Exemple #1
 public AcceptedSwitch(string Name, EventType Event_Type, double Delay, SwitchAcceptedHandler Handler = null, object Param = null)
     this.Name       = Name;
     this.Event_Type = Event_Type;
     this.Delay      = Delay;
     this.Handler    = Handler;
     this.Param      = Param;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan all statically defined switch handlers in mode classes and wire up handling events
        /// </summary>
        private void scan_switch_handlers()
            // Get all methods in the mode class that match a certain regular expression
            Type t = this.GetType();

            MethodInfo[] methods      = t.GetMethods();
            string       regexPattern = "sw_(?<name>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)_(?<state>open|closed|active|inactive)(?<after>_for_(?<time>[0-9]+)(?<units>ms|s))?";
            Regex        pattern      = new Regex(regexPattern);

            foreach (MethodInfo m in methods)
                MatchCollection matches     = pattern.Matches(m.Name);
                string          switchName  = "";
                string          switchState = "";
                bool            hasTimeSpec = false;
                double          switchTime  = 0;
                string          switchUnits = "";
                foreach (Match match in matches)
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (Group group in match.Groups)
                        if (group.Success == true)
                            string gName  = pattern.GroupNameFromNumber(i);
                            string gValue = group.Value;
                            if (gName == "name")
                                switchName = gValue;
                            if (gName == "state")
                                switchState = gValue;

                            if (gName == "after")
                                hasTimeSpec = true;

                            if (gName == "time")
                                switchTime = Int32.Parse(gValue);

                            if (gName == "units")
                                switchUnits = gValue;
                if (switchName != "" && switchState != "")
                    if (hasTimeSpec && switchUnits == "ms")
                        switchTime = switchTime / 1000.0;

                    SwitchAcceptedHandler swh = (SwitchAcceptedHandler)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(SwitchAcceptedHandler), this, m);
                    add_switch_handler(switchName, switchState, switchTime, swh);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a switch handler to the list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">Switch Name</param>
        /// <param name="Event_Type">'open', 'closed', 'active' or 'inactive'</param>
        /// <param name="Delay">float number of seconds that the state should be held before invoking the handler,
        /// or None if it should be invoked immediately.</param>
        /// <param name="Handler">The handler to invoke</param>
        public void add_switch_handler(string Name, string Event_Type, double Delay = 0, SwitchAcceptedHandler Handler = null)
            EventType adjusted_event_type;

            if (Event_Type == "active")
                if (Game.Switches[Name].Type == SwitchType.NO)
                    adjusted_event_type = EventType.SwitchClosedDebounced;
                    adjusted_event_type = EventType.SwitchOpenDebounced;
            else if (Event_Type == "inactive")
                if (Game.Switches[Name].Type == SwitchType.NO)
                    adjusted_event_type = EventType.SwitchOpenDebounced;
                    adjusted_event_type = EventType.SwitchClosedDebounced;
            else if (Event_Type == "closed")
                adjusted_event_type = EventType.SwitchClosedDebounced;
                adjusted_event_type = EventType.SwitchOpenDebounced;

            Switch         sw  = Game.Switches[Name];
            AcceptedSwitch asw = new AcceptedSwitch(Name, adjusted_event_type, Delay, Handler, sw);

            if (!_accepted_switches.Contains(asw))