private void RunAssertionInvalidAggMatchMultiFunc(EPServiceProvider epService)
            // Window and related

            // window vs agg method
            TryInvalidAggMatch(epService, "var1", "window(*) @Type(SupportBean)", true, "avg(IntPrimitive)",
                               "Error starting statement: Incompatible aggregation function for table 'var1' column 'value', expecting 'window(*)' and received 'avg(IntPrimitive)': Not a 'window' aggregation [");
            // window vs sorted
            TryInvalidAggMatch(epService, "var1", "window(*) @Type(SupportBean)", true, "sorted(IntPrimitive)",
                               "Error starting statement: Failed to validate select-clause expression 'sorted(IntPrimitive)': When specifying into-table a sort expression cannot be provided [");
            // wrong type
            TryInvalidAggMatch(epService, "var1", "window(*) @Type(SupportBean_S0)", true, "window(*)",
                               "Error starting statement: Incompatible aggregation function for table 'var1' column 'value', expecting 'window(*)' and received 'window(*)': The required event type is 'SupportBean_S0' and provided is 'SupportBean' [");

            // sorted
            TryInvalidAggMatch(epService, "var1", "sorted(IntPrimitive) @Type(SupportBean)", true, "window(*)",
                               "Error starting statement: Incompatible aggregation function for table 'var1' column 'value', expecting 'sorted(IntPrimitive)' and received 'window(*)': Not a 'sorted' aggregation [");
            TryInvalidAggMatch(epService, "var1", "sorted(id) @Type(SupportBean_S0)", true, "sorted(IntPrimitive)",
                               "Error starting statement: Failed to validate select-clause expression 'sorted(IntPrimitive)': When specifying into-table a sort expression cannot be provided [");

            // plug-in
            var config = new ConfigurationPlugInAggregationMultiFunction(SupportAggMFFuncExtensions.GetFunctionNames(), typeof(SupportAggMFFactory));

            TryInvalidAggMatch(epService, "var1", "se1() @Type(SupportBean)", true, "window(*)",
                               "Error starting statement: Incompatible aggregation function for table 'var1' column 'value', expecting 'se1(*)' and received 'window(*)': Not a 'se1' aggregation [");
        private void RunAssertionUngroupedAggAdditionalAndPlugin()
            _epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddPlugInAggregationFunctionFactory("concatstring", typeof(MyConcatAggregationFunctionFactory).FullName);
            var mfAggConfig = new ConfigurationPlugInAggregationMultiFunction(SupportAggMFFuncExtensions.GetFunctionNames(), typeof(SupportAggMFFactory).FullName);


            var cols = "c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13".Split(',');
            var epl  = "select IntPrimitive, " +
                       " countever(*, IntPrimitive>0, group_by:(TheString)) as c0," +
                       " countever(*, IntPrimitive>0, group_by:()) as c1," +
                       " countever(*, group_by:(TheString)) as c2," +
                       " countever(*, group_by:()) as c3," +
                       " concatstring(Convert.ToString(IntPrimitive), group_by:(TheString)) as c4," +
                       " concatstring(Convert.ToString(IntPrimitive), group_by:()) as c5," +
                       " sc(IntPrimitive, group_by:(TheString)) as c6," +
                       " sc(IntPrimitive, group_by:()) as c7," +
                       " leaving(group_by:(TheString)) as c8," +
                       " leaving(group_by:()) as c9," +
                       " rate(3, group_by:(TheString)) as c10," +
                       " rate(3, group_by:()) as c11," +
                       " nth(IntPrimitive, 1, group_by:(TheString)) as c12," +
                       " nth(IntPrimitive, 1, group_by:()) as c13" +
                       " from SupportBean as sb";


            MakeSendEvent("E1", 10);
            AssertScalarColl(_listener.LastNewData[0], new int?[] { 10 }, new int?[] { 10 });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(_listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), cols, new object[] { 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, "10", "10", false, false,
                                                                                                  null, null, null, null });

            MakeSendEvent("E2", 20);
            AssertScalarColl(_listener.LastNewData[0], new int?[] { 20 }, new int?[] { 10, 20 });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(_listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), cols, new object[] { 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, "20", "10 20", false, false,
                                                                                                  null, null, null, 10 });

            MakeSendEvent("E1", -1);
            AssertScalarColl(_listener.LastNewData[0], new int?[] { 10, -1 }, new int?[] { 10, 20, -1 });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(_listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), cols, new object[] { 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, "10 -1", "10 20 -1", false, false,
                                                                                                  null, null, 10, 20 });

            MakeSendEvent("E2", 30);
            AssertScalarColl(_listener.LastNewData[0], new int?[] { 20, 30 }, new int?[] { 10, 20, -1, 30 });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(_listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), cols, new object[] { 2L, 3L, 2L, 4L, "20 30", "10 20 -1 30", false, false,
                                                                                                  null, null, 20, -1 });

            // plug-in aggregation function can also take other parameters
            _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select sc(IntPrimitive, dummy:1)," +
                                                 "concatstring(Convert.ToString(IntPrimitive), dummy2:(1,2,3)) from SupportBean");
