public int AddHolding(HoldingSet holdingSet) { if (holdingSet.Count == 0) { return(-1); } int first = SupplementaryList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < holdingSet.Count; i++) { HoldingInfo holding = holdingSet[i]; int holdingNext = i < holdingSet.Count - 1 ? SupplementaryList.Count + 1 : -1; SupplementaryList.Add(new Move(holding.From, holding.FromRow, holding.To, holding.Length, -1, holdingNext)); } return(first); }
public int AddSupplementary(MoveList supplementaryMoves) { if (supplementaryMoves.Count == 0) { return(-1); } int first = SupplementaryList.Count; int count = supplementaryMoves.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Move move = supplementaryMoves[i]; move.Next = i < count - 1 ? first + i + 1 : -1; SupplementaryList.Add(move); } return(first); }
public void Find() { Candidates.Clear(); SupplementaryList.Clear(); int numberOfSpaces = FindTableau.NumberOfSpaces; int maxExtraSuits = ExtraSuits(numberOfSpaces); int maxExtraSuitsToSpace = ExtraSuits(numberOfSpaces - 1); for (int from = 0; from < NumberOfPiles; from++) { HoldingStack holdingStack = HoldingStacks[from]; Pile fromPile = FindTableau[from]; holdingStack.Clear(); holdingStack.StartingRow = fromPile.Count; int extraSuits = 0; for (int fromRow = fromPile.Count - 1; fromRow >= 0; fromRow--) { Card fromCard = fromPile[fromRow]; if (fromCard.IsEmpty) { break; } if (fromRow < fromPile.Count - 1) { Card previousCard = fromPile[fromRow + 1]; if (!previousCard.IsSourceFor(fromCard)) { break; } if (fromCard.Suit != previousCard.Suit) { // This is a cross-suit run. extraSuits++; if (extraSuits > maxExtraSuits + holdingStack.Suits) { break; } } } // Add moves to other piles. if (fromCard.Face < Face.King) { PileList piles = FaceLists[(int)fromCard.Face + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < piles.Count; i++) { for (int count = 0; count <= holdingStack.Count; count++) { HoldingSet holdingSet = new HoldingSet(holdingStack, count); if (extraSuits > maxExtraSuits + holdingSet.Suits) { continue; } int to = piles[i]; if (from == to || holdingSet.Contains(from)) { continue; } // We've found a legal move. Pile toPile = FindTableau[to]; Algorithm.ProcessCandidate(new Move(from, fromRow, to, toPile.Count, AddHolding(holdingSet))); // Update the holding pile move. int holdingSuits = extraSuits; if (fromRow > 0 && (!fromPile[fromRow - 1].IsTargetFor(fromCard) || fromCard.Suit != fromPile[fromRow - 1].Suit)) { holdingSuits++; } if (holdingSuits > holdingStack.Suits) { int length = holdingStack.FromRow - fromRow; holdingStack.Push(new HoldingInfo(from, fromRow, to, holdingSuits, length)); } break; } } } // Add moves to an space. for (int i = 0; i < FindTableau.NumberOfSpaces; i++) { int to = FindTableau.Spaces[i]; if (fromRow == 0) { // No point in moving from a full pile // from one open position to another unless // there are more cards to turn over. if (FindTableau.GetDownCount(from) == 0) { continue; } } else { // No point in moving anything less than // as much as possible to an space. Card nextCard = fromPile[fromRow - 1]; if (fromCard.Suit == nextCard.Suit) { if (nextCard.IsTargetFor(fromCard)) { continue; } } } for (int count = 0; count <= holdingStack.Count; count++) { HoldingSet holdingSet = new HoldingSet(holdingStack, count); if (holdingSet.FromRow == fromRow) { // No cards left to move. continue; } if (extraSuits > maxExtraSuitsToSpace + holdingSet.Suits) { // Not enough spaces. continue; } // We've found a legal move. Pile toPile = FindTableau[to]; Algorithm.ProcessCandidate(new Move(from, fromRow, to, toPile.Count, AddHolding(holdingSet))); break; } // Only need to check the first space // since all spaces are the same // except for undealt cards. break; } } } }