public static void PutBallToThePoint(PoolBall ball, ref Vector3 p) { float r = ball.GetRadius(); while (Physics.OverlapSphere(p, r, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ball") | 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("WhiteBall")).Length != 0) { p.x -= r; } SupportTools.SetPosition(ball.gameObject, p, SupportTools.AxisIgnore.IgnoreY, true); p.x -= r; }
public static void ResetAllBalls(bool pottedOnly, bool black8Origin) { CheckAnyBallInTheResetBallArea(); IDictionary <int, PoolBall> t = new Dictionary <int, PoolBall>(); //whether put the black 8 to the origin ,1 means true, 0 means false int origin = 0; //square root of 3 float squr3 = 1.732f; for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i++) { if (Balls[i].BallState != PoolBall.State.HIDE) { if ((pottedOnly && Balls[i].BallState == PoolBall.State.POTTED) || !pottedOnly) { t.Add(i, Balls[i]); } } } if (t.Count == 0) { return; } if (black8Origin && t.ContainsKey(8)) { t[8].Reset(); SupportTools.SetPosition(t[8].gameObject, Black8Origin.position, SupportTools.AxisIgnore.IgnoreY); origin = 1; t.Remove(8); } //the x axis space can calculated with Pythagorean theorem, the z axis space is diameter of the ball float R = (CueBall.GetRadius() + 0.0001f) * 2, x = Black8Origin.position.x - squr3 * R, z; Vector3 p =; List <int> list = new List <int>(t.Keys); for (int i = 1, k = 1; i <= 5; i++) { z = Black8Origin.position.z - (i - 1) * .5f * R; for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++, k++) { if (t.Count == 0) { break; } if (k == 5 && origin == 1) //if we already put the black 8 ball , continue { z += R; continue; } if (k > 15 - t.Count - origin) { int l = Random.Range(0, t.Count); int key = list[l]; PoolBall b = t[key]; b.Reset(); p.z = z; p.x = x; SupportTools.SetPosition(b.gameObject, p, SupportTools.AxisIgnore.IgnoreY); t.Remove(key); list.RemoveAt(l); } z += R; } x += .5f * R * squr3; } }