public void Get() { // Arrange StudentsRepository repository = new StudentsRepository(new StudentsEntities()); // Act IEnumerable<Student> result = repository.All(); // Assert Student expectedStudent = new Student() { firstName = "pesho", lastName = "peshev", age = 20, grade = 5 }; var resultStudentAtOne = result.ElementAt(1); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(expectedStudent.firstName, resultStudentAtOne.firstName); Assert.AreEqual(expectedStudent.firstName, resultStudentAtOne.firstName); Assert.AreEqual(expectedStudent.lastName, resultStudentAtOne.lastName); Assert.AreEqual(expectedStudent.age, resultStudentAtOne.age); Assert.AreEqual(expectedStudent.grade, resultStudentAtOne.grade); }
public StudentsController() { var coursesContext = new CoursesContext(); var coursesUnitOfWork = new CoursesUnitOfWork(coursesContext); var studentsRespository = new StudentsRepository(coursesUnitOfWork); this._studentsAppService = new StudentsAppService(studentsRespository); }
protected Command(string input, string[] data, Tester judge, StudentsRepository repository, DownloadManager downloadManager, IOManager inputOutputManager) { this.Input = input; this.Data = data; this.judge = judge; this.repository = repository; this.downloadManager = downloadManager; this.inputOutputManager = inputOutputManager; }
public ActionResult SaveStudent(StudentsViewModel data) { try { StudentsRepository.AddStudent(data.StudentToAdd, this.CurrentUser.Class_id); TempData["userAdded"] = "1"; } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["userAdded"] = "0"; //log to the databse } return(RedirectToAction("Show")); }
public void Run() { List <Student> students = StudentsRepository.ChooseTypeOfGettingStudents(); List <Student> selectedStudents = students .Where(student => GetAge(student) < 16) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"Number of students younger than 16: {selectedStudents.Count}\n"); foreach (var student in selectedStudents) { PrintData(student); } }
public static async Task <IActionResult> OnGetStudentAsync( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = "students/{studentId:guid}")] HttpRequest req , string studentId , ILogger log , CancellationToken ct) { log.LogInformation($"Request for student with ID {studentId} is being handled."); IStudentsRepository repository = new StudentsRepository(); var student = await repository.GetByIdAsync(Guid.Parse(studentId), ct); return((null == student) ? (IActionResult) new NotFoundObjectResult($"Student ({studentId}) not found.") : new OkObjectResult(student)); }
public void Update_StudentNotFound_Fail() { // Arrange var id = StudentsRepository.NotFoundEntity(); // Act var result = _service.Update(new StudentDetails { Id = id, }); // Assert Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(result.Succeed, Is.False); }
public bool IsDuplicateStudentId(string studentId) { IStudentsRepository studentsRepository = new StudentsRepository(); if (EditMode && OrigStudentId.ToUpper().Trim().Equals(studentId.ToUpper().Trim())) { return(true); } if (studentsRepository.GetStudent(studentId) != null) { return(false); } return(true); }
static Unit() { _context = new MyAppDbContext("MyAppConnStr"); DepartmentsRepository = new DepartmentsRepository(_context); TeachersRepository = new TeachersRepository(_context); SubjectsRepository = new SubjectsRepository(_context); SpecialitiesRepository = new SpecialitiesRepository(_context); GroupsRepository = new GroupsRepository(_context); PhonesRepository = new PhonesRepository(_context); StudentsRepository = new StudentsRepository(_context); AudiencesRepository = new AudiencesRepository(_context); AudLectRepository = new AudLectRepository(_context); LectionsRepository = new LectionsRepository(_context); MarksRepository = new MarksRepository(_context); TeachSubjRepository = new TeachSubjRepository(_context); }
public async Task <ActionResult <List <Student> > > GetAllStudents() { using (var connection = new SqlConnection(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"))) { try { connection.Open(); return(await StudentsRepository.GetAllStudentsAsync(connection)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } } }
public CreateEditLoan(Loan loanToEdit) { InitializeComponent(); var context = new LibraryContext(); _loansRepository = new LoansRepository(context); _studentsRepository = new StudentsRepository(context); _booksRepository = new BooksRepository(context); _loanToEdit = loanToEdit; createButton.Text = @"Edit"; RefreshStudentsAndBooksList(); FillInputFields(); SearchAutoComplete(); }
private dynamic Enrol_BothFound() { // Arrange var course = CoursesRepository.FoundEntity(); var student = StudentsRepository.FoundEntity(); // Act var result = _service.Enrol(student.Id, course.Id); return(new { Result = result, Course = course, Student = student }); }
public void AddUser(Users entityToAdd) { IUsersRepository repo = new UsersRepository(getEntities()); Entities.Users entityToAdd2 = Mapper.Map <Users, Entities.Users>(entityToAdd); repo.Add(entityToAdd2); switch (entityToAdd.UserType.ToUpper()) { case "ADMINISTRATOR": IAdministratorsRepository adminRepo = new AdministratorsRepository(getEntities()); Entities.Administrators admin = new Entities.Administrators() { UserId = entityToAdd.Id }; adminRepo.Add(admin); break; case "MANAGER": IManagersRepository managerRepo = new ManagersRepository(getEntities()); Entities.Managers manager = new Entities.Managers() { UserId = entityToAdd.Id }; managerRepo.Add(manager); break; case "STUDENT": IStudentsRepository studentRepo = new StudentsRepository(getEntities()); Entities.Students student = new Entities.Students() { UserId = entityToAdd.Id }; studentRepo.Add(student); break; case "TEACHER": ITeachersRepository teacherRepo = new TeachersRepository(getEntities()); Entities.Teachers teacher = new Entities.Teachers() { UserId = entityToAdd.Id }; teacherRepo.Add(teacher); break; default:; break; } }
public PartialViewResult StudentDetails(string id) { var student = StudentsRepository.GetStudent(id); var subjects = ScheduleRepository.GetAllSchedule(student.Class_id); var schedule1 = ScheduleRepository.GetSchedule(1, student.Class_id); var schedule2 = ScheduleRepository.GetSchedule(2, student.Class_id); IndexViewModel vm = new IndexViewModel() { CurrentStudent = student, Subjects = subjects, Schedule1 = schedule1, Schedule2 = schedule2 }; return(PartialView("_StudentDetails", vm)); }
private static void TryShowWantedData(string input, string[] data) { if (data.Length == 2) { string courseName = data[1]; StudentsRepository.GetAllStudentsFromCourse(courseName); } else if (data.Length == 3) { string courseName = data[1]; string userName = data[2]; StudentsRepository.GetStudentScoresFromCourse(courseName, userName); } else { DisplayInvalidCommandMessage(input); } }
static Unit() { _context = new MyAppDbContext("MyAppConnStr"); AddressesRepository = new AddressesRepository(_context); ClassroomsRepository = new ClassroomsRepository(_context); DepartmentsRepository = new DepartmentsRepository(_context); GroupsRepository = new GroupsRepository(_context); GroupTimetablesRepository = new GroupTimetablesRepository(_context); MarksRepository = new MarksRepository(_context); PairTimetablesRepository = new PairTimetablesRepository(_context); PhonesRepository = new PhonesRepository(_context); SpecialitiesRepository = new SpecialitiesRepository(_context); StudentsRepository = new StudentsRepository(_context); SubjectsRepository = new SubjectsRepository(_context); TeachSubjsRepository = new TeachSubjsRepository(_context); TeachersRepository = new TeachersRepository(_context); TimetablesRepository = new TimetablesRepository(_context); }
private dynamic RemoveStudentFromCourse_CourseFoundAndStudentInCourse() { // Arrange var course = CoursesRepository.FoundEntity(); var student = StudentsRepository.FoundEntity(); course.AddStudent(student); // Act var result = _service.RemoveStudentFromCourse(student.Id, course.Id); return(new { Result = result, Course = course, Student = student }); }
private static void TryShowWantedData(string input, string[] data) { if (data.Length == 2) { string courseName = data[1]; StudentsRepository.GetAllStudentsFromCourse(courseName); } else if (data.Length == 3) { string courseName = data[1]; string studentName = data[2]; StudentsRepository.GetStudentScoresFromCourse(courseName, studentName); } else { OutputWriter.DisplayExeptions(ExceptionMessages.InvalidCommandMessage(input)); } }
public string SendEmail(int id) { var repo = new StudentsRepository(_connectionString); Student s = repo.GetStudentById(id); var result = repo.SendEmail(s.Email); if (result == "Mail has been successfully sent!") { CallOrEmail c = new CallOrEmail { StudentId = id, Type = CallOrEmailType.Email, Date = DateTime.Now, Notes = "sent automatic email" }; repo.AddCallOrEmail(c); } return(result); }
public ScheduleRepository(string connectionString) { Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<ScheduleContext, Configuration>()); Auditoriums = new AuditoriumsRepository(); Buildings = new BuildingsRepository(); Calendars = new CalendarsRepository(); Disciplines = new DisciplinesRepository(); DisciplineNames = new DisciplineNameRepository(); Lessons = new LessonsRepository(this); Rings = new RingsRepository(); Students = new StudentsRepository(); StudentGroups = new StudentGroupsRepository(); StudentsInGroups = new StudentsInGroupsRepository(); Teachers = new TeachersRepository(); TeacherForDisciplines = new TeacherForDisciplinesRepository(); ConfigOptions = new ConfigOptionRepository(); AuditoriumEvents = new AuditoriumEventsRepository(); Faculties = new FacultiesRepository(); GroupsInFaculties = new GroupsInFacultiesRepository(); ScheduleNotes = new ScheduleNotesRepository(); LessonLogEvents = new LessonLogEventsRepository(); TeacherWishes = new TeacherWishesRepository(); CustomTeacherAttributes = new CustomTeacherAttributesRepository(); CustomDisciplineAttributes = new CustomDisciplineAttributesRepository(); CustomStudentGroupAttributes = new CustomStudentGroupAttributesRepository(); Shifts = new ShiftsRepository(); ShiftRings = new ShiftRingsRepository(); Exams = new ExamsRepository(); LogEvents = new LogEventsRepository(); CommonFunctions = new CommonFunctions(this); SetConnectionString(connectionString); }
public void DeleteItemTest() { var repo = new StudentsRepository(_context); var item = new Student { FirstName = "Kurt", MiddleName = "Unknown", LastName = "Wallander", Address = "Ystad", Birthday = new DateTime(1961, 05, 23), Email = "*****@*****.**", LogbookNumber = 4366, Group = _context.Groups.FirstOrDefault() }; int Id = _context.Students.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LogbookNumber == item.LogbookNumber).Id; Assert.AreEqual(item.LogbookNumber, repo.GetItem(Id).LogbookNumber); repo.DeleteItem(Id); var deleted = repo.GetItem(Id).LogbookNumber; }
public async Task Handle_should_create_entity() { await using var dbContext = _fixture.BuildDbContext(); var studentsRepo = new StudentsRepository(dbContext); var coursesRepo = new CoursesRepository(dbContext); var messagesRepository = NSubstitute.Substitute.For <IMessagesRepository>(); var eventSerializer = NSubstitute.Substitute.For <IEventSerializer>(); var unitOfWork = new SchoolUnitOfWork(dbContext, coursesRepo, studentsRepo, messagesRepository, eventSerializer); var sut = new CreateCourseHandler(new FakeValidator <CreateCourse>(), unitOfWork); var command = new CreateCourse(Guid.NewGuid(), "new course"); await sut.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None); var createdCourse = await coursesRepo.FindByIdAsync(command.CourseId, CancellationToken.None); createdCourse.Should().NotBeNull(); createdCourse.Id.Should().Be(command.CourseId); createdCourse.Title.Should().Be(command.CourseTitle); }
public static PromotionSituationVM GetPromotionStatistics(List <PromotionSituationTableAux> auxTable, PromotionSituation promotionSituation) { StudentsRepository studentsRepo = new StudentsRepository(); var finalsituation = new PromotionSituationVM(); var promotionsTable = GetPromotionTable(auxTable); finalsituation.PromotionSituationTable = promotionsTable.OrderByDescending(p => p.StudentName).ToList(); finalsituation.PromotionAverage = studentsRepo.GetPromotionAverage(auxTable).ToString("F2"); finalsituation.HighestAverage = studentsRepo.GetHighestAverage(auxTable).ToString("F2"); finalsituation.Scholarships = studentsRepo.GetScholarships(auxTable); finalsituation.Specialization = (Specialization)promotionSituation.Specialization; finalsituation.YearOfStudy = (YearOfStudy)promotionSituation.YearOfStudy; return(finalsituation); }
private static void TryParseParametersForOrderAndTake(string takeCommand, string takeQuantiy, string courseName, string order) { if (takeCommand == "take") { if (takeQuantiy == "all") { StudentsRepository.OrderAndTake(courseName, order); } else { int studetsToTake; bool isParsed = int.TryParse(takeQuantiy, out studetsToTake); if (isParsed) { StudentsRepository.OrderAndTake(courseName, order, studetsToTake); } else { OutputWriter.DisplayExeptions(ExceptionMessages.InvalidTakeQuantityParameter); } } } }
public void GetById() { // Arrange StudentsEntities context = new StudentsEntities(); var repository = new StudentsRepository(context); // Act Student result = repository.Get(3); // Assert Student expectedStudent = new Student() { firstName = "pesho", lastName = "peshev", age = 20, grade = 5 }; Assert.AreEqual(expectedStudent.firstName, result.firstName); Assert.AreEqual(expectedStudent.lastName, result.lastName); Assert.AreEqual(expectedStudent.age, result.age); Assert.AreEqual(expectedStudent.grade, result.grade); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteAllStudents() { using (var connection = new SqlConnection(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"))) { try { connection.Open(); var numberOfAffectedRows = await StudentsRepository.DeleteAllStudentsAsync(connection); if (numberOfAffectedRows == 0) { return(NotFound("There aren't any students in database")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } } return(NoContent()); }
private static void TryParseParametersForOrderAndTake(string takeCommand, string takeQuantity, string coursename, string comparison) { if (takeCommand == "take") { if (takeQuantity == "all") { StudentsRepository.OrderAndTake(coursename, comparison); } else { int studentsToTake; bool hasParsed = Int32.TryParse(takeQuantity, out studentsToTake); if (hasParsed) { StudentsRepository.OrderAndTake(coursename, comparison, studentsToTake); } else { OutputWriter.DisplayException(ExceptionMessages.InvalidTakeQuantityParameter); } } } }
public DropDatabaseCommand(string input, string[] data, Tester judge, StudentsRepository repo, IOManager ioManager) : base(input, data, judge, repo, ioManager) { }
public ReadDatabaseCommand(string input, string[] data, Tester judge, StudentsRepository repository, DownloadManager downloadManager, IOManager ioManager) : base(input, data, judge, repository, downloadManager, ioManager) { }
public CompareFilesCommand(string input, string[] data, Tester judge, StudentsRepository repository, IOManager inputOutputManager) : base(input, data, judge, repository, inputOutputManager) { }
// GET: api/Students public IEnumerable <Student> Get() { var studentsRepository = new StudentsRepository(); return(studentsRepository.Retrieve()); }
public PrintFilteredStudentsCommand(string input, string[] data, Tester judge, StudentsRepository repository, DownloadManager downloadManager, IOManager inputOutputManager) : base(input, data, judge, repository, downloadManager, inputOutputManager) { }
public void Post() { // Arrange var repository = new StudentsRepository(new StudentsEntities()); // Act Student newStudent = new Student() { firstName = "kiro", lastName = "ivanov", age = 20, grade = 7 }; repository.Add(newStudent); // Assert var count = repository.All().Count(); Assert.AreEqual(3, count); }
public StudentController(IStudentSystemDbContext context) { this.context = context; this.repository = new StudentsRepository(this.context); }
public ChangeAbsolutePathCommand(string input, string[] data, Tester judge, StudentsRepository repository, DownloadManager downloadManager, IOManager inputOutputManager) : base(input, data, judge, repository, downloadManager, inputOutputManager) { }
public StudentController() { this.repository = new StudentsRepository(new StudentSystemDbContext()); }
public void Delete() { // Arrange var repository = new StudentsRepository(new StudentsEntities()); // Act repository.Delete(2); // Assert var count = repository.All().Count(); Assert.AreEqual(1, count); }
public ChangeAbsolutePathCommand(string input, string[] data, Tester tester, StudentsRepository repository, DownloadManager downloadManager, IOManager ioManager) : base(input, data, tester, repository, downloadManager, ioManager) { }
public DropDatabaseCommand(string input, string[] data, Tester judje, StudentsRepository studentsRepository, IOManager iOManager) : base(input, data, judje, studentsRepository, iOManager) { }
public StudentsController() { dbContext = new StudentsEntities(); this.repository = new StudentsRepository(dbContext); }
public PrintOrderedStudentsCommand(string input, string[] data, Tester judge, StudentsRepository repository, IOManager inputOutputManager) : base(input, data, judge, repository, inputOutputManager) { }
private static void LinqExtensionMethodsExamples() { var studentsRepository = new StudentsRepository(); var students = studentsRepository.GetAllStudents(); // where var someStudents = students.Where(st => st.Name == "Ivan" || st.Name == "Pesho"); PrintCollection(someStudents); // first Student first = students.FirstOrDefault(st => st.Courses.Count == 4); // First Console.WriteLine(first); // select var projectedItems = students.Select( st => new Student { Name = st.Id.ToString(), Courses = new List<Course>() }); PrintCollection(projectedItems); // select to annonymous var annStudents = students.Select(st => new { Id = st.Id, Courses = st.Courses.Count }); PrintCollection(annStudents); // order by var ordered = students.OrderBy(st => st.Courses.Count).ThenBy(st => st.Name); PrintCollection(ordered); // any bool checkAny = students.Any(st => st.Name.StartsWith("I")); Console.WriteLine(checkAny); // all bool checkAll = students.All(st => st.Name != string.Empty); Console.WriteLine(checkAll); checkAll = students.All(st => st.Id > 2); Console.WriteLine(checkAll); // ToList and ToArray Student[] arrayOfStudents = students.ToArray(); PrintCollection(arrayOfStudents); List<Student> listOfStudents = arrayOfStudents.ToList(); PrintCollection(listOfStudents); // reading string of numbers separated by space int[] numbers = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse).ToArray(); PrintCollection(numbers); // reverse students.Reverse(); PrintCollection(students); // average double averageCourses = students.Average(st => st.Courses.Count); Console.WriteLine(averageCourses); // max int max = students.Max(st => st.Courses.Count); Console.WriteLine(max); // min int min = students.Min(st => st.Courses.Count); Console.WriteLine(min); // count int count = students.Count(st => st.Name.Length > 4); Console.WriteLine(count); // sum int sum = students.Sum(st => st.Courses.Count); Console.WriteLine(sum); // extension methods var someCollection = students.Where(st => st.Id > 1) .OrderBy(st => st.Name) .ThenBy(st => st.Courses.Count) .Select(st => new { Name = st.Name, Courses = st.Courses.Count }) .ToArray(); PrintCollection(someCollection); // nesting var someOtherStudents = students.Where(st => st.Courses.Any(c => c.Name == "OOP")).OrderBy(st => st.Name); PrintCollection(someOtherStudents); }
public ChangeRelativePathCommand(string input, string[] data, Tester judge, StudentsRepository repository, IOManager inputOutputManager) : base(input, data, judge, repository, inputOutputManager) { }
public void Put() { // Arrange var repository = new StudentsRepository(new StudentsEntities()); // Act Student updatedStudent = new Student() { firstName = "stamat", lastName = "peshev", age = 20, grade = 5 }; repository.Update(2, updatedStudent); // Assert var theStudent = repository.Get(2); Assert.AreEqual(theStudent.firstName, updatedStudent.firstName); Assert.AreEqual(theStudent.lastName, updatedStudent.lastName); Assert.AreEqual(theStudent.age, updatedStudent.age); Assert.AreEqual(theStudent.grade, updatedStudent.grade); }