Exemple #1
        private void PlotCell(SurfaceEditor surface, int x, int y, int glyph, bool fillMe = false)
            if (surface.IsValidCell(x, y))
                var cell = surface[x, y];

                if (fillMe)
                    cell.Background = FillColor;
                    cell.Foreground = Foreground;
                    cell.Glyph      = glyph;

                if (Foreground != Color.Transparent || DrawTransparency)
                    cell.Foreground = Foreground;

                if (BorderBackground != Color.Transparent || DrawTransparency)
                    cell.Background = BorderBackground;

                cell.Glyph = glyph;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an animated surface that looks like static.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the surface.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the surface.</param>
        /// <param name="frames">How many frames the animation should have.</param>
        /// <param name="blankChance">Chance a character will be blank. Characters are between index 48-158. Chance is evaluated versus <see cref="System.Random.NextDouble"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>An animation.</returns>
        public static AnimatedSurface CreateStatic(int width, int height, int frames, double blankChance)
            var animation = new AnimatedSurface("default", width, height, Global.FontDefault);
            var editor    = new SurfaceEditor(new BasicSurface(1, 1, Global.FontDefault));

            for (int f = 0; f < frames; f++)
                var frame = animation.CreateFrame();
                editor.TextSurface = frame;

                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        int character = Global.Random.Next(48, 168);

                        if (Global.Random.NextDouble() <= blankChance)
                            character = 32;

                        editor.SetGlyph(x, y, character);
                        editor.SetForeground(x, y, Color.White * (float)(Global.Random.NextDouble() * (1.0d - 0.5d) + 0.5d));

            animation.AnimationDuration = 1;
            animation.Repeat            = true;


 public GradientStatusPanel(BaseStat bs, int width, int height, Color colorOne, Color colorTwo) : base(width, height)
     this.colorOne = colorOne;
     this.colorTwo = colorTwo;
     editor        = new SurfaceEditor(this);
     stat          = bs;
        public RandomScrollingConsole() : base(80, 25)
            messageData = new SurfaceEditor(new TextSurface(10, 1, Engine.DefaultFont));
            IsVisible   = false;

            KeyboardHandler = (cons, info) =>
                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left - 1, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top, 80, 25);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left + 1, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top, 80, 25);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top - 1, 80, 25);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top + 1, 80, 25);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pixelWidth">Width the source texture.</param>
        /// <param name="pixelHeight">Height of the source texture.</param>
        /// <param name="font">Font used for rendering.</param>
        public TextureToSurfaceReader(int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, Font font)
            this.width  = pixelWidth;
            this.height = pixelHeight;
            pixels      = new Color[pixelWidth * pixelHeight];
            indexes     = new int[pixelWidth * pixelHeight];
            surface     = new BasicSurface(pixelWidth / font.Size.X, pixelHeight / font.Size.Y, font);
            fontPixels  = font.Size.X * font.Size.Y;
            editor      = new SurfaceEditor(surface);

            // build the indexes
            int currentIndex = 0;

            for (int h = 0; h < surface.Height; h++)
                int startY = (h * surface.Font.Size.Y);
                //System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, image.Width / surface.Font.Size.X, (w) =>
                for (int w = 0; w < surface.Width; w++)
                    int startX = (w * surface.Font.Size.X);

                    for (int y = 0; y < surface.Font.Size.Y; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < surface.Font.Size.X; x++)
                            int cY = y + startY;
                            int cX = x + startX;

                            indexes[currentIndex] = cY * pixelWidth + cX;
Exemple #6
        public void Draw(SurfaceEditor surface)
            for (int x = Location.X; x < Location.X + Width; x++)
                for (int y = Location.Y; y < Location.Y + Height; y++)
                    // Top row
                    if (y == Location.Y)
                        if (x == Location.X)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, TopLeftCharacter);
                        else if (x == Location.X + Width - 1)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, TopRightCharacter);
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, TopSideCharacter);

                    // Bottom row
                    else if (y == Location.Y + Height - 1)
                        if (x == Location.X)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, BottomLeftCharacter);
                        else if (x == Location.X + Width - 1)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, BottomRightCharacter);
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, BottomSideCharacter);

                    // Other rows
                        if (x == Location.X)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, LeftSideCharacter);
                        else if (x == Location.X + Width - 1)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, RightSideCharacter);
                        else if (Fill)
                            PlotCell(surface, x, y, 0, Fill);
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Scene from an existing <see cref="LayeredSurface"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="surface">The surface for the scene.</param>
 /// <param name="renderer">The renderer for the surface.</param>
 public Scene(ISurface surface, Renderers.ISurfaceRenderer renderer)
     Surface         = new SurfaceEditor(surface);
     SurfaceRenderer = renderer;
     Objects         = new List <GameObject>();
     Zones           = new List <Zone>();
     Hotspots        = new List <Hotspot>();
Exemple #8
        //public ICellAppearance FillAppearance;
        //public bool Fill;

        public void Draw(SurfaceEditor surface)
            Algorithms.Ellipse(StartingPoint.X, StartingPoint.Y, EndingPoint.X, EndingPoint.Y, (x, y) => { if (surface.IsValidCell(x, y))
                                                                                                               surface.SetCellAppearance(x, y, BorderAppearance);
Exemple #9
 public FPSCounterComponent(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
     : base(game)
     console = new TextSurface(30, 1, Engine.DefaultFont);
     editor  = new SurfaceEditor(console);
     console.DefaultBackground = Color.Black;
     consoleRender = new TextSurfaceRenderer();
        public void SurfaceEditorTest()
            var surfaceEditor1 = new SurfaceEditor(surface);


            var surfaceEditor2 = new SurfaceEditor(surfaceEditor1.Surface);

Exemple #11
        public BorderedConsole(int width, int height) : base(width - 1, height - 1)
            borderSurface = new TextSurface(width, height, base.textSurface.Font);
            borderEdit    = new SurfaceEditor(borderSurface);
            Box box = Box.GetDefaultBox();

            box.Width  = borderSurface.Width;
            box.Height = borderSurface.Height;
Exemple #12
 public FPSCounterComponent(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
     : base(game)
     surface = new BasicSurface(30, 1);
     editor  = new SurfaceEditor(surface);
     surface.DefaultBackground = Color.Black;
     consoleRender = new SurfaceRenderer();
     DrawOrder     = 8;
     Global.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.RenderTargetUsage = RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents;
Exemple #13
        ParseCommandBase CustomParseCommand(string command, string parameters, ColoredGlyph[] glyphString,
                                            ISurface surface, SurfaceEditor editor, ParseCommandStacks commandStacks)
            switch (command)
            case "t":
                return(new ParseCommandRetext(parameters));

Exemple #14
 protected override void OnItemClick(Object selectedObject)
     if (selectedObject is Material)
         CSGModel activeModel = CSGModel.GetActiveCSGModel();
         if (activeModel != null)
             SurfaceEditor surfaceEditor = (SurfaceEditor)activeModel.GetTool(MainMode.Face);
Exemple #15
        public void Draw(SurfaceEditor surface)
            if (BorderAppearance == null)
                BorderAppearance = new CellAppearance(Color.Blue, Color.Black, 4);

            Algorithms.Circle(Center.X, Center.Y, Radius, (x, y) => { if (surface.IsValidCell(x, y))
                                                                          surface.SetCellAppearance(x, y, BorderAppearance);
        public static GameObject CreateFromGlyph(int glyph, Color color = new Color())
            if (color == new Color())
                color = Color.White;

            var animation = new AnimatedSurface("anim", 1, 1);
            var editor    = new SurfaceEditor(animation.CreateFrame());

            editor.SetGlyph(0, 0, glyph, color);
            return(new GameObject(animation));
Exemple #17
        public void Save(object surface, string file)
            ISurface      textSurface = (ISurface)surface;
            SurfaceEditor editor      = new SurfaceEditor(textSurface);

            string[] lines = new string[textSurface.Height];

            for (int y = 0; y < textSurface.Height; y++)
                lines[y] = editor.GetString(0, y, textSurface.Width);

            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(file, lines);
        public AnsiWriter(Document ansiDocument, SurfaceEditor console)
            _ansiDoc = ansiDocument;
            _console = console;
            _cursor  = new Cursor(console);
            _cursor.UseStringParser  = false;
            _cursor.DisableWordBreak = true;
            CharactersPerSecond      = 800;

            _bytes     = ansiDocument.AnsiBytes;
            _ansiState = new State();

            _ansiCodeBuilder   = new StringBuilder(5);
            _ansiStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(40);
Exemple #19
        public static VertexColorWindow CreateAndShow(CSGModel csgModel, SurfaceEditor surfaceEditor)
            VertexColorWindow window = EditorWindow.GetWindow <VertexColorWindow>(true, "Vertex Colors", true);

            window.surfaceEditor = surfaceEditor;
            window.csgModel      = csgModel;

            // By setting both sizes to the same, even the resize cursor hover is automatically disabled
            window.minSize = WINDOW_SIZE;
            window.maxSize = WINDOW_SIZE;


        public BasicSurface GetHeatMapTexture(int width, int height, Tile[,] tiles)
            var surface = new SurfaceEditor(new BasicSurface(width, height));
            var pixels  = new Color[width * height];

            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    switch (tiles[x, y].HeatType)
                    case HeatType.Coldest:
                        pixels[x + y * width] = Coldest;

                    case HeatType.Colder:
                        pixels[x + y * width] = Colder;

                    case HeatType.Cold:
                        pixels[x + y * width] = Cold;

                    case HeatType.Warm:
                        pixels[x + y * width] = Warm;

                    case HeatType.Warmer:
                        pixels[x + y * width] = Warmer;

                    case HeatType.Warmest:
                        pixels[x + y * width] = Warmest;

                    //darken the color if a edge tile
                    if ((int)tiles[x, y].HeightType > 2 && tiles[x, y].Bitmask != 15)
                        pixels[x + y * width] = Color.Lerp(pixels[x + y * width], Color.Black, 0.4f);

Exemple #21
        void OnGUI()
            if (surfaceEditor == null || csgModel == null)
                // Link to face tool has been lost, so attempt to reacquire
                CSGModel[] csgModels = FindObjectsOfType <CSGModel>();

                // Build the first csg model that is currently being edited
                for (int i = 0; i < csgModels.Length; i++)
                    if (csgModels[i].EditMode)
                        csgModel      = csgModels[i];
                        surfaceEditor = csgModels[i].GetTool(MainMode.Face) as SurfaceEditor;

                // If it's still null
                if (surfaceEditor == null || csgModel == null)
                    GUILayout.Label("No active CSG Model");

            GUILayout.Label("Set Vertex Colors", SabreGUILayout.GetTitleStyle());

            Color sourceColor = surfaceEditor.GetColor();

            Color newColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(sourceColor);

            if (newColor != sourceColor)

            // Preset color buttons
            for (int i = 0; i < PRESET_COLORS.Length; i++)
                if (SabreGUILayout.ColorButton(PRESET_COLORS[i]))
            public override void Draw(ISurface surface, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle area)
                string value = ((LayerMetadata)((LayeredSurface.Layer)Item).Metadata).Name;

                if (value.Length < area.Width)
                    value += new string(' ', area.Width - value.Length);
                else if (value.Length > area.Width)
                    value = value.Substring(0, area.Width);
                var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);

                editor.Print(area.X, area.Y, value, _currentAppearance);
                _isDirty = false;
        public void New(Color foreground, Color background, int width, int height)
            int renderWidth  = Math.Min(MainScreen.Instance.InnerEmptyBounds.Width, width);
            int renderHeight = Math.Min(MainScreen.Instance.InnerEmptyBounds.Height, height);

            surface = new SadConsole.Surfaces.LayeredSurface(width, height, SadConsoleEditor.Settings.Config.ScreenFont, new Rectangle(0, 0, renderWidth, renderHeight), 1);

            LayerMetadata.Create("Root", true, false, true, surface.ActiveLayer);

            var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);


            layerManagementPanel.IsCollapsed = true;
        public static GameObject CreateFromString(string s, Color color = new Color())
            if (color == new Color())
                color = Color.White;
            var lines = s.Split('\n');

            var text   = new AnimatedSurface("deafult", lines.Max(ss => ss.Length), lines.Length);
            var editor = new SurfaceEditor(text.CreateFrame());

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                editor.Print(0, i, lines[i], color);
            return(new GameObject(text));
        public static GameObject CreateBlinkingFromGlyph(int glyph, float duration, Color color = new Color())
            if (color == new Color())
                color = Color.White;

            var animation = new AnimatedSurface("anim", 1, 1);
            var editor    = new SurfaceEditor(animation.CreateFrame());

            editor.SetGlyph(0, 0, glyph, color);
            animation.CreateFrame();    //empty frame
            animation.AnimationDuration = duration;
            animation.Repeat            = true;
            return(new GameObject(animation));
Exemple #26
        public virtual void Draw(ISurface surface, Rectangle area)
            string value = Item.ToString();

            if (value.Length < area.Width)
                value += new string(' ', area.Width - value.Length);
            else if (value.Length > area.Width)
                value = value.Substring(0, area.Width);
            var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);

            editor.Print(area.Left, area.Top, value, _currentAppearance);
            _isDirty = false;
Exemple #27
        public override void Draw(ISurface surface, Rectangle area)
            string value = ((FileLoaders.IFileLoader)Item).FileTypeName;

            if (value.Length < area.Width)
                value += new string(' ', area.Width - value.Length);
            else if (value.Length > area.Width)
                value = value.Substring(0, area.Width);
            var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);

            editor.Print(area.Left, area.Top, value, _currentAppearance);
            _isDirty = false;
Exemple #28
        public override void Draw(ITextSurface surface, Rectangle area)
            string value = ((Editors.EntityEditor.FrameWrapper)Item).CurrentIndex.ToString();

            if (value.Length < area.Width)
                value += new string(' ', area.Width - value.Length);
            else if (value.Length > area.Width)
                value = value.Substring(0, area.Width);

            var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);

            editor.Print(area.X, area.Y, value, _currentAppearance);
            _isDirty = false;
Exemple #29
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="surface"></param>
            /// <param name="area"></param>
            public override void Draw(ISurface surface, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle area)
                var           hotSpot = ((Hotspot)Item);
                ColoredString value   = ((char)hotSpot.DebugAppearance.Glyph).ToString().CreateColored(hotSpot.DebugAppearance.Foreground, hotSpot.DebugAppearance.Background, hotSpot.DebugAppearance.Mirror) + " ".CreateColored(_currentAppearance.Foreground, _currentAppearance.Background) + hotSpot.Title.CreateColored(_currentAppearance.Foreground, _currentAppearance.Background);

                if (value.Count < area.Width)
                    value += new string(' ', area.Width - value.Count).CreateColored(_currentAppearance.Foreground, _currentAppearance.Background);
                else if (value.Count > area.Width)
                    value = new ColoredString(value.Take(area.Width).ToArray());
                var editor = new SurfaceEditor(surface);

                editor.Print(area.X, area.Y, value);
                _isDirty = false;
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the line shape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surface">The cell surface to draw on.</param>
        public void Draw(SurfaceEditor surface)
            List <Cell> cells = new List <Cell>();

            Algorithms.Line(StartingLocation.X, StartingLocation.Y, EndingLocation.X, EndingLocation.Y, (x, y) => { cells.Add(surface[x, y]); return(true); });

            if (cells.Count > 1)
                if (UseStartingCell)
                    cells[0].Effect = StartingCellAppearance.Effect;
                    cells[0].Effect = StartingCellAppearance.Effect;

                if (UseEndingCell)
                    EndingCellAppearance.Copy(cells[cells.Count - 1]);
                    cells[cells.Count - 1].Effect = EndingCellAppearance.Effect;
                    CellAppearance.Copy(cells[cells.Count - 1]);
                    cells[cells.Count - 1].Effect = CellAppearance.Effect;

                for (int i = 1; i < cells.Count - 1; i++)
                    cells[i].Effect = CellAppearance.Effect;
            else if (cells.Count == 1)
                cells[0].Effect = CellAppearance.Effect;