protected void BtnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBox tbQty = new TextBox(); DropDownList drpItem = new DropDownList(); SubmitPurchaseOrderController SPOL = new SubmitPurchaseOrderController(); List <int> QtyList = new List <int>(); List <Item> IList = new List <Item>(); Dictionary <string, string> orderIDMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (GridViewRow r in GridViewCreateOrder.Rows) { tbQty = (TextBox)r.Cells[3].FindControl("TextboxQty"); if (tbQty.Text == "") { LBforValidation.Text = "Please fill all Qty fields"; } else { LBforValidation.Text = ""; } } if (TbEDD.Text == "") { LBEDDValidate.Text = "Please choose the Expected Delivery Date."; } else { DateTime EED = TC.DateConvert(TbEDD.Text); if (EED < DateTime.Today.Date) { LBEDDValidate.Text = "The expected delivery date can not be before today."; } else { LBEDDValidate.Text = ""; if (LBforValidation.Text != "Please fill all Qty fields") { for (int i = 0; i < GridViewCreateOrder.Rows.Count; i++) { drpItem = (DropDownList)GridViewCreateOrder.Rows[i].Cells[1].FindControl("DropDownListItemCode"); Item additem = POC.GetItemByItem_ID(drpItem.SelectedValue); IList.Add(additem); tbQty = (TextBox)GridViewCreateOrder.Rows[i].Cells[3].FindControl("TextboxQty"); QtyList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(tbQty.Text)); } List <ItemWithQtyModel> IWQList = SPOL.CreateItemWithQty(IList, QtyList); List <OrderDetailController> ODList = SPOL.CreateOrderLists(IWQList); SPOL.DistributeToSuppliers(ODList); Session["ALPAList"] = SPOL.ALPAod; Session["BANEList"] = SPOL.BANEod; Session["CHEPList"] = SPOL.CHEPod; Session["OMEGList"] = SPOL.OMEGod; GridViewALPH.DataSource = POC.CreatePurchaseOrderGridView(SPOL.ALPAod); GridViewALPH.DataBind(); GridViewBANE.DataSource = POC.CreatePurchaseOrderGridView(SPOL.BANEod); GridViewBANE.DataBind(); GridViewCHEP.DataSource = POC.CreatePurchaseOrderGridView(SPOL.CHEPod); GridViewCHEP.DataBind(); GridViewOMEG.DataSource = POC.CreatePurchaseOrderGridView(SPOL.OMEGod); GridViewOMEG.DataBind(); if (SPOL.ALPAod.Count > 0) { PanelSup1.Visible = true; string orderid = POC.CreateOrderID("ALPA"); orderIDMap.Add("ALPA", orderid); LbOrderID1.Text = "Order ID: " + orderid; LbSupEDD1.Text = "Expected Dellivery Date: " + TbEDD.Text; //PurchaseOrderPDF POPDF = new PurchaseOrderPDF(); //POPDF.MakePurchaseOrderPDF("ALPA",orderid,LbSupEDD1.Text, "Tony", SPOL.ALPAod); } if (SPOL.BANEod.Count > 0) { PanelSup2.Visible = true; string orderid = POC.CreateOrderID("BANE"); orderIDMap.Add("BANE", orderid); LbOrderID2.Text = "Order ID: " + orderid; LbSupEDD2.Text = "Expected Dellivery Date: " + TbEDD.Text; //PurchaseOrderPDF POPDF = new PurchaseOrderPDF(); // POPDF.MakePurchaseOrderPDF("BANE", "002", LbSupEDD1.Text, "Tony", SPOL.BANEod); } if (SPOL.CHEPod.Count > 0) { PanelSup3.Visible = true; string orderid = POC.CreateOrderID("CHEP"); orderIDMap.Add("CHEP", orderid); LbOrderID3.Text = "Order ID: " + orderid; LbSupEDD3.Text = "Expected Dellivery Date: " + TbEDD.Text; //PurchaseOrderPDF POPDF = new PurchaseOrderPDF(); //POPDF.MakePurchaseOrderPDF("CHEP", "003", LbSupEDD1.Text, "Tony", SPOL.CHEPod); } if (SPOL.OMEGod.Count > 0) { PanelSup4.Visible = true; string orderid = POC.CreateOrderID("OMEG"); orderIDMap.Add("OMEG", orderid); LbOrderID4.Text = "Order ID: " + orderid; LbSupEDD4.Text = "Expected Dellivery Date: " + TbEDD.Text; } Session["SupMap"] = orderIDMap; PanelContorl.Visible = true; PanelCreateOrder.Visible = false; LBNotEnough.Text = SPOL.InsufficientInfo; } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "script", "<script>alert('Please fill all Qty fields')</script>"); } } } }