public String IconImageDataUri(S.AppWindow self) { var key = "IconImageDataUri-" + self.HWnd; var iconImageDataUri = System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.Default.Get(key) as String; ; if (iconImageDataUri == null) { var iconImage = self.IconImage; try { using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { BitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder(); encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(iconImage)); encoder.Save(memoryStream); var b64String = Convert.ToBase64String(memoryStream.ToArray()); iconImageDataUri = "data:image/png;base64," + b64String; System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.Default.Add(key, iconImageDataUri, DateTimeOffset.Now.AddHours(1)); } } catch { return null; } } return iconImageDataUri; }
public void destroyScene() { Destroy(GameObject.Find("FightSceneHolder").gameObject); Switcheroo.reEnable(); }
public void EnterShowroom() { Switcheroo.disable(); Application.LoadLevelAdditive(3); }
void Update() { if (!inDungeon) { //The character is on the world map. nodes = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Node"); switch (nodes[worldID].GetComponent <branchMapGen>().nodeType) { case branchMapGen.NodeType.TOWN: interactText.text = "Enter Town"; break; case branchMapGen.NodeType.DUNGEON: interactText.text = "Enter Dungeon"; break; default: interactText.text = "Nothing Here"; break; } if (nodes.Length > 0) { //Only set next node to this if you are not on the last node. if (worldID < nodes.Length - 1) { nextNode = nodes[worldID + 1]; } if (worldID == 0) { transform.position = nodes[0].transform.position; } //Set the player position to the current node. transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, nodes[worldID].transform.position, .1f); Vector3 temp = transform.position; temp.z = -0.1f; transform.position = temp; //Check if the node has an event if (nodes[worldID].GetComponent <branchMapGen>().hasEvent == true) { Debug.Log("This node has an event!"); } //Draw the next cost on screen. nextStepCost.text = "Next Step Cost: " + nextNode.GetComponent <branchMapGen>().stepCost.ToString(); } } else { //The character is in a dungeon. interactText.text = "Exit Dungeon"; dungeonNodes = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("DungeonNode"); foreach (GameObject node in dungeonNodes) { if (node.GetComponent <branchMapGen>().u_id == dungeonID) { switch (node.GetComponent <branchMapGen>().nodeType) { case branchMapGen.NodeType.ITEM: if (node.GetComponent <branchMapGen>().hasBeenUsed == false) { Debug.Log("This is an item"); node.GetComponent <itemGenerator>().GrantItem(); node.GetComponent <branchMapGen>().hasBeenUsed = true; } else { Debug.Log("Nothing Here"); } break; case branchMapGen.NodeType.ENEMY: if (node.GetComponent <branchMapGen>().hasBeenUsed == false) { Debug.Log("This is a battle"); Switcheroo.disable(); Application.LoadLevelAdditive("battleTest"); node.GetComponent <branchMapGen>().hasBeenUsed = true; } break; default: break; } } } if (dungeonNodes.Length > 0) { //Only set next node to this if you are not on the last node. if (dungeonID < dungeonNodes.Length - 1) { nextDungeonNode = dungeonNodes[dungeonID + 1]; } //Set the player position to the current node. foreach (GameObject node in dungeonNodes) { if (node.GetComponent <branchMapGen>().u_id == dungeonID) { transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, node.transform.position, .1f); } } //transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, dungeonNodes[dungeonID].transform.position, .5f); Vector3 temp = transform.position; temp.z = -0.1f; transform.position = temp; //Check if the node has an event /* * if(dungeonNodes[dungeonID].GetComponent<branchMapGen>().hasEvent == true){ * Debug.Log ("This node has an event!"); * } */ //Draw the next cost on screen. nextStepCost.text = "Next Step Cost: " + nextDungeonNode.GetComponent <branchMapGen>().stepCost.ToString(); } } }