Exemple #1
        public static Image svg(string folder, string name, Size size, Color color)
            var key = getKey(name, size, color);

            if (images.ContainsKey(key))
            if (!folder.EndsWith("\\"))
                folder = string.Concat(folder, "\\");
            var svg_path = string.Concat(folder, name, ".svg");

                var svgDoc = SvgDocument.Open(svg_path);
                var c      = new SvgColourServer(color);
                setColor(svgDoc, c);
                svgDoc.Width  = size.Width;
                svgDoc.Height = size.Height;
                var image = svgDoc.Draw();
                images[key] = image;
            catch { }
            if (null_image == null)
                null_image = ImageUtil.imageWithColor(Color.Transparent, new Size(10, 10));
Exemple #2
        public static Image svgByXml(string xml, string name, Size size, Color color)
            var key = getKey(name, size, color);

            if (images.ContainsKey(key))
                var xDoc = new XmlDocument();
                var svgDoc = SvgDocument.Open(xDoc);
                var c      = new SvgColourServer(color);
                setColor(svgDoc, c);
                svgDoc.Width  = size.Width;
                svgDoc.Height = size.Height;
                var image = svgDoc.Draw();
                images[key] = image;
            catch { }
            if (null_image == null)
                null_image = ImageUtil.imageWithColor(Color.Transparent, new Size(10, 10));
Exemple #3
        public override RenderedSvg RenderColumn()
            RenderedSvg result = base.RenderColumn();

            SvgGroup        group      = new SvgGroup();
            SvgColourServer blackPaint = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            double width = view.RenderSize.Width;

            //drawing layer boundaries
            LayerVM[] layers   = columnVm.Layers.ToArray();
            double    boundary = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++)
                LayerVM lVM = layers[i];
                if (i < layers.Length - 1)
                    boundary += lVM.Length;
                    SvgLine line = new SvgLine();
                    line.Stroke = blackPaint;
                    line.StartX = Helpers.dtos(0.0);
                    line.EndX   = Helpers.dtos(width);
                    line.StartY = Helpers.dtos(boundary);
                    line.EndY   = Helpers.dtos(boundary);
                var layerSvg = layerPainter.Paint(layers[i], width, lVM.Length);
                layerSvg.Transforms.Add(new Svg.Transforms.SvgTranslate(0.0f, (float)(boundary - lVM.Length)));

            result.SVG = group;
        public RenderedSvg RenderHeader()
            RenderedSvg result = new RenderedSvg();

            SvgPaintServer blackPaint = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            string[] spans    = vm.Heading.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
            SvgText  text     = new SvgText();
            float    fontSize = 10.0f;

            foreach (var span in spans)
                SvgTextSpan tspan = new SvgTextSpan();
                tspan.Text     = span;
                tspan.FontSize = new SvgUnit(fontSize);
                tspan.Dy.Add(Helpers.dtos(fontSize * 1.2));
                tspan.Fill = blackPaint;
            //text.Transforms.Add(new Svg.Transforms.SvgTranslate(0, (float)(- (fontSize * 1.2) * spans.Length * 0.5)));

            result.RenderedSize = headerView.RenderSize;
            result.SVG          = text;
Exemple #5
 private static void setColor(SvgElement svgEle, SvgColourServer color)
     svgEle.Fill = color;
     foreach (SvgElement sub in svgEle.Children)
         setColor(sub, color);
Exemple #6
 private void FillElement(SvgElement elem, SvgColourServer c)
     if (!elem.Fill.Equals(new SvgColourServer(Color.Transparent)))
         elem.Fill = c;
     elem.Stroke = c;
     foreach (SvgElement elem2 in elem.Children)
         FillElement(elem2, c);
        private void setTextlist(SvgDocument svg, ResponseValue responseVar, Textlist textlist, ref SvgRectangle rectangle, ref SvgTextSpan svgText)
            int             textId    = int.Parse(responseVar.value.ToString());
            SvgColourServer rectColor = new SvgColourServer(Color.FromName(textlist.items[textId].bgColor));

            rectangle.Fill = rectColor;

            svgText.Text = textlist.items[textId].value;
            SvgColourServer textColor = new SvgColourServer(Color.FromName(textlist.items[textId].textColor));

            svgText.Fill = textColor;
Exemple #8
        /// ************************************************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Dictionary with Bitmaps of the same height from SVG sources
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="icons">Dictionary with icons</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">Height of icons</param>
        /// <param name="foregroundColor1">Foreground color for main text, it is used to change color of some icons</param>
        /// <param name="foregroundColor2">Foreground color for additional text, it is used to change color of some icons</param>
        /// <returns>true if Dictionary successfully created</returns>
        public static bool CreateIconsDictionaryFromSVG(out Dictionary <string, BitmapImage> icons,
                                                        double fontSize,
                                                        string foregroundColor1,
                                                        string foregroundColor2,
                                                        string foregroundColor3)
            bool result = true;

            icons = new Dictionary <string, BitmapImage>();
            System.Windows.Media.Color color1 = (System.Windows.Media.Color)System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(foregroundColor1);
            System.Windows.Media.Color color2 = (System.Windows.Media.Color)System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(foregroundColor2);
            System.Windows.Media.Color color3 = (System.Windows.Media.Color)System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(foregroundColor3);

            foregroundColor[0] = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(color1.R, color1.G, color1.B));
            foregroundColor[1] = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(color2.R, color2.G, color2.B));
            foregroundColor[2] = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(color3.R, color3.G, color3.B));

            string[] svgNames = GetResourcesNamesFromFolder("SVGIcons");

            foreach (string svgName in svgNames)
                    string key          = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(svgName).ToUpperInvariant();
                    bool   changeColor1 = Array.IndexOf(FollowForegroundIconKey1, key) >= 0;
                    bool   changeColor2 = Array.IndexOf(FollowForegroundIconKey2, key) >= 0;
                    bool   changeColor3 = Array.IndexOf(FollowForegroundIconKey3, key) >= 0;

                    BitmapImage bi = GetBitmapFromSVG(new Uri(SvgPath + svgName), fontSize, changeColor1 || changeColor2 || changeColor3, changeColor1 ? 0 : (changeColor2 ? 1 : 2));
                    icons.Add(key, bi);
                catch (ArgumentException ex)
                    result = false;
                catch (UriFormatException ex2)
                    result = false;
Exemple #9
        private void BtnLoad_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var            red            = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Red);
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            openFileDialog.Filter      = "svg文件|*.svg";
            openFileDialog.Multiselect = false;
            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog().GetValueOrDefault())
                string      path   = openFileDialog.FileName;
                SvgDocument svgdoc = SvgDocument.Open(path);
                var         lines  = svgdoc.Children.FindSvgElementsOf <SvgLine>();
                foreach (var item in lines)
                    item.Stroke = red;
                svgdoc.Draw().Save("tmp.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                BitmapImage bitmap = GetBitmap("tmp.png");
                img.Source = bitmap;
        public override RenderedSvg RenderColumn()
            RenderedSvg result     = base.RenderColumn();
            double      width      = result.RenderedSize.Width;
            SvgGroup    linesGroup = new SvgGroup();

            SvgColourServer blackPaint = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            int minRank = int.MaxValue;

            LayerBoundary[] boundaries = vm.Boundaries.OrderBy(b => b.Level).ToArray();

            var rank = boundaries.Select(b => b.Rank).Min();

            for (int i = 0; i < boundaries.Length; i++)
                LayerBoundary boundary = boundaries[i];
                SvgLine       line     = new SvgLine();
                line.StartX = Helpers.dtos(0.0);
                line.EndX   = Helpers.dtos(width);
                line.StartY = Helpers.dtos(boundary.Level);
                line.EndY   = Helpers.dtos(boundary.Level);
                line.Stroke = blackPaint;

                minRank = Math.Min(minRank, boundary.Rank);

                string textStr = string.Format("{0}", boundary.Numbers[rank]);

                //putting layer number as well
                SvgText text2 = new SvgText(textStr);
                text2.Transforms.Add(new Svg.Transforms.SvgTranslate(labelXoffset, (float)(boundary.Level + labelYoffset)));
                text2.FontSize = Helpers.dtos(10.0);
                text2.Fill     = blackPaint;
            result.SVG = linesGroup;
        private void setAgeBar(SvgDocument svg, ResponseValue responseValue, AgeBar ageBar, ref SvgRectangle rectangle, ref SvgRectangle defaultRectangle, bool vertical = false)
            float value = float.Parse(responseValue.value.ToString());

            if (vertical == false)
                var   widthType  = defaultRectangle.Width.Type;
                float widthValue = (defaultRectangle.Width.Value / ageBar.maxAge) * value;

                SvgUnit width = new SvgUnit(widthType, widthValue);
                if (widthValue > ageBar.firstLimit && widthValue < ageBar.secLimit)
                    SvgColourServer rectangleColor = new SvgColourServer(Color.FromName(ageBar.firstColor));
                    rectangle.Fill = rectangleColor;
                else if (widthValue > ageBar.secLimit)
                    SvgColourServer rectangleColor = new SvgColourServer(Color.FromName(ageBar.secondColor));
                    rectangle.Fill = rectangleColor;
                    SvgColourServer rectangleColor = new SvgColourServer(Color.FromName(ageBar.thirdColor));
                    rectangle.Fill = rectangleColor;
                rectangle.Width = width;
                var c = Color.FromName(ageBar.thirdColor);
                //initial height is missing in config
                SvgColourServer rectangleColor = new SvgColourServer(c);
                rectangle.Fill = rectangleColor;
                var     heightType  = defaultRectangle.Height.Type;
                float   heightValue = (defaultRectangle.Height.Value / ageBar.maxAge) * value;
                SvgUnit height      = new SvgUnit(heightType, heightValue);
                rectangle.Height = heightValue;
Exemple #12
        public override void Draw(SvgDocument Svg, FlagMainPattern flag, PointF pos, float size, Color c, Random R)
            string[] files      = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(Program.SavePath) + "/../../../RelatedProjects/FlagGeneration/Resources/CoatOfArms");
            string   chosenPath = files[R.Next(files.Length)];

            SvgDocument prefab = SvgDocument.Open(chosenPath);

            prefab.Width  = size;
            prefab.Height = size;
            prefab.X      = pos.X - size / 2;
            prefab.Y      = pos.Y - size / 2;
            SvgColourServer colServ = new SvgColourServer(c);

            prefab.Fill   = colServ;
            prefab.Stroke = colServ;
            foreach (SvgElement elem in prefab.Children)
                FillElement(elem, colServ);

Exemple #13
        //public void AfficherTraitsClassique()
        //    StrokeCollection strokeCollections = Traits.Clone();
        //    StylusPointCollection points = new StylusPointCollection();

        //    foreach (Stroke stroke in strokeCollections)
        //    {
        //        points.Add(stroke.StylusPoints);
        //        StylusPointCollection first = new StylusPointCollection();
        //        first.Add(points[0]);
        //        Stroke newStroke = new Stroke(first);
        //        DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer();
        //        timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10);
        //        timer.Start();
        //        int index = 0;
        //        timer.Tick += (s, a) =>
        //        {

        //            newStroke.StylusPoints.Insert(index, points[index]);
        //            if (!NouveauxTraits.Contains(newStroke))
        //            {
        //                NouveauxTraits.Add(newStroke);
        //            }
        //            index++;
        //            if (index >= points.Count) timer.Stop();
        //        };
        //    };


        private void ConvertDrawingToSVG(object sender)
            var svg         = new SvgDocument();
            var colorServer = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            var group = new SvgGroup {
                Fill = colorServer, Stroke = colorServer


            foreach (var stroke in Traits)
                var geometry = stroke.GetGeometry(stroke.DrawingAttributes).GetOutlinedPath‌​Geometry();

                var s = XamlWriter.Save(geometry);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                    var element = XElement.Parse(s);

                    var data = element.Attribute("Figures")?.Value;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                        group.Children.Add(new SvgPath
                            PathData = SvgPathBuilder.Parse(data),
                            Fill     = colorServer,
                            Stroke   = colorServer

            Mediator.Notify("GoToNewDrawingConfirmation", "");
Exemple #14
        public static string ConvertDrawingToSVG(StrokeCollection traits)
            var svg         = new SvgDocument();
            var colorServer = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            var group = new SvgGroup {
                Fill = colorServer, Stroke = colorServer


            foreach (var stroke in traits)
                var geometry = stroke.GetGeometry(stroke.DrawingAttributes).GetOutlinedPath‌​Geometry();

                var s = XamlWriter.Save(geometry);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                    var element = XElement.Parse(s);

                    var data = element.Attribute("Figures")?.Value;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                        group.Children.Add(new SvgPath
                            PathData = SvgPathBuilder.Parse(data),
                            Fill     = colorServer,
                            Stroke   = colorServer
Exemple #15
 private static SvgLine Line(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY, SvgColourServer color)
     return(new SvgLine
         StartX = startX.Px(),
         StartY = startY.Px(),
         EndX = endX.Px(),
         EndY = endY.Px(),
         Stroke = color,
         StrokeWidth = Units.Mm(Constants.Kerf)
Exemple #16
        private SvgColourServer ChangeAlphaColor(SvgColourServer color, int alpha)
            var replaceColor = Color.FromArgb(alpha, color.Colour);

            return(new SvgColourServer(replaceColor));
Exemple #17
        private void BtnSVG_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var         blue   = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
            var         yellow = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);
            var         white  = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.White);
            var         black  = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
            SvgDocument svgdoc = new SvgDocument();

            svgdoc.Width   = new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Pixel, 500);
            svgdoc.Height  = new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Pixel, 500);
            svgdoc.ViewBox = new SvgViewBox(0, 0, 500, 500);

            var group = new SvgGroup();

            var dd = new SvgFontStyleConverter();

            group.Children.Add(new SvgText
                Text = "华青仪表",
                X    = new SvgUnitCollection {
                    new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Pixel, 100)
                Y = new SvgUnitCollection {
                    new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Pixel, 100)
                FontSize = new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Point, 20),
                Fill     = black,
                Font     = "黑体"

            SvgLine line = new SvgLine();

            line.StartX = new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Pixel, 10);
            line.StartY = new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Pixel, 110);
            line.EndX   = new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Pixel, 400);
            line.EndY   = new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Pixel, 400);
            SvgCircle circle = new SvgCircle()
                CenterX     = 250,
                CenterY     = 250,
                Stroke      = blue,
                Radius      = 50,
                StrokeWidth = new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Pixel, 5)

            line.Stroke      = blue;
            line.Fill        = blue;
            line.StrokeWidth = new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Pixel, 5);

            #region 使用时,svg文档与数据库

             * 然后SvgDocument.FromSvg<SvgDocument>()读取SvgDocument,在提取里面的<g>标签,
             * 给<g>加上平移变换translate即可实现将现有svg文档导入另外一个文档*/
            //string strDoc = "";
            //XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
            //strDoc = xmlDoc.InnerXml;
            //strDoc = ReadFromDB();
            //var dd = SvgDocument.FromSvg<SvgDocument>(strDoc);
            //var g = dd.Children.FindSvgElementOf<SvgGroup>();

            //加载表盘测试.svg,将其中的group 加入到当前svg
            SvgDocument svgtest    = SvgDocument.Open("表盘测试.svg");
            var         groupstest = svgtest.Children.FindSvgElementsOf <SvgGroup>();
            foreach (var g in groupstest)
                g.Transforms.Add(new Svg.Transforms.SvgTranslate(50, 50));

            //string strPath = @"<path transform=""translate(-20,0)"" fill-rule=""evenodd"" clip-rule=""evenodd"" fill=""none"" stroke=""#000000"" stroke-width=""1.4173"" stroke-miterlimit=""2.4142"" d=""

             * <path transform="translate(-20,0)" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1.4173" stroke-miterlimit="2.4142" d="
             *                  M217.274,209.852c4.294,0,7.796,3.502,7.796,7.795c0,4.295-3.502,7.797-7.796,7.797s-7.795-3.502-7.795-7.797
             *                  C209.479,213.354,212.98,209.852,217.274,209.852L217.274,209.852z"/>
            //var b = SvgPathBuilder.Parse(@"M217.274,209.852c4.294,0,7.796,3.502,7.796,7.795c0,4.295-3.502,7.797-7.796,7.797s-7.795-3.502-7.795-7.797
            //    C209.479, 213.354, 212.98, 209.852, 217.274, 209.852L217.274, 209.852z");
            //SvgPath p = new SvgPath();
            //p.PathData = b;

            svgdoc.Draw().Save("456.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
            MessageBox.Show("456.svg + 456.png");
            BitmapImage bitmap = GetBitmap("456.png");
            img.Source = bitmap;
        public static SvgDocument Generate(ISvgRenderableColumn[] columns, ILegendGroup[] legend)
            //generating headers
            SvgGroup       headerGroup      = new SvgGroup();
            SvgPaintServer blackPaint       = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
            double         horizontalOffset = 0.0;
            double         headerHeight     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                RenderedSvg  heading = columns[i].RenderHeader();
                SvgRectangle rect    = new SvgRectangle();
                headerHeight = heading.RenderedSize.Height;
                rect.Width   = Helpers.dtos(heading.RenderedSize.Width);
                rect.Height  = Helpers.dtos(heading.RenderedSize.Height);
                rect.X       = Helpers.dtos(horizontalOffset);
                rect.Y       = Helpers.dtos(0.0);
                rect.Stroke  = blackPaint;

                heading.SVG.Transforms.Add(new SvgTranslate((float)(horizontalOffset + heading.RenderedSize.Width * 0.5), (float)heading.RenderedSize.Height * 0.9f));
                heading.SVG.Transforms.Add(new SvgRotate((float)-90.0));

                horizontalOffset += heading.RenderedSize.Width;
            //generating columns
            SvgGroup columnsGroup = new SvgGroup();
            double   columnHeight = 0.0;

            horizontalOffset = 0.0;
            columnsGroup.Transforms.Add(new SvgTranslate(0.0f, (float)headerHeight));
            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                RenderedSvg  column = columns[i].RenderColumn();
                SvgRectangle rect   = new SvgRectangle();
                columnHeight = column.RenderedSize.Height;
                rect.Width   = Helpers.dtos(column.RenderedSize.Width);
                rect.Height  = Helpers.dtos(column.RenderedSize.Height);
                rect.X       = Helpers.dtos(horizontalOffset);
                rect.Y       = Helpers.dtos(0.0);
                rect.Stroke  = blackPaint;

                column.SVG.Transforms.Add(new SvgTranslate((float)(horizontalOffset)));


                horizontalOffset += column.RenderedSize.Width;

            //generating legend group
            SvgGroup legendGroup = new SvgGroup();

            const float legendYGap    = 30.0f;
            const float legendXOffset = 10.0f;

            legendGroup.Transforms.Add(new SvgTranslate(legendXOffset, Helpers.dtos(headerHeight + columnHeight + legendYGap)));

            const float titleYoffset    = 60.0f;
            const float itemsYoffset    = 20.0f;
            const float itemYgap        = 20.0f;
            const float interGroupYgap  = 15.0f;
            const float itemImageWidth  = 64.0f;
            const float itemImageHeight = 32.0f;
            const float descrXoffset    = 150.0f;

            SvgText legendTitle = new SvgText("Условные обозначения");

            legendTitle.FontSize = 22;
            legendTitle.Fill     = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
            legendTitle.Transforms.Add(new SvgTranslate(30.0f, Helpers.dtos(titleYoffset * 0.25f)));

            float currGroupOffset = 0.0f;
            int   k = 0;

            foreach (ILegendGroup group in legend)
                SvgText groupTitle = new SvgText(group.GroupName);
                groupTitle.FontSize = new SvgUnit((float)18);
                groupTitle.Fill     = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                groupTitle.Transforms.Add(new SvgTranslate(0.0f, currGroupOffset + titleYoffset));

                var items = group.Items;

                int j = 0;

                SvgElement[] fragments = items.Select(item => item.GetPresentation(itemImageWidth, itemImageHeight)).ToArray();

                foreach (var item in items)
                    if (fragments[j] == null)

                    float yOffset = currGroupOffset + titleYoffset + itemsYoffset + j * (itemYgap + itemImageHeight);

                    if (fragments[j] is SvgFragment)
                        SvgFragment fragment = (SvgFragment)fragments[j];
                        fragment.X = 0;
                        fragment.Y = yOffset;
                        fragments[j].Transforms.Add(new SvgTranslate(0, yOffset));


                    SvgText text = new SvgText(item.Description);
                    text.FontSize = new SvgUnit((float)14);
                    text.Fill     = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                    text.Transforms.Add(new SvgTranslate(descrXoffset, yOffset + itemImageHeight * 0.5f));
                currGroupOffset += titleYoffset + itemsYoffset + (itemYgap + itemImageHeight) * items.Length + interGroupYgap;

            //gathering definitions
            SvgDefinitionList allDefs = new SvgDefinitionList();

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                SvgDefinitionList defs = columns[i].Definitions;
                foreach (SvgPatternServer def in defs.Children)
                    //overridings tile size

            SvgDocument result = new SvgDocument();

            result.Width  = Helpers.dtos(horizontalOffset);
            result.Height = Helpers.dtos((headerHeight + columnHeight + legendYGap + currGroupOffset));
            result.Fill   = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.White);

Exemple #19
        public void GenerateSVG()
            SvgDocument doc = new SvgDocument();

            doc.FontSize = 16;

            SvgColourServer blackPainter = new SvgColourServer(Color.Black);
            SvgColourServer whitePainter = new SvgColourServer(Color.White);
            SvgColourServer grayPainter  = new SvgColourServer(Color.Gray);
            SvgColourServer greenPainter = new SvgColourServer(Color.LightGreen);

            int round_gap              = 50;
            int matchup_width          = 400;
            int matchup_height         = 150;
            int matchup_team_x_offset  = 20;
            int matchup_team_y_offset  = 50;
            int matchup_team_font_size = 36;
            int matchup_vs_font_size   = 24;

            int matchup_offset_y = 0;
            int matchup_gap_y    = 10;

            for (int r_i = 0; r_i < Rounds.Count; r_i++)
                Round r = Rounds[r_i];
                Console.WriteLine("Round {0} Matches: ", r.ID);

                //Calculate matchup gap
                int round_x_offset = r_i * (matchup_width + round_gap);

                for (int m_i = 0; m_i < r.Matchups.Count; m_i++)
                    Matchup m = r.Matchups[m_i];

                    int round_y_offset = m_i * (matchup_height + matchup_gap_y) + matchup_offset_y;

                    //Draw Rectangle per Matchup

                    SvgRectangle rec = new SvgRectangle();
                    rec.X           = round_x_offset;
                    rec.Y           = round_y_offset;
                    rec.Width       = matchup_width;
                    rec.Height      = matchup_height;
                    rec.Stroke      = blackPainter;
                    rec.StrokeWidth = 2;

                    if (!m.IsFinished)
                        rec.Fill = whitePainter;
                        rec.Fill = greenPainter;


                    //Team 1 Text
                    string team_text = "TBD";
                    string team_id   = "";
                    if (m.Team1 != null)
                        if (m.Team1.IsDummy)
                            team_text = "-";
                            team_text = m.Team1.Name;
                            team_id   = m.Team1.ID.ToString("00");

                    //Add Text
                    //Τeam ID
                    SvgText t1 = new SvgText(team_id);
                    t1.FontSize = matchup_team_font_size;
                    t1.X.Add(round_x_offset + matchup_team_x_offset - 10);
                    t1.Y.Add(round_y_offset + matchup_team_y_offset);

                    //Τeam Name
                    t1 = new SvgText(team_text);
                    if (m.Team1 == m.Winner && m.Winner != null)
                        t1.FontWeight = SvgFontWeight.Bold;
                    t1.FontSize = matchup_team_font_size;
                    t1.X.Add(round_x_offset + 50 + matchup_team_x_offset);
                    t1.Y.Add(round_y_offset + matchup_team_y_offset);

                    SvgText t3 = new SvgText("vs");
                    t3.FontSize = matchup_vs_font_size;
                    t3.X.Add(round_x_offset + matchup_team_x_offset);
                    t3.Y.Add(round_y_offset + 5 + matchup_height / 2.0f);

                    //Horizontal Matchup Splitter Line Part 1
                    //Add horizontal line
                    SvgLine hl1 = new SvgLine();
                    hl1.Stroke        = blackPainter;
                    hl1.StrokeWidth   = 5;
                    hl1.StrokeOpacity = 1.0f;
                    hl1.FillOpacity   = 1.0f;
                    hl1.StartX        = round_x_offset + matchup_team_x_offset + 40;
                    hl1.StartY        = round_y_offset + matchup_height / 2.0f;
                    hl1.EndX          = round_x_offset + matchup_width;
                    hl1.EndY          = hl1.StartY;

                    //Vertical Line on the splitter
                    SvgLine vl1 = new SvgLine();
                    vl1.Stroke        = blackPainter;
                    vl1.StrokeWidth   = 5;
                    vl1.StrokeOpacity = 1.0f;
                    vl1.FillOpacity   = 1.0f;
                    vl1.StartX        = hl1.StartX;
                    vl1.StartY        = hl1.StartY;
                    vl1.EndX          = vl1.StartX;
                    vl1.EndY          = hl1.StartY - matchup_height / 2.0f;

                    SvgLine vl2 = new SvgLine();
                    vl2.Stroke        = blackPainter;
                    vl2.StrokeWidth   = 5;
                    vl2.StrokeOpacity = 1.0f;
                    vl2.FillOpacity   = 1.0f;
                    vl2.StartX        = hl1.StartX;
                    vl2.StartY        = hl1.StartY;
                    vl2.EndX          = vl1.StartX;
                    vl2.EndY          = hl1.StartY + matchup_height / 2.0f;

                    //Team 2 Text
                    team_text = "TBD";
                    team_id   = "";
                    if (m.Team2 != null)
                        if (m.Team2.IsDummy)
                            team_text = "-";
                            team_text = m.Team2.Name;
                            team_id   = m.Team2.ID.ToString("00");

                    //Τeam ID
                    SvgText t2 = new SvgText(team_id);
                    t2.FontSize = matchup_team_font_size;
                    t2.X.Add(round_x_offset + matchup_team_x_offset - 10);
                    t2.Y.Add(round_y_offset + matchup_height / 2.0f + matchup_team_y_offset);

                    t2 = new SvgText(team_text);
                    if (m.Team2 == m.Winner && m.Winner != null)
                        t2.FontWeight = SvgFontWeight.Bold;
                    t2.FontSize = matchup_team_font_size;
                    t2.X.Add(round_x_offset + 50 + matchup_team_x_offset);
                    t2.Y.Add(round_y_offset + matchup_height / 2.0f + matchup_team_y_offset);

                    //Draw Matchup Connector to next Matchup
                    if (r_i != Rounds.Count - 1)
                        //Add horizontal line
                        SvgLine l = new SvgLine();
                        l.Stroke        = grayPainter;
                        l.StrokeWidth   = 5;
                        l.StrokeOpacity = 1.0f;
                        l.FillOpacity   = 1.0f;
                        l.StartX        = round_x_offset + matchup_width;
                        l.StartY        = round_y_offset + matchup_height / 2.0f;
                        l.EndX          = l.StartX + round_gap / 2.0f;
                        l.EndY          = l.StartY;

                        //Vertical Line
                        SvgLine l1 = new SvgLine();
                        l1.Stroke        = grayPainter;
                        l1.StrokeWidth   = 5;
                        l1.StrokeOpacity = 1.0f;
                        l1.FillOpacity   = 1.0f;
                        l1.StartX        = l.EndX;
                        l1.StartY        = l.EndY;
                        l1.EndX          = l.EndX;

                        if (m_i % 2 == 0)
                            l1.EndY = l.StartY + (matchup_height + matchup_gap_y) / 2.0f;
                            l1.EndY = l.StartY - (matchup_height + matchup_gap_y) / 2.0f;

                        //Last horizontal line
                        SvgLine l2 = new SvgLine();
                        l2.Stroke        = grayPainter;
                        l2.StrokeWidth   = 5;
                        l2.StrokeOpacity = 1.0f;
                        l2.FillOpacity   = 1.0f;
                        l2.StartX        = l1.EndX;
                        l2.StartY        = l1.EndY;
                        l2.EndX          = l1.EndX + round_gap / 2.0f;
                        l2.EndY          = l1.EndY;

                //Update Matchup gaps and offsets
                matchup_offset_y += (matchup_height + matchup_gap_y) / 2;
                matchup_gap_y     = 2 * (matchup_gap_y + matchup_height) - matchup_height;

            Bitmap img = doc.Draw();

        public override RenderedSvg RenderColumn()
            RenderedSvg result = base.RenderColumn();
            SvgGroup    group  = new SvgGroup();

            SvgColourServer blackPiant = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            //first adding ticks
            double tickStep = Math.Pow(10.0, TickDepthResolutionOrder);
            double tickStart;

            if (TickDepthResolutionOrder <= 0)
                tickStart = Math.Round(vm.UpperBound, -TickDepthResolutionOrder);
                tickStart = Math.Round(vm.UpperBound / tickStep) * tickStep;

            if (tickStart < vm.UpperBound)
                tickStart += tickStart;

            double tick = tickStart;

            //How many WPF units in 1 real meter of depth
            double depthScaleFactor = vm.ColumnHeight / (vm.LowerBound - vm.UpperBound);

            Func <double, double> depthToY = depth => (depth - vm.UpperBound) * depthScaleFactor;

            while (tick < vm.LowerBound)
                SvgLine line = new SvgLine();
                line.Stroke = blackPiant;
                line.StartX = Helpers.dtos(0);
                line.EndX   = Helpers.dtos(labelXoffset);
                line.StartY = Helpers.dtos(depthToY(tick));
                line.EndY   = Helpers.dtos(depthToY(tick));

                tick += tickStep;

                //SvgText text = new SvgText(string.Format("{0}",tick));
                //text.Transforms.Add(new Svg.Transforms.SvgTranslate());

            //now adding labels
            double labelStep = Math.Pow(10.0, LabelDepthResolutionOrder);
            double labelStart;

            if (LabelDepthResolutionOrder <= 0)
                labelStart = Math.Round(vm.UpperBound, -LabelDepthResolutionOrder);
                labelStart = Math.Round(vm.UpperBound / labelStep) * labelStep;

            if (labelStart < vm.UpperBound)
                labelStart += labelStep;

            double label = labelStart;

            while (label < vm.LowerBound)
                SvgText text = new SvgText(string.Format("{0}", label));
                text.Transforms.Add(new Svg.Transforms.SvgTranslate(labelXoffset, (float)depthToY(label) + labelYoffset));
                text.Fill     = blackPiant;
                text.FontSize = Helpers.dtos(labelSize);

                label += labelStep;

            result.SVG = group;
Exemple #21
        public void DrawCorner()
            Bitmap Image;

            if (true)
                Image = _svg.Draw();
                LuminanceSource source    = new BitmapLuminanceSource(Image);
                var             binBitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source));
                var             result    = new MultiFormatReader().decode(binBitmap);
                if (result != null)
                    var moduleSize = ((FinderPattern)result.ResultPoints[0]).EstimatedModuleSize;
                    var fill       = true;
                    var outterFill = new SvgColourServer(Color.Black);
                    var backFill   = new SvgColourServer(Color.White);
                    var innerFill  = new SvgColourServer(Color.Black);
                    for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                        if (!(result.ResultPoints[i] is FinderPattern))
                        var p  = new PointF(result.ResultPoints[i].X, result.ResultPoints[i].Y);
                        var m  = moduleSize * 3.5f;
                        var r1 = new RectangleF(p.X - m, p.Y - m, m * 2, m * 2);
                        m = moduleSize * 2.5f;
                        var r2 = new RectangleF(p.X - m, p.Y - m, m * 2, m * 2);
                        m = moduleSize * 1.5f;
                        var r3 = new RectangleF(p.X - m, p.Y - m, m * 2, m * 2);

                        var qry =
                                r => r is SvgRectangle && r1.IntersectsWith(((SvgRectangle)r).Bounds))
                        foreach (var c in qry)
                        SvgVisualElement c1, c2;
                        PositionPatterns POP = PositionPatterns.RoundedRect;
                        PositionPatterns PIP = PositionPatterns.RoundedRect;
                        switch (POP)
                        case PositionPatterns.RoundedRect:
                            var rect2 = new SvgRectangle
                                X      = r1.X,
                                Y      = r1.Y,
                                Width  = r1.Width,
                                Height = r1.Height

                            var rect = rect2;
                            rect.CornerRadiusX = r1.Width * 0.2f;
                            rect.CornerRadiusY = r1.Height * 0.2f;
                            c1 = rect;
                            var rect3 = new SvgRectangle
                                X      = r2.X,
                                Y      = r2.Y,
                                Width  = r2.Width,
                                Height = r2.Height

                            var rect1 = rect3;
                            rect1.CornerRadiusX = r2.Width * 0.2f;
                            rect1.CornerRadiusY = r2.Height * 0.2f;
                            c2 = rect1;

                        case PositionPatterns.Circle:
                            var c = new SvgCircle
                                CenterX = r1.X + r1.Width / 2,
                                CenterY = r1.Y + r1.Height / 2,
                                Radius  = r1.Width / 2
                            c1 = c;
                            var c3 = new SvgCircle
                                CenterX = r2.X + r2.Width / 2,
                                CenterY = r2.Y + r2.Height / 2,
                                Radius  = r2.Width / 2
                            c2 = c3;

                            var rect4 = new SvgRectangle
                                X      = r1.X,
                                Y      = r1.Y,
                                Width  = r1.Width,
                                Height = r1.Height

                            c1 = rect4;
                            var rect5 = new SvgRectangle
                                X      = r2.X,
                                Y      = r2.Y,
                                Width  = r2.Width,
                                Height = r2.Height

                            c2 = rect5;

                        if (fill)
                            c1.Fill = outterFill;

                        c2.Fill = backFill;
                        switch (PIP)
                        case PositionPatterns.RoundedRect:
                            var rect1 = new SvgRectangle
                                X      = r3.X,
                                Y      = r3.Y,
                                Width  = r3.Width,
                                Height = r3.Height

                            var rect = rect1;
                            rect.CornerRadiusX = r3.Width * 0.2f;
                            rect.CornerRadiusY = r3.Height * 0.2f;
                            c1 = rect;

                        case PositionPatterns.Circle:
                            var c = new SvgCircle
                                CenterX = r3.X + r3.Width / 2,
                                CenterY = r3.Y + r3.Height / 2,
                                Radius  = r3.Width / 2
                            c1 = c;

                            var rect2 = new SvgRectangle
                                X      = r3.X,
                                Y      = r3.Y,
                                Width  = r3.Width,
                                Height = r3.Height

                            c1 = rect2;
                        if (fill)
                            c1.Fill = innerFill;
Exemple #22
 internal static XColor Color2XColor(SvgColourServer color)
     return(color != null?XColor.FromArgb(color.Colour.ToArgb()) : XColors.Black);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an SVGDocument into lines of Turing Code. Syntax in OpenTuring v2.0
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The SvgDocument</param>
        /// <returns>Turing Code</returns>
        public static string toTuring(SvgDocument file)
            gH = (int)file.Height.Value;
            gW = (int)file.Width.Value;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("setscreen (\"graphics: {0}; {1}\")", gW, gH));
            sb.AppendLine("var c1: int % Stroke colour always");
            sb.AppendLine("var c2: int % Fill colour always");

            // Reduce the number of unnecessary repetitions of the usage of c1 & c2
            string cacheC1 = "";
            string cacheC2 = "";

            // Loop through children and find the type of the SVG Element
            foreach (var c in file.Children)
                #region Lines
                if (c is SvgLine) //Line
                    var             line = c as SvgLine;
                    SvgColourServer sv   = line.Stroke as SvgColourServer;

                    if (cacheC1 != string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sv.Colour.R / 255f, sv.Colour.G / 255f, sv.Colour.B / 255f))
                        cacheC1 = string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sv.Colour.R / 255f, sv.Colour.G / 255f, sv.Colour.B / 255f);

                    if (sv.ToString() != "none")
                        sb.AppendLine(drawLine((int)line.StartX.Value, (int)line.StartY.Value, (int)line.EndX.Value, (int)line.EndY.Value, (int)line.StrokeWidth.Value, getColor(sv.Colour.Name, false)));

                #region Rectangles
                else if (c is SvgRectangle) //Rectangle
                    var rect = c as SvgRectangle;
                    int x1   = (int)rect.X.Value;
                    int y1   = gH - ((int)rect.Y.Value - (int)rect.Height.Value);
                    int x2   = x1 + (int)rect.Width.Value;
                    int y2   = y1 + (int)rect.Height.Value;

                    var sColor = rect.Stroke as SvgColourServer;
                    var fColor = rect.Fill as SvgColourServer;

                    // Get the colour and decide if we should use RGB or Turing (text) colours
                    if ((sColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(sColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC1 != string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC1 = string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(fColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC2 != string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC2 = string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    // Check and apply the stroke
                    if ((rect.StrokeWidth.Value > 0) && (sColor.ToString() != "none") && (!sColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (sColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        int width = (int)rect.StrokeWidth.Value;
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillOval(x1 - width, y1 - width, x2 + width, y2 + width, getColor(sColor.Colour.ToString(), false)));

                    // Check if it is filled
                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && (!fColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (fColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, getColor(fColor.Colour.Name, true)));
                        sb.AppendLine(drawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, getColor(sColor.Colour.Name, false)));
                } //End if

                #region Paths
                // Thanks to Nathan Lo for helping me in this bit of horror
                // A sh*t ton of math is about crash down on you
                else if (c is SvgPath) // F*cking arcs
                    // SVG takes 2 points and 1 radius to draw arcs
                    // Turing takes in 2 angles, 1 radius and 1 center point to draw it's arcs
                    // See the problem? I see it....
                    var path = c as SvgPath;
                    foreach (var p in path.PathData)
                        #region Arcs
                        if (p is SvgArcSegment)
                            var arc = p as SvgArcSegment;
                            //Assumption made about RadiusX = RadiusY, as the SVG program I used only supported circular arcs
                            //So if you want to draw elliptical arcs, you are f****d. And I don't care anymore
                            double cX, cY, sweepFrom, sweepTo;
                            if ((arc.Sweep == SvgArcSweep.Positive) && (arc.Size == SvgArcSize.Large)) //Deal with the SVG arc flags
                                cX = nCenterX(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);
                                cY = nCenterY(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);

                                sweepTo   = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.Start.Y), Math.Abs(arc.Start.X - cX)) / Math.PI;
                                sweepFrom = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.End.Y), Math.Abs(arc.End.X - cX)) / Math.PI;

                                sweepTo   = adjustAngle(sweepTo, gH - arc.Start.Y - cY, arc.Start.X - cX);
                                sweepFrom = adjustAngle(sweepFrom, gH - arc.End.Y - cY, arc.End.X - cX);

                            else if ((arc.Sweep == SvgArcSweep.Positive) && (arc.Size == SvgArcSize.Small))
                                cX = pCenterX(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);
                                cY = pCenterY(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);

                                sweepTo   = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.Start.Y), Math.Abs(arc.Start.X - cX)) / Math.PI;
                                sweepFrom = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.End.Y), Math.Abs(arc.End.X - cX)) / Math.PI;

                                sweepTo   = adjustAngle(sweepTo, gH - arc.Start.Y - cY, arc.Start.X - cX);
                                sweepFrom = adjustAngle(sweepFrom, gH - arc.End.Y - cY, arc.End.X - cX);

                            else if ((arc.Sweep == SvgArcSweep.Negative) && (arc.Size == SvgArcSize.Small))
                                cX = nCenterX(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);
                                cY = nCenterY(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);

                                sweepFrom = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.Start.Y), Math.Abs(arc.Start.X - cX)) / Math.PI;
                                sweepTo   = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.End.Y), Math.Abs(arc.End.X - cX)) / Math.PI;

                                sweepFrom = adjustAngle(sweepFrom, gH - arc.Start.Y - cY, arc.Start.X - cX);
                                sweepTo   = adjustAngle(sweepTo, gH - arc.End.Y - cY, arc.End.X - cX);

                                cX = pCenterX(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);
                                cY = pCenterY(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);

                                sweepFrom = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.Start.Y), Math.Abs(arc.Start.X - cX)) / Math.PI;
                                sweepTo   = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.End.Y), Math.Abs(arc.End.X - cX)) / Math.PI;

                                sweepFrom = adjustAngle(sweepFrom, gH - arc.Start.Y - cY, arc.Start.X - cX);
                                sweepTo   = adjustAngle(sweepTo, gH - arc.End.Y - cY, arc.End.X - cX);

                            //Deal with colour
                            var sv = c.Stroke as SvgColourServer;
                            if (cacheC1 != string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sv.Colour.R / 255f, sv.Colour.G / 255f, sv.Colour.B / 255f))
                                cacheC1 = string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sv.Colour.R / 255f, sv.Colour.G / 255f, sv.Colour.B / 255f);
                            if (sv.ToString() != "none")
                                sb.AppendLine(drawArc((int)cX, (int)cY, (int)arc.RadiusX, (int)arc.RadiusY, (int)sweepFrom, (int)sweepTo, getColor(sv.Colour.Name, false)));

                        #region Cubic Beziers
                        // Bezier curves
                        // Full credits to: https://github.com/domoszlai/bezier2biarc
                        // for the implementation. You are awesome! I don't have to read those research papers now  :P
                        else if (p is SvgCubicCurveSegment)
                            var b = p as SvgCubicCurveSegment;

                            // Broken. TODO: Fix this please
                            sb.AppendLine("% Bezier curves currenly broken. Sorry. Element id [" + c.ID + "]");
                            continue; //Bezier is broken

                            CubicBezier curve = new CubicBezier(
                                new Vector2(b.Start.X, b.Start.Y),
                                new Vector2(b.FirstControlPoint.X, b.FirstControlPoint.Y),
                                new Vector2(b.SecondControlPoint.X, b.SecondControlPoint.Y),
                                new Vector2(b.End.X, b.End.Y));

                            /*curve = new CubicBezier(
                             *  new Vector2(100, 500), new Vector2(150, 100), new Vector2(500, 150), new Vector2(350, 350));*/

                            var biarcs = Algorithm.ApproxCubicBezier(curve, 10, 1);
                            foreach (var biarc in biarcs)
                                int r1 = (int)Math.Ceiling((biarc.A1.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI) > 360 ? -(biarc.A1.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI) : 360 - (biarc.A1.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI));
                                int r2 = (int)Math.Ceiling(biarc.A1.sweepAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI);
                                int r3 = (int)Math.Ceiling((biarc.A2.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI) > 360 ? -(biarc.A2.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI) : 360 - (biarc.A2.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI));
                                int r4 = (int)Math.Ceiling(biarc.A2.sweepAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI);

                                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Draw.Arc({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, red)",
                                                            (int)(gH - biarc.A1.C.Y),
                                                            (int)(r1 + r2)));

                                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Draw.Arc({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, red)",
                                                            (int)(gH - biarc.A2.C.Y),
                                                            (int)(r3 + r4)));
                            } //End foreach
                        }     //End if
                    }         //End foreach
                }             //End if

                #region Ellipse
                else if (c is SvgEllipse)
                    var e      = c as SvgEllipse;
                    var sColor = e.Stroke as SvgColourServer;
                    var fColor = e.Fill as SvgColourServer;

                    if ((sColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(sColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC1 != string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC1 = string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(fColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC2 != string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC2 = string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    // Check and apply the stroke
                    if ((e.StrokeWidth.Value > 0) && (sColor.ToString() != "none") && (!sColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (sColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        int width = (int)e.StrokeWidth.Value;
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillOval((int)e.CenterX, gH - (int)e.CenterY, (int)e.RadiusX + width, (int)e.RadiusY + width, getColor(sColor.Colour.ToString(), false)));

                    // Check if it is filled
                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && (!fColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (fColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillOval((int)e.CenterX.Value, gH - (int)e.CenterY.Value, (int)e.RadiusX.Value, (int)e.RadiusY.Value, getColor(fColor.Colour.Name, true)));
                        sb.AppendLine(drawOval((int)e.CenterX.Value, gH - (int)e.CenterY.Value, (int)e.RadiusX.Value, (int)e.RadiusY.Value, getColor(sColor.Colour.Name, false)));

                #region Circles
                else if (c is SvgCircle)
                    var e      = c as SvgCircle;
                    var sColor = e.Stroke as SvgColourServer;
                    var fColor = e.Fill as SvgColourServer;

                    if ((sColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(sColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC1 != string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC1 = string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(fColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC2 != string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC2 = string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    // Check and apply the stroke
                    if ((e.StrokeWidth.Value > 0) && (sColor.ToString() != "none") && (!sColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (sColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        int width = (int)e.StrokeWidth.Value;
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillOval((int)e.CenterX, gH - (int)e.CenterY, (int)e.Radius + width, (int)e.Radius + width, getColor(sColor.Colour.ToString(), false)));

                    //Check if it is filled
                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && (!fColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (fColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillOval((int)e.CenterX.Value, gH - (int)e.CenterY.Value, (int)e.Radius.Value, (int)e.Radius.Value, getColor(fColor.Colour.Name, true)));
                        sb.AppendLine(drawOval((int)e.CenterX.Value, gH - (int)e.CenterY.Value, (int)e.Radius.Value, (int)e.Radius.Value, getColor(sColor.Colour.Name, false)));
                } //End if
            }     // End foreach
