 0;
                Color   symbolOutlineColor = Colors.Transparent;
                Boolean drawAsIcon         = false;
                Boolean keepUnitRatio      = true;
                int     pixelSize          = 35;
                int     w = pixelSize;
                int     h = pixelSize;

                char[] fillString  = new char[1];
                char[] frameString = new char[1];
                char[] symbol1     = new char[1];
                char[] symbol2     = new char[1];

                Color lineColor = Colors.Transparent;
                Color fillColor = Colors.Transparent;

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.LineColor))
                    lineColor = RenderUtilities.DrawingColorToUIColor(SymbolUtilities.getColorFromHexString(attributes[MilStdAttributes.LineColor]));
                    lineColor = RenderUtilities.DrawingColorToUIColor(SymbolUtilities.getLineColorOfAffiliation(symbolID));

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.FillColor))
                    fillColor = RenderUtilities.DrawingColorToUIColor(SymbolUtilities.getColorFromHexString(attributes[MilStdAttributes.FillColor]));

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.Alpha))
                    alpha = Convert.ToInt32(attributes[MilStdAttributes.Alpha]);

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineColor))
                    symbolOutlineColor = RenderUtilities.DrawingColorToUIColor(SymbolUtilities.getColorFromHexString(attributes[MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineColor]));
                    symbolOutlineColor = RenderUtilities.getIdealTextBackgroundColor(lineColor);

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineSize))
                    symbolOutlineSize = Convert.ToInt32(attributes[MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineSize]);
                    symbolOutlineSize = RendererSettings.getInstance().getSymbolOutlineWidth();

                if (symbolOutlineSize <= 0)
                    symbolOutlineColor = Colors.Transparent;

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.DrawAsIcon))
                    drawAsIcon = Convert.ToBoolean(attributes[MilStdAttributes.DrawAsIcon]);

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.PixelSize))
                    pixelSize = Convert.ToInt32(attributes[MilStdAttributes.PixelSize]);

                if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.KeepUnitRatio))
                    keepUnitRatio = Convert.ToBoolean(attributes[MilStdAttributes.KeepUnitRatio]);

                SinglePointLookupInfo spli = SinglePointLookup.getInstance().getSPLookupInfo(SymbolUtilities.getBasicSymbolIDStrict(symbolID));

                if (spli == null)//default to action point on bad symbolID
                    if (modifiers == null)
                        modifiers = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                    if (modifiers.ContainsKey(ModifiersTG.H_ADDITIONAL_INFO_1))
                        modifiers[ModifiersTG.H1_ADDITIONAL_INFO_2] = modifiers[ModifiersTG.H_ADDITIONAL_INFO_1];
                    modifiers[ModifiersTG.H_ADDITIONAL_INFO_1] = symbolID.Substring(0, 10);

                    symbolID = "G" + SymbolUtilities.getAffiliation(symbolID) +
                               "G" + SymbolUtilities.getStatus(symbolID) + "GPP---****X";
                    spli      = SinglePointLookup.getInstance().getSPLookupInfo(symbolID);
                    lineColor = RenderUtilities.DrawingColorToUIColor(SymbolUtilities.getLineColorOfAffiliation(symbolID));
                    //fillColor = SymbolUtilities.getFillColorOfAffiliation(symbolID);

                //Check if we need to set 'N' to ENY

                if (symbolID[1] == 'H' && drawAsIcon == false)
                    if (modifiers == null)
                        modifiers = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                    modifiers[ModifiersTG.N_HOSTILE] = "ENY";

                if (SymbolUtilities.getStatus(symbolID) == "A")
                    frameIndex = spli.getMappingA();
                    frameIndex = spli.getMappingP();

                if (SymbolUtilities.isTGSPWithFill(symbolID))
                    String fillID = SymbolUtilities.getTGFillSymbolCode(symbolID);
                    if (fillID != null)
                        fillIndex = SinglePointLookup.getInstance().getCharCodeFromFillID(fillID);
                else if (SymbolUtilities.isWeatherSPWithFill(symbolID))
                    fillIndex = frameIndex + 1;
                    fillColor = RenderUtilities.DrawingColorToUIColor(SymbolUtilities.getFillColorOfWeather(symbolID));

                fillString[0]  = (char)fillIndex;
                frameString[0] = (char)frameIndex;

                SVGPath svgFill  = null;
                SVGPath svgFrame = null;

                if (fillIndex > 0)
                    svgFill = SymbolSVGTable.getInstance().getSVGPath(fillIndex);
                if (frameIndex > 0)
                    svgFrame = SymbolSVGTable.getInstance().getSVGPath(frameIndex);

                float scale = 1;
                Rect  rr    = svgFrame.getBounds();

                if (keepUnitRatio)
                    //scale = pixelSize * .00095f;// 1f;
                    scale = pixelSize / 34f;//height of friendly unit before scaling.
                    if (rr.Height > rr.Width)
                        pixelSize = (int)((scale * rr.Height) + 0.5);
                        pixelSize = (int)((scale * rr.Width) + 0.5);

                Matrix3x2 mScale, mTranslate;
                Matrix3x2 mIdentity = Matrix3x2.Identity;
                Rect      rectF     = new Rect();
                Matrix3x2 m         = svgFrame.CreateMatrix(pixelSize, pixelSize, out rectF, out mScale, out mTranslate);
                //Matrix3x2 m = svgFrame.TransformToFitDimensions(pixelSize, pixelSize);

                rr = svgFrame.computeBounds(m);
                w  = (int)((rr.Width) + 0.5f);
                h  = (int)((rr.Height) + 0.5f);
                //draw location

                System.Drawing.RectangleF sdrr = new System.Drawing.RectangleF((float)rr.X, (float)rr.Y, (float)rr.Width, (float)rr.Height);
                System.Drawing.PointF     sdpf = SymbolDimensions.getSymbolCenter(spli.getBasicSymbolID(), sdrr);
                Point centerPoint = new Point(sdpf.X, sdpf.Y);
                Point location    = new Point(0, 0);

                location.X = centerPoint.X;
                location.Y = 0;// centerPoint.Y;
                //location.Y = (h * 1.5f);

                float     outlineOffsetX = 0;
                float     outlineOffsetY = 0;
                Matrix3x2 mOutline       = new Matrix3x2();

                CanvasDevice device = CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice();
                //CanvasRenderTarget offscreen = new CanvasRenderTarget(device, width, height, 96);

                if (symbolOutlineSize > 0)
                    Rect rectOutline = ShapeUtilities.inflate(rr, symbolOutlineSize, symbolOutlineSize); // svgFrame.getBounds(symbolOutlineSize);
                    outlineOffsetX = (float)((rectOutline.Width - w) / 2f);
                    outlineOffsetY = (float)((rectOutline.Height - h) / 2f);                             //too much added for AA
                    w              = (int)(rectOutline.Width + 0.5f);
                    h              = (int)(rectOutline.Height + 0.5f);
                    mOutline       = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(outlineOffsetX, outlineOffsetY);
                    centerPoint.X += outlineOffsetX;
                    centerPoint.Y += outlineOffsetY;
                    coreBMP        = new CanvasRenderTarget(device, w, h, 96);// new Bitmap(w, h);//getBounds adds too much for AA
                    coreBMP = new CanvasRenderTarget(device, w, h, 96);//add for AA
                //coreBMP = new Bitmap(w, h);

                //draw test outline
                //g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.LightSkyBlue), 0, 0, coreBMP.Width - 1, coreBMP.Height - 1);
                using (CanvasDrawingSession cds = coreBMP.CreateDrawingSession())
                    if (svgFill != null)
                        svgFill.Draw(cds, Colors.Transparent, 0, fillColor, mOutline);

                    if (svgFrame != null)
                        svgFrame.Draw(cds, symbolOutlineColor, symbolOutlineSize, lineColor, mOutline);

                    cds.DrawRectangle(new Rect(0, 0, (int)(coreBMP.Size.Width + 0.5f), (int)(coreBMP.Size.Height + 0.5f)), Colors.Red);

                Rect coreDimensions = new Rect(0, 0, (int)(coreBMP.Size.Width + 0.5f), (int)(coreBMP.Size.Height + 0.5f));

                ImageInfo ii = new ImageInfo(coreBMP, centerPoint, coreDimensions, coreBMP.GetBounds(device));

                //process display modifiers
                Boolean   hasDisplayModifiers = ModifierRenderer.hasDisplayModifiers(symbolID, modifiers);
                Boolean   hasTextModifiers    = ModifierRenderer.hasTextModifiers(symbolID, modifiers, attributes);
                ImageInfo iinew = null;

                if (hasDisplayModifiers)
                    //iinew = ModifierRenderer.ProcessUnitDisplayModifiers(symbolID, ii, modifiers, attributes, true, device);

                if (iinew != null)
                    ii = iinew;
                iinew = null;

                //process text modifiers

                /*if (hasTextModifiers)
                 * {
                 *  //iinew = ModifierRenderer.ProcessUnitTextModifiers(symbolID, ii, modifiers, attributes);
                 *  iinew = ModifierRenderer.ProcessUnitTextModifiers(ii, symbolID, modifiers, attributes);
                 * }//*/

                if (iinew != null)
                    ii = iinew;
                iinew = null;

                /*if (coreBMP != null)
                 * {
                 *  coreBMP.Dispose();
                 *  coreBMP = null;
                 * }//*/

            catch (Exception exc)
                ErrorLogger.LogException("SinglePointRenderer", "RenderSPTG", exc);