Exemple #1
        public void ChangeInfo_GetInfoCompare()
            SvnSandBox sbox      = new SvnSandBox(this);
            Uri        reposUri  = sbox.CreateRepository(SandBoxRepository.MergeScenario);
            string     reposPath = reposUri.LocalPath;

            using (SvnClient cl = new SvnClient())
                SvnSetPropertyArgs sa = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();
                sa.BaseRevision = 17;
                sa.LogMessage   = "Message";
                cl.RemoteSetProperty(reposUri, "MyProp", "Value", sa);

            for (long ii = 1; ii < 19; ii++)
                using (SvnLookClient lcl = new SvnLookClient())
                    using (SvnClient cl = new SvnClient())
                        SvnChangeInfoEventArgs r;
                        SvnChangeInfoArgs      ia     = new SvnChangeInfoArgs();
                        SvnLookOrigin          origin = new SvnLookOrigin(reposPath, ii);

                        SvnLogArgs la = new SvnLogArgs();
                        la.Start = la.End = ii;

                        Collection <SvnLogEventArgs> lrc;
                        //ia.RetrieveChangedPaths = false; // Will fail if true
                        Assert.That(lcl.GetChangeInfo(origin, ia, out r));
                        Assert.That(cl.GetLog(reposUri, la, out lrc));

                        Assert.That(r, Is.Not.Null);
                        Assert.That(lrc.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

                        SvnLogEventArgs lr = lrc[0];

                        Assert.That(r.Author, Is.EqualTo(lr.Author));
                        Assert.That(r.Revision, Is.EqualTo(lr.Revision));
                        Assert.That(r.BaseRevision, Is.EqualTo(lr.Revision - 1));
                        Assert.That(r.LogMessage, Is.EqualTo(lr.LogMessage));
                        Assert.That(r.Time, Is.EqualTo(lr.Time));

                        Assert.That(r.ChangedPaths, Is.Not.Null, "r.ChangedPaths({0})", ii);
                        Assert.That(lr.ChangedPaths, Is.Not.Null, "lr.ChangedPaths({0})", ii);

                        Assert.That(r.ChangedPaths.Count, Is.EqualTo(lr.ChangedPaths.Count));

                        for (int i = 0; i < r.ChangedPaths.Count; i++)
                            SvnChangeItem c  = r.ChangedPaths[i];
                            SvnChangeItem lc = lr.ChangedPaths[c.Path];

                            Assert.That(c.Path, Is.EqualTo(lc.Path));
                            Assert.That(c.Action, Is.EqualTo(lc.Action));
                            Assert.That(c.CopyFromPath, Is.EqualTo(lc.CopyFromPath));
                            Assert.That(c.CopyFromRevision, Is.EqualTo(lc.CopyFromRevision));
Exemple #2
        public void SetProperty_SetRecursivly()
            SvnSandBox sbox = new SvnSandBox(this);

            string WcPath = sbox.Wc;

            string filePath = Path.Combine(WcPath, "Form.cs");

            byte[]             propval = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("baa");
            bool               ticked  = false;
            SvnSetPropertyArgs a       = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();

            a.Notify += delegate(object sender, SvnNotifyEventArgs e)
                ticked = true;
            a.Depth = SvnDepth.Infinity;

            this.Client.SetProperty(WcPath, "moo", propval, a);

            if (SvnClient.Version >= new Version(1, 6))
                Assert.That(ticked, Is.True);

            Assert.That(this.RunCommand("svn", "propget moo " + WcPath).Trim(), Is.EqualTo("baa"),
                        "PropSet didn't work on directory!");

            Assert.That(this.RunCommand("svn", "propget moo " + filePath).Trim(), Is.EqualTo("baa"),
                        "PropSet didn't work on file!");
        public void TestIprops()
            SvnSandBox sbox = new SvnSandBox(this);
            Uri        uri  = sbox.CreateRepository(SandBoxRepository.MergeScenario);
            string     wc   = sbox.Wc;

            SvnSetPropertyArgs pa = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();

            pa.BaseRevision = 17;
            Client.RemoteSetProperty(uri, "root", "root", pa);
            Client.RemoteSetProperty(new Uri(uri, "trunk"), "trunk", "trunk", pa);
            Client.RemoteSetProperty(new Uri(uri, "trunk/jobs"), "jobs", "jobs", pa);
            Client.RemoteSetProperty(new Uri(uri, "trunk/jobs/index.html"), "index", "index", pa);

            SvnUpdateResult ur;

            Client.CheckOut(new Uri(uri, "trunk"), wc, out ur);
            Assert.That(ur.Revision, Is.EqualTo(pa.BaseRevision + 1));

            Client.SetProperty(wc, "local-trunk", "local-trunk");
            Client.SetProperty(Path.Combine(wc, "jobs"), "local-jobs", "local-jobs");

            Collection <SvnInheritedPropertyListEventArgs> results;
            string target = Path.Combine(wc, "jobs/index.html");

            Client.GetInheritedPropertyList(Path.Combine(wc, "jobs/index.html"), out results);

            Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(results.Count, Is.EqualTo(4));
            Assert.That(results[0].Path, Is.EqualTo(SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(target)), "Path 0");
            Assert.That(results[0].Uri, Is.EqualTo(new Uri(uri, "trunk/jobs/index.html")));
            Assert.That(results[0].Properties, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(results[1].Path, Is.EqualTo(SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(Path.Combine(target, ".."))), "Path 1");
            Assert.That(results[1].Uri, Is.EqualTo(new Uri(uri, "trunk/jobs/")));
            Assert.That(results[1].Properties, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(results[2].Path, Is.EqualTo(SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(Path.Combine(target, "../.."))), "Path 2");
            Assert.That(results[2].Uri, Is.EqualTo(new Uri(uri, "trunk/")));
            Assert.That(results[2].Properties, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(results[3].Uri, Is.EqualTo(uri), "Path 3");
            Assert.That(results[3].Properties, Is.Not.Empty);

            SvnPropertyCollection pc;

            Assert.That(Client.TryGetAllInheritedProperties(Path.Combine(wc, "nop"), out pc), Is.False);

            Assert.That(Client.TryGetAllInheritedProperties(Path.Combine(wc, "jobs"), out pc));
            Assert.That(pc, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(pc.Contains("trunk"), "Contains trunk");
 public void SaveProperty(string propertyName, string value, string target, bool recursive, bool skipChecks)
         SvnSetPropertyArgs args = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();
         args.SkipChecks = skipChecks;
         args.Depth      = recursive ? SvnDepth.Infinity : SvnDepth.Children;
         client.SetProperty(target, propertyName, value, args);
     catch (Exception ex)
        public void TestIprops()
            SvnSandBox sbox = new SvnSandBox(this);
            Uri uri = sbox.CreateRepository(SandBoxRepository.MergeScenario);
            string wc = sbox.Wc;

            SvnSetPropertyArgs pa = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();
            pa.BaseRevision = 17;
            Client.RemoteSetProperty(uri, "root", "root", pa);
            Client.RemoteSetProperty(new Uri(uri, "trunk"), "trunk", "trunk", pa);
            Client.RemoteSetProperty(new Uri(uri, "trunk/jobs"), "jobs", "jobs", pa);
            Client.RemoteSetProperty(new Uri(uri, "trunk/jobs/index.html"), "index", "index", pa);

            SvnUpdateResult ur;
            Client.CheckOut(new Uri(uri, "trunk"), wc, out ur);
            Assert.That(ur.Revision, Is.EqualTo(pa.BaseRevision + 1));

            Client.SetProperty(wc, "local-trunk", "local-trunk");
            Client.SetProperty(Path.Combine(wc, "jobs"), "local-jobs", "local-jobs");

            Collection<SvnInheritedPropertyListEventArgs> results;
            string target = Path.Combine(wc, "jobs/index.html");
            Client.GetInheritedPropertyList(Path.Combine(wc, "jobs/index.html"), out results);

            Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(results.Count, Is.EqualTo(4));
            Assert.That(results[0].Path, Is.EqualTo(SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(target)), "Path 0");
            Assert.That(results[0].Uri, Is.EqualTo(new Uri(uri, "trunk/jobs/index.html")));
            Assert.That(results[0].Properties, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(results[1].Path, Is.EqualTo(SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(Path.Combine(target, ".."))), "Path 1");
            Assert.That(results[1].Uri, Is.EqualTo(new Uri(uri, "trunk/jobs/")));
            Assert.That(results[1].Properties, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(results[2].Path, Is.EqualTo(SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(Path.Combine(target, "../.."))), "Path 2");
            Assert.That(results[2].Uri, Is.EqualTo(new Uri(uri, "trunk/")));
            Assert.That(results[2].Properties, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(results[3].Uri, Is.EqualTo(uri), "Path 3");
            Assert.That(results[3].Properties, Is.Not.Empty);

            SvnPropertyCollection pc;
            Assert.That(Client.TryGetAllInheritedProperties(Path.Combine(wc, "nop"), out pc), Is.False);

            Assert.That(Client.TryGetAllInheritedProperties(Path.Combine(wc, "jobs"), out pc));
            Assert.That(pc, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(pc.Contains("trunk"), "Contains trunk");
        void SetProjectRootValue(string value)
            if (SolutionFilename == null)

            string sd = SvnTools.PathToRelativeUri(SvnTools.GetNormalizedDirectoryName(SolutionFilename).TrimEnd('\\') + '\\').ToString();
            string v  = SvnTools.PathToRelativeUri(SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(value)).ToString();

            if (!v.EndsWith("/"))
                v += "/";

            if (!sd.StartsWith(v, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            Uri solUri;
            Uri resUri;

            if (!Uri.TryCreate("file:///" + sd.Replace('\\', '/'), UriKind.Absolute, out solUri) ||
                !Uri.TryCreate("file:///" + v.Replace('\\', '/'), UriKind.Absolute, out resUri))

            using (SvnClient client = GetService <ISvnClientPool>().GetNoUIClient())
                SvnSetPropertyArgs ps = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();
                ps.ThrowOnError = false;

                client.SetProperty(SolutionFilename, AnkhSccPropertyNames.ProjectRoot, solUri.MakeRelativeUri(resUri).ToString(), ps);

                GetService <ISvnStatusCache>().MarkDirty(SolutionFilename);
                // The getter will reload the settings for us

            _cache = null;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Add to ignore list...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Ignore(string value)
            var returnValue = false;

                //Get Uri from file path
                var uri = _svnClient.GetUriFromWorkingCopy(_repo);

                // To Get the Latest Revision on the Required SVN Folder
                SvnInfoEventArgs info;
                _svnClient.GetInfo(uri, out info);

                //SvnGetPropertyArgs getPropertyArgs = new SvnGetPropertyArgs()
                //    Revision = info.Revision

                //_svnClient.GetProperty(uri, "svn:ignore", getPropertyArgs, out SvnTargetPropertyCollection x);

                // Prepare a PropertyArgs object with latest revision and a commit message;
                SvnSetPropertyArgs setPropertyArgs = new SvnSetPropertyArgs()
                    BaseRevision = info.Revision, LogMessage = "SVN Ignore"

                // Set property to file in the svn directory
                returnValue = _svnClient.RemoteSetProperty(uri, "svn:ignore", value, setPropertyArgs);
            catch (Exception ex)

Exemple #8
        public static bool WriteExternals(SvnClient client, string externalsHostUrl, SvnExternalItem[] extItems, long revision)
            // reassemble value from parsed items
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var ei in extItems)
                ei.WriteTo(sb, false);
            var externalsPropValue = sb.ToString();

            //  - set svn:external property back to given url + ext.LocalPath
            var args = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();

            args.BaseRevision = revision;
            args.LogMessage   = "";
            if (!client.RemoteSetProperty(new Uri(externalsHostUrl), "svn:externals", externalsPropValue, args))

        internal void HandleEvent(AnkhCommand command)
            List <SccProject>         dirtyProjects;
            HybridCollection <string> dirtyCheck;
            HybridCollection <string> maybeAdd;

            SvnSccProvider provider = GetService <SvnSccProvider>();

            lock (_lock)
                _posted = false;
                _onIdle = false;

                if (provider == null)

                dirtyProjects  = _dirtyProjects;
                dirtyCheck     = _dirtyCheck;
                maybeAdd       = _maybeAdd;
                _dirtyProjects = null;
                _dirtyCheck    = null;
                _maybeAdd      = null;

            if (dirtyCheck != null)
                foreach (string file in dirtyCheck)

            if (dirtyProjects != null)
                foreach (SccProject project in dirtyProjects)
                    if (project.IsSolution)

            if (maybeAdd != null)
                using (SvnClient cl = GetService <ISvnClientPool>().GetNoUIClient())
                    foreach (string file in maybeAdd)
                        SvnItem item = SvnCache[file];
                        // Only add
                        // * files
                        // * that are unversioned
                        // * that are addable
                        // * that are not ignored
                        // * and just to be sure: that are still part of the solution
                        if (item.IsFile && !item.IsVersioned &&
                            item.IsVersionable && !item.IsIgnored &&
                            item.InSolution && !item.IsSccExcluded)
                            SvnAddArgs aa = new SvnAddArgs();
                            aa.ThrowOnError = false; // Just ignore errors here; make the user add them themselves
                            aa.AddParents   = true;

                            if (cl.Add(item.FullPath, aa))

                                // Detect if we have a file that Subversion might detect as binary
                                if (item.IsVersioned && !item.IsTextFile)
                                    // Only check small files, avoid checking big binary files
                                    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(item.FullPath);
                                    if (fi.Length < 10)
                                        // We're sure it's at most 10 bytes here, so just read all
                                        byte[] fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(item.FullPath);

                                        // If the file starts with a UTF8 BOM, we're sure enough it's a text file, keep UTF16 & 32 binary
                                        if (StartsWith(fileBytes, new byte[] { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF }))
                                            // Delete the mime type property, so it's detected as a text file again
                                            SvnSetPropertyArgs pa = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();
                                            pa.ThrowOnError = false;
                                            cl.DeleteProperty(item.FullPath, SvnPropertyNames.SvnMimeType, pa);
 public void SaveProperty(string propertyName, string value, string target, bool recursive, bool skipChecks)
         SvnSetPropertyArgs args = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();
         args.SkipChecks = skipChecks;
         args.Depth = recursive ? SvnDepth.Infinity : SvnDepth.Children;
         client.SetProperty(target, propertyName, value, args);
     catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #11
        public void ChangeInfo_GetInfoCompare()
            SvnSandBox sbox = new SvnSandBox(this);
            Uri reposUri = sbox.CreateRepository(SandBoxRepository.MergeScenario);
            string reposPath = reposUri.LocalPath;

            using (SvnClient cl = new SvnClient())
                SvnSetPropertyArgs sa = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();
                sa.BaseRevision = 17;
                sa.LogMessage = "Message";
                cl.RemoteSetProperty(reposUri, "MyProp", "Value", sa);

            for (long ii = 1; ii < 19; ii++)
                using (SvnLookClient lcl = new SvnLookClient())
                using (SvnClient cl = new SvnClient())
                    SvnChangeInfoEventArgs r;
                    SvnChangeInfoArgs ia = new SvnChangeInfoArgs();
                    SvnLookOrigin origin = new SvnLookOrigin(reposPath, ii);

                    SvnLogArgs la = new SvnLogArgs();
                    la.Start = la.End = ii;

                    Collection<SvnLogEventArgs> lrc;
                    //ia.RetrieveChangedPaths = false; // Will fail if true
                    Assert.That(lcl.GetChangeInfo(origin, ia, out r));
                    Assert.That(cl.GetLog(reposUri, la, out lrc));

                    Assert.That(r, Is.Not.Null);
                    Assert.That(lrc.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

                    SvnLogEventArgs lr = lrc[0];

                    Assert.That(r.Author, Is.EqualTo(lr.Author));
                    Assert.That(r.Revision, Is.EqualTo(lr.Revision));
                    Assert.That(r.BaseRevision, Is.EqualTo(lr.Revision - 1));
                    Assert.That(r.LogMessage, Is.EqualTo(lr.LogMessage));
                    Assert.That(r.Time, Is.EqualTo(lr.Time));

                    Assert.That(r.ChangedPaths, Is.Not.Null, "r.ChangedPaths({0})", ii);
                    Assert.That(lr.ChangedPaths, Is.Not.Null, "lr.ChangedPaths({0})", ii);

                    Assert.That(r.ChangedPaths.Count, Is.EqualTo(lr.ChangedPaths.Count));

                    for (int i = 0; i < r.ChangedPaths.Count; i++)
                        SvnChangeItem c = r.ChangedPaths[i];
                        SvnChangeItem lc = lr.ChangedPaths[c.Path];

                        Assert.That(c.Path, Is.EqualTo(lc.Path));
                        Assert.That(c.Action, Is.EqualTo(lc.Action));
                        Assert.That(c.CopyFromPath, Is.EqualTo(lc.CopyFromPath));
                        Assert.That(c.CopyFromRevision, Is.EqualTo(lc.CopyFromRevision));
Exemple #12
        void SetProjectRootValue(string value)
            if (SolutionFilename == null)

            string sd = SvnTools.PathToRelativeUri(SvnTools.GetNormalizedDirectoryName(SolutionFilename).TrimEnd('\\') + '\\').ToString();
            string v = SvnTools.PathToRelativeUri(SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(value)).ToString();

            if (!v.EndsWith("/"))
                v += "/";

            if (!sd.StartsWith(v, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            Uri solUri;
            Uri resUri;

            if (!Uri.TryCreate("file:///" + sd.Replace('\\', '/'), UriKind.Absolute, out solUri)
                || !Uri.TryCreate("file:///" + v.Replace('\\', '/'), UriKind.Absolute, out resUri))

            using (SvnClient client = GetService<ISvnClientPool>().GetNoUIClient())
                SvnSetPropertyArgs ps = new SvnSetPropertyArgs();
                ps.ThrowOnError = false;

                client.SetProperty(SolutionFilename, AnkhSccPropertyNames.ProjectRoot, solUri.MakeRelativeUri(resUri).ToString(), ps);

                // The getter will reload the settings for us

            _cache = null;