Exemple #1
 public void UpdateStyle(SubStyle style)
     styles = new List <SubStyle>()
Exemple #2
 public void NewMessage(OSDMessage.Type type, string msg, SubStyle style, int duration = -1)
     NewMessage(type, msg, new List <SubStyle>()
     }, duration);
Exemple #3
 public void NewMessage(OSDMessage.Type type, string msg, SubStyle style, int duration = -1)
     if (!OSDEnabled)
     NewMessage(type, msg, new List <SubStyle>()
     }, duration);
    public void Blend(SubStyle sub, InstantGuiElement element, float blend)               //done after base style apply
        //removing a blended texture if necessary
        if ((!sub.enabled || sub.texture == null) && element.blendGuiTexture != null)

        //setting texture
        if (sub.texture != null)
            if (!element.blendGuiTexture)
                GameObject obj = new GameObject(element.transform.name + "_blendTexture");
                obj.transform.parent = element.transform;
                //obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
                element.blendGuiTexture = obj.AddComponent <GUITexture>();

            if (element.blendGuiTexture.texture != sub.texture)
                element.blendGuiTexture.texture = sub.texture;

            element.blendGuiTexture.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, element.transform.localPosition.z + 0.005f);
            element.blendGuiTexture.pixelInset = InstantGui.Invert(element.absolute.ToRect(InstantGui.scale));
            if (borders != null)
                element.blendGuiTexture.border = borders;

            element.blendGuiTexture.color = new Color(element.blendGuiTexture.color.r, element.blendGuiTexture.color.g, element.blendGuiTexture.color.b, blend * 0.5f);
            if (element.mainGuiTexture != null)
                element.mainGuiTexture.color =
                    new Color(element.mainGuiTexture.color.r, element.mainGuiTexture.color.g, element.mainGuiTexture.color.b, (1 - blend * blend) * 0.5f);

        if (element.guiTexts != null && element.guiTexts.Length > 0)
            element.textMaterial.color = element.textMaterial.color * (1 - blend) + sub.textColor * blend;
Exemple #5
    static public void  DrawSubStyle(SubStyle sub, string name)
        int toggleSize = 16;

        int indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;

        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

        Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(50, 16, "TextField");

        rect.x     += indent * indentPixels; rect.width -= indent * indentPixels;
        sub.enabled = EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, sub.enabled);
        rect.x     += toggleSize; rect.width -= toggleSize; //rect.y+=2;
        EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, name);

        if (sub.enabled)
            rect        = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(50, 16, "TextField");
            rect.x     += (indent + 1) * indentPixels; rect.width -= (indent + 1) * indentPixels;
            sub.texture = (Texture)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, "Texture:", sub.texture, typeof(Texture), false);

            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 2;
            Vector2 textOffset = DrawVector2("Text Offset", new Vector2(sub.textOffsetX, sub.textOffsetY));
            sub.textOffsetX       = (int)(textOffset.x);
            sub.textOffsetY       = (int)(textOffset.y);
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

            EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(120, 15);
            rect          = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(50, 16, "TextField");
            rect.x       += (indent + 1) * indentPixels; rect.width -= (indent + 1) * indentPixels;
            sub.textColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, "Text Color:", sub.textColor);

        EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;
    public virtual void ApplyStyle() //re-written
        //trying to load style if styleSet assigned (usually after scene loading)
        if (!customStyle && styleSet != null)
            style = styleSet.FindStyle(styleName);

        //clearing if no style assigned
        if (style == null)

            //calculating style
            SubStyle subStyle = style.main;
            if (style.disabled.enabled && disabled)
                subStyle = style.disabled;
            if (style.active.enabled && (check || pressed))
                subStyle = style.active;

            //calculating pointed blend
            if (style.pointed.enabled && !disabled && !pressed && !check)
                if (pointed)
                    pointedBlend = Mathf.Min(pointedBlend + Time.deltaTime * style.blendSpeed, 1);
                    pointedBlend = Mathf.Max(pointedBlend - Time.deltaTime * style.blendSpeed, 0);

                //setting pointed time and blend to zero if in editor
                if (!UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                    pointedTime   = 0;
                    unpointedTime = 0;
                    pointedBlend  = 0;

            //apply style
            if (pointedBlend < 0.001f || disabled || pressed || check)
                style.Unblend(this); style.Apply(subStyle, this);
            else if (pointedBlend > 0.999f)
                style.Unblend(this); style.Apply(style.pointed, this);
            else //blended
                style.Apply(subStyle, this);
                style.Blend(style.pointed, this, pointedBlend);

        for (int i = 0; i < childElements.Count; i++)
Exemple #7
 public OSDMessage(Type type, string msg, SubStyle style, int duration = -1) : this(type, msg, new List <SubStyle>() { style }, duration)
	static public void  DrawSubStyle ( SubStyle sub ,   string name  )
		int toggleSize = 16;
		int indent= EditorGUI.indentLevel;
		EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
		Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (50, 16, "TextField");
		rect.x+=indent*indentPixels; rect.width-=indent*indentPixels;
		sub.enabled = EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, sub.enabled);
		rect.x+=toggleSize; rect.width-=toggleSize; //rect.y+=2;
		if (sub.enabled)
			rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (50, 16, "TextField");
			rect.x+=(indent+1)*indentPixels; rect.width-=(indent+1)*indentPixels;
			sub.texture = (Texture)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, "Texture:", sub.texture, typeof(Texture), false);
			EditorGUI.indentLevel = 2;
			Vector2 textOffset = DrawVector2("Text Offset", new Vector2(sub.textOffsetX, sub.textOffsetY));
			sub.textOffsetX = (int)(textOffset.x);
			sub.textOffsetY = (int)(textOffset.y);
			EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

			EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(120, 15);
			rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (50, 16, "TextField");
			rect.x+=(indent+1)*indentPixels; rect.width-=(indent+1)*indentPixels;
			sub.textColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, "Text Color:", sub.textColor);
		EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;
Exemple #9
        public static string SSAtoSubStyles(string s, out List <SubStyle> styles)
            int    pos  = 0;
            string sout = "";

            styles = new List <SubStyle>();

            SubStyle bold      = new SubStyle(SubStyles.BOLD);
            SubStyle italic    = new SubStyle(SubStyles.ITALIC);
            SubStyle underline = new SubStyle(SubStyles.UNDERLINE);
            SubStyle strikeout = new SubStyle(SubStyles.STRIKEOUT);
            SubStyle color     = new SubStyle(SubStyles.COLOR);

            //SubStyle fontname      = new SubStyle(SubStyles.FONTNAME);
            //SubStyle fontsize      = new SubStyle(SubStyles.FONTSIZE);

            s = s.LastIndexOf(",,") == -1 ? s : s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf(",,") + 2).Replace("\\N", "\n").Trim();

            for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                if (s[i] == '{')

                if (s[i] == '\\' && s[i - 1] == '{')
                    int codeLen = s.IndexOf('}', i) - i;
                    if (codeLen == -1)

                    string code = s.Substring(i, codeLen).Trim();

                    switch (code[1])
                    case 'c':
                        if (code.Length == 2)
                            if (color.from == -1)

                            color.len = pos - color.from;
                            if ((Color)color.value != Color.Transparent)
                            color = new SubStyle(SubStyles.COLOR);
                            color.from  = pos;
                            color.value = Color.Transparent;
                            if (code.Length < 7)

                            int colorEnd = code.LastIndexOf("&");
                            if (colorEnd < 6)

                            string hexColor = code.Substring(4, colorEnd - 4);
                            int    red      = int.Parse(hexColor.Substring(hexColor.Length - 2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                            int    green    = 0;
                            int    blue     = 0;

                            if (hexColor.Length - 2 > 0)
                                hexColor = hexColor.Substring(0, hexColor.Length - 2);
                                green    = int.Parse(hexColor.Substring(hexColor.Length - 2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                            if (hexColor.Length - 2 > 0)
                                hexColor = hexColor.Substring(0, hexColor.Length - 2);
                                blue     = int.Parse(hexColor.Substring(hexColor.Length - 2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                            color.value = new Color(red, green, blue);

                    case 'b':
                        if (code[2] == '0')
                            if (bold.from == -1)

                            bold.len = pos - bold.from;
                            bold = new SubStyle(SubStyles.BOLD);
                            bold.from = pos;
                            //bold.value = code.Substring(2, code.Length-2);


                    case 'u':
                        if (code[2] == '0')
                            if (underline.from == -1)

                            underline.len = pos - underline.from;
                            underline = new SubStyle(SubStyles.UNDERLINE);
                            underline.from = pos;


                    case 's':
                        if (code[2] == '0')
                            if (strikeout.from == -1)

                            strikeout.len = pos - strikeout.from;
                            strikeout = new SubStyle(SubStyles.STRIKEOUT);
                            strikeout.from = pos;


                    case 'i':
                        if (code[2] == '0')
                            if (italic.from == -1)

                            italic.len = pos - italic.from;
                            italic = new SubStyle(SubStyles.ITALIC);
                            italic.from = pos;


                    i += codeLen;

                sout += s[i];

            // Non-Closing Codes
            int soutPostLast = sout.Length;

            if (bold.from != -1)
                bold.len = soutPostLast - bold.from; styles.Add(bold);
            if (italic.from != -1)
                italic.len = soutPostLast - italic.from; styles.Add(italic);
            if (strikeout.from != -1)
                strikeout.len = soutPostLast - strikeout.from; styles.Add(strikeout);
            if (underline.from != -1)
                underline.len = soutPostLast - underline.from; styles.Add(underline);
            if (color.from != -1 && (Color)color.value != Color.Transparent)
                color.len = soutPostLast - color.from; styles.Add(color);

	public RectOffset pointOffset;// = new RectOffset(0,0,0,0);

	public InstantGuiStyle()
		main = new SubStyle();
		pointed = result.pointed.Clone();
		active = result.active.Clone();
		result.disabled = result.disabled.Clone();
		result.relative = result.relative.Clone();
		result.offset = result.offset.Clone();
		result.pointOffset = new RectOffset(result.pointOffset.left, result.pointOffset.right, result.pointOffset.top, result.pointOffset.bottom);
		result.borders = new RectOffset(result.borders.left, result.borders.right, result.borders.top, result.borders.bottom);
		return result;

	public void  Apply (SubStyle sub, InstantGuiElement element)
		//getting number of texts that should be in element
		int textsLength=0;
		if (element.text.Length==0) textsLength = 0;
		else switch (textEffect)
		case InstantGuiTextEffect.simple: textsLength = 1; break;
		case InstantGuiTextEffect.shadow: textsLength = 2; break;
		case InstantGuiTextEffect.stroke: textsLength = 5; break;
		//should a texture ot text be removed?
		bool  removeTexture=false; 
		bool  removeTexts=false;
		if (!sub.enabled) { removeTexture = true; removeTexts = true; }
		if (!sub.texture) removeTexture = true;
		if (element.guiTexts.Length != textsLength) removeTexts = true; //if text Length changed. No text included
		if (font!=element.currentFont) removeTexts = true; //if font changed
		for (int i=0; i<element.guiTexts.Length; i++) 
			if (!element.guiTexts[i]) removeTexts = true;	//if any of guitexts array do not exists
		if (removeTexture && element.mainGuiTexture!=null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(element.mainGuiTexture.gameObject); }
		if (removeTexts)
			for(int i=element.guiTexts.Length-1; i>=0 ; i--)
				if (element.guiTexts[i]!=null) 
			//creating new array
			element.guiTexts = new GUIText[textsLength];
		if (!sub.enabled || (!sub.texture && element.text.Length==0)) return;
		//setting texture
		if (sub.texture!=null)
			if (element.mainGuiTexture==null)
				GameObject obj = new GameObject (element.transform.name + "_mainTexture");
				obj.transform.parent = element.transform;
				obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
				element.mainGuiTexture = obj.AddComponent<GUITexture>();
			if (element.mainGuiTexture.texture != sub.texture) element.mainGuiTexture.texture = sub.texture;
			element.mainGuiTexture.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0,element.transform.localPosition.z);
			element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset = InstantGui.Invert(element.absolute.ToRect(InstantGui.scale));
			if (borders!=null) element.mainGuiTexture.border = borders;

		if (proportional && element.mainGuiTexture!=null)
			Rect newInset = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset;
			if (1.0f * element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width / element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height < proportionalAspect)
				newInset.width = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height*proportionalAspect;
				newInset.x -= (newInset.width-element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width)*0.5f;
				newInset.height = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width*(1.0f/proportionalAspect);
				newInset.y -= (newInset.height-element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height)*0.5f;
			element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset = newInset;
		//setting text
		if (element.text.Length!=0)
			//on font change - remove materials
			if (!font) font = (Font)Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf");
			if (font != element.currentFont) 
				//if (element.guiTexts.Length > 1) element.textEffectMaterial=null;
				for (int i=0;i<element.guiTexts.Length;i++) if (element.guiTexts[i]!=null) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(element.guiTexts[i].gameObject);
				element.currentFont = font;
			//creating texts
			for (int i=0;i<element.guiTexts.Length;i++) 
				if (element.guiTexts[i]==null)
					GameObject obj = new GameObject (element.transform.name + "_text" + i.ToString());
					obj.transform.parent = element.transform;
					obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
					element.guiTexts[i] = obj.AddComponent<GUIText>();
					//setting materials		
					if (i==0)
						element.textMaterial = new Material (font.material);
						element.guiTexts[i].material = element.textMaterial;
					else if (i>0 && i==element.guiTexts.Length-1) //on the last one effect text
						element.textEffectMaterial = new Material (font.material);
						for (int j=1;j<element.guiTexts.Length;j++)
							element.guiTexts[j].material = element.textEffectMaterial;
			//setting text params
			for (int i=0;i<element.guiTexts.Length;i++) 
				if (i==0) element.textMaterial.color = sub.textColor;
				else element.textEffectMaterial.color = textEffectColor;
				element.guiTexts[i].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0,element.transform.localPosition.z+0.01f - i*0.001f);
				//setting text		
				if (element.guiTexts[i].text != element.text && !element.password) element.guiTexts[i].text = element.text;
				else if (element.password)
					element.guiTexts[i].text = "";
					for (int j=0;j<element.text.Length;j++) element.guiTexts[i].text += "*";
				if (element.guiTexts[i].font != font) element.guiTexts[i].font = font;
				if (element.guiTexts[i].fontSize != fontSize) element.guiTexts[i].fontSize = fontSize;
				Vector2 pixelOffset = element.absolute.GetCenter();
				switch (textAligment)
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.center: element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; break;
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.text: 
					pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top; 
					pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.left;
					element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; break;
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.heading: pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top; element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; break;
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.above: pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top; element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; break;
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.label: 
					pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.left;
					element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; break;
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.rightLabel: 
					pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.right;
					element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; break;
				pixelOffset += new Vector2(textOffsetX+sub.textOffsetX, textOffsetY+sub.textOffsetY);
				element.guiTexts[i].pixelOffset = InstantGui.Invert(pixelOffset);		
			//aligning text effect
			if (textEffect==InstantGuiTextEffect.shadow)
				element.guiTexts[1].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize*0.75f,-textEffectSize);
			else if (textEffect==InstantGuiTextEffect.stroke) 
				element.guiTexts[1].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize,textEffectSize);
				element.guiTexts[2].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(-textEffectSize,textEffectSize);
				element.guiTexts[3].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(-textEffectSize,-textEffectSize);
				element.guiTexts[4].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize,-textEffectSize);
	public void Blend ( SubStyle sub ,   InstantGuiElement element ,   float blend  ) //done after base style apply
			//removing a blended texture if necessary
			if ((!sub.enabled || sub.texture==null) && element.blendGuiTexture!=null) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(element.blendGuiTexture.gameObject);
			//setting texture
			if (sub.texture!=null) 
				if (!element.blendGuiTexture)
					GameObject obj = new GameObject (element.transform.name + "_blendTexture");
					obj.transform.parent = element.transform;
					//obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
					element.blendGuiTexture = obj.AddComponent<GUITexture>();
				if (element.blendGuiTexture.texture != sub.texture) element.blendGuiTexture.texture = sub.texture;
				element.blendGuiTexture.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0,element.transform.localPosition.z+0.005f);
				element.blendGuiTexture.pixelInset = InstantGui.Invert(element.absolute.ToRect(InstantGui.scale));
				if (borders!=null) element.blendGuiTexture.border = borders;
				element.blendGuiTexture.color = new Color(element.blendGuiTexture.color.r, element.blendGuiTexture.color.g, element.blendGuiTexture.color.b, blend*0.5f);
				if (element.mainGuiTexture!=null) element.mainGuiTexture.color = 
					new Color(element.mainGuiTexture.color.r, element.mainGuiTexture.color.g, element.mainGuiTexture.color.b, (1-blend*blend)*0.5f);
			if (element.guiTexts!=null && element.guiTexts.Length > 0)
				element.textMaterial.color = element.textMaterial.color*(1-blend) + sub.textColor*blend;
    public RectOffset pointOffset;    // = new RectOffset(0,0,0,0);

     * public InstantGuiStyle()
     * {
     *      main = new SubStyle();
     *      pointed = result.pointed.Clone();
     *      active = result.active.Clone();
     *      result.disabled = result.disabled.Clone();
     *      result.relative = result.relative.Clone();
     *      result.offset = result.offset.Clone();
     *      result.pointOffset = new RectOffset(result.pointOffset.left, result.pointOffset.right, result.pointOffset.top, result.pointOffset.bottom);
     *      result.borders = new RectOffset(result.borders.left, result.borders.right, result.borders.top, result.borders.bottom);
     *      return result;
     * }

    public void  Apply(SubStyle sub, InstantGuiElement element)
        //getting number of texts that should be in element
        int textsLength = 0;

        if (element.text.Length == 0)
            textsLength = 0;
            switch (textEffect)
            case InstantGuiTextEffect.simple: textsLength = 1; break;

            case InstantGuiTextEffect.shadow: textsLength = 2; break;

            case InstantGuiTextEffect.stroke: textsLength = 5; break;

        //should a texture ot text be removed?
        bool removeTexture = false;
        bool removeTexts   = false;

        if (!sub.enabled)
            removeTexture = true; removeTexts = true;

        if (!sub.texture)
            removeTexture = true;

        if (element.guiTexts.Length != textsLength)
            removeTexts = true;                                                 //if text Length changed. No text included
        if (font != element.currentFont)
            removeTexts = true;                                    //if font changed
        for (int i = 0; i < element.guiTexts.Length; i++)
            if (!element.guiTexts[i])
                removeTexts = true;                                     //if any of guitexts array do not exists
        if (removeTexture && element.mainGuiTexture != null)
        if (removeTexts)
            for (int i = element.guiTexts.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (element.guiTexts[i] != null)

            //creating new array
            element.guiTexts = new GUIText[textsLength];

        if (!sub.enabled || (!sub.texture && element.text.Length == 0))

        //setting texture
        if (sub.texture != null)
            if (element.mainGuiTexture == null)
                GameObject obj = new GameObject(element.transform.name + "_mainTexture");
                obj.transform.parent   = element.transform;
                obj.hideFlags          = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
                element.mainGuiTexture = obj.AddComponent <GUITexture>();

            if (element.mainGuiTexture.texture != sub.texture)
                element.mainGuiTexture.texture = sub.texture;

            element.mainGuiTexture.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, element.transform.localPosition.z);
            element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset = InstantGui.Invert(element.absolute.ToRect(InstantGui.scale));
            if (borders != null)
                element.mainGuiTexture.border = borders;

        if (proportional && element.mainGuiTexture != null)
            Rect newInset = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset;
            if (1.0f * element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width / element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height < proportionalAspect)
                newInset.width = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height * proportionalAspect;
                newInset.x    -= (newInset.width - element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width) * 0.5f;
                newInset.height = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width * (1.0f / proportionalAspect);
                newInset.y     -= (newInset.height - element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height) * 0.5f;
            element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset = newInset;

        //setting text
        if (element.text.Length != 0)
            //on font change - remove materials
            if (!font)
                font = (Font)Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf");
            if (font != element.currentFont)
                //if (element.guiTexts.Length > 1) element.textEffectMaterial=null;
                for (int i = 0; i < element.guiTexts.Length; i++)
                    if (element.guiTexts[i] != null)
                element.currentFont = font;

            //creating texts
            for (int i = 0; i < element.guiTexts.Length; i++)
                if (element.guiTexts[i] == null)
                    GameObject obj = new GameObject(element.transform.name + "_text" + i.ToString());
                    obj.transform.parent = element.transform;
                    obj.hideFlags        = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
                    element.guiTexts[i]  = obj.AddComponent <GUIText>();

                    //setting materials
                    if (i == 0)
                        element.textMaterial         = new Material(font.material);
                        element.guiTexts[i].material = element.textMaterial;
                    else if (i > 0 && i == element.guiTexts.Length - 1)               //on the last one effect text
                        element.textEffectMaterial = new Material(font.material);
                        for (int j = 1; j < element.guiTexts.Length; j++)
                            element.guiTexts[j].material = element.textEffectMaterial;

            //setting text params
            for (int i = 0; i < element.guiTexts.Length; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    element.textMaterial.color = sub.textColor;
                    element.textEffectMaterial.color = textEffectColor;

                element.guiTexts[i].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, element.transform.localPosition.z + 0.01f - i * 0.001f);

                //setting text
                if (element.guiTexts[i].text != element.text && !element.password)
                    element.guiTexts[i].text = element.text;
                else if (element.password)
                    element.guiTexts[i].text = "";
                    for (int j = 0; j < element.text.Length; j++)
                        element.guiTexts[i].text += "*";

                if (element.guiTexts[i].font != font)
                    element.guiTexts[i].font = font;
                if (element.guiTexts[i].fontSize != fontSize)
                    element.guiTexts[i].fontSize = fontSize;

                Vector2 pixelOffset = element.absolute.GetCenter();

                switch (textAligment)
                case InstantGuiTextAligment.center: element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; break;

                case InstantGuiTextAligment.text:
                    pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top;
                    pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.left;
                    element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; break;

                case InstantGuiTextAligment.heading: pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top; element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; break;

                case InstantGuiTextAligment.above: pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top; element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; break;

                case InstantGuiTextAligment.label:
                    pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.left;
                    element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; break;

                case InstantGuiTextAligment.rightLabel:
                    pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.right;
                    element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; break;

                pixelOffset += new Vector2(textOffsetX + sub.textOffsetX, textOffsetY + sub.textOffsetY);

                element.guiTexts[i].pixelOffset = InstantGui.Invert(pixelOffset);

            //aligning text effect
            if (textEffect == InstantGuiTextEffect.shadow)
                element.guiTexts[1].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize * 0.75f, -textEffectSize);
            else if (textEffect == InstantGuiTextEffect.stroke)
                element.guiTexts[1].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize, textEffectSize);
                element.guiTexts[2].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(-textEffectSize, textEffectSize);
                element.guiTexts[3].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(-textEffectSize, -textEffectSize);
                element.guiTexts[4].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize, -textEffectSize);