public EntityBase GetStudyById(string studyid) { StudyEntity study = null; using (var session = _driver.Session()) { session.WriteTransaction(tx => { var result = tx.Run("MATCH (s:Study) " + "WHERE s.studyid = $studyid " + "RETURN s", new { studyid }); foreach (var record in result) { //Get as an INode instance to access properties. var node = record["s"].As <Neo4j.Driver.V1.INode>(); study = new StudyEntity { StudyId = node["studyid"].As <string>(), Name = node["name"].As <string>(), Description = node["description"].As <string>(), Id = node.Id.As <int>() }; } }); } return(study); }
public List <EntityBase> GetStudiesByProjectId(string projectid) { List <EntityBase> studies = new List <EntityBase>(); using (var session = _driver.Session()) { session.WriteTransaction(tx => { var result = tx.Run("MATCH (p:Project {projectid: {projectid}})-[c:CONTAINS]-(s:Study)" + "RETURN s", new { projectid }); foreach (var record in result) { //Get as an INode instance to access properties. var node = record["s"].As <Neo4j.Driver.V1.INode>(); StudyEntity study = new StudyEntity { StudyId = node["studyid"].As <string>(), Name = node["name"].As <string>(), Description = node["description"].As <string>(), Id = node.Id.As <int>() }; studies.Add(study); } }); } return(studies); }
public void FindsAConsentedPersonWhenConsentIsRequired() { var personOneAgain = createContext.Find <PersonEntity>(personOne.Id); var study = new StudyEntity { Name = Random.String() }; var subject = new StudySubjectEntity { Person = personOneAgain, Study = study, SubjectIdentifier = Random.String() }; var consent = new ConsentEntity { DateProvided = DateTime.Today, GivenBy = personOneAgain, StudySubject = subject }; createContext.AddRange(study, subject, consent); createContext.SaveChanges(); repository.FindPersonBy( new PersonIdentifierSpecification(Identifiers.NhsNumber(personOneNhsNumber)) )?.Id.Should().Be(personOne.Id); repository.FindPersonBy( new CompositePersonSpecification( new PersonIdentifierSpecification(Identifiers.NhsNumber(personOneNhsNumber)), new ConsentedPersonSpecification(new StudyIdentity(study.Id)) ) ).Should().Be((PersonIdentity)personOne.Id); }
public void UpdateStudy() { string studyid = CreateStudy(); StudyEntity study = (StudyEntity)GetStudyById(studyid); study.Description = study.Description + " - Updated"; study.Name = study.Name + " - Updated"; _neo4jRepo.UpdateStudy(study); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //C#操作任何类型的内存 //1.托管类型 var instance = new StudyEntity(); //2.栈内存(stack memory ) unsafe { var stackMemory = stackalloc byte[100]; } //3.本机内存(native memory ) IntPtr nativeMemory0 = default(IntPtr), nativeMemory1 = default(IntPtr); try { unsafe { nativeMemory0 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(256); nativeMemory1 = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(256); } } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(nativeMemory0); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(nativeMemory1); } Console.WriteLine("Happy New Year!"); Console.ReadKey(true); }
public void Update(StudyEntity study) { _studies.RemoveAll(dto => dto.Id == study.Id); _studies.Add(study); }
public void Create(StudyEntity study) { _studies.Add(study); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ConsentRepositoryTests(ITestOutputHelper outputHelper, DatabaseFixture fixture) : base(outputHelper, fixture) { readContext = CreateNewContextInSameTransaction(); updateContext = CreateNewContextInSameTransaction(); createContext = CreateNewContextInSameTransaction(); study = createContext.Studies.Add(new StudyEntity { Name = Random.String() }).Entity; var consentedPerson = createContext.People.Add(new PersonEntity()).Entity; consentedStudySubject = createContext.Add(new StudySubjectEntity { Study = study, Person = consentedPerson, SubjectIdentifier = "Consented" }).Entity; createContext.Add( new ConsentEntity { StudySubject = consentedStudySubject, DateProvided = 1.December(1965), DateWithdrawn = 1.January(1966), GivenBy = consentedPerson }); activeConsent = createContext.Add( new ConsentEntity { StudySubject = consentedStudySubject, DateProvided = 1.February(1966), GivenBy = consentedPerson }).Entity; var unconsentedPerson = createContext.People.Add(new PersonEntity()).Entity; createContext.Add( new StudySubjectEntity { Study = study, Person = unconsentedPerson, SubjectIdentifier = "Unconsented" }); var withdrawnConsent = createContext.Add(new PersonEntity()).Entity; var withdrawnSubject = createContext.Add( new StudySubjectEntity { Study = study, Person = withdrawnConsent, SubjectIdentifier = "Withdrawn" }).Entity; withdrawnSubjectWithdrawnDate = 5.January(2018); createContext.Add(new ConsentEntity { StudySubject = withdrawnSubject, DateProvided = 1.December(2017), DateWithdrawn = withdrawnSubjectWithdrawnDate, GivenBy = withdrawnConsent }); createContext.SaveChanges(); studyId = new StudyIdentity(study.Id); consentedPersonId = consentedPerson; unconsentedPersonId = unconsentedPerson; withdrawnPersonId = withdrawnConsent; consents = CreateConsentRepository(readContext); studySubjects = CreateStudySubjectRepository(readContext); studies = CreateStudyRepository(readContext); }