/// <summary>
        /// Process the Player Position message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">Client the message is from.</param>
        /// <param name="message">Message itself.</param>
        protected override void PlayerPositionChange(Client client, Message message)
            // Get current world.
            SubWorld world = CurrentWorld;

            // Find the TCP Client's world.
            while (world.Client != client)
                if (world.Opponent == null)
                    world = null;
                world = world.Opponent;

            // If Client World is found.
            if (world != null)
                // Get the World's Player.
                GameEntity player = world.GetSystem <PlayerSystem>().Get("Player").Parent;

                // Calculate the new Player position.
                byte[] data = message.GetData();
                data = (data.Length == 2) ? data : new byte[] { 0, data[0] };
                data = new byte[] { data[1], data[0] };
                short pos = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 0);

                // Update Player position.
                player.Position.x = pos;
        }                                           // Priority of the System.

        /// <summary>
        /// Create the System with the World as owning world.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world">System's owner SubWorld.</param>
        public GameSystem(SubWorld world)
            // Set up attributes.
            Priority   = 1;
            World      = world;
            BreakWorld = (BreakoutWorld)world;
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the activate PowerUp message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">Client the message is from.</param>
        /// <param name="message">Message itself.</param>
        protected override void ActivatePowerUp(Client client, Message message)
            // Get the Client's SubWorld and activate PowerUp.
            SubWorld world = SubWorlds[Clients.IndexOf(client)];

            world.GetSystem <PowerUpSystem>().ActivatePowerUp();
        // Create brick and accompanying components.
        private Brick CreateBrick(SubWorld world, string name = "")
            GameEntity entity   = new GameEntity(name);
            Brick      brick    = new Brick(entity, 96, 16);
            Collider   collider = new Collider(entity, 96, 16, false);

            world.GetSystem <ColliderSystem>().Add(collider);

        // Create player and accompanying components.
        private Ball CreatePlayer(SubWorld world, string name = "")
            GameEntity entity   = new GameEntity(name);
            Ball       ball     = new Ball(entity);
            Collider   collider = new Collider(entity, 64, 64, true);

            world.GetSystem <BallSystem>().Add(ball);
            world.GetSystem <ColliderSystem>().Add(collider);
Exemple #6
        private static void DisableDefaultPoiGeysers(ref SubWorld subWorld)
            Dictionary <string, string[]> finalPois = new Dictionary <string, string[]>(subWorld.pointsOfInterest);

            foreach (string poi in subWorld.pointsOfInterest.Keys)
                Debug.Log("[] " + poi.ToLower());
                if (poi.ToLower().Contains("geyser"))
            AccessTools.Property(typeof(SubWorld), "pointsOfInterest").SetValue(subWorld, finalPois, null);
Exemple #7
            public static void Postfix(WorldGen __instance)
                if (!Options.Enabled)

                foreach (TerrainCell overworldCell in __instance.OverworldCells)
                    SubWorld subWorld = __instance.Settings.GetSubWorld(overworldCell.node.type);
                    if (subWorld != null)
                        var x = (int)Math.Round(overworldCell.node.position.x);
                        var y = (int)Math.Round(overworldCell.node.position.y);
                        Debug.Log("Node: " + overworldCell.node.type + " at " + x + "|" + y);
                        var borderTop    = FindNextBorderCell(x, y, 0, 1);
                        var borderRight  = FindNextBorderCell(x, y, 1, 0);
                        var borderBottom = FindNextBorderCell(x, y, 0, -1);
                        var borderLeft   = FindNextBorderCell(x, y, -1, 0);

                        _useGranite = overworldCell.node.tags.Contains(WorldGenTags.StartWorld);

                        ReplaceVerticalBorderCells(overworldCell, borderTop, true);
                        ReplaceHorizontalBorderCells(overworldCell, borderRight, true);

                        if (Options.MoreEntrances)
                            ReplaceVerticalBorderCells(overworldCell, borderBottom, false);
                            ReplaceHorizontalBorderCells(overworldCell, borderLeft, false);

                // cleanup
                _cells = null;
                _world = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Transmit all alterations to current SubWorld for systems at given priority.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="priority">Required priority of systems for to have its messages gathered.</param>
        public override void TransmitAtlerations(int priority)
            if (!CurrentWorld.DummyWorld) // If the current SubWorld isn't an inactive dummy world...
                // Start Message Queue to hold produced Massages.
                MessageQueue queue = new MessageQueue();

                // Gather all alterations from current SubWorld and send them to Client.
                SendQueue(CurrentWorld.Client, queue);

                // Create another Message Queue.
                queue = new MessageQueue();

                // Get previous transmitted alterations from opponent SubWorld.
                SubWorld       opponent = CurrentWorld.Opponent;
                List <Message> messages = opponent.GetPreviousAlterations();

                // Set each message to be relating to the opponent.
                messages.ForEach((m) =>
                    m.Player = 0;

                if (messages.Count > 0) // If there are more than one messages...
                    // ... Add them to the queue and send.
                    SendQueue(CurrentWorld.Client, queue);
            else // ... Otherwise...
                // Gather current SubWorld alterations.
        private static Sim.Cell[] RenderOffline(WorldGen __instance, bool doSettle, ref Sim.DiseaseCell[] dc)
            Debug.Log(" === WorldGenReloadedMod_WorldGen_RenderOffline ===");
            WorldGen.OfflineCallbackFunction successCallbackFn = ((WorldGen.OfflineCallbackFunction)successCallbackFnF.GetValue(__instance));
            SeededRandom myRandom = ((SeededRandom)myRandomF.GetValue(__instance));
            Data         data     = ((Data)dataF.GetValue(__instance));
            Action <OfflineWorldGen.ErrorInfo> errorCallback = ((Action <OfflineWorldGen.ErrorInfo>)errorCallbackF.GetValue(__instance));

            Sim.Cell[] cells  = null;
            float[]    bgTemp = null;
            dc = null;
            HashSet <int> borderCells = new HashSet <int>();

            if (!__instance.RenderToMap(successCallbackFn, ref cells, ref bgTemp, ref dc, ref borderCells))
                successCallbackFn(UI.WORLDGEN.FAILED.key, -100f, WorldGenProgressStages.Stages.Failure);
            List <KeyValuePair <Vector2I, TemplateContainer> > list = new List <KeyValuePair <Vector2I, TemplateContainer> >();
            TemplateContainer  baseStartingTemplate = TemplateCache.GetBaseStartingTemplate();
            List <TerrainCell> terrainCellsForTag   = __instance.GetTerrainCellsForTag(WorldGenTags.StartLocation);

            foreach (TerrainCell item5 in terrainCellsForTag)
                List <KeyValuePair <Vector2I, TemplateContainer> > list2 = list;
                Vector2 vector  = item5.poly.Centroid();
                int     a       = (int)vector.x;
                Vector2 vector2 = item5.poly.Centroid();
                list2.Add(new KeyValuePair <Vector2I, TemplateContainer>(new Vector2I(a, (int)vector2.y), baseStartingTemplate));

            List <TemplateContainer> list3 = TemplateCache.CollectBaseTemplateAssets("poi/");

            foreach (SubWorld subWorld in __instance.Settings.GetSubWorldList())
                if (subWorld.pointsOfInterest != null)
                    //// Disable default POI geysers
                    if (WorldGenReloadedData.Config.DisableDefaultPoiGeysers)
                        SubWorld _subWorld = subWorld;
                        DisableDefaultPoiGeysers(ref _subWorld);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string[]> item6 in subWorld.pointsOfInterest)
                        List <TerrainCell> terrainCellsForTag2 = __instance.GetTerrainCellsForTag(subWorld.name.ToTag());
                        for (int num = terrainCellsForTag2.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--)
                            if (!__instance.IsSafeToSpawnPOI(terrainCellsForTag2[num]))
                        if (terrainCellsForTag2.Count > 0)
                            string            template          = null;
                            TemplateContainer templateContainer = null;
                            int num2 = 0;
                            while (templateContainer == null && num2 < item6.Value.Length)
                                template          = item6.Value[myRandom.RandomRange(0, item6.Value.Length)];
                                templateContainer = list3.Find((TemplateContainer value) => value.name == template);
                            if (templateContainer != null)
                                for (int i = 0; i < terrainCellsForTag2.Count; i++)
                                    TerrainCell terrainCell = terrainCellsForTag2[myRandom.RandomRange(0, terrainCellsForTag2.Count)];
                                    if (!terrainCell.node.tags.Contains(WorldGenTags.POI))
                                        if (!(templateContainer.info.size.Y > terrainCell.poly.MaxY - terrainCell.poly.MinY))
                                            List <KeyValuePair <Vector2I, TemplateContainer> > list4 = list;
                                            Vector2 vector3 = terrainCell.poly.Centroid();
                                            int     a2      = (int)vector3.x;
                                            Vector2 vector4 = terrainCell.poly.Centroid();
                                            list4.Add(new KeyValuePair <Vector2I, TemplateContainer>(new Vector2I(a2, (int)vector4.y), templateContainer));
                                        float num3 = templateContainer.info.size.Y - (terrainCell.poly.MaxY - terrainCell.poly.MinY);
                                        float num4 = templateContainer.info.size.X - (terrainCell.poly.MaxX - terrainCell.poly.MinX);
                                        if (terrainCell.poly.MaxY + num3 < (float)Grid.HeightInCells && terrainCell.poly.MinY - num3 > 0f && terrainCell.poly.MaxX + num4 < (float)Grid.WidthInCells && terrainCell.poly.MinX - num4 > 0f)
                                            List <KeyValuePair <Vector2I, TemplateContainer> > list5 = list;
                                            Vector2 vector5 = terrainCell.poly.Centroid();
                                            int     a3      = (int)vector5.x;
                                            Vector2 vector6 = terrainCell.poly.Centroid();
                                            list5.Add(new KeyValuePair <Vector2I, TemplateContainer>(new Vector2I(a3, (int)vector6.y), templateContainer));

            ProcessGeysers(__instance, ref list, myRandom);

            // Generation of geyser Overwrited in the previous line

             * List<TemplateContainer> list6 = TemplateCache.CollectBaseTemplateAssets("features/");
             * foreach (SubWorld subWorld2 in WorldGen.Settings.GetSubWorldList())
             * {
             * if (subWorld2.featureTemplates != null && subWorld2.featureTemplates.Count > 0)
             * {
             * List<string> list7 = new List<string>();
             * foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> featureTemplate in subWorld2.featureTemplates)
             * {
             * for (int j = 0; j < featureTemplate.Value; j++)
             * {
             *  list7.Add(featureTemplate.Key);
             * }
             * }
             * list7.ShuffleSeeded(myRandom.RandomSource());
             * List<TerrainCell> terrainCellsForTag3 = WorldGen.GetTerrainCellsForTag(subWorld2.name.ToTag());
             * terrainCellsForTag3.ShuffleSeeded(myRandom.RandomSource());
             * foreach (TerrainCell item7 in terrainCellsForTag3)
             * {
             * if (list7.Count == 0)
             * {
             *  break;
             * }
             * if (item7.IsSafeToSpawnFeatureTemplate())
             * {
             *  string template2 = list7[list7.Count - 1];
             *  list7.RemoveAt(list7.Count - 1);
             *  TemplateContainer templateContainer2 = list6.Find((TemplateContainer value) => value.name == template2);
             *  if (templateContainer2 != null)
             *  {
             *      List<KeyValuePair<Vector2I, TemplateContainer>> list8 = list;
             *      Vector2 vector7 = item7.poly.Centroid();
             *      int a4 = (int)vector7.x;
             *      Vector2 vector8 = item7.poly.Centroid();
             *      list8.Add(new KeyValuePair<Vector2I, TemplateContainer>(new Vector2I(a4, (int)vector8.y), templateContainer2));
             *      item7.node.tags.Add(template2.ToTag());
             *      item7.node.tags.Add(WorldGenTags.POI);
             *  }
             * }
             * }
             * }
             * }
            foreach (int item8 in borderCells)
                cells[item8].SetValues(WorldGen.unobtaniumElement, ElementLoader.elements);
            if (doSettle)
                //this.running = WorldGenSimUtil.DoSettleSim(this.Settings, array, bgTemp, dc, this.successCallbackFn, this.data, list, this.errorCallback, delegate(Sim.Cell[] updatedCells, float[] updatedBGTemp, Sim.DiseaseCell[] updatedDisease)
                runningF.SetValue(__instance, WorldGenSimUtil.DoSettleSim(__instance.Settings, cells, bgTemp, dc, successCallbackFn, data, list, errorCallback, delegate(Sim.Cell[] updatedCells, float[] updatedBGTemp, Sim.DiseaseCell[] updatedDisease)
                    //SpawnMobsAndTemplates(updatedCells, updatedBGTemp, updatedDisease, borderCells);
                    SpawnMobsAndTemplatesM.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { updatedCells, updatedBGTemp, updatedDisease, borderCells });
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2I, TemplateContainer> item9 in list)
                //PlaceTemplateSpawners(item9.Key, item9.Value);
                PlaceTemplateSpawnersM.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { item9.Key, item9.Value });
            for (int num5 = data.gameSpawnData.buildings.Count - 1; num5 >= 0; num5--)
                int item = Grid.XYToCell(data.gameSpawnData.buildings[num5].location_x, data.gameSpawnData.buildings[num5].location_y);
                if (borderCells.Contains(item))
            for (int num6 = data.gameSpawnData.elementalOres.Count - 1; num6 >= 0; num6--)
                int item2 = Grid.XYToCell(data.gameSpawnData.elementalOres[num6].location_x, data.gameSpawnData.elementalOres[num6].location_y);
                if (borderCells.Contains(item2))
            for (int num7 = data.gameSpawnData.otherEntities.Count - 1; num7 >= 0; num7--)
                int item3 = Grid.XYToCell(data.gameSpawnData.otherEntities[num7].location_x, data.gameSpawnData.otherEntities[num7].location_y);
                if (borderCells.Contains(item3))
            for (int num8 = data.gameSpawnData.pickupables.Count - 1; num8 >= 0; num8--)
                int item4 = Grid.XYToCell(data.gameSpawnData.pickupables[num8].location_x, data.gameSpawnData.pickupables[num8].location_y);
                if (borderCells.Contains(item4))
            successCallbackFn(UI.WORLDGEN.COMPLETE.key, 101f, WorldGenProgressStages.Stages.Complete);
            //running = false;
            runningF.SetValue(__instance, false);
Exemple #10
 public WeightedSubWorld(float weight, SubWorld subWorld)
     this.weight   = weight;
     this.subWorld = subWorld;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Create Brick system.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="world">Owning SubWorld.</param>
 public BrickSystem(SubWorld world) : base(world)
     // Lower System priority to 2.
     Priority = 2;
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Create Ball system.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="world">Owning SubWorld.</param>
 public BallSystem(SubWorld world) : base(world)
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Create Player system.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="world">Owning SubWorld.</param>
 public PlayerSystem(SubWorld world) : base(world)
 { }
 private void ShowStartingLocationChoices()
     if ((UnityEngine.Object)titleText != (UnityEngine.Object)null)
         titleText.text = "Choose Starting Location";
     startNodes = worldGen.WorldLayout.GetStartNodes();
     if (startNodes.Count > 0)
         List <SubWorld> list = new List <SubWorld>();
         for (int i = 0; i < startNodes.Count; i++)
             Tree tree = startNodes[i] as Tree;
             if (tree == null)
                 tree = worldGen.GetOverworldForNode(startNodes[i] as Leaf);
                 if (tree == null)
             SubWorld subWorldForNode = worldGen.GetSubWorldForNode(tree);
             if (subWorldForNode != null && !list.Contains(subWorldForNode))
                 GameObject    gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(locationButtonPrefab);
                 RectTransform component  = gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                 component.localScale = Vector3.one;
                 Text     componentInChildren = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
                 SubWorld subWorld            = null;
                 Tree     parent = startNodes[i].parent;
                 while (subWorld == null && parent != null)
                     subWorld = worldGen.GetSubWorldForNode(parent);
                     if (subWorld == null)
                         parent = parent.parent;
                 TagSet tagSet = new TagSet(startNodes[i].tags);
                 componentInChildren.text = tagSet.ToString();
                 int idx = i;
                 Button.ButtonClickedEvent buttonClickedEvent = new Button.ButtonClickedEvent();
                 Button component2 = gameObject.GetComponent <Button>();
                 component2.onClick = buttonClickedEvent;
Exemple #15
        private List <GameEntity> SpawnedObjects = new List <GameEntity>(); // Track all spawned Entities by PowerUps.

        /// <summary>
        /// Create PowerUp system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world">Owning SubWorld.</param>
        public PowerUpSystem(SubWorld world) : base(world)
 /// <summary>
 /// Create Collider system.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="world">Owning SubWorld.</param>
 public ColliderSystem(SubWorld world) : base(world)