private IEnumerator enterCoroutine(PlayerController fsm) { Time.timeScale = 0f; fsm.blockMovement.staticExtrusion = false; dir = targetPosition - fsm.PositionWithoutHalo; fsm.swapSkill.UseSkill <SwapState>(); var binding = fsm.swapCharges.GetSwapCharge(); binding.value = 0; fsm.StartCoroutine(binding.redLight.SwapCor(fsm, targetPosition)); var enemyRedLight = RedLightEnemyController.Create(fsm, targetPosition); fsm.StartCoroutine(enemyRedLight.SwapCor()); EventBus.Notify("PlayerSwapEnter", fsm, fsm.swapProperty.disappearTime); float time = dir.magnitude / fsm.swapProperty.speed; target.SwapMove(-dir, time, fsm.swapProperty.disappearTime); //ApCtrl.DisappearAlpha(fsm.scaleAd, fsm.swapProperty.disappearTime); yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(fsm.swapProperty.disappearTime)); Swapable.SwapMove(dir, time, (pos) => fsm.blockMovement.Position = pos, () => fsm.PositionWithoutHalo, fsm); yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(time)); fsm.blockMovement.staticExtrusion = true; EventBus.Notify("PlayerSwapExit", fsm, fsm.swapProperty.disappearTime); //ApCtrl.AppearAlpha(fsm.scaleAd, fsm.swapProperty.disappearTime); yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(fsm.swapProperty.disappearTime)); Time.timeScale = 1; var v = fsm.blockMovement.Velocity; v *= 0; fsm.blockMovement.Velocity = v; fsm.ChangeState(last); }
public static IEnumerable <Swapable <T> > LexicographicPermutations <T>(Swapable <T> items) { items.Sort(); while (true) { yield return(items); //Find the rightmost item which is smaller than its next item. We will call this the "first item" int i; for (i = items.ElementCount - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (items.Compare(items.ElementAt(i), items.ElementAt(i + 1)) < 0) { break; } } //If there is no such character, all are sorted which means we just printed the last permutation if (i == -1) { yield break; } else { //Find the ceil of the "first item" to the right //The ceil is the smallest item greater than it int ceilIndex = findCeil(items, items.ElementAt(i), i + 1, items.ElementCount - 1); items.Swap(i, ceilIndex); reverse(items, i + 1, items.ElementCount - i - 1); } } }
private static void reverse <T>(Swapable <T> items, int index, int count) { int indexStop = index + count - 1; for (int i = 0; i < count / 2; i++) { items.Swap(index + i, indexStop - i); } }
private IEnumerator checkClosest(Swapable swapable) { while (true) { if (swapable != closestSwapable || !swapSkill.SkillValid || !swapCharges.SwapValid) { swapable.SelectedUIActive = false; yield break; } yield return(null); } }
//Probably inefficient way to move items but we will keep it for now private static void Bubble <T>(Swapable <T> items, int index, int targetIndex) { while (index > targetIndex) { items.Swap(index, index - 1); index--; } while (index < targetIndex) { items.Swap(index, index + 1); index++; } }
private static int PermutateN <T>(Swapable <T> items, int n, int factorial, int depth) { factorial *= depth; if (depth + 1 < items.ElementCount) { // Subtract the returned offset n = PermutateN(items, n, factorial, depth + 1); } int index = n / factorial; int targetIndex = items.ElementCount - depth - 1; Bubble(items, targetIndex + index, targetIndex); return(n % factorial); // The n offset for the previous depth }
// Find the index of the smalled element which is greater than 'current' and is present in the range [L..H] private static int findCeil <T>(Swapable <T> items, T current, int L, int H) { int ceilIndex = L; T ceilElement = items.ElementAt(L); for (int i = L + 1; i <= H; i++) { T element = items.ElementAt(i); if (items.Compare(element, current) > 0 && items.Compare(element, ceilElement) < 0) { ceilIndex = i; ceilElement = element; } } return(ceilIndex); }
private static IEnumerable <Swapable <T> > Permutate <T>(Swapable <T> items, int depth) { if (depth == 1) { yield return(items); } else { foreach (Swapable <T> perm in Permutate(items, depth - 1)) { yield return(perm); } for (int i = 0; i < depth - 1; i++) { items.Swap((depth % 2 == 0) ? i : 0, depth - 1); foreach (Swapable <T> perm in Permutate(items, depth - 1)) { yield return(perm); } } } }
private void SwapProcess() { if (swapView.InRangeGosCount == 0) { return; } var swapables = Algorithm.GetMonos <Swapable>(swapView.InRangeGos); Func <Swapable, GameObject> getGo = (sa) => sa.gameObject; Func <GameObject, float> getGoDis = (g) => (VectorUtils.V32(g.transform.position) - blockMovement.Position).magnitude; closestSwapable = Algorithm.GetMin(swapables, (sa) => getGoDis(getGo(sa))); if (closestSwapable != null && swapSkill.SkillValid && swapCharges.SwapValid) { if (!closestSwapable.SelectedUIActive) { closestSwapable.SelectedUIActive = true; closestSwapable.StartCoroutine(checkClosest(closestSwapable)); } if (swapSkill.SkillPressed) { ChangeState <SwapState>(new SwapState(closestSwapable, current)); } } }
public SwapState(Swapable target, IState last) { = target; this.last = last; }
public static Swapable <T> LexicographicPermutationN <T>(Swapable <T> items, int n) { items.Sort(); PermutateN(items, n, 1, 1); return(items); }
public static IEnumerable <Swapable <T> > Permutations <T>(Swapable <T> items) { return(Permutate(items, items.ElementCount)); }