public SmartThingsClient(string accessToken)
            var configuration = new Configuration();

            configuration.AccessToken = accessToken ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(accessToken);
            _accessToken = accessToken;

            _devicesApi        = new DevicesApi(configuration);
            _locationsApi      = new LocationsApi(configuration);
            _roomsApi          = new RoomsApi(configuration);
            _scenesApi         = new ScenesApi(configuration);
            _rulesApi          = new RulesApi(configuration);
            _schedulesApi      = new SchedulesApi(configuration);
            _appsApi           = new AppsApi(configuration);
            _subscriptionsApi  = new SubscriptionsApi(configuration);
            _installedAppsApi  = new InstalledappsApi(configuration);
            _deviceProfilesApi = new ProfilesApi(configuration);
            _capabilitiesApi   = new CapabilitiesApi(configuration);
            _presentationApi   = new PresentationsApi(configuration);

            //_accessToken = accessToken;
            //_devicesApi = new DevicesApi();
            //_locationsApi = new LocationsApi();
            //_roomsApi = new RoomsApi();
            //_scenesApi = new ScenesApi();
            //_rulesApi = new RulesApi();
            //_schedulesApi = new SchedulesApi();
            //_appsApi = new AppsApi();
            //_subscriptionsApi = new SubscriptionsApi();
            //_installedAppsApi = new InstalledappsApi();
            //_deviceProfilesApi = new ProfilesApi();
            //_capabilitiesApi = new CapabilitiesApi();
            //_presentationApi = new PresentationsApi();
Exemple #2
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!_disposedValue)
                if (disposing)
                    _allDevices        = null;
                    _allLocations      = null;
                    _allRooms          = null;
                    _allScenes         = null;
                    _allRules          = null;
                    _allSchedules      = null;
                    _allApps           = null;
                    _allSubscriptions  = null;
                    _allInstalledApps  = null;
                    _allDeviceProfiles = null;

                    _devicesApi        = null;
                    _locationsApi      = null;
                    _roomsApi          = null;
                    _scenesApi         = null;
                    _rulesApi          = null;
                    _schedulesApi      = null;
                    _appsApi           = null;
                    _subscriptionsApi  = null;
                    _installedAppsApi  = null;
                    _deviceProfilesApi = null;
                _disposedValue = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// List a device's resources with subscriptions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceId">DeviceId</param>
        /// <returns>List of device subscriptions</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// try
        /// {
        ///     var subscriptions = connectApi.ListDeviceSubscriptions("015bb66a92a30000000000010010006d");
        ///     foreach (var resource in subscriptions)
        ///     {
        ///         Console.WriteLine(resource);
        ///     }
        ///     return subscriptions;
        /// }
        /// catch (CloudApiException)
        /// {
        ///     throw;
        /// }
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <exception cref="CloudApiException">CloudApiException</exception>
        public IEnumerable <string> ListDeviceSubscriptions(string deviceId)
            string subscriptionsString;

                subscriptionsString = SubscriptionsApi.GetEndpointSubscriptions(deviceId);
            catch (mds.Client.ApiException e)
                if (e.ErrorCode == 404)
                    return(new string[] { });

                throw new CloudApiException(e.ErrorCode, e.Message, e.ErrorContent);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subscriptionsString))
                return(subscriptionsString.Split(new string[] { "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

            return(new string[] { });
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a list of pre-subscription data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>List of <see cref="Presubscription"/></returns>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 /// try
 /// {
 ///     var presubscriptions = connectApi.ListPresubscriptions();
 ///     foreach (var item in presubscriptions)
 ///     {
 ///         Console.WriteLine(item);
 ///     }
 ///     return presubscriptions;
 /// }
 /// catch (MbedCloudApiException)
 /// {
 ///     throw;
 /// }
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 /// <exception cref="CloudApiException">CloudApiException</exception>
 public Presubscription[] ListPresubscriptions()
         return(SubscriptionsApi.GetPreSubscriptions()?.Select(p => Presubscription.Map(p))?.ToArray());
     catch (mds.Client.ApiException ex)
         throw new CloudApiException(ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.ErrorContent);
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete the presubscriptions
 /// </summary>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 /// try
 /// {
 ///     connectApi.DeletePresubscriptions();
 /// }
 /// catch (MbedCloudApiException)
 /// {
 ///     throw;
 /// }
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 /// <exception cref="CloudApiException">CloudApiException</exception>
 public void DeletePresubscriptions()
     catch (mds.Client.ApiException ex)
         throw new mds.Client.ApiException(ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.ErrorContent);
Exemple #6
        private void SetUpApi(Config config, statistics.Client.Configuration statsConfig = null, mds.Client.Configuration mdsConfig = null, Configuration deviceConfig = null)
            const string dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fffZ";
            var          auth       = $"{config.AuthorizationPrefix} {config.ApiKey}";

            if (statsConfig == null)
                statsConfig = new statistics.Client.Configuration
                    BasePath       = config.Host,
                    DateTimeFormat = dateFormat,
                    UserAgent      = UserAgent,
                statsConfig.AddApiKey("Authorization", config.ApiKey);
                statsConfig.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", config.AuthorizationPrefix);

            if (mdsConfig == null)
                mdsConfig = new mds.Client.Configuration
                    BasePath       = config.Host,
                    DateTimeFormat = dateFormat,
                    UserAgent      = UserAgent,
                mdsConfig.AddApiKey("Authorization", config.ApiKey);
                mdsConfig.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", config.AuthorizationPrefix);

            if (deviceConfig == null)
                deviceConfig = new device_directory.Client.Configuration
                    BasePath       = config.Host,
                    DateTimeFormat = dateFormat,
                    UserAgent      = UserAgent,
                deviceConfig.AddApiKey("Authorization", config.ApiKey);
                deviceConfig.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", config.AuthorizationPrefix);

            DeviceDirectoryApi = new device_directory.Api.DefaultApi(deviceConfig);
            StatisticsApi      = new statistics.Api.StatisticsApi(statsConfig);
            SubscriptionsApi   = new SubscriptionsApi(mdsConfig);
            ResourcesApi       = new ResourcesApi(mdsConfig);
            EndpointsApi       = new EndpointsApi(mdsConfig);
            AccountApi         = new statistics.Api.AccountApi(statsConfig);
            NotificationsApi   = new NotificationsApi(mdsConfig);
            DeviceRequestsApi  = new DeviceRequestsApi(mdsConfig);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the status of a resource's subscription. True if ok, false if not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deviceId">Id of device.</param>
 /// <param name="resourcePath">Resource path.</param>
 /// <returns>True if subscribed, false if not.</returns>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 /// var status = connectApi.GetResourceSubscription("015bb66a92a30000000000010010006d", "3200/0/5500");
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public bool GetResourceSubscription(string deviceId, string resourcePath)
         var fixedPath = RemoveLeadingSlash(resourcePath);
         SubscriptionsApi.CheckResourceSubscription(deviceId, fixedPath);
     catch (mds.Client.ApiException)
         * Constructor to take in API credentials and create the backend API client
         * Also initializes the specific API clients for each object that will be used
         * user: The Zuora API username
         * pass: The Zuora API password
        public ApplicationManager(String user, String pass)
            //Creating the API client with the new REST endpoint
            zApi = new ApiClient("");

            //Adding the username and password to the header for subsequent API calls
            zApi.AddDefaultHeader("apiAccessKeyId", user);
            zApi.AddDefaultHeader("apiSecretAccessKey", pass);

            //Initializing API clients for Product Catalog, Accounts, and Subscriptions
            catalogApi       = new CatalogApi(zApi);
            accountsApi      = new AccountsApi(zApi);
            subscriptionsApi = new SubscriptionsApi(zApi);
 /// <summary>
 /// Unsubscribe from device and/or resource_path updates.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deviceId">device to unsubscribe events from.</param>
 /// <param name="resourcePath">resource_path to unsubscribe events from.</param>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 /// try
 /// {
 ///     connectApi.DeleteResourceSubscription("015bb66a92a30000000000010010006d", "3200/0/5500");
 /// }
 /// catch (CloudApiException)
 /// {
 ///     throw;
 /// }
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 /// <exception cref="CloudApiException">CloudApiException</exception>
 public void DeleteResourceSubscription(string deviceId, string resourcePath)
         var fixedPath = RemoveLeadingSlash(resourcePath);
         SubscriptionsApi.DeleteResourceSubscription(deviceId, fixedPath);
         var subscribePath = deviceId + resourcePath;
         ResourceSubscribtions.TryRemove(subscribePath, out var removedItem);
     catch (mds.Client.ApiException ex)
         throw new CloudApiException(ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.ErrorContent);
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes a device's subscriptions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deviceId">Device Id</param>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 /// try
 /// {
 ///     connectApi.DeleteDeviceSubscriptions("015bb66a92a30000000000010010006d");
 /// }
 /// catch (CloudApiException)
 /// {
 ///     throw;
 /// }
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 /// <exception cref="CloudApiException">CloudApiException</exception>
 public void DeleteDeviceSubscriptions(string deviceId)
         .Where(k => k.Contains(deviceId))
         .ForEach(d => ResourceSubscribtions.TryRemove(d, out var removedItem));
     catch (mds.Client.ApiException e) when(e.ErrorCode != 404)
         throw new CloudApiException(e.ErrorCode, e.Message, e.ErrorContent);
Exemple #11
        public SmartThingsClient(string accessToken)
            var configuration = new Configuration();

            configuration.AccessToken = accessToken ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(accessToken);
            //configuration.BasePath = "";

            _devicesApi        = new DevicesApi(configuration);
            _locationsApi      = new LocationsApi(configuration);
            _roomsApi          = new RoomsApi(configuration);
            _scenesApi         = new ScenesApi(configuration);
            _rulesApi          = new RulesApi(configuration);
            _schedulesApi      = new SchedulesApi(configuration);
            _appsApi           = new AppsApi(configuration);
            _subscriptionsApi  = new SubscriptionsApi(configuration);
            _installedAppsApi  = new InstalledAppsApi(configuration);
            _deviceProfilesApi = new DeviceProfilesApi(configuration);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update pre-subscription data. Pre-subscription data will be removed for empty list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="presubscriptions">Array of <see cref="Presubscription"/></param>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// try
        /// {
        ///     var presubscription = new Presubscription
        ///     {
        ///         DeviceId = "015bb66a92a30000000000010010006d",
        ///         ResourcePaths = new List { "/5001/0/1" },
        ///     };
        ///     connectApi.UpdatePresubscriptions(new Presubscription[] { presubscription });
        ///     foreach (var item in api.ListPresubscriptions())
        ///     {
        ///         Console.WriteLine(item);
        ///     }
        /// }
        /// catch (MbedCloudApiException)
        /// {
        ///     throw;
        /// }
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <exception cref="CloudApiException">CloudApiException</exception>
        public void UpdatePresubscriptions(Presubscription[] presubscriptions)
            var presubscriptionArray = new mds.Model.PresubscriptionArray();

            foreach (var presubscription in presubscriptions)
                var updatedPresubscription = new mds.Model.Presubscription(presubscription.DeviceId, presubscription.DeviceType, presubscription.ResourcePaths.ToList());

            catch (mds.Client.ApiException ex)
                throw new mds.Client.ApiException(ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.ErrorContent);
        /// <summary>
        /// Subscribe to resource updates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceId">Id of device.</param>
        /// <param name="resourcePath">Resource path.</param>
        /// <returns>Async Consumer with String</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// var consumer = await api.AddResourceSubscriptionAsync("015bb66a92a30000000000010010006d", "3200/0/5500");
        /// var counter = 0;
        /// while (true)
        /// {
        ///     var t = consumer.GetValue();
        ///     Console.WriteLine(t.Result);
        ///     counter++;
        ///     if (counter >= 2)
        ///     {
        ///     break;
        ///     }
        /// }
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <exception cref="CloudApiException">CloudApiException</exception>
        public async Task <Resource> AddResourceSubscriptionAsync(string deviceId, string resourcePath)
            Log.Info($"adding subscription for {deviceId} at path {resourcePath}");
                await StartNotificationsAsync();

                var fixedPath = RemoveLeadingSlash(resourcePath);
                await SubscriptionsApi.AddResourceSubscriptionAsync(deviceId, fixedPath);

                var subscribePath = deviceId + resourcePath;
                var resource      = new Resource(deviceId, this);
                ResourceSubscribtions.AddOrUpdate(subscribePath, resource, (key, _) => resource);

            catch (mds.Client.ApiException ex)
                throw new CloudApiException(ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.ErrorContent);
Exemple #14
 public void Init()
     instance = new SubscriptionsApi();