public SupplyProductsViewModel(AppDbContext dbContext, SupplyModel supply) { _dbContext = dbContext; _supply = supply; FillData(); }
public SuppliesFormViewModel(AppDbContext dbContext, SupplyModel supply = null) { _dbContext = dbContext; Model = supply ?? new SupplyModel(); Suppliers = dbContext.Suppliers.ToList(); Warehouses = dbContext.Warehouses.ToList(); }
public SupplyAddModel() { Supply = new SupplyModel(); Supply.Date = DateTime.Today; Supply.Summ = 0; Shops = new List <ShopModel>(); }
public EditViewModel(SupplyModel supplyModel) { Id = supplyModel.Id; PartNumber = supplyModel.PartNumber; Name = supplyModel.Name; Comment = supplyModel.Comment; PrinterModelIds = supplyModel.PrinterModels.Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); }
public Item(SupplyModel supplyModel) { Id = supplyModel.Id; PartNumber = supplyModel.PartNumber; Name = supplyModel.Name; Comment = supplyModel.Comment; CompatiblePrinterModels = supplyModel.PrinterModels.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); SuppliesCount = supplyModel.Supplies.Count(); }
public AddProductViewModel(AppDbContext dbContext, SupplyModel supply) { _dbContext = dbContext; Products = _dbContext.Products.ToList(); Model = new ProductToSupplyModel { SupplyId = supply.SupplyId }; }
public ActionResult EditSupply(SupplyModel supply) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { entityUnit.Supplies.Update(supply); entityUnit.Save(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(GetSupplyList))); } return(View()); }
public JsonResult GetSupplyAjax(string supplyNumber) { var model = new SupplyModel(); try { var supply = SupplyService.GetSupplyBySupplyNumber(supplyNumber); model = Mapper.Map <SupplyModel>(supply); model.SetSucces(); } catch (Exception ex) { model.SetError(ex); } return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { transfer = gameObject.AddComponent <TransferModel>(); transfer.connectionScope = connectionScope; switch (whatModel) { case supply = gameObject.AddComponent <SupplyModel>(); transfer.isSupply = true; break; case Model.consumption: Consumption = gameObject.AddComponent <ConsumptionModel>(); transfer.isUse = true; break; } }
public Result Add(string partNumber, string name, string comment, IEnumerable <int> printerModelIds) { var supplyModel = new SupplyModel() { PartNumber = partNumber, Name = name, Comment = comment }; context.SupplyModelSet.Add(supplyModel); if (printerModelIds != null) { var printerModels = context.PrinterModelSet.Where(x => printerModelIds.Contains(x.Id)).ToList(); printerModels.ForEach(x => supplyModel.PrinterModels.Add(x)); } return(context.SaveChangesWithValidation()); }
public void Register(string gridName, SupplyModel model) { Input(gridName, model.outputPower); }
public MetadataBase metadata; // A field to cache this item's basic metadata, if requested. /// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public CryptoItem() { supplyModel = SupplyModel.FIXED; transferable = Transferable.PERMANENT; transferFeeSettings = new TransferFeeSettings(); }
public ActionResult DeleteSupply(SupplyModel supply) { entityUnit.Supplies.Delete(supply); entityUnit.Save(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(GetSupplyList))); }
// コンストラクタ public SupplyViewModel() { // 設定ファイルに記録していた情報を書き戻す { if (SettingsStore.MemoryWindowPositionFlg) { WindowPositionLeft.Value = SettingsStore.SupplyWindowRect[0]; WindowPositionTop.Value = SettingsStore.SupplyWindowRect[1]; WindowPositionWidth.Value = SettingsStore.SupplyWindowRect[2]; WindowPositionHeight.Value = SettingsStore.SupplyWindowRect[3]; } AutoOpenWindowFlg.Value = SettingsStore.AutoSupplyWindowFlg; } // 画面の位置が変更された際、自動で設定ファイルに書き戻すようにする WindowPositionLeft.Subscribe(x => { if (!SettingsStore.MemoryWindowPositionFlg) { return; } SettingsStore.SupplyWindowRect[0] = x; SettingsStore.ChangeSettingFlg = true; }); WindowPositionTop.Subscribe(x => { if (!SettingsStore.MemoryWindowPositionFlg) { return; } SettingsStore.SupplyWindowRect[1] = x; SettingsStore.ChangeSettingFlg = true; }); WindowPositionWidth.Subscribe(x => { if (!SettingsStore.MemoryWindowPositionFlg) { return; } SettingsStore.SupplyWindowRect[2] = x; SettingsStore.ChangeSettingFlg = true; }); WindowPositionHeight.Subscribe(x => { if (!SettingsStore.MemoryWindowPositionFlg) { return; } SettingsStore.SupplyWindowRect[3] = x; SettingsStore.ChangeSettingFlg = true; }); // 起動時にこの画面を表示するか? AutoOpenWindowFlg.Subscribe(value => { SettingsStore.AutoSupplyWindowFlg = value; }); // 表示する資材のモードに対応してボタンの色・表示内容を変える SupplyModeButtonColor = ShowSupplyMode.Select(x => { return((Brush)(x == 0 ? new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Pink) : new SolidColorBrush(Colors.SkyBlue))); }).ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty(); SupplyModeButtonContent = ShowSupplyMode.Select(x => { return(x == 0 ? "通常資材" : "特殊資材"); }).ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty(); // その他staticな初期化 GraphPeriodList = new ReactiveProperty <List <string> >(graphPeriodDic.Keys.Select(p => p).ToList()); // 表示期間・資材モードが変更された際、グラフを再描画する SupplyGraphModel = GraphPeriodIndex.CombineLatest(ShowSupplyMode, (_, mode) => RedrawSupplyGraph()).ToReactiveProperty(); // コマンドを設定 ChangeSupplyModeCommand.Subscribe(_ => { ShowSupplyMode.Value = (ShowSupplyMode.Value == 0 ? 1 : 0); RedrawSupplyGraph(); }); SaveSupplyGraphCommand.Subscribe(_ => SupplyModel.SaveSupplyGraph(SupplyGraphModel.Value)); ShowEditorCommand.Subscribe(_ => { var vm = new SupplyEditorViewModel(); var view = new Views.SupplyEditorView { DataContext = vm }; view.ShowDialog(); }); // タイマーを指定してグラフ更新を定期実行する var timer = new Timer(1000 * 60 * 5); timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => { try { timer.Stop(); RedrawSupplyGraph(); } finally { timer.Start(); } }; timer.Start(); // まず最初の画面更新を掛ける SupplyGraphModel.Value = RedrawSupplyGraph(); }
// グラフを再描画する private PlotModel RedrawSupplyGraph() { return(SupplyModel.RedrawSupplyGraph(ShowSupplyMode.Value, NowGraphPeriodInfo)); }