Exemple #1
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_IndicativeSizeInBytes()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);

            Assert.True(bits.Bits.Length == 32, "Bits does not contain 32 by 32 bit uints");
            Assert.True(bits.IndicativeSizeInBytes() == 4 * bits.Bits.Length, "Bits does not contain 32 by 32 bit uints");
Exemple #2
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_ForEach_Action()
            // Test iteration action for empty, full and arbitrary masks
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);

            int sum;

            sum = 0;
            bits.ForEach((x, y) => { if (bits.BitSet(x, y))
            Assert.True(sum == bits.CountBits() && sum == SubGridTreeConsts.CellsPerSubGrid, "Summation via ForEach on full mask did not give expected result");

            sum = 0;
            bits.ForEach((x, y) => { if (bits.BitSet(x, y))
            Assert.True(sum == bits.CountBits() && sum == 0, "Summation via ForEach on empty mask did not give expected result");

            sum = 0;
            bits.SetBit(1, 1);
            bits.ForEach((x, y) => { if (bits.BitSet(x, y))
            Assert.True(sum == bits.CountBits() && sum == 1, "Summation via ForEach on mask with single bit set at (1, 1) did not give expected result");
Exemple #3
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_ClearBit()
            // Test setting a bit on and off, at two corners to test boundary conditions
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            bits.SetBit(0, 0);

            Assert.NotEqual(0U, bits.Bits[0]);
            Assert.Equal(1, bits.CountBits());

            bits.ClearBit(0, 0);

            Assert.Equal(0U, bits.Bits[0]);
            Assert.Equal(0, bits.CountBits());

            bits.SetBit(31, 31);

            Assert.NotEqual(0U, bits.Bits[31]);
            Assert.Equal(1, bits.CountBits());

            bits.ClearBit(31, 31);

            Assert.Equal(0U, bits.Bits[31]);
            Assert.Equal(0, bits.CountBits());
Exemple #4
        public override bool UpdateProcessingMapForSurveyedSurfaces(SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits processingMap, IList filteredSurveyedSurfaces, bool returnEarliestFilteredCellPass)
            if (!(filteredSurveyedSurfaces is ISurveyedSurfaces surveyedSurfaces))


            // If we're interested in a particular cell, but we don't have any surveyed surfaces later (or earlier)
            // than the cell production data pass time (depending on PassFilter.ReturnEarliestFilteredCellPass)
            // then there's no point in asking the Design Profiler service for an elevation

            processingMap.ForEachSetBit((x, y) =>
                // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
                if (Cells[x, y] != Consts.NullHeight &&
                    !(returnEarliestFilteredCellPass ? surveyedSurfaces.HasSurfaceEarlierThan(Times[x, y]) : surveyedSurfaces.HasSurfaceLaterThan(Times[x, y])))
                    processingMap.ClearBit(x, y);

Exemple #5
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Serialisation_Arbitrary()
            // Test serialisation with arbitrary bits set
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            bits.SetBit(0, 0);
            bits.SetBit(10, 10);
            bits.SetBit(20, 20);
            bits.SetBit(31, 31);

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Consts.TREX_DEFAULT_MEMORY_STREAM_CAPACITY_ON_CREATION);
            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms, Encoding.UTF8, true);

            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8, true);

            ms.Position = 0;

            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits.FullMask;


            Assert.True(bits.Equals(bits2), "Bits not equal after serialisation with arbitrary mask");
            Assert.Equal(4, bits.CountBits());
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a filter mask for a designated sub grid on this design
        /// </summary>
        public (SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits filterMask, DesignProfilerRequestResult errorCode) GetFilterMaskViaLocalCompute(
            ISiteModelBase siteModel,
            SubGridCellAddress originCellAddress,
            double cellSize)
            // Calculate an elevation patch for the requested location and convert it into a bitmask detailing which cells have non-null values
            var patch = _designElevationCalculator.Execute(siteModel, new DesignOffset(DesignDescriptor.DesignID, 0),
                                                           cellSize, originCellAddress.X, originCellAddress.Y, out var calcResult);

            if (patch == null)
                _log.LogWarning($"Request for design elevation patch that does not exist: Project: {siteModel.ID}, design {DesignDescriptor.DesignID}, location {originCellAddress.X}:{originCellAddress.Y}, calcResult: {calcResult}");
                return(null, calcResult); // Requestors should not ask for sub grids that don't exist in the design.

            var mask       = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);
            var patchCells = patch.Cells;

            for (byte i = 0; i < SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension; i++)
                for (byte j = 0; j < SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension; j++)
                    if (patchCells[i, j].Equals(Common.Consts.NullHeight))
                        mask[i, j] = true;

            return(mask, calcResult);
Exemple #7
        public override bool ComputeFilterPatch(double startStn, double endStn, double leftOffset, double rightOffset,
                                                SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits mask,
                                                SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits patch,
                                                double originX, double originY,
                                                double cellSize,
                                                double offset)
            var Heights = new float[SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension];

            if (InterpolateHeights(Heights, originX, originY, cellSize, offset))
                mask.ForEachSetBit((x, y) =>
                    if (Heights[x, y] == Common.Consts.NullHeight)
                        mask.ClearBit(x, y);

                //SIGLogMessage.PublishNoODS(Self, Format('Filter patch construction successful with %d bits', [patch.CountBits]), ...);


            //SIGLogMessage.PublishNoODS(Self, Format('Filter patch construction failed...', []), ...);
Exemple #8
        public override void InternalFromBinary(IBinaryRawReader reader)

            var version = VersionSerializationHelper.CheckVersionByte(reader, VERSION_NUMBER);

            if (version == 1)
                SiteModelID              = reader.ReadGuid() ?? Guid.Empty;
                OTGCellBottomLeftX       = reader.ReadInt();
                OTGCellBottomLeftY       = reader.ReadInt();
                CellSize                 = reader.ReadDouble();
                SurveyedSurfacePatchType = (SurveyedSurfacePatchType)reader.ReadByte();

                if (reader.ReadBoolean())
                    ProcessingMap = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

                if (reader.ReadBoolean())
                    var count = reader.ReadInt();
                    IncludedSurveyedSurfaces = new Guid[count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        IncludedSurveyedSurfaces[i] = reader.ReadGuid() ?? Guid.Empty;
Exemple #9
        private static void PerformScan(double siteModelCellSize, FilteredValueAssignmentContext assignmentContext,
                                        SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits sieveBitmask,
                                        int numRowsToScan, int numColsToScan,
                                        double stepNorthX, double stepNorthY, double stepEastX, double stepEastY,
                                        double subGridMinX, double subGridMinY,
                                        double firstScanPointEast, double firstScanPointNorth)
            // Skip-Iterate through the cells marking those cells that require values
            // calculated for them in the bitmask. Also record the actual probe locations
            // that determined the cells to be processed.

            for (var I = 0; I < numRowsToScan; I++)
                var currentNorth = firstScanPointNorth + I * stepNorthY;
                var currentEast  = firstScanPointEast + I * stepNorthX;

                for (var J = 0; J < numColsToScan; J++)
                    var eastCol  = (int)Math.Floor((currentEast - subGridMinX) / siteModelCellSize);
                    var northRow = (int)Math.Floor((currentNorth - subGridMinY) / siteModelCellSize);

                    if (Range.InRange(eastCol, 0, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimensionMinus1) &&
                        Range.InRange(northRow, 0, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimensionMinus1))
                        sieveBitmask.SetBit(eastCol, northRow);
                        assignmentContext.ProbePositions[eastCol, northRow]
                        .SetOffsets((float)(currentEast - subGridMinX), (float)(currentNorth - subGridMinY));

                    currentEast  += stepEastX;
                    currentNorth += stepEastY;
Exemple #10
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Operators_Subtraction()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits1 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.True((bits1 - bits2).IsFull(), "Subtracting clear from full mask did not return full mask");
            Assert.True((bits2 - bits1).IsEmpty(), "Subtracting full from clear mask did not return clear mask");
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a mask using all spatial filtering elements active in the supplied filter
        /// </summary>
        public static bool ConstructSubGridCellFilterMask(ISiteModel siteModel, SubGridCellAddress currentSubGridOrigin,
                                                          InterceptList intercepts,
                                                          int fromProfileCellIndex,
                                                          SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits mask,
                                                          ICellSpatialFilter cellFilter,
                                                          IDesign surfaceDesignMaskDesign)
            ConstructSubGridSpatialAndPositionalMask(currentSubGridOrigin, intercepts, fromProfileCellIndex, mask, cellFilter, siteModel.Grid);

            // If the filter contains an alignment design mask filter then compute this and AND it with the
            // mask calculated in the step above to derive the final required filter mask

            if (cellFilter.HasAlignmentDesignMask())
                if (cellFilter.AlignmentFence.IsNull()) // Should have been done in ASNode but if not
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Spatial filter does not contained pre-prepared alignment fence for design {cellFilter.AlignmentDesignMaskDesignUID}");

                var tree = siteModel.Grid;
                // Go over set bits and determine if they are in Design fence boundary
                mask.ForEachSetBit((x, y) =>
                    tree.GetCellCenterPosition(currentSubGridOrigin.X + x, currentSubGridOrigin.Y + y, out var cx, out var cy);
                    if (!cellFilter.AlignmentFence.IncludesPoint(cx, cy))
                        mask.ClearBit(x, y); // remove interest as its not in design boundary

            // If the filter contains a design mask filter then compute this and AND it with the
            // mask calculated in the step above to derive the final required filter mask

            if (surfaceDesignMaskDesign != null)
                var getFilterMaskResult = surfaceDesignMaskDesign.GetFilterMaskViaLocalCompute(siteModel, currentSubGridOrigin, siteModel.CellSize);

                if (getFilterMaskResult.errorCode == DesignProfilerRequestResult.OK || getFilterMaskResult.errorCode == DesignProfilerRequestResult.NoElevationsInRequestedPatch)
                    if (getFilterMaskResult.filterMask == null)
                        _log.LogWarning("FilterMask null in response from surfaceDesignMaskDesign.GetFilterMask, ignoring it's contribution to filter mask");
                    _log.LogError($"Call (A2) to {nameof(ConstructSubGridCellFilterMask)} returned error result {getFilterMaskResult.errorCode} for {cellFilter.SurfaceDesignMaskDesignUid}");

Exemple #12
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Operators_Inequality()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits1 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits3 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.NotEqual(bits1, bits3);
            Assert.Equal(bits1, bits2);
Exemple #13
        public override bool PerformHeightAnnotation(SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits processingMap, IList filteredSurveyedSurfaces, bool returnEarliestFilteredCellPass,
                                                     IClientLeafSubGrid surfaceElevationsSource, Func <int, int, float, bool> elevationRangeFilterLambda)
            if (!(surfaceElevationsSource is ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid surfaceElevations))
                _log.LogError($"{nameof(ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid)}.{nameof(PerformHeightAnnotation)} not supplied a ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid instance, but an instance of {surfaceElevationsSource?.GetType().FullName}");

            // For all cells we wanted to request a surveyed surface elevation for,
            // update the cell elevation if a non null surveyed surface of appropriate time was computed
            // Note: The surveyed surface will return all cells in the requested sub grid, not just the ones indicated in the processing map
            // IE: It is unsafe to test for null top indicate not-filtered, use the processing map iterators to cover only those cells required
            processingMap.ForEachSetBit((x, y) =>
                var surveyedSurfaceCellHeight = surfaceElevations.Cells[x, y];

                // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
                if (surveyedSurfaceCellHeight == Consts.NullHeight)

                // If we got back a surveyed surface elevation...
                var surveyedSurfaceCellTime = surfaceElevations.Times[x, y];
                var prodHeight = Cells[x, y];
                var prodTime   = Times[x, y];

                // Determine if the elevation from the surveyed surface data is required based on the production data elevation being null, and
                // the relative age of the measured surveyed surface elevation compared with a non-null production data height
                // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
                if (!(prodHeight == Consts.NullHeight || (returnEarliestFilteredCellPass ? surveyedSurfaceCellTime <prodTime : surveyedSurfaceCellTime> prodTime)))
                    // We didn't get a surveyed surface elevation, so clear the bit in the processing map to indicate there is no surveyed surface information present for it
                    processingMap.ClearBit(x, y);

                // Check if there is an elevation range filter in effect and whether the surveyed surface elevation data matches it
                if (elevationRangeFilterLambda != null)
                    if (!elevationRangeFilterLambda(x, y, surveyedSurfaceCellHeight))
                        // We didn't get a surveyed surface elevation, so clear the bit in the processing map to indicate there is no surveyed surface information present for it
                        processingMap.ClearBit(x, y);

                Cells[x, y] = surveyedSurfaceCellHeight;
                Times[x, y] = surveyedSurfaceCellTime;

            //        if (ClientGrid_is_TICClientSubGridTreeLeaf_HeightAndTime)
            //          ClientGridAsHeightAndTime.SurveyedSurfaceMap.Assign(ProcessingMap);
Exemple #14
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Fill()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.True(bits.IsEmpty(), "Bits not empty");

            Assert.True(bits.IsFull(), "Bits not empty after performing a Fill()");
Exemple #15
 public override bool ComputeFilterPatch(double startStn, double endStn, double leftOffset, double rightOffset,
                                         SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits mask,
                                         SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits patch,
                                         double originX, double originY,
                                         double cellSize,
                                         double offset)
     // todo when SDK available
Exemple #16
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Creation_Failure()
            // Test the constructor with filled false produces bitmask with all bits set to off
            Action act = () =>
                var _ = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits((SubGridBitsCreationOptions)100);

            act.Should().Throw <TRexSubGridTreeException>().WithMessage("Unknown SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits creation option");
Exemple #17
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Operators_AND()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits1 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.Equal((bits1 & bits2), bits2);

            bits1.ClearBit(1, 1);
            Assert.NotEqual((bits1 & bits2), bits1);
Exemple #18
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Equality()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits  = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits3 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);

            Assert.True(bits.Equals(bits2), "Bits does not equal bits2, which it should");
            Assert.False(bits.Equals(bits3), "Bits equals bits3, which it should not");
            Assert.False(bits.Equals(null), "Bits equals null, which it should not");
Exemple #19
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_CellXY_Indexer()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.True(bits.IsEmpty(), "Bits not empty after creation");
            bits[0, 0] = true;
            Assert.False(bits.IsEmpty(), "Bits empty after setting bit");
            bits[0, 0] = false;
            Assert.True(bits.IsEmpty(), "Bits not empty after clearing bit");
Exemple #20
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Operators_NOT()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits1 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.Equal(~bits1, bits2);
            Assert.Equal(bits1, ~bits2);

            bits1.ClearBit(1, 1);
            Assert.True((~bits1).BitSet(1, 1), "NOTing single bit did not flip it");
Exemple #21
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Assignment()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits  = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits3 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);

            Assert.True(bits.Equals(bits2), "Bits does not equal bits2, which it should");
            Assert.False(bits.Equals(bits3), "Bits equals bits3, which it should not");

            Assert.True(bits2.Equals(bits3), "Bits2 does not equal bits3 after assignment of bits3 to bits2, which it should");
Exemple #22
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_CountBits()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits = SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits.FullMask;

            Assert.Equal(bits.CountBits(), SubGridTreeConsts.CellsPerSubGrid);

            Assert.Equal(0, bits.CountBits());

            bits.SetBit(1, 1);
            Assert.Equal(1, bits.CountBits());
Exemple #23
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Creation()
            // Test the constructor with filled false produces bitmask with all bits set to off
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.True(bits2.IsEmpty() && !bits2.IsFull(), "Bits is not empty as expected");

            // Test the constructor with filled true produces bitmask with all bits set to on
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits3 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);

            Assert.True(!bits3.IsEmpty() && bits3.IsFull(), "Bits is not full as expected");
Exemple #24
        public async Task <IClientLeafSubGrid> ExecuteAsync(ISurfaceElevationPatchArgument arg) => Execute(arg); // Task.Run(() => Execute(arg));

        public IClientLeafSubGrid Execute(ISurfaceElevationPatchArgument arg)
            if (arg.SurveyedSurfacePatchType > SurveyedSurfacePatchType.CompositeElevations)

            var cachingSupported = arg.SurveyedSurfacePatchType != SurveyedSurfacePatchType.CompositeElevations && _cache != null;

            // Check the item is available in the cache
            if (cachingSupported && _cache?.Get(arg.OTGCellBottomLeftX, arg.OTGCellBottomLeftY) is IClientLeafSubGrid cacheResult)
                return(_cache.ExtractFromCachedItem(cacheResult, arg.ProcessingMap, arg.SurveyedSurfacePatchType));

            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits savedMap = null;

            // Always request the full sub grid from the surveyed surface engine unless composite elevations are requested
            if (cachingSupported)
                savedMap          = arg.ProcessingMap;
                arg.ProcessingMap = SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits.FullMask;

            var subGridInvalidationVersion = cachingSupported ? _cache.InvalidationVersion : 0;

            var executor = new CalculateSurfaceElevationPatch();

            _sitemodel ??= DIContext.ObtainRequired <ISiteModels>().GetSiteModel(arg.SiteModelID);
            _designFiles ??= DIContext.ObtainRequired <IDesignFiles>();
            _surveyedSurfaces ??= _sitemodel.SurveyedSurfaces;

            var clientResult = executor.Execute(_sitemodel, arg.OTGCellBottomLeftX, arg.OTGCellBottomLeftY,
                                                arg.CellSize, arg.SurveyedSurfacePatchType, arg.IncludedSurveyedSurfaces,
                                                _designFiles, _surveyedSurfaces, arg.ProcessingMap);

            if (clientResult != null)
                // For now, only cache non-composite elevation sub grids
                if (cachingSupported)
                    _cache?.Add(clientResult, subGridInvalidationVersion);

                if (savedMap != null)
                    clientResult = _cache.ExtractFromCachedItem(clientResult, savedMap, arg.SurveyedSurfacePatchType);

Exemple #25
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_BitSet_Uint()
            // Test testing a bit is on or off, at two corners to test boundary conditions
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.False(bits.BitSet(0, 0U));
            Assert.False(bits.BitSet(31, 31U));


            Assert.True(bits.BitSet(0, 0U));
            Assert.True(bits.BitSet(31, 31U));
Exemple #26
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_RowToString()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            string s = bits.RowToString(0);

            Assert.True(s == " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0");

            string s2 = bits.RowToString(0);

            Assert.True(s2 == " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1");
Exemple #27
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Operators_OR()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits1 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.Equal((bits1 | bits2), bits1);

            bits1.ClearBit(1, 1);
            Assert.Equal((bits1 | bits2), bits1);

            bits2.SetBit(1, 1);
            Assert.True((bits1 | bits2).IsFull(), "ORing after clearing/setting bits did not return full mask");
Exemple #28
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_Operators_XOR()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits1 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.True((bits1 ^ bits1).IsEmpty(), "XORing bits with self did not result in empty mask");
            Assert.Equal(bits1, (bits1 ^ bits2));
            Assert.True((bits1 ^ bits2).IsFull(), "XORing an empty mask with a full mask did not produce a full mask");

            bits2.SetBit(1, 1);
            Assert.True((bits1 ^ bits1).IsEmpty(), "XORing single bit with itself did not clear bit");
            Assert.False((bits1 ^ bits1).BitSet(1, 1), "XORing single bit with itself did not clear bit");
Exemple #29
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_SumBitRows()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            Assert.Equal(0, bits.SumBitRows());

            bits[0, 0] = true;
            Assert.NotEqual(bits.SumBitRows(), (1 << SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension) - 1);

            bits[0, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimensionMinus1] = true;
            Assert.NotEqual(bits.SumBitRows(), (1 << SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension));

            Assert.Equal(bits.SumBitRows(), SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits.SumBitRowsFullCount);
Exemple #30
        public void Test_SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBitsTests_InEquality_Operator()
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits  = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits2 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits bits3 = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Filled);

            Assert.False(bits != bits2);
            Assert.True(bits != bits3);

            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits nullBits1 = null;
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits nullBits2 = null;

            Assert.False(nullBits1 != nullBits2);
            Assert.True(nullBits1 != bits);
            Assert.True(bits != nullBits1);