public void SaveMatrix() { int SRPK = int.Parse(SRID); var ds = SQChoices.GetAll(int.Parse(QID)); foreach (RepeaterItem rLine in rptrMRows.Items) { var obj1 = SurveyResults.FetchObject(SRPK); var obj2 = new SurveyAnswers(); obj2.SRID = obj1.SRID; obj2.TenID = obj1.TenID; obj2.PID = obj1.PID; obj2.SID = obj1.SID; obj2.QID = int.Parse(QID); obj2.DateAnswered = DateTime.Now; obj2.QType = 4; var SQMLID = rLine.FindControl("SQMLID") as Label; obj2.SQMLID = int.Parse(SQMLID.Text); if (DisplayControl == "1") { var rptrCheckCols = rLine.FindControl("rptrCheckCols") as Repeater; foreach (RepeaterItem rChkI in rptrCheckCols.Items) { var SQCID = rChkI.FindControl("SQCID") as Label; var chkAns = rChkI.FindControl("rbChoice") as CheckBox; var ChoiceOrder = rChkI.FindControl("ChoiceOrder") as Label; var AnsText = ds.Tables[0].Rows[int.Parse(ChoiceOrder.Text) - 1]["ChoiceText"].ToString(); if (chkAns.Checked) { obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs.Length > 0 ? obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs : ""), (obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs.Length > 0 ? "," : ""), SQCID.Text); obj2.ChoiceAnswerText = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (obj2.ChoiceAnswerText.Length > 0 ? obj2.ChoiceAnswerText : ""), (obj2.ChoiceAnswerText.Length > 0 ? "~|~" : ""), AnsText); } } } if (DisplayControl == "2") { var rptrRadioCols = rLine.FindControl("rptrRadioCols") as Repeater; foreach (RepeaterItem rRdoI in rptrRadioCols.Items) { var SQCID = rRdoI.FindControl("SQCID") as Label; var rbAns = rRdoI.FindControl("rbChoice") as RadioButton; var ChoiceOrder = rRdoI.FindControl("ChoiceOrder") as Label; var AnsText = ds.Tables[0].Rows[int.Parse(ChoiceOrder.Text) - 1]["ChoiceText"].ToString(); if (rbAns.Checked) { obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs.Length > 0 ? obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs : ""), (obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs.Length > 0 ? "," : ""), SQCID.Text); obj2.ChoiceAnswerText = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (obj2.ChoiceAnswerText.Length > 0 ? obj2.ChoiceAnswerText : ""), (obj2.ChoiceAnswerText.Length > 0 ? "~|~" : ""), AnsText); } } } obj2.Insert(); } }
public void SaveMultiChoice() { int SRPK = int.Parse(SRID); var obj1 = SurveyResults.FetchObject(SRPK); var obj2 = new SurveyAnswers(); obj2.SRID = obj1.SRID; obj2.TenID = obj1.TenID; obj2.PID = obj1.PID; obj2.SID = obj1.SID; obj2.QID = int.Parse(QID); obj2.DateAnswered = DateTime.Now; obj2.QType = 2; if (DisplayControl == "1") { foreach (RepeaterItem rChkI in rptrChk.Items) { var SQCID = rChkI.FindControl("SQCID") as Label; var chkAns = rChkI.FindControl("chkAns") as CheckBox; var chkClar = rChkI.FindControl("txtChkClarification") as TextBox; if (chkAns.Checked) { obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs.Length > 0 ? obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs : ""), (obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs.Length > 0 ? "," : ""), SQCID.Text); obj2.ClarificationText = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (obj2.ClarificationText.Length > 0 ? obj2.ClarificationText : ""), (obj2.ClarificationText.Length > 0 ? "~|~" : ""), chkClar.Text); obj2.ChoiceAnswerText = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (obj2.ChoiceAnswerText.Length > 0 ? obj2.ChoiceAnswerText : ""), (obj2.ChoiceAnswerText.Length > 0 ? "~|~" : ""), chkAns.Text); } } } if (DisplayControl == "2") { foreach (RepeaterItem rRdoI in rptrRadio.Items) { var SQCID = rRdoI.FindControl("SQCID") as Label; var rbAns = rRdoI.FindControl("rbAns") as RadioButton; var rbClar = rRdoI.FindControl("txtRBClarification") as TextBox; if (rbAns.Checked) { obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs.Length > 0 ? obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs : ""), (obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs.Length > 0 ? "," : ""), SQCID.Text); obj2.ClarificationText = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (obj2.ClarificationText.Length > 0 ? obj2.ClarificationText : ""), (obj2.ClarificationText.Length > 0 ? "~|~" : ""), rbClar.Text); obj2.ChoiceAnswerText = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (obj2.ChoiceAnswerText.Length > 0 ? obj2.ChoiceAnswerText : ""), (obj2.ChoiceAnswerText.Length > 0 ? "~|~" : ""), rbAns.Text); } } } if (DisplayControl == "3") { obj2.ChoiceAnswerIDs = ddMultipleChoice.SelectedValue; var ch = SQChoices.FetchObject(int.Parse(ddMultipleChoice.SelectedValue)); var ans = "N/A"; if (ch != null) { ans = ch.ChoiceText; } obj2.ChoiceAnswerText = ans; obj2.ClarificationText = txtDDClarification.Text; } obj2.Insert(); }
/// <summary> /// This method gets a list of franchises filtered by the user's survey results /// </summary> /// <param name="surveyAnswers"></param> /// <returns> List of franchises </returns> public List <Franchise> GetFranchiseListFromSurveyResults(SurveyAnswers surveyAnswers) { List <Franchise> returnList = new List <Franchise>(); string queryText = ""; if (surveyAnswers.hasOwnedBusiness == "True" && surveyAnswers.industry == "Any") { queryText = SQL_GetFranchiseListFromSurveyResultsExperiencedInBusinessNoIndustryPreference; } else if (surveyAnswers.hasOwnedBusiness == "True") { queryText = SQL_GetFranchiseListFromSurveyResultsExperiencedInBusiness; } else if (surveyAnswers.hasOwnedBusiness == "False" && surveyAnswers.industry == "Any") { queryText = SQL_GetFranchiseListFromSurveyResultsNewToBusinessNoIndustryPreference; } else { queryText = SQL_GetFranchiseListFromSurveyResultsNewToBusiness; } try { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); var command = new SqlCommand(queryText); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NetWorth", surveyAnswers.netWorth); //command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@staff", surveyAnswers.staff); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@industry", surveyAnswers.industry); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@state", surveyAnswers.state); command.Connection = connection; SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Franchise franchise = new Franchise(); franchise.FranchiseId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["franchiseId"]); franchise.FranchiseName = Convert.ToString(reader["franchiseName"]); franchise.YelpTerm = Convert.ToString(reader["yelpTerm"]); franchise.FirstTimeFriendly = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["firstTimeFriendly"]); franchise.StaffSize = Convert.ToString(reader["staffSize"]); franchise.Category = Convert.ToString(reader["category"]); franchise.NetWorth = Convert.ToInt32(reader["netWorth"]); franchise.FranchiseFee = Convert.ToInt32(reader["franchiseFee"]); franchise.TotalInvestment = Convert.ToInt32(reader["totalInvestment"]); franchise.RoyaltyFee = Convert.ToInt32(reader["royaltyFee"]); franchise.AdvertisingFee = Convert.ToInt32(reader["advertisingFee"]); franchise.Heading = Convert.ToString(reader["heading"]); franchise.FranchiseDescription = Convert.ToString(reader["franchiseDescription"]); franchise.LogoURL = Convert.ToString(reader["logoUrl"]); franchise.PicURL = Convert.ToString(reader["picUrl"]); returnList.Add(franchise); } } } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } return(returnList); }
public async Task <int> AnswerTransaction(SurveyAnswers data, char action) { return(await _survey.AnswerTransaction(data, action)); }
public async Task <int> AnswerTransaction(SurveyAnswers data, char action) { return(await _adapterPattern.SingleTransaction <SurveyAnswers, int>(data, "usp_SurveyAnswers_Transaction", action, DataConfiguration.instanceCore)); }