Exemple #1
        public void SaveStudent(DBSite site, StudenEntity st)
            string qry = "INSERT INTO tblStudentMaster(StudentName, AdmissionNo, ClassId, SectionID, MobileF, MobileM, DOB, Email";

            qry += ", IdCardNo, FatherName, MotherName, UserID, SubuserId , FYear)  VALUES(";

            qry += "'" + st.StudentName + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.AdmNo + "'";
            qry += ", " + st.PresentClass;
            qry += ", " + st.SectionId;
            qry += ", '" + st.MobileNoF + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.MobileNoM + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.DOB + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.Email + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.IdCardNo + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.FatherName + "'";
            qry += ", '" + st.MotherName + "'";

            qry += ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User);

            qry += ")";

Exemple #2
        public void UpdateStudent(DBSite site, StudenEntity st)
            string qry = " UPDATE tblStudentMaster SET ";

            qry += " StudentName='" + st.StudentName + "'";
            qry += " , AdmissionNo='" + st.AdmNo + "'";
            qry += ", ClassId =" + st.PresentClass;
            qry += ", SectionId =" + st.SectionId;
            qry += ", IdCardNo ='" + st.IdCardNo + "'";
            qry += ", FatherName ='" + st.FatherName + "'";
            qry += ", MotherName ='" + st.MotherName + "'";
            qry += ", MobileF ='" + st.MobileNoF + "'";
            qry += ", MobileM ='" + st.MobileNoM + "'";
            qry += ", DOB ='" + st.DOB + "'";
            qry += ", Email ='" + st.Email + "'";

            qry += ", SubuserId=" + Util_BLL.SubUser.SubuserId;

            qry += " WHERE StudentMasterId=" + st.StudentMasterId;

Exemple #3
        public List <StudenEntity> GetStudentsByClass(DBSite site, string ids, string classIds = "")
            List <StudenEntity> studentList = new List <StudenEntity>();

            string qry = "";

            qry += " SELECT ";
            qry += " StudentMasterId, StudentName, AdmissionNo "
                   + " ,  st.ClassId, ClassName "
                   + " ,  sc.SectionMasterID, SectionName "
                   + " , IDCardNo, FatherName, MotherName, MobileF, MobileM ";
            qry += " , DOB, Email,  st.UserID, st.FYear, st.CreatedAt ";

            qry += " FROM  tblStudentMaster as st "
                   + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblClassMaster c on c.classMasterID = st.classID  and c.userid =  " + Util_BLL.User.UserId
                   + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSectionMaster sc on sc.SectionMasterID = st.SectionID  and  sc.userId =  " + Util_BLL.User.UserId;

            qry += " WHERE st.UserID =  " + Util_BLL.User.UserId;

            if (ids != "")
                qry += " AND  StudentMasterId IN (" + ids + ")";

            if (classIds != "" && classIds != "ALL")
                qry += " AND  st.ClassId In (" + classIds + ")";
            else if (ids == "" && classIds == "")
                classIds = "-999";
                qry     += " AND  st.ClassId In (" + classIds + ")";
            else if (classIds == "ALL")
                qry += " ";

            qry += " order by classOrder, StudentName ";

            DataTable    dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);
            StudenEntity st;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                st = new StudenEntity();

                st.StudentMasterId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["StudentMasterId"]);
                st.StudentName     = util.CheckNull(dr["StudentName"]);
                st.AdmNo           = util.CheckNull(dr["AdmissionNo"]);

                st.PresentClass     = util.CheckNullInt(dr["ClassID"]);
                st.PresentClassName = util.CheckNull(dr["ClassName"]);

                st.SectionId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["SectionMasterID"]);
                st.Section   = util.CheckNull(dr["SectionName"]);

                st.IdCardNo   = util.CheckNull(dr["IdCardNo"]);
                st.FatherName = util.CheckNull(dr["FatherName"]);
                st.MotherName = util.CheckNull(dr["MotherName"]);
                st.MobileNoF  = util.CheckNull(dr["MobileF"]);
                st.MobileNoM  = util.CheckNull(dr["MobileM"]);
                st.Email      = util.CheckNull(dr["Email"]);
                st.DOB        = util.CheckNullDate(dr["DOB"]);

                //DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ProductDate"]);
                //pme.productDate = date;

                st.UserID = util.CheckNullInt(dr["UserID"]);
                st.FYear  = util.CheckNullInt(dr["FYear"]);

