private bool CheckRepeat(SupplierModel d) { object oTemp; string sql_Repeat = "select 1 from T_UserInfo_Supplier where (Number='" + d.Number + "' OR Name='" + d.Name + "') AND DeleteMark IS NULL AND Guid <> '" + d.Guid + "'"; return(new Helper.SQLite.DBHelper().QuerySingleResult(sql_Repeat, out oTemp)); }
protected void loadData() { SupplierParser newParser = new SupplierParser(); this.dataModel = new SupplierModel(@".\SQL2008", 1433, "TSQLFundamentals2008", "sa", "123456", "Production.Suppliers", newParser); newParser.DataModel = this.dataModel; try { this.dataModel.resetModel(""); } catch (Exception ex) { Session["current_error"] = ex.Message; Response.Redirect("serverError.aspx"); } /*if (this.IsPostBack == false) this.loadEmpIDS();*/ if ((Request.Params.Get("suppid") != null)) { this.suppID = int.Parse(Request.Params.Get("suppid").Trim()); this.newEmpMode = false; if (this.IsPostBack == true) return; this.loadSuppData(); } }
public JsonResult PutSupplierModel([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] SupplierModel supplierModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(new JsonResult(BadRequest(ModelState))); } if (id != supplierModel.ID) { return(new JsonResult(BadRequest())); } _context.Entry(supplierModel).State = EntityState.Modified; try { _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!SupplierModelExists(id)) { return(new JsonResult(NotFound())); } else { throw; } } return(new JsonResult(NoContent())); }
public static async Task UpdateAsync_UpdatesSupplierDetails( [Frozen] Mock <IContactDetailsService> contactDetailsService, [Frozen] Mock <ISupplierSectionService> supplierSectionService, [Frozen] CallOffId callOffId, Order order, SupplierModel model, SupplierSectionController controller) { order.Supplier.Should().NotBeEquivalentTo(model); supplierSectionService.Setup(o => o.GetOrder(callOffId)).ReturnsAsync(order); supplierSectionService.Setup(o => o.SetSupplierSection(order, It.IsAny <Supplier>(), It.IsAny <Contact>())).Callback(() => { order.Supplier = new Supplier { Name = model.Name }; }); contactDetailsService .Setup(s => s.AddOrUpdateAddress(It.IsNotNull <Address>(), It.IsNotNull <AddressModel>())) .Returns(order.Supplier.Address); await controller.UpdateAsync(callOffId, model); order.Supplier.Should().BeEquivalentTo(model, o => o.Including(s => s.Name)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Post(SupplierModel model) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid && model != null) { var supplier = _mapper.Map <Supplier>(model); _repository.AddSupplier(supplier); if (await _repository.SaveChangesAsync()) { var newModel = _mapper.Map <SupplierModel>(supplier); return(CreatedAtRoute("", "", newModel)); } else { return(Content(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, string.Format("Supplier with id {0} could not be updated", supplier.SupplierID))); } } else { return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Incorrect input data")); } } catch { return(InternalServerError()); } }
public SupplierModel GetData(string id) { SupplierModel result = null; var sSql = @" SELECT SupplierID, SupplierName, Alamat, NoTelp FROM Supplier WHERE SupplierID = @SupplierID "; using (var conn = new SqlConnection(_connString)) using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(sSql, conn)) { cmd.AddParam("@SupplierID", id); conn.Open(); using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (!dr.HasRows) { return(null); } dr.Read(); result = new SupplierModel { SupplierID = dr["SupplierID"].ToString(), SupplierName = dr["SupplierName"].ToString(), Alamat = dr["Alamat"].ToString(), NoTelp = dr["NoTelp"].ToString() }; } } return(result); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Add([FromBody] SupplierModel _model) { string link = URI_API.SUPPLIER_ADD; ResponseConsult <int> response = await PostAsJsonAsync <int>(link, _model); return(Ok(response)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Modify(int _supplierId, [FromBody] SupplierModel _model) { string link = URI_API.SUPPLIER_MODIFY.Replace("{id}", $"{_supplierId}"); ResponseConsult <bool> response = await PutAsJsonAsync <bool>(link, _model); return(Ok(response)); }
public void updateSupplier(SupplierModel model, int id) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Constants.CONNECTION_STRING)) { string command_text = "UPDATE dbo.Supplier SET FirstName = @FirstName, LastName = @LastName, Company_ID = @Company_ID, Address = @Address, EMail = @EMail, Telephone = @Telephone, Comments = @Comments WHERE ID = @ID"; using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(command_text)) { command.Connection = connection; command.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = model.FirstName.value; command.Parameters.Add("@LastName", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.LastName.value) ? model.LastName.value : (object)DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@Company_ID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = !(model.CompanyID.isNull()) ? model.CompanyID.value : (object)DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@Address", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200).Value = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Address.value) ? model.Address.value : (object)DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@EMail", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.EMail.value) ? model.EMail.value : (object)DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@Telephone", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Telephone.value) ? model.Telephone.value : (object)DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@Comments", System.Data.SqlDbType.Text).Value = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Comments.value) ? model.Comments.value : (object)DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@ID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = id; try { connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); CoreApp.logger.log("Successfully supplier updated in database"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { try { connection.Close(); CoreApp.logger.log("Successfully connection closed"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } } } }
public ActionResult Suppliers(int?pageNumber) { ViewBag.Message = "Suppliers - Add, Edit, Delete Suppliers."; var model = new SupplierModel() { PageNumber = (pageNumber != null ? Convert.ToInt32(pageNumber) : 1), PageSize = 5 }; var suppliers = _supplierService.GetSuppliers(); if (suppliers != null) { // get the suppliers to display depending on the page we are on model.Suppliers = suppliers.OrderBy(o => o.SupplierID) .Skip(model.PageSize * (model.PageNumber - 1)) .Take(model.PageSize).ToList(); // get a total count of the pages model.PageCount = suppliers.Count(); var page = (model.PageCount / model.PageSize) - (model.PageCount % model.PageSize == 0 ? 1 : 0); } return(View(model)); }
public static List <SupplierModel> importsupplier(List <SupplierModel> spm, out string error) { LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities(); error = ""; try { foreach (SupplierModel nsm in spm) { SupplierModel spm1 = GetSupplierBySupname(nsm.SupName, out string error1); if (spm1.SupName == "") { CreateSupplier(nsm, out string error2); spm1 = null; } else { UpdateSupplier(nsm, out string error3); } } } catch (Exception e) { error = e.Message; } List <SupplierModel> sm = GetSupplierByStatus(ConSupplier.Active.ACTIVE, out string error4); return(sm); }
public static SupplierModel GetSupplierBySupname(String name, out string error) { LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities(); error = ""; supplier sup = new supplier(); SupplierModel sm = new SupplierModel(); try { sup = entities.suppliers .Where(x => x.supname == name) .First(); sm = ConvertDBSupToAPISup(sup); } catch (NullReferenceException) { error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND; } catch (Exception e) { error = e.Message; } return(sm); }
public static SupplierModel ActivateSupplier(SupplierModel sm, out string error) { LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities(); supplier sup = new supplier(); error = ""; try { sup = entities.suppliers .Where(x => x.supid == sm.SupId) .First(); = ConSupplier.Active.ACTIVE; entities.SaveChanges(); sm = ConvertDBSupToAPISup(sup); } catch (NullReferenceException) { error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND; } catch (Exception e) { error = e.Message; } return(sm); }
public static SupplierModel CreateSupplier(SupplierModel sm, out string error) { LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities(); error = ""; supplier sup = new supplier(); try { sup.supname = sm.SupName; sup.supemail = sm.SupEmail; sup.supphone = sm.SupPhone; sup.contactname = sm.ContactName; sup.gstregno = sm.GstRegNo; = ConSupplier.Active.ACTIVE; entities.suppliers.Add(sup); entities.SaveChanges(); sm = ConvertDBSupToAPISup(sup); } catch (NullReferenceException) { error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND; } catch (Exception e) { error = e.Message; } return(sm); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateAsync(CallOffId callOffId, SupplierModel model) { if (model is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model)); } var order = await supplierSectionService.GetOrder(callOffId); if (order is null) { return(NotFound()); } var supplierModel = new Supplier { Id = model.SupplierId, Name = model.Name, Address = contactDetailsService.AddOrUpdateAddress(order.Supplier?.Address, model.Address), }; var contact = contactDetailsService.AddOrUpdatePrimaryContact( order.SupplierContact, model.PrimaryContact); await supplierSectionService.SetSupplierSection(order, supplierModel, contact); return(NoContent()); }
/*TrungND 21/10/16 gán thông tin cho khách sạn*/ public List <SupplierModel> GetAllUser() { List <SupplierModel> list = new List <SupplierModel>(); try { DataTable dt = new CDatabase().GetAllSupplier().Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { SupplierModel obj = new SupplierModel(); obj.ID = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()); obj.Name = dt.Rows[i]["FullName"].ToString(); obj.ContactName = dt.Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString(); obj.Mobile = dt.Rows[i]["Mobile"].ToString().Trim(); obj.Address = dt.Rows[i]["IdentityNumber"].ToString().Trim(); obj.Email = dt.Rows[i]["Email"].ToString(); obj.Note = dt.Rows[i]["Note"].ToString(); list.Add(obj); } return(list); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } }
public static async Task UpdateAsync_InvokesAddOrUpdateAddress( [Frozen] Mock <IContactDetailsService> contactDetailsService, [Frozen] Mock <ISupplierSectionService> supplierSectionService, [Frozen] CallOffId callOffId, Order order, SupplierModel model, SupplierSectionController controller) { var originalAddress = order.Supplier.Address; Expression <Func <IContactDetailsService, Address> > addOrUpdateAddress = s => s.AddOrUpdateAddress( It.Is <Address>(a => a == originalAddress), It.Is <AddressModel>(a => a == model.Address)); supplierSectionService.Setup(o => o.GetOrder(callOffId)).ReturnsAsync(order); supplierSectionService.Setup(o => o.SetSupplierSection(order, It.IsAny <Supplier>(), It.IsAny <Contact>())).Callback(() => { order.Supplier.Address = originalAddress; }); contactDetailsService.Setup(addOrUpdateAddress).Returns(originalAddress); await controller.UpdateAsync(callOffId, model); contactDetailsService.Verify(addOrUpdateAddress); order.Supplier.Address.Should().BeEquivalentTo(originalAddress); }
public List <SupplierModel> ListInforSupplier() { List <SupplierModel> list = new List <SupplierModel>(); try { DataSet ds = new CDatabase().GetInforSupplier(); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { SupplierModel obj = new SupplierModel(); obj.ID = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString()); obj.Name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FullName"].ToString(); obj.ContactName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString(); obj.Mobile = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Mobile"].ToString().Trim(); obj.Address = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["IdentityNumber"].ToString().Trim(); obj.Email = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Email"].ToString(); obj.Note = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Note"].ToString(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CreateDate"] != null) { obj.CreateDate = DateTime.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CreateDate"].ToString()); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ModifyDate"] != null) { obj.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ModifiedDate"].ToString()); } } return(list); } catch (Exception) { return(list); } }
private void dgAccessoriesInfor_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { var cellClicked = dgAccessoriesInfor.CurrentCell; var rowClicked = dgAccessoriesInfor.CurrentItem as MaterialPlanModel; if (cellClicked == null || rowClicked == null) { return; } if (!cellClicked.Column.Equals(colSupplier)) { return; } supplierClicked = supplierAccessoriesList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SupplierId.Equals(rowClicked.SupplierId)); materialPlanChecking = rowClicked; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workerId) && account.MaterialDelivery) { popInputWorkerId.IsOpen = true; txtWorkerId.Focus(); txtWorkerId.SelectAll(); } else { LoadSupplierClicked(); } }
public static void UpdateInfo() { if (supplier != null) { supplier = SupplierDataAccess.GetSupplierById(supplier.Id.ToString()); } }
public static SupplierModel ToSupplierModel(Supplies s) { SupplierModel respVal = new SupplierModel(); respVal.Id = s.Id; respVal.Timestamp = Settings.GetTimestamp(s.Timestamp); respVal.UshahidiId = s.UshahidiId?.ToString() ?? ""; respVal.UshahidiUrl = Settings.GetUshahidiUrl(s.UshahidiId); respVal.Status = ((PostStatus)s.StatusId).GetText(); respVal.Name = s.Name; respVal.SupplierType = ((SupplierTypes)s.SupplierTypeId).GetText(); respVal.SupplierTypeOther = s.SupplierTypeOther; respVal.MeetsRegulations = ((MeetsRegulations)s.MeetsRegulatoryRequirementsId).GetText(); respVal.PpeTypesSupplied = ((PpeTypes)s.PpeTypeId).GetText(); respVal.PpeTypesOther = s.PpeTypeOther; respVal.Capacity = s.CapacityPerWeek.ToString(); respVal.ContactDetails = s.PhoneNumber + " " + s.Email; respVal.ContactName = s.ContactName; respVal.Postcode = s.Postcode; respVal.Website = s.Website; respVal.Costs = ((CostTypes)s.CostTypeId).GetText(); respVal.Description = s.Description; respVal.TellUsMore = s.TellUsMore; respVal.Longitude = s.Longitude.ToString(); respVal.Latitude = s.Latitude.ToString(); return(respVal); }
public async Task <ActionResult <SupplierModel> > GetAsync(string orderId) { var order = await _orderRepository.GetOrderByIdAsync(orderId); if (order is null) { return(NotFound()); } var primaryOrganisationId = User.GetPrimaryOrganisationId(); if (primaryOrganisationId != order.OrganisationId) { return(Forbid()); } var supplierModel = new SupplierModel { SupplierId = order.SupplierId, Name = order.SupplierName, Address = order.SupplierAddress.ToModel(), PrimaryContact = order.SupplierContact.ToModel() }; return(Ok(supplierModel)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateAsync(string orderId, SupplierModel model) { if (model is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model)); } var order = await _orderRepository.GetOrderByIdAsync(orderId); if (order is null) { return(NotFound()); } var primaryOrganisationId = User.GetPrimaryOrganisationId(); if (primaryOrganisationId != order.OrganisationId) { return(Forbid()); } order.SupplierId = model.SupplierId; order.SupplierName = model.Name; order.SupplierAddress = order.SupplierAddress.FromModel(model.Address); order.SupplierContact = order.SupplierContact.FromModel(model.PrimaryContact); var name = User.Identity.Name; order.SetLastUpdatedBy(User.GetUserId(), name); await _orderRepository.UpdateOrderAsync(order); return(NoContent()); }
public PartialViewResult HotProducts(int id, string title) { try { SupplierModel _SUPPLIER = new SupplierModel(); Session["SUPPLIER"] = _SUPPLIER.GetSupplierName(id); Session["SUPPLIER_MODEL"] = db.SUPPLIERS.Find(id); ViewBag.Supplier = db.SUPPLIERS.Find(id); ViewBag.Header = title; List <PRODUCT> _lstPRODUCT = db.PRODUCTS.Where(n => n.SUPPLIER_ID == id && n.IS_ACTIVE && n.IS_NEW).OrderByDescending(n => n.IDX).Take(8).ToList(); if (_lstPRODUCT.Count > 7) { return(PartialView(_lstPRODUCT)); } else { return(PartialView()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; // 404 } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string accessoriesName = txtAccessoriesName.Text.Trim().ToString(); string supplierName = txtSupplierName.Text.Trim().ToString(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(accessoriesName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(supplierName)) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Acessories Name or Supplier Name is empty !"), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } var upperAccessoriesSuppliersList = supplierList.Where(w => String.IsNullOrEmpty(w.ProvideAccessories) == false).ToList(); var checkExist = upperAccessoriesSuppliersList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.ProvideAccessories.ToUpper().Equals(accessoriesName.ToUpper()) && f.Name.ToUpper().Equals(supplierName.ToUpper())); if (checkExist != null) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Supplier: {0} - {1} already exist !", checkExist.Name, checkExist.ProvideAccessories), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } if (bwUpload.IsBusy == false) { var supplierAdd = new SupplierModel { SupplierId = supplierList.Max(m => m.SupplierId) + 1, ProvideAccessories = accessoriesName, Name = supplierName }; this.Cursor = Cursors.Wait; btnAdd.IsEnabled = false; bwUpload.RunWorkerAsync(supplierAdd); } }
private void edit() { SupplierModel s = new SupplierModel(Convert.ToInt32(this.dataGridView1.Rows[this.dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Cells["id"].Value), this.dataGridView1.Rows[this.dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Cells["num"].Value.ToString(), this.dataGridView1.Rows[this.dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Cells["name"].Value.ToString()); SupplierPopup popup = new SupplierPopup(this, s); popup.Show(); }
private void LoadFormWithData() { if (_supplierModelList == null || _supplierModelList.Count <= 0) { _isAddNewMode = true; return; } _supplierModel = _supplierModelList[_currentIndex]; txtSupplierId.Text = Convert.ToString(_supplierModel.Id); txtSupplierCode.Text = _supplierModel.SupplierCode; txtSupplierName.Text = _supplierModel.SupplierName; txtAddress.Text = _supplierModel.Address; txtOwnNumber.Text = _supplierModel.OwnerName; txtContactNumber.Text = _supplierModel.ContactNumber; txtEmail.Text = _supplierModel.Email; txtNID.Text = _supplierModel.NID; txtBankAccountNumber.Text = _supplierModel.BankAccountNumber; txtTIN.Text = _supplierModel.TIN; txtDescription.Text = _supplierModel.Description; chkIsActive.Checked = _supplierModel.IsActive; dgvSupplierList.Rows[_currentIndex].Selected = true; dgvSupplierList.CurrentCell = dgvSupplierList.Rows[_currentIndex].Cells[0]; _isChanged = false; _isAddNewMode = false; }
/// <summary> /// 绑定第Index页的数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="Index"></param> private void BindDataWithPage(int Index) { pagingCom1.PageIndex = Index; pagingCom1.PageSize = 10; SupplierModel s = new SupplierModel(); s.Num = textBox1.Text; s.Name = textBox2.Text; dtData = ctrl.getFilterList(pagingCom1.PageIndex, pagingCom1.PageSize, s); //获取并设置总记录数 pagingCom1.RecordCount = ctrl.getCount(s); dtData.Columns.Add("status"); for (int i = 0; i < dtData.Rows.Count; i++) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(dtData.Rows[i]["isActive"])) { dtData.Rows[i]["status"] = "激活"; } else { dtData.Rows[i]["status"] = "注销"; } } dataGridView1.DataSource = dtData; pagingCom1.reSet(); }
public SupplierModel GetInforSupplierByID(string id) { SupplierModel obj = new SupplierModel(); try { DataSet ds = new CDatabase().GetInforSupplierById(id); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { obj.ID = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()); obj.Name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FullName"].ToString(); obj.ContactName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); obj.Mobile = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Mobile"].ToString().Trim(); obj.Address = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["IdentityNumber"].ToString().Trim(); obj.Email = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); obj.Note = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Note"].ToString(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CreateDate"] != null) { obj.CreateDate = DateTime.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CreateDate"].ToString()); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ModifyDate"] != null) { obj.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ModifiedDate"].ToString()); } } return(obj); } catch (Exception ex) { return(obj); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox1.Text == "" || textBox2.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("字段必填!"); } else { SupplierModel s; if (olds != null && olds.Id > 0) { s = new SupplierModel(olds.Id, textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text); } else { s = new SupplierModel(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text); } MessageModel msg = ctrl.add(s); if (msg.Code == 0) { parentForm.loadData(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show(msg.Msg); } } }
/// <summary> /// POST /api/suppliers /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> public HttpResponseMessage Post(SupplierModel model) { var context = this.DbContext; if (!this.User.CanCreate <Supplier>()) { throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)); } // transform the SupplierModel to Supplier var entity = model.TransformTo <Supplier>(); // add the entity context.Suppliers.Add(entity); // persist changes to the database context.SaveChanges(); // fire the web event new SupplierCreatedEvent(entity).Raise(); // create response var response = Request.CreateResponse <SupplierModel>(HttpStatusCode.Created, selector(entity)); string uri = Url.Link("Api", new { id = entity.Id }); response.Headers.Location = new Uri(uri); return(response); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SupplierModel model = new SupplierModel(); Supplier c = CreateSupplier(); lblResult.Text = model.InsertSupplier(c); Response.Redirect("~/Pages/Management/ManageWebsite.aspx", false); }
protected void _initModel() { Settings setting = new Settings(); SupplierParser newParser = new SupplierParser(); dataModel = new SupplierModel( this.gvSuppliers, setting.DB_HOST, setting.DB_PORT, setting.DB_NAME, setting.DB_USER, setting.DB_PASS, "Production.Suppliers", newParser); //dataModel = new SupplierModel(this.gvSuppliers, ".\\SQL2008", setting.DB_PORT, setting.DB_NAME, setting.DB_USER, setting.DB_PASS, "Production.Suppliers", newParser); newParser.DataModel = dataModel; dataModel.resetControl(); }
public SupplierViewModel(SupplierModel model) { this.Id = model.Id; //主键 this.No = model.No; //供应商编号 this.Type = model.Type; //供应商类别 this.ChName = model.ChName; //中文名称 this.EnName = model.EnName; //英文名称 this.ShortName = model.ShortName; //简称 this.Countryid = model.Countryid.ToString(); //国家 this.Address = model.Address; //地址 this.Phone = model.Phone; //电话 this.Email = model.Email; //邮箱 this.Linkman = model.Linkman; //联系人 this.Remark = model.Remark; //备注 this.ApprovalStatus = model.ApprovalStatus; //审批状态 this.OpeningBank = model.OpeningBank; //开户行 this.BankAccount = model.BankAccount; //开户行账号 }
private void PopulateSuppliers() { suppliers = supplierService.GetSupplierList().Select(s => new SupplierModel() { Id = s.Id, Name = s.Name, Email = s.Email }).ToList(); var defaultSupplier = new SupplierModel() { Name = "Empty" }; suppliers.Add(defaultSupplier); ViewData["Suppliers"] = suppliers; ViewData["defaultSupplier"] = defaultSupplier; }
public string Add(SupplierViewModel model) { #if DEBUG SysConfig.CurrentUser = UserModel.SingleOrDefault("3"); #endif if (ModelState.IsValid) { SupplierModel supplier = new SupplierModel(); supplier.No = CommonMethod.GetLatestSerialNo(SysConfig.SerialNo.SupplierNo); //供应商编号 supplier.Type = model.Type; //供应商类别 supplier.ChName = model.ChName; //中文名称 supplier.EnName = model.EnName; //英文名称 supplier.ShortName = model.ShortName; //简称 supplier.Countryid = model.Countryid.ToInt(); //国家 supplier.Address = model.Address; //地址 supplier.Phone = model.Phone; //电话 supplier.Email = model.Email; //邮箱 supplier.Linkman = model.Linkman; //联系人 supplier.Remark = model.Remark; //备注 supplier.BelongsMan = CommonMethod.GetBelongsMan( //业务员 SysConfig.CurrentUser.Departmentid.ToString()); supplier.BelongsDepartment = CommonMethod.GetBelongsDepartment( //业务部门 SysConfig.CurrentUser.Departmentid.ToString()); ApprovalRuleModel rule = ApprovalRuleModel.FirstOrDefault(@"where Del_Flag = 0 and Doc_Type = 2 and DepartmentID = @0", supplier.BelongsDepartment); //如果没有审批规则 则直接生效 if (rule == null) { supplier.ApprovalStatus = "4"; //审批状态 4:已生效 } //如果有审批规则 则待提交 else { supplier.ApprovalStatus = "1"; //审批状态 1:待提交 } supplier.OpeningBank = model.OpeningBank; //开户行 supplier.BankAccount = model.BankAccount; //开户行账号 supplier.DelFlag = 0; //有效状态 supplier.CreateMan = SysConfig.CurrentUser.Id; //制单人 supplier.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; //制单时间 int result = supplier.Insert().ToInt(); if (result > 0) { //更新供应商最大序列号 CommonMethod.UpdateSerialNo(SysConfig.SerialNo.SupplierNo); //记录操作日志 CommonMethod.Log(SysConfig.CurrentUser.Id, "Insert", "Sys_Supplier"); CommonMethod.Log(SysConfig.CurrentUser.Id, "Update", "Sys_SerialNo"); return "1"; } } return "0"; }
public EditSupplier(SupplierModel DataModel) { InitializeComponent(); dataModel = DataModel; }
public Supplier getSupplier(SupplierModel model) { var supplier = new Supplier(); if (model != null) { supplier.Address = model.Address; supplier.City = model.City; supplier.Country = model.Country; supplier.Phone = model.Phone; supplier.PostalCode = model.PostalCode; supplier.Products = getProduct(model.Products); supplier.Region = model.Region; supplier.SupplierId = model.SupplierId; supplier.SupplierName = model.SupplierName; supplier.SupplierTitle = model.SupplierTitle; } return supplier; }
public List<SupplierModel> getSupplier(IEnumerable<Supplier> data) { var list = new List<SupplierModel>(); if (data.Count() > 0) { foreach (var model in data) { var supplier = new SupplierModel(); if (model != null) { supplier.Address = model.Address; supplier.City = model.City; supplier.Country = model.Country; supplier.Phone = model.Phone; supplier.PostalCode = model.PostalCode; supplier.Products = getProduct(model.Products); supplier.Region = model.Region; supplier.SupplierId = model.SupplierId; supplier.SupplierName = model.SupplierName; supplier.SupplierTitle = model.SupplierTitle; } list.Add(supplier); } } return list; }