// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { weaponSystem = GameObject.Find("weaponsystem"); Hand[] hand = weaponSystem.GetComponentsInChildren <Hand>(); Sword1 = hand[0].weaponObject; Sword2 = hand[1].weaponObject; isShield1 = Sword1.GetComponent <Sword>().isShield; isShield2 = Sword2.GetComponent <Sword>().isShield; attackDefZ = 0.6f; dirx = 0.25f; diry = 1.3f; }
// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { attackTIme = 1.0f;//changed by 성격 waitTime = 0.0f; weaponSystem = GameObject.Find("weaponsystem"); Hand[] hand = weaponSystem.GetComponentsInChildren <Hand>(); Sword1 = hand[0].weaponObject; Sword2 = hand[1].weaponObject; isShield1 = Sword1.GetComponent <Sword>().isShield; isShield2 = Sword2.GetComponent <Sword>().isShield; attackDefZ = 0.6f; dirx = 0.25f; diry = 1.3f; animator.SetBool("idle", true); }