Exemple #1
        private void LoadDataFromDump(string superCollectionName, string collectionName, string getFileName, string getToursFileName, bool replaceGuids, string contentAdminId)
            SuperCollection superCollection  = _storage.SuperCollections.Find(CollectionIdFromText(superCollectionName));
            bool            createCollection = true;

            if (superCollection != null)
                _storage.Entry(superCollection).Collection(_ => _.Collections).Load();
                createCollection = superCollection.Collections.All(candidate => candidate.Title != collectionName);

            if (superCollection == null || createCollection)
                // Load the Beta Content collection
                Collection collection = LoadCollections(superCollectionName, collectionName, contentAdminId);
                using (Stream getData = File.OpenRead(_baseDirectory.Value + @"Dumps\" + getFileName))
                    using (Stream getToursData = getToursFileName == null ? null : File.OpenRead(_baseDirectory.Value + @"Dumps\" + getToursFileName))
                        LoadData(getData, getToursData, collection, replaceGuids);

                // Save changes to storage
        public static void ListIterationExample()
            Console.WriteLine("--- List iteration example start ---");

            var stocks = new SuperCollection { "MSFT", "GOOG", "AAPL" };

            for (int i = 0; i < stocks.Count; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("--- List iteration example end ---");
Exemple #3
        private Collection LoadCollections(string superCollectionName, string collectionName, string userId)
            User user;

            if (userId == null)
                // Anonymous user - Sandbox collection etc.
                user = _storage.Users.Where(candidate => candidate.NameIdentifier == null).FirstOrDefault();
                // Beta content
                user = _storage.Users.Where(candidate => candidate.NameIdentifier == userId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user == null)
                user = new User {
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(), NameIdentifier = userId
                user.DisplayName = (userId == null) ? _defaultUserName : userId;
            // Load Collection
            Collection collection = new Collection();

            collection.Title = collectionName;
            collection.Id    = CollectionIdFromSuperCollection(superCollectionName, collectionName);
            collection.User  = user;

            // Load SuperCollection
            SuperCollection superCollection = _storage.SuperCollections.FirstOrDefault(candidate => candidate.Title == superCollectionName);

            if (superCollection == null)
                superCollection       = new SuperCollection();
                superCollection.Title = superCollectionName;
                superCollection.Id    = CollectionIdFromText(superCollectionName);
                superCollection.User  = user;

            if (superCollection.Collections == null)
                superCollection.Collections = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <Collection>();


Exemple #4
        public static void ListIterationExample()
            Console.WriteLine("--- List iteration example start ---");

            var stocks = new SuperCollection {
                "MSFT", "GOOG", "AAPL"

            for (int i = 0; i < stocks.Count; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("--- List iteration example end ---");
Exemple #5
        protected static Uri UrlForCollection(SuperCollection superCollection, Collection collection)
            if (superCollection == null || collection == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(superCollection.Title) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(collection.Title))

            string path = _hostPath.Value + "/" + FriendlyUrl.FriendlyUrlEncode(superCollection.Title) + "/";

            if (string.CompareOrdinal(superCollection.Title, collection.Title) != 0)
                path += FriendlyUrl.FriendlyUrlEncode(collection.Title) + "/";

            return(new Uri(path));
Exemple #6
        private Collection LoadCollections(string superCollectionName, string collectionName, string userId)
            User user = (userId == null
                             ? _storage.Users.FirstOrDefault(candidate => candidate.NameIdentifier == null)
                             : _storage.Users.FirstOrDefault(candidate => candidate.NameIdentifier == userId)) ??
                        new User {
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(), NameIdentifier = userId, DisplayName = userId ?? _defaultUser

            // load collection
            var collection = new Collection
                Title = collectionName,
                Id    = CollectionIdFromSuperCollection(superCollectionName, collectionName),
                User  = user

            // load supercollection
            SuperCollection superCollection = _storage.SuperCollections.FirstOrDefault(candidate => candidate.Title == superCollectionName);

            if (superCollection == null)
                superCollection = new SuperCollection
                    Title = superCollectionName,
                    Id    = CollectionIdFromText(superCollectionName),
                    User  = user

            if (superCollection.Collections == null)
                superCollection.Collections = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <Collection>();


        public string ImportCollection
            Guid collectionId, string collectionTitle, string collectionTheme, List <FlatTimeline> timelines, List <Tour> tours,
            bool makeDefault = false, bool forcePublic = false, bool keepOldGuids = false, string forceUserDisplayName = null
            int    titleCount  = 1;
            string titleAppend = "";
            string path        = Regex.Replace(collectionTitle.Trim(), @"[^A-Za-z0-9\-]+", "").ToLower();
            string type;
            Guid   GUID;
            Guid   newGUID;
            Dictionary <Guid, Guid> newGUIDs = new Dictionary <Guid, Guid>();
            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            User     user      = _user;

            // ensure user logged in or provided in override
            if (forceUserDisplayName != null)
                user = _storage.Users.Where(u => u.DisplayName == forceUserDisplayName).FirstOrDefault();
            if (user == null)
                return("In order to import a collection, you must first be logged in.");

            // ensure collection title is unique for user

                _storage.Collections.Where(c => c.User.Id == user.Id && c.Path == path + titleAppend).FirstOrDefault() != null
                titleAppend = "-" + titleCount;

            if ((path + titleAppend).Length > 50)
                return("Either the name of the collection to be imported is too long, or a collecton with this name already exists.");

            // create new collection under existing user's supercollection

            SuperCollection superCollection = _storage.SuperCollections.Where(s => s.User.Id == user.Id).Include("User").Include("Collections").FirstOrDefault();

            if (superCollection == null)
                return("The collection could not be imported as you are not properly logged in. Please log out then log back in again first.");

            Collection collection = new Collection
                Id = keepOldGuids ? collectionId : Guid.NewGuid(),
                SuperCollection    = superCollection,
                Default            = makeDefault,
                Path               = path + titleAppend,
                Title              = collectionTitle.Trim() + titleAppend,
                Theme              = collectionTheme == "" ? null : collectionTheme,
                MembersAllowed     = false,
                Members            = null,
                PubliclySearchable = forcePublic,
                User               = user


            // iterate through each timeline

            foreach (FlatTimeline flat in timelines)
                // keep cross-reference between old and new timelineIds so child timelines can maintain a pointer to their parents
                if (!keepOldGuids)
                    newGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    newGUIDs.Add(flat.timeline.Id, newGUID);
                    flat.timeline.Id = newGUID;

                    if (flat.parentTimelineId != null) // not root timeline
                        flat.parentTimelineId = newGUIDs[(Guid)flat.parentTimelineId];

                flat.timeline.Collection = collection;

                // iterate through each exhibit in the timeline  - change last updated to now with current user

                for (int eachExhibit = 0; eachExhibit < flat.timeline.Exhibits.Count; eachExhibit++)
                    // also keep cross-references for exhibits if new GUIDs are assigned
                    if (!keepOldGuids)
                        newGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
                        newGUIDs.Add(flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].Id, newGUID);
                        flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].Id = newGUID;

                    flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].Collection  = collection;
                    flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].UpdatedBy   = user;
                    flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].UpdatedTime = timestamp;

                    // iterate through each content item in the exhibit

                    for (int eachItem = 0; eachItem < flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].ContentItems.Count; eachItem++)
                        // also keep cross-references for content items if new GUIDs are assigned
                        if (!keepOldGuids)
                            newGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
                            newGUIDs.Add(flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].ContentItems[eachItem].Id, newGUID);
                            flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].ContentItems[eachItem].Id = newGUID;

                        flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].ContentItems[eachItem].Collection = collection;

                // add timeline to database

                if (flat.parentTimelineId == null)
                    Timeline parentTimeline =
                        _storage.Timelines.Where(t => t.Id == flat.parentTimelineId)


                // commit creations

                catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                    foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage);
                    return("Sorry, we were unable to fully import this collection due to an unexpected error, but it may have partially been imported. Please click on My Collections to check.");

            // iterate through each tour

            foreach (Tour tour in tours)
                tour.Collection = collection;

                // if using new GUIDs, create new ids for tour components and replace url guid parts using old to new GUID mapping
                if (!keepOldGuids)
                    tour.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                    // iterate through each tour stop

                    for (int eachBookmark = 0; eachBookmark < tour.Bookmarks.Count; eachBookmark++)
                        tour.Bookmarks[eachBookmark].Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                        // breakdown each tour stop url segment into parts
                        string[] parts = tour.Bookmarks[eachBookmark].Url.Split('/');

                        // iterate through each part, replacing the GUID fraction of the part with the new GUID that was mapped earlier during the timelines population
                        for (int eachPart = 1; eachPart < parts.Length; eachPart++)
                            if (parts[eachPart].Length == 37)
                                // part has two components
                                type = parts[eachPart].Substring(0, 1);         // first character in part is type
                                GUID = new Guid(parts[eachPart].Remove(0, 1));  // rest of part is GUID
                                // part has one component
                                type = "";
                                GUID = new Guid(parts[eachPart]);               // entire part is GUID

                            GUID            = newGUIDs[GUID];                   // lookup the earlier mapped GUID
                            parts[eachPart] = type + GUID.ToString();           // and replace the old GUID with mapped

                        // rejoin all the tour stop url segment parts back together
                        tour.Bookmarks[eachBookmark].Url = String.Join("/", parts);

                // add the tour

                // commit tour to database
                catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                    foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage);
                    return("We imported all of the timelines, exhibits and content items but we wre unable to fully import tours. Please click on My Collections to check.");

            return("The collection has been imported as \"" + collection.Title + "\". Please click on \"My Collections\" in order to see your new collection.");
        public void LoadDataFromDump(string curatorDisplayName, string collectionTitle, string collectionDumpFile, string toursDumpFile, bool curatorsDefaultCollection = true, bool replaceGUIDs = false)
            // remove any excess spaces from display names
            curatorDisplayName = curatorDisplayName.Trim();
            collectionTitle    = collectionTitle.Trim();

            // generate equivalent path names (uniqueness is assumed)
            string superCollectionPath = Regex.Replace(curatorDisplayName, @"[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "").ToLower();     // Aa-Zz and 0-9 only, converted to lower case.
            string collectionPath      = Regex.Replace(collectionTitle, @"[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "").ToLower();        // Aa-Zz and 0-9 only, converted to lower case.

            // get curator's user record or create if doesn't exist
            User user = _storage.Users.Where(u => u.DisplayName == curatorDisplayName).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user == null)
                user = new User
                    Id               = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    DisplayName      = curatorDisplayName,
                    IdentityProvider = "Populated from JSON"

            // get curator's supercollection record or create if doesn't exist
            SuperCollection superCollection = _storage.SuperCollections.Include("Collections").Where(s => s.Title == superCollectionPath).FirstOrDefault();

            if (superCollection == null)
                superCollection = new SuperCollection
                    Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Title       = superCollectionPath,
                    User        = user,
                    Collections = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <Collection>()

            // create new collection
            Collection collection = new Collection
                Id                 = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Default            = curatorsDefaultCollection,
                PubliclySearchable = true,
                Title              = collectionTitle,
                Path               = collectionPath,
                SuperCollection    = superCollection,
                User               = user


            // populate collection from json files
            using (Stream jsonTimelines = File.OpenRead(_jsonDirectory + collectionDumpFile))
                using (Stream jsonTours = toursDumpFile == null ? null : File.OpenRead(_jsonDirectory + toursDumpFile))
                    LoadData(jsonTimelines, jsonTours, collection, replaceGUIDs);

            // commit db changes
        /// <summary>
        /// It's possible to feed files created by the Export Collection menu item to this function.
        /// This function uses the same mechanism as the Import Collection menu item, the only differences being:
        /// 1) Instead of using the currently logged in user, we use the curatorDisplayName.
        /// 2) If this user doesn't exist, we create the user.
        /// 3) If the user doesn't have a supercollection, we create the supercollection.
        /// 4) We can define if the collection is the default collection here. (A pre-existing default collection for the user must not exist.)
        /// This function can therefore be used to seed the database with the Cosmos collection or other collections when the database is first created.
        /// </summary>
        public void ImportCollection(string curatorDisplayName, string collectionTitle, string jsonFile, bool curatorsDefaultCollection = true, bool forcePublic = true, bool keepOldGUIDs = true)
            bool dirty = false;

            // parse json file contents first in case invalid flat collection
            string jsonStringified = File.ReadAllText(_jsonDirectory + jsonFile);

            ExportImport.FlatCollection collectionTree = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExportImport.FlatCollection>(jsonStringified);

            // remove any excess spaces from display names
            curatorDisplayName = curatorDisplayName.Trim();
            collectionTitle    = collectionTitle.Trim();

            // generate equivalent path names (uniqueness is assumed)
            string superCollectionPath = Regex.Replace(curatorDisplayName, @"[^A-Za-z0-9\-]+", "").ToLower();   // Aa-Zz, 0-9 and hyphen only, converted to lower case.
            string collectionPath      = Regex.Replace(collectionTitle, @"[^A-Za-z0-9\-]+", "").ToLower();      // Aa-Zz, 0-9 and hyphen only, converted to lower case.

            // get curator's user record or create if doesn't exist
            User user = _storage.Users.Where(u => u.DisplayName == curatorDisplayName).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user == null)
                user = new User
                    Id               = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    DisplayName      = curatorDisplayName,
                    IdentityProvider = "Populated from JSON"
                dirty = true;

            // get curator's supercollection record or create if doesn't exist
            SuperCollection superCollection = _storage.SuperCollections.Include("Collections").Where(s => s.Title == superCollectionPath).FirstOrDefault();

            if (superCollection == null)
                superCollection = new SuperCollection
                    Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Title       = superCollectionPath,
                    User        = user,
                    Collections = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <Collection>()
                dirty = true;

            // commit any user or supercollection creations to db
            if (dirty)

            // use the standard export/import mechanism to import collection
                    collectionId:           collectionTree.collection.Id,
                    collectionTitle:        collectionTitle,
                    collectionTheme:        collectionTree.collection.Theme,
                    timelines:              collectionTree.timelines,
                    tours:                  collectionTree.tours,
                    makeDefault:            curatorsDefaultCollection,
                    forcePublic:            forcePublic,
                    keepOldGuids:           keepOldGUIDs,
                    forceUserDisplayName:   curatorDisplayName