private static void DrawMarker(int absoluteX, int absoluteY) { string script = @"(function showRectangle(x, y) { var rectangle = document.createElement('div'); = 'red'; = 'absolute'; = '50%'; = (x - 5) + 'px'; = (y - 5) + 'px'; = '10px'; = '10px'; document.body.appendChild(rectangle); setTimeout(function cbRemoveRectangle() { if (rectangle) { rectangle.remove(); } }, 2000); })(arguments[0], arguments[1]);"; SwdBrowser.ExecuteJavaScript(script, absoluteX, absoluteY); }
internal void RunScript() { string scriptFromEditor = view.GetJavaScriptCodeFromEditor(); Exception outException; bool isOk = false; object result = null; isOk = UIActions.PerformSlowOperation( "Operation: RunScript() / Executing JavaScript Snippet", () => { result = SwdBrowser.ExecuteJavaScript(scriptFromEditor); }, out outException, null, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1) ); if (!isOk) { MyLog.Error("RunScript() Failed to execute JavaScript snippet"); MyLog.Exception(outException); if (outException != null) { throw outException; } } string consoleOut = DumpObject(result); view.AppendConsole(consoleOut); }
public void CloseDriver_should_close_the_opened_browser_instance() { WebDriverOptions options = new WebDriverOptions() { BrowserName = WebDriverOptions.browser_Firefox, IsRemote = false, }; string specialTitle = "SwdBrowser.CloseDriver TEST TEST"; string[] specialWindows = new string[] { }; specialWindows = GetDesktopWindowsWithSpecialTitle(specialTitle); specialWindows.Length.Should().Be(0, "Expected no windows with title <{0}> at the beginning", specialTitle); SwdBrowser.Initialize(options); string changeTitleScript = string.Format("document.title = '{0}'", specialTitle); SwdBrowser.ExecuteJavaScript(changeTitleScript); specialWindows = GetDesktopWindowsWithSpecialTitle(specialTitle); specialWindows.Length.Should().Be(1, "Expected only 1 window with title <{0}> after new driver was created", specialTitle); SwdBrowser.CloseDriver(); specialWindows = GetDesktopWindowsWithSpecialTitle(specialTitle); specialWindows.Length.Should().Be(0, "Expected no windows with title <{0}> after the driver was closed", specialTitle); }
private void imgBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (!ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control)) { return; } MouseEventArgs mouse = args as MouseEventArgs; int absoluteX = mouse.X; // + ; int absoluteY = mouse.Y; // + ; absoluteX = (Convert.ToInt32(absoluteX / imgBox.ZoomFactor) + Convert.ToInt32(imgBox.HorizontalScroll.Value / imgBox.ZoomFactor)); absoluteY = Convert.ToInt32(absoluteY / imgBox.ZoomFactor) + Convert.ToInt32(imgBox.VerticalScroll.Value / imgBox.ZoomFactor); string script = @"(function showRectangle(x, y) { var rectangle = document.createElement('div'); = '3px solid red'; = 'absolute'; = x + 'px'; = y + 'px'; = '100px'; = '20px'; document.body.appendChild(rectangle); setTimeout(function cbRemoveRectangle() { doNastyStuff(); }, 2000); })(arguments[0], arguments[1]);"; SwdBrowser.ExecuteJavaScript(script, absoluteX, absoluteY); }
void UserCommand_OnMouseClick(UserCommands.MouseClickCommand evt) { MouseEventArgs mouse = evt.MouseEvent; var imageViewPort = imgBox.GetImageViewPort(); int absoluteX = mouse.X - imageViewPort.Left; int absoluteY = mouse.Y - imageViewPort.Top; absoluteX = (Convert.ToInt32(absoluteX / imgBox.ZoomFactor) + Convert.ToInt32(imgBox.HorizontalScroll.Value / imgBox.ZoomFactor)); absoluteY = Convert.ToInt32(absoluteY / imgBox.ZoomFactor) + Convert.ToInt32(imgBox.VerticalScroll.Value / imgBox.ZoomFactor); txtLog.DoInvokeAction(() => { txtLog.Text += "\r\n" + "X " + absoluteX.ToString() + " Y " + absoluteY.ToString(); }); if (!ModifierKeys.HasFlag(WINKeys.Control)) { } ; var clickCommand = @"return (function SWD_GET_ELEMENT() { var absoluteX = {## absoluteX ##}; var absoluteY = {## absoluteY ##}; var view = { Left: window.scrollX, Top: window.scrollY, Right: window.scrollX + window.innerWidth, Bottom: window.scrollY + window.innerHeight }; var elementInsideViewPort = (view.Left <= absoluteX && absoluteX <= view.Right) && (view.Top <= absoluteY && absoluteY <= view.Bottom); if (!elementInsideViewPort) { window.scroll(Math.max(absoluteX - 30, 0), Math.max(absoluteY - 30, 0)); } absoluteX = absoluteX - window.scrollX; absoluteY = absoluteY - window.scrollY; return document.elementFromPoint(absoluteX, absoluteY); })()" .Replace("{## absoluteX ##}", absoluteX.ToString()) .Replace("{## absoluteY ##}", absoluteY.ToString()); IWebElement element = (IWebElement)SwdBrowser.ExecuteJavaScript(clickCommand); // element.Click(); if (element == null) { MyLog.Error("Element is null after performing command " + clickCommand ?? "<null>"); return; } if (element.TagName == "iframe") { try { var frameLocation = element.Location; absoluteX = absoluteX - frameLocation.X; absoluteY = absoluteY - frameLocation.Y; MyLog.Debug("Switching to IFrame"); SwdBrowser.GetDriver().SwitchTo().Frame(element); clickCommand = String.Format(@"return document.elementFromPoint({0}, {1});", absoluteX, absoluteY); element = (IWebElement)SwdBrowser.ExecuteJavaScript(clickCommand); ClickOnElement(absoluteX, absoluteY, element); } finally { SwdBrowser.SwitchToDefaultContent(); } } else { ClickOnElement(absoluteX, absoluteY, element); } }