VgVisualElement CreateRadialGradient(VgVisualElement parentNode, SvgElement elem, SvgRadialGradientSpec spec)
            //<radialGradient id="a" cx="59.6" cy="54.845" r="55.464" fx="27.165" fy="53.715" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
            //    <stop stop-color="#FFEB3B" offset="0" />
            //    <stop stop-color="#FBC02D" offset="1" />
            //create linear gradient texure (or brush)
            VgVisualElement radialGrd = new VgVisualElement(WellknownSvgElementName.RadialGradient, spec, _vgVisualDoc);

            //read attribute
            RegisterElementById(elem, radialGrd);

            int childCount = elem.ChildCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
                SvgElement child = elem.GetChild(i);
                if (child.WellknowElemName == WellknownSvgElementName.Stop)
                    //color stop
                    //TODO: implement this....
                    SvgColorStopSpec stopSpec = child.ElemSpec as SvgColorStopSpec;
                    if (stopSpec != null)
                        if (spec.StopList == null)
                            spec.StopList = new List <SvgColorStopSpec>();
        VgVisualElement CreateLinearGradient(VgVisualElement parentNode, SvgElement elem, SvgLinearGradientSpec spec)

            //Categories Gradient element
            //Permitted content Any number of the following elements, in any order:
            //Descriptive elements
            //<animate>, <animateTransform>, <set>, <stop>

            //Global attributes

            //    Core attributes
            //    Presentation attributes
            //    Xlink attributes
            //    class
            //    style
            //    externalResourcesRequired

            //Specific attributes

            //    gradientUnits
            //    gradientTransform
            //    x1
            //    y1
            //    x2
            //    y2
            //    spreadMethod
            //    xlink:href

            VgVisualElement linearGrd = new VgVisualElement(WellknownSvgElementName.LinearGradient, spec, _vgVisualDoc);

            //read attribute
            RegisterElementById(elem, linearGrd);
            int childCount = elem.ChildCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
                SvgElement child = elem.GetChild(i);
                if (child.ElemName == "stop")
                    //color stop
                    //TODO: implement this....
                    SvgColorStopSpec stopSpec = child.ElemSpec as SvgColorStopSpec;
                    if (stopSpec != null)
                        if (spec.StopList == null)
                            spec.StopList = new List <SvgColorStopSpec>();
