Exemple #1
 public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
     if (GenBase._tiles[origin.X, origin.Y].active())
     origin.X -= this._sourceMagmaMap.GetLength(0) / 2;
     origin.Y -= this._sourceMagmaMap.GetLength(1) / 2;
     Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle effectedMapArea;
     this.SimulatePressure(out effectedMapArea);
     this.PlaceGranite(origin, effectedMapArea);
     this.CleanupTiles(origin, effectedMapArea);
     this.PlaceDecorations(origin, effectedMapArea);
     structures.AddStructure(effectedMapArea, 8);
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Point y;

            if (GenBase._tiles[origin.X, origin.Y].active() && WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y))
            Searches.Down  down    = new Searches.Down(80);
            GenCondition[] isSolid = new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() };
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(down, isSolid), out y))
            y.Y = y.Y + 2;
            Ref <int> @ref = new Ref <int>(0);

            Shapes.Circle circle         = new Shapes.Circle(8);
            GenAction[]   genActionArray = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.IsSolid(), new Actions.Scanner(@ref) };
            WorldUtils.Gen(y, circle, Actions.Chain(genActionArray));
            if (@ref.Value < 20)
            if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(y.X - 8, y.Y - 8, 16, 16), 0))
            Shapes.Circle circle1      = new Shapes.Circle(8);
            GenAction[]   radialDither = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.RadialDither(0f, 10f), new Modifiers.IsSolid(), new Actions.SetTile(229, true, true) };
            WorldUtils.Gen(y, circle1, Actions.Chain(radialDither));
            ShapeData shapeDatum = new ShapeData();

            Shapes.Circle circle2 = new Shapes.Circle(4, 3);
            GenAction[]   blotch  = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.3), new Modifiers.IsSolid(), new Actions.ClearTile(true), (new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-6, 6, 0, 3)).Output(shapeDatum), new Actions.SetLiquid(2, 255) };
            WorldUtils.Gen(y, circle2, Actions.Chain(blotch));
            Point point = new Point(y.X, y.Y + 1);

            ModShapes.InnerOutline innerOutline = new ModShapes.InnerOutline(shapeDatum, true);
            GenAction[]            isEmpty      = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.IsEmpty(), new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-6, 6, 1, 3), new Actions.SetTile(59, true, true) };
            WorldUtils.Gen(point, innerOutline, Actions.Chain(isEmpty));
            structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(y.X - 8, y.Y - 8, 16, 16), 0);
Exemple #3
        private void PlaceSingle(DunesBiome.DunesDescription description, StructureMap structures)
            int num1 = GenBase._random.Next(3) + 8;

            for (int index = 0; index < num1 - 1; ++index)
                int   num2 = (int)(2.0 / (double)num1 * (double)description.Area.Width);
                int   num3 = (int)((double)index / (double)num1 * (double)description.Area.Width + (double)description.Area.Left) + num2 * 2 / 5 + GenBase._random.Next(-5, 6);
                float num4 = (float)(1.0 - (double)Math.Abs((float)index / (float)(num1 - 2) - 0.5f) * 2.0);
                DunesBiome.PlaceHill(num3 - num2 / 2, num3 + num2 / 2, (float)((double)num4 * 0.300000011920929 + 0.200000002980232) * this._heightScale, description);
            int num5 = GenBase._random.Next(2) + 1;

            for (int index = 0; index < num5; ++index)
                int num2 = description.Area.Width / 2;
                int num3 = description.Area.Center.X + GenBase._random.Next(-10, 11);
                DunesBiome.PlaceHill(num3 - num2 / 2, num3 + num2 / 2, 0.8f * this._heightScale, description);
            structures.AddStructure(description.Area, 20);
Exemple #4
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Dictionary <ushort, int> resultsOutput = new Dictionary <ushort, int>();

            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X - 25, origin.Y - 25), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(50, 50), (GenAction) new Actions.TileScanner(new ushort[5]
            int num1 = resultsOutput[(ushort)0] + resultsOutput[(ushort)1];
            int num2 = resultsOutput[(ushort)59];
            int num3 = resultsOutput[(ushort)147];

            if (resultsOutput[(ushort)225] > 0 || num3 <= num2 || num3 <= num1)
            int num4 = 0;

            for (int radius = GenBase._random.Next(10, 15); radius > 5; --radius)
                int num5 = GenBase._random.Next(-5, 5);
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X + num5, origin.Y + num4), (GenShape) new Shapes.Circle(radius), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(4, 0.3), (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(new ushort[5]
                }), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)162, true, true)));
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X + num5, origin.Y + num4), (GenShape) new Shapes.Circle(radius), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(4, 0.3), (GenAction) new Modifiers.HasLiquid(-1, -1), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)162, true, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetLiquid(0, (byte)0)));
                num4 += radius - 2;
            structures.AddStructure(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(origin.X - 25, origin.Y - 25, 50, 50), 8);
Exemple #5
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            DesertDescription desertDescription = DesertDescription.CreateFromPlacement(origin);

            if (!desertDescription.IsValid)
            if (GenBase._random.NextFloat() <= ChanceOfEntrance)
                switch (GenBase._random.Next(4))
                case 0:

                case 1:

                case 2:

                case 3:
            Rectangle area = new Rectangle(desertDescription.CombinedArea.X, 50, desertDescription.CombinedArea.Width, desertDescription.CombinedArea.Bottom - 20);

            structures.AddStructure(area, 10);
Exemple #6
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            DesertDescription fromPlacement = DesertDescription.CreateFromPlacement(origin);

            if (!fromPlacement.IsValid)
            if ((double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() <= (double)this.ChanceOfEntrance)
                switch (GenBase._random.Next(4))
                case 0:

                case 1:

                case 2:

                case 3:
            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle area = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(fromPlacement.CombinedArea.X, 50, fromPlacement.CombinedArea.Width, fromPlacement.CombinedArea.Bottom - 20);
            structures.AddStructure(area, 10);
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            if (_tiles[origin.X, origin.Y].active() && WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y))
            Point result;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin,
                                 Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(80), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result))
            result.Y += 2;
            var count = new Ref <int>(0);

            WorldUtils.Gen(result, new Shapes.Circle(8),
                           Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.IsSolid(), (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count)));
            if (count.Value < 20 ||
                !structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(result.X - 8, result.Y - 8, 16, 16), 0))
            WorldUtils.Gen(result, new Shapes.Circle(8),
                           Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.RadialDither(0.0f, 10f), (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsSolid(),
                                         (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile(229, true, true)));
            var data = new ShapeData();

            WorldUtils.Gen(result, new Shapes.Circle(4, 3),
                           Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.3), (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsSolid(),
                                         (GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(true), new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-6, 6, 0, 3).Output(data),
                                         (GenAction) new Actions.SetLiquid(2, byte.MaxValue)));
            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result.X, result.Y + 1), new ModShapes.InnerOutline(data, true),
                           Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.IsEmpty(), (GenAction) new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-6, 6, 1, 3),
                                         (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile(59, true, true)));
            structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(result.X - 8, result.Y - 8, 16, 16), 0);
        private void PlaceSingle(DunesDescription description, StructureMap structures)
            int num = GenBase._random.Next(3) + 8;

            for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++)
                int num2 = (int)(2f / (float)num * (float)description.Area.Width);
                int num3 = (int)((float)i / (float)num * (float)description.Area.Width + (float)description.Area.Left) + num2 * 2 / 5;
                num3 += GenBase._random.Next(-5, 6);
                float num4 = (float)i / (float)(num - 2);
                float num5 = 1f - Math.Abs(num4 - 0.5f) * 2f;
                PlaceHill(num3 - num2 / 2, num3 + num2 / 2, (num5 * 0.3f + 0.2f) * _heightScale, description);
            int num6 = GenBase._random.Next(2) + 1;

            for (int j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                int num7 = description.Area.Width / 2;
                int x    = description.Area.Center.X;
                x += GenBase._random.Next(-10, 11);
                PlaceHill(x - num7 / 2, x + num7 / 2, 0.8f * _heightScale, description);
            structures.AddStructure(description.Area, 20);
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Ref <int> @ref  = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> ref2  = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> count = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> ref3  = new Ref <int>(0);

            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(15), Actions.Chain(new Actions.Scanner(count), new Modifiers.IsSolid(), new Actions.Scanner(@ref), new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(60, 59), new Actions.Scanner(ref2), new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(60), new Actions.Scanner(ref3)));
            if ((float)ref2.Value / (float)@ref.Value < 0.75f || ref3.Value < 2)
            if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(origin.X - 50, origin.Y - 50, 100, 100)))
            int x   = origin.X;
            int y   = origin.Y;
            int num = 150;

            for (int i = x - num; i < x + num; i += 10)
                if (i <= 0 || i > Main.maxTilesX - 1)
                for (int j = y - num; j < y + num; j += 10)
                    if (j > 0 && j <= Main.maxTilesY - 1)
                        if (Main.tile[i, j].active() && Main.tile[i, j].type == 226)
                        if (Main.tile[i, j].wall == 87 || Main.tile[i, j].wall == 3 || Main.tile[i, j].wall == 83)
            int x2   = origin.X;
            int y2   = origin.Y;
            int num2 = 0;

            int[]   array   = new int[10];
            int[]   array2  = new int[10];
            Vector2 vector  = new Vector2(x2, y2);
            Vector2 vector2 = vector;
            int     num3    = WorldGen.genRand.Next(2, 5);

            for (int k = 0; k < num3; k++)
                int num4 = WorldGen.genRand.Next(2, 5);
                for (int l = 0; l < num4; l++)
                    vector2 = WorldGen.Hive((int)vector.X, (int)vector.Y);
                vector       = vector2;
                array[num2]  = (int)vector.X;
                array2[num2] = (int)vector.Y;
            for (int m = 0; m < num2; m++)
                int  num5 = array[m];
                int  num6 = array2[m];
                bool flag = false;
                int  num7 = 1;
                if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(2) == 0)
                    num7 = -1;
                while (num5 > 10 && num5 < Main.maxTilesX - 10 && num6 > 10 && num6 < Main.maxTilesY - 10 && (!Main.tile[num5, num6].active() || !Main.tile[num5, num6 + 1].active() || !Main.tile[num5 + 1, num6].active() || !Main.tile[num5 + 1, num6 + 1].active()))
                    num5 += num7;
                    if (Math.Abs(num5 - array[m]) > 50)
                        flag = true;
                if (flag)
                num5 += num7;
                for (int n = num5 - 1; n <= num5 + 2; n++)
                    for (int num8 = num6 - 1; num8 <= num6 + 2; num8++)
                        if (n < 10 || n > Main.maxTilesX - 10)
                            flag = true;
                        else if (Main.tile[n, num8].active() && Main.tile[n, num8].type != 225)
                            flag = true;
                if (flag)
                for (int num9 = num5 - 1; num9 <= num5 + 2; num9++)
                    for (int num10 = num6 - 1; num10 <= num6 + 2; num10++)
                        if (num9 >= num5 && num9 <= num5 + 1 && num10 >= num6 && num10 <= num6 + 1)
                            Main.tile[num9, num10].active(false);
                            Main.tile[num9, num10].liquid = byte.MaxValue;
                            Main.tile[num9, num10].honey(true);
                            Main.tile[num9, num10].active(true);
                            Main.tile[num9, num10].type = 225;
                num7 *= -1;
                int num11 = 0;
                while ((num11 < 4 || WorldGen.SolidTile(num5, num6)) && num5 > 10 && num5 < Main.maxTilesX - 10)
                    num5 += num7;
                    if (WorldGen.SolidTile(num5, num6))
                        WorldGen.PoundTile(num5, num6);
                        if (!Main.tile[num5, num6 + 1].active())
                            Main.tile[num5, num6 + 1].active(true);
                            Main.tile[num5, num6 + 1].type = 225;
            WorldGen.larvaX[WorldGen.numLarva] = Utils.Clamp((int)vector.X, 5, Main.maxTilesX - 5);
            WorldGen.larvaY[WorldGen.numLarva] = Utils.Clamp((int)vector.Y, 5, Main.maxTilesY - 5);
            int num12 = (int)vector.X;
            int num13 = (int)vector.Y;

            for (int num14 = num12 - 1; num14 <= num12 + 1 && num14 > 0 && num14 < Main.maxTilesX; num14++)
                for (int num15 = num13 - 2; num15 <= num13 + 1 && num15 > 0 && num15 < Main.maxTilesY; num15++)
                    if (num15 != num13 + 1)
                        Main.tile[num14, num15].active(false);
                    Main.tile[num14, num15].active(true);
                    Main.tile[num14, num15].type = 225;
                    Main.tile[num14, num15].slope(0);
                    Main.tile[num14, num15].halfBrick(false);
            structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(origin.X - 50, origin.Y - 50, 100, 100), 5);
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            if (WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y) && _tiles[origin.X, origin.Y].wall == 3)
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin,
                                 Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(100), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()),
                                 out origin))
            Point result;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - 4, origin.Y),
                                 Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(5),
                                                new Conditions.IsTile((ushort)25).AreaAnd(8, 1)), out result))
            var data1      = new ShapeData();
            var shapeData1 = new ShapeData();
            var shapeData2 = new ShapeData();

            for (var index = 0; index < 6; ++index)
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(_random.Next(10, 12) + index),
                               Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Offset(0, 5 * index + 5),
                                             new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3).Output(data1)));
            for (var index = 0; index < 6; ++index)
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(_random.Next(5, 7) + index),
                               Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Offset(0, 2 * index + 18),
                                             new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3).Output(shapeData1)));
            for (var index = 0; index < 6; ++index)
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(_random.Next(4, 6) + index / 2),
                               Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Offset(0, (int)(7.5 * index) - 10),
                                             new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3).Output(shapeData2)));
            var data2 = new ShapeData(shapeData1);

            shapeData1.Subtract(shapeData2, origin, origin);
            data2.Subtract(shapeData1, origin, origin);
            var bounds = ShapeData.GetBounds(origin, data1, shapeData2);

            if (!structures.CanPlace(bounds, ValidTiles, 2))
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(data1),
                           Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.SetTile(25, true, true),
                                         (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall(3, true)));
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData1),
                           new Actions.SetTile(0, true, true));
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData2), new Actions.ClearTile(true));
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData1), Actions.Chain(
                               (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsTouchingAir(true),
                               (GenAction) new Modifiers.NotTouching(false, (ushort)25),
                               (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile(23, true, true)));
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(data2),
                           new Actions.PlaceWall(69, true));
            structures.AddStructure(bounds, 2);
Exemple #11
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            var count1 = new Ref <int>(0);
            var count2 = new Ref <int>(0);
            var count3 = new Ref <int>(0);
            var count4 = new Ref <int>(0);

            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(15), Actions.Chain(
                               (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count3), (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsSolid(),
                               (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count1), (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyTiles((ushort)60, (ushort)59),
                               (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count2), (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyTiles((ushort)60),
                               (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count4)));
            if (count2.Value / (double)count1.Value < 0.75 || count4.Value < 2 ||
                !structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(origin.X - 50, origin.Y - 50, 100, 100), 0))
            var x1     = origin.X;
            var y1     = origin.Y;
            var num1   = 150;
            var index1 = x1 - num1;

            while (index1 < x1 + num1)
                if (index1 > 0 && index1 <= Main.maxTilesX - 1)
                    var index2 = y1 - num1;
                    while (index2 < y1 + num1)
                        if (index2 > 0 && index2 <= Main.maxTilesY - 1 &&
                            (Main.tile[index1, index2].active() && Main.tile[index1, index2].type == 226 ||
                             Main.tile[index1, index2].wall == 87 || Main.tile[index1, index2].wall == 3 ||
                             Main.tile[index1, index2].wall == 83))
                        index2 += 10;

                index1 += 10;

            var x2        = origin.X;
            var y2        = origin.Y;
            var index3    = 0;
            var numArray1 = new int[10];
            var numArray2 = new int[10];
            var vector2_1 = new Vector2(x2, y2);
            var vector2_2 = vector2_1;
            var num2      = WorldGen.genRand.Next(2, 5);

            for (var index2 = 0; index2 < num2; ++index2)
                var num3 = WorldGen.genRand.Next(2, 5);
                for (var index4 = 0; index4 < num3; ++index4)
                    vector2_2 = WorldGen.Hive((int)vector2_1.X, (int)vector2_1.Y);
                vector2_1         = vector2_2;
                numArray1[index3] = (int)vector2_1.X;
                numArray2[index3] = (int)vector2_1.Y;

            for (var index2 = 0; index2 < index3; ++index2)
                var index4 = numArray1[index2];
                var index5 = numArray2[index2];
                var flag   = false;
                var num3   = 1;
                if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(2) == 0)
                    num3 = -1;
                while (index4 > 10 && index4 < Main.maxTilesX - 10 && index5 > 10 && index5 < Main.maxTilesY - 10 &&
                       (!Main.tile[index4, index5].active() || !Main.tile[index4, index5 + 1].active() ||
                        !Main.tile[index4 + 1, index5].active() || !Main.tile[index4 + 1, index5 + 1].active()))
                    index4 += num3;
                    if (Math.Abs(index4 - numArray1[index2]) > 50)
                        flag = true;

                if (!flag)
                    var i = index4 + num3;
                    for (var index6 = i - 1; index6 <= i + 2; ++index6)
                        for (var index7 = index5 - 1; index7 <= index5 + 2; ++index7)
                            if (index6 < 10 || index6 > Main.maxTilesX - 10)
                                flag = true;
                            else if (Main.tile[index6, index7].active() &&
                                     Main.tile[index6, index7].type != 225)
                                flag = true;

                    if (!flag)
                        for (var index6 = i - 1; index6 <= i + 2; ++index6)
                            for (var index7 = index5 - 1; index7 <= index5 + 2; ++index7)
                                if (index6 >= i && index6 <= i + 1 && index7 >= index5 && index7 <= index5 + 1)
                                    Main.tile[index6, index7].active(false);
                                    Main.tile[index6, index7].liquid = byte.MaxValue;
                                    Main.tile[index6, index7].honey(true);
                                    Main.tile[index6, index7].active(true);
                                    Main.tile[index6, index7].type = 225;

                        var num4 = num3 * -1;
                        var j    = index5 + 1;
                        var num5 = 0;
                        while ((num5 < 4 || WorldGen.SolidTile(i, j)) && i > 10 && i < Main.maxTilesX - 10)
                            i += num4;
                            if (WorldGen.SolidTile(i, j))
                                WorldGen.PoundTile(i, j);
                                if (!Main.tile[i, j + 1].active())
                                    Main.tile[i, j + 1].active(true);
                                    Main.tile[i, j + 1].type = 225;

            WorldGen.larvaX[WorldGen.numLarva] = Utils.Clamp((int)vector2_1.X, 5, Main.maxTilesX - 5);
            WorldGen.larvaY[WorldGen.numLarva] = Utils.Clamp((int)vector2_1.Y, 5, Main.maxTilesY - 5);
            var x3 = (int)vector2_1.X;
            var y3 = (int)vector2_1.Y;

            for (var index2 = x3 - 1; index2 <= x3 + 1 && index2 > 0 && index2 < Main.maxTilesX; ++index2)
                for (var index4 = y3 - 2; index4 <= y3 + 1 && index4 > 0 && index4 < Main.maxTilesY; ++index4)
                    if (index4 != y3 + 1)
                        Main.tile[index2, index4].active(false);
                        Main.tile[index2, index4].active(true);
                        Main.tile[index2, index4].type = 225;
                        Main.tile[index2, index4].slope(0);
                        Main.tile[index2, index4].halfBrick(false);

            structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(origin.X - 50, origin.Y - 50, 100, 100), 5);
Exemple #12
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            if (WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y) && GenBase._tiles[origin.X, origin.Y].wall == 3)
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(100), new GenCondition[]
                new Conditions.IsSolid()
            }), out origin))
            Point point;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - 4, origin.Y), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(5), new GenCondition[]
                new Conditions.IsTile(new ushort[]
                }).AreaAnd(8, 1)
            }), out point))
            ShapeData shapeData  = new ShapeData();
            ShapeData shapeData2 = new ShapeData();
            ShapeData shapeData3 = new ShapeData();

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(10, 12) + i), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                    new Modifiers.Offset(0, 5 * i + 5),
                    new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3).Output(shapeData)
            for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(5, 7) + j), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                    new Modifiers.Offset(0, 2 * j + 18),
                    new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3).Output(shapeData2)
            for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(4, 6) + k / 2), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                    new Modifiers.Offset(0, (int)(7.5f * (float)k) - 10),
                    new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3).Output(shapeData3)
            ShapeData shapeData4 = new ShapeData(shapeData2);

            shapeData2.Subtract(shapeData3, origin, origin);
            shapeData4.Subtract(shapeData2, origin, origin);
            Rectangle bounds = ShapeData.GetBounds(origin, new ShapeData[]

            if (!structures.CanPlace(bounds, CorruptionPitBiome.ValidTiles, 2))
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                new Actions.SetTile(25, true, true),
                new Actions.PlaceWall(3, true)
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData2), new Actions.SetTile(0, true, true));
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData3), new Actions.ClearTile(true));
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData2), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                new Modifiers.IsTouchingAir(true),
                new Modifiers.NotTouching(false, new ushort[]
                new Actions.SetTile(23, true, true)
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData4), new Actions.PlaceWall(69, true));
            structures.AddStructure(bounds, 2);
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Point result1;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(200), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result1) || Point.op_Equality(result1, origin))
            Rectangle room1 = this.GetRoom(result1);
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            Rectangle room2 = this.GetRoom(new Point((int)((Rectangle)@room1).get_Center().X, room1.Y + 1));
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            Rectangle room3 = this.GetRoom(new Point((int)((Rectangle)@room1).get_Center().X, room1.Y + room1.Height + 10));

            room3.Y = (__Null)(room1.Y + room1.Height - 1);
            float num1 = this.RoomSolidPrecentage(room2);
            float num2 = this.RoomSolidPrecentage(room3);
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
            Rectangle& local1 = @room1;
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            int num3 = (^ local1).Y + 3;

            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            (^ local1).Y = (__Null)num3;
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
            Rectangle& local2 = @room2;
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            int num4 = (^ local2).Y + 3;

            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            (^ local2).Y = (__Null)num4;
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
            Rectangle& local3 = @room3;
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            int num5 = (^ local3).Y + 3;

            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            (^ local3).Y = (__Null)num5;
            List <Rectangle> rectangleList1 = new List <Rectangle>();

            if ((double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() > (double)num1 + 0.200000002980232)
                room2 = room1;
            if ((double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() > (double)num2 + 0.200000002980232)
                room3 = room1;
            using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                    if (current.Y + current.Height > Main.maxTilesY - 220)
            Dictionary <ushort, int> resultsOutput = new Dictionary <ushort, int>();

            using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                    WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(current.X - 10, current.Y - 10), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(current.Width + 20, current.Height + 20), (GenAction) new Actions.TileScanner(new ushort[12]
            List <Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int> > tupleList1 = new List <Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int> >();

            tupleList1.Add((Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>)Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>((M0)CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Default, (M1)(resultsOutput[(ushort)0] + resultsOutput[(ushort)1])));
            tupleList1.Add((Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>)Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>((M0)CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Jungle, (M1)(resultsOutput[(ushort)59] + resultsOutput[(ushort)60] * 10)));
            tupleList1.Add((Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>)Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>((M0)CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Mushroom, (M1)(resultsOutput[(ushort)59] + resultsOutput[(ushort)70] * 10)));
            tupleList1.Add((Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>)Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>((M0)CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Snow, (M1)(resultsOutput[(ushort)147] + resultsOutput[(ushort)161])));
            tupleList1.Add((Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>)Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>((M0)CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Desert, (M1)(resultsOutput[(ushort)397] + resultsOutput[(ushort)396] + resultsOutput[(ushort)53])));
            tupleList1.Add((Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>)Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>((M0)CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Granite, (M1)resultsOutput[(ushort)368]));
            tupleList1.Add((Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>)Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>((M0)CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Marble, (M1)resultsOutput[(ushort)367]));
            tupleList1.Sort(new Comparison <Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int> >(this.SortBiomeResults));
            CaveHouseBiome.BuildData buildData = tupleList1[0].get_Item1();
            using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                    if (buildData != CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Granite)
                        Point result2;
                        if (WorldUtils.Find(new Point(current.X - 2, current.Y - 2), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Rectangle(current.Width + 4, current.Height + 4).RequireAll(false), (GenCondition) new Conditions.HasLava()), out result2))
                    if (!structures.CanPlace(current, CaveHouseBiome._blacklistedTiles, 5))
            int val1_1 = (int)room1.X;
            int val1_2 = room1.X + room1.Width - 1;
            List <Rectangle> rectangleList2 = new List <Rectangle>();

            using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                    val1_1 = Math.Min(val1_1, (int)current.X);
                    val1_2 = Math.Max(val1_2, current.X + current.Width - 1);
            int num6 = 6;

            while (num6 > 4 && (val1_2 - val1_1) % num6 != 0)
            int num7 = val1_1;

            while (num7 <= val1_2)
                for (int index1 = 0; index1 < rectangleList1.Count; ++index1)
                    Rectangle rectangle = rectangleList1[index1];
                    if (num7 >= rectangle.X && num7 < rectangle.X + rectangle.Width)
                        int num8 = (int)(rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height);
                        int num9 = 50;
                        for (int index2 = index1 + 1; index2 < rectangleList1.Count; ++index2)
                            if (num7 >= rectangleList1[index2].X && num7 < rectangleList1[index2].X + rectangleList1[index2].Width)
                                num9 = Math.Min(num9, rectangleList1[index2].Y - num8);
                        if (num9 > 0)
                            Point result2;
                            bool  flag = WorldUtils.Find(new Point(num7, num8), Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(num9), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result2);
                            if (num9 < 50)
                                flag    = true;
                                result2 = new Point(num7, num8 + num9);
                            if (flag)
                                rectangleList2.Add(new Rectangle(num7, num8, 1, result2.Y - num8));
                num7 += num6;
            List <Point> pointList1 = new List <Point>();

            using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                    int       exitY;
                    if (this.FindSideExit(new Rectangle((int)(current.X + current.Width), current.Y + 1, 1, current.Height - 2), false, out exitY))
                        pointList1.Add(new Point(current.X + current.Width - 1, exitY));
                    if (this.FindSideExit(new Rectangle((int)current.X, current.Y + 1, 1, current.Height - 2), true, out exitY))
                        pointList1.Add(new Point((int)current.X, exitY));
            List <Tuple <Point, Point> > tupleList2 = new List <Tuple <Point, Point> >();

            for (int index = 1; index < rectangleList1.Count; ++index)
                Rectangle rectangle1 = rectangleList1[index];
                Rectangle rectangle2 = rectangleList1[index - 1];
                if ((int)(rectangle2.X - rectangle1.X) > (int)(rectangle1.X + rectangle1.Width - (rectangle2.X + rectangle2.Width)))
                    tupleList2.Add(new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(rectangle1.X + rectangle1.Width - 1, rectangle1.Y + 1), new Point(rectangle1.X + rectangle1.Width - rectangle1.Height + 1, rectangle1.Y + rectangle1.Height - 1)));
                    tupleList2.Add(new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point((int)rectangle1.X, rectangle1.Y + 1), new Point(rectangle1.X + rectangle1.Height - 1, rectangle1.Y + rectangle1.Height - 1)));
            List <Point> pointList2 = new List <Point>();
            int          exitX;

            if (this.FindVerticalExit(new Rectangle(room2.X + 2, (int)room2.Y, room2.Width - 4, 1), true, out exitX))
                pointList2.Add(new Point(exitX, (int)room2.Y));
            if (this.FindVerticalExit(new Rectangle(room3.X + 2, room3.Y + room3.Height - 1, room3.Width - 4, 1), false, out exitX))
                pointList2.Add(new Point(exitX, room3.Y + room3.Height - 1));
            using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                    WorldUtils.Gen(new Point((int)current.X, (int)current.Y), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle((int)current.Width, (int)current.Height), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.SetTile(buildData.Tile, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
                    WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(current.X + 1, current.Y + 1), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(current.Width - 2, current.Height - 2), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(true), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall(buildData.Wall, true)));
                    structures.AddStructure(current, 8);
            using (List <Tuple <Point, Point> > .Enumerator enumerator = tupleList2.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Tuple <Point, Point> current = enumerator.Current;
                    Point     origin1            = current.get_Item1();
                    Point     point = current.get_Item2();
                    int       num8  = point.X > origin1.X ? 1 : -1;
                    ShapeData data  = new ShapeData();
                    for (int y = 0; y < point.Y - origin1.Y; ++y)
                        data.Add(num8 * (y + 1), y);
                    WorldUtils.Gen(origin1, (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(data), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.PlaceTile((ushort)19, buildData.PlatformStyle), (GenAction) new Actions.SetSlope(num8 == 1 ? 1 : 2), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
                    WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin1.X + (num8 == 1 ? 1 : -4), origin1.Y - 1), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(4, 1), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.Clear(), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall(buildData.Wall, true), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceTile((ushort)19, buildData.PlatformStyle), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
            using (List <Point> .Enumerator enumerator = pointList1.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Point current = enumerator.Current;
                    WorldUtils.Gen(current, (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(1, 3), (GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(true));
                    WorldGen.PlaceTile((int)current.X, (int)current.Y, 10, true, true, -1, buildData.DoorStyle);
            using (List <Point> .Enumerator enumerator = pointList2.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    WorldUtils.Gen(enumerator.Current, (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(3, 1), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.ClearMetadata(), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceTile((ushort)19, buildData.PlatformStyle), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
            using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList2.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                    if (current.Height > 1 && (int)GenBase._tiles[(int)current.X, current.Y - 1].type != 19)
                        WorldUtils.Gen(new Point((int)current.X, (int)current.Y), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle((int)current.Width, (int)current.Height), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)124, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
                        Tile tile = GenBase._tiles[(int)current.X, (int)(current.Y + current.Height)];
            Point[] pointArray = new Point[7]
                new Point(14, buildData.TableStyle),
                new Point(16, 0),
                new Point(18, buildData.WorkbenchStyle),
                new Point(86, 0),
                new Point(87, buildData.PianoStyle),
                new Point(94, 0),
                new Point(101, buildData.BookcaseStyle)
            using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                    int       num8    = current.Width / 8;
                    int       num9    = current.Width / (num8 + 1);
                    int       num10   = GenBase._random.Next(2);
                    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < num8; ++index1)
                        int num11 = (index1 + 1) * num9 + current.X;
                        switch (index1 + num10 % 2)
                        case 0:
                            int     num12   = current.Y + Math.Min(current.Height / 2, current.Height - 5);
                            Vector2 vector2 = WorldGen.randHousePicture();
                            int     x       = (int)vector2.X;
                            int     y       = (int)vector2.Y;
                            if (!WorldGen.nearPicture(num11, num12))
                                WorldGen.PlaceTile(num11, num12, x, true, false, -1, y);

                        case 1:
                            int j = current.Y + 1;
                            WorldGen.PlaceTile(num11, j, 34, true, false, -1, GenBase._random.Next(6));
                            for (int index2 = -1; index2 < 2; ++index2)
                                for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 3; ++index3)
                                    GenBase._tiles[index2 + num11, index3 + j].frameX += (short)54;
                    int num13 = current.Width / 8 + 3;
                    for (; num13 > 0; --num13)
                        int num11 = GenBase._random.Next(current.Width - 3) + 1 + current.X;
                        int num12 = current.Y + current.Height - 2;
                        switch (GenBase._random.Next(4))
                        case 0:
                            WorldGen.PlaceSmallPile(num11, num12, GenBase._random.Next(31, 34), 1, (ushort)185);

                        case 1:
                            WorldGen.PlaceTile(num11, num12, 186, true, false, -1, GenBase._random.Next(22, 26));

                        case 2:
                            int index = GenBase._random.Next(2, WorldGen.statueList.Length);
                            WorldGen.PlaceTile(num11, num12, (int)WorldGen.statueList[index].X, true, false, -1, (int)WorldGen.statueList[index].Y);
                            if (WorldGen.StatuesWithTraps.Contains(index))
                                WorldGen.PlaceStatueTrap(num11, num12);

                        case 3:
                            Point point = Utils.SelectRandom <Point>(GenBase._random, pointArray);
                            WorldGen.PlaceTile(num11, num12, (int)point.X, true, false, -1, (int)point.Y);
            using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
            bool flag1 = false;

            using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                    int       j       = current.Height - 1 + current.Y;
                    int       Style   = j > (int)Main.worldSurface ? buildData.ChestStyle : 0;
                    int       num8    = 0;
                    while (num8 < 10 && !(flag1 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(GenBase._random.Next(2, current.Width - 2) + current.X, j, 0, false, Style)))
                    if (!flag1)
                        int i = current.X + 2;
                        while (i <= current.X + current.Width - 2 && !(flag1 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i, j, 0, false, Style)))
                        if (flag1)
            if (!flag1)
                using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                        int       j       = current.Y - 1;
                        int       Style   = j > (int)Main.worldSurface ? buildData.ChestStyle : 0;
                        int       num8    = 0;
                        while (num8 < 10 && !(flag1 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(GenBase._random.Next(2, current.Width - 2) + current.X, j, 0, false, Style)))
                        if (!flag1)
                            int i = current.X + 2;
                            while (i <= current.X + current.Width - 2 && !(flag1 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i, j, 0, false, Style)))
                            if (flag1)
            if (!flag1)
                for (int index = 0; index < 1000; ++index)
                    int i     = GenBase._random.Next(rectangleList1[0].X - 30, rectangleList1[0].X + 30);
                    int j     = GenBase._random.Next(rectangleList1[0].Y - 30, rectangleList1[0].Y + 30);
                    int Style = j > (int)Main.worldSurface ? buildData.ChestStyle : 0;
                    if (WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i, j, 0, false, Style))
            if (buildData == CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Jungle && this._sharpenerCount < GenBase._random.Next(2, 5))
                bool flag2 = false;
                using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                        int       j       = current.Height - 2 + current.Y;
                        for (int index = 0; index < 10; ++index)
                            int i = GenBase._random.Next(2, current.Width - 2) + current.X;
                            WorldGen.PlaceTile(i, j, 377, true, true, -1, 0);
                            if (flag2 = GenBase._tiles[i, j].active() && (int)GenBase._tiles[i, j].type == 377)
                        if (!flag2)
                            int i = current.X + 2;
                            while (i <= current.X + current.Width - 2 && !(flag2 = WorldGen.PlaceTile(i, j, 377, true, true, -1, 0)))
                            if (flag2)
                if (flag2)
            if (buildData == CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Desert && this._extractinatorCount < GenBase._random.Next(2, 5))
                bool flag2 = false;
                using (List <Rectangle> .Enumerator enumerator = rectangleList1.GetEnumerator())
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        Rectangle current = enumerator.Current;
                        int       j       = current.Height - 2 + current.Y;
                        for (int index = 0; index < 10; ++index)
                            int i = GenBase._random.Next(2, current.Width - 2) + current.X;
                            WorldGen.PlaceTile(i, j, 219, true, true, -1, 0);
                            if (flag2 = GenBase._tiles[i, j].active() && (int)GenBase._tiles[i, j].type == 219)
                        if (!flag2)
                            int i = current.X + 2;
                            while (i <= current.X + current.Width - 2 && !(flag2 = WorldGen.PlaceTile(i, j, 219, true, true, -1, 0)))
                            if (flag2)
                if (flag2)
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Point point;

            if (WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y) && GenBase._tiles[origin.X, origin.Y].wall == 3)
            Searches.Down  down    = new Searches.Down(100);
            GenCondition[] isSolid = new GenCondition[] { new Conditions.IsSolid() };
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(down, isSolid), out origin))
            Point point1 = new Point(origin.X - 4, origin.Y);

            Searches.Down  down1             = new Searches.Down(5);
            GenCondition[] genConditionArray = new GenCondition[1];
            ushort[]       numArray          = new ushort[] { 25 };
            genConditionArray[0] = (new Conditions.IsTile(numArray)).AreaAnd(8, 1);
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(point1, Searches.Chain(down1, genConditionArray), out point))
            ShapeData shapeDatum  = new ShapeData();
            ShapeData shapeDatum1 = new ShapeData();
            ShapeData shapeDatum2 = new ShapeData();

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                Shapes.Circle circle = new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(10, 12) + i);
                GenAction[]   offset = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.Offset(0, 5 * i + 5), (new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3)).Output(shapeDatum) };
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin, circle, Actions.Chain(offset));
            for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                Shapes.Circle circle1        = new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(5, 7) + j);
                GenAction[]   genActionArray = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.Offset(0, 2 * j + 18), (new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3)).Output(shapeDatum1) };
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin, circle1, Actions.Chain(genActionArray));
            for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                Shapes.Circle circle2 = new Shapes.Circle(GenBase._random.Next(4, 6) + k / 2);
                GenAction[]   offset1 = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.Offset(0, (int)(7.5f * (float)k) - 10), (new Modifiers.Blotches(3, 0.3)).Output(shapeDatum2) };
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin, circle2, Actions.Chain(offset1));
            ShapeData shapeDatum3 = new ShapeData(shapeDatum1);

            shapeDatum1.Subtract(shapeDatum2, origin, origin);
            shapeDatum3.Subtract(shapeDatum1, origin, origin);
            ShapeData[] shapeDataArray = new ShapeData[] { shapeDatum, shapeDatum2 };
            Rectangle   bounds         = ShapeData.GetBounds(origin, shapeDataArray);

            if (!structures.CanPlace(bounds, CorruptionPitBiome.ValidTiles, 2))
            ModShapes.All all     = new ModShapes.All(shapeDatum);
            GenAction[]   setTile = new GenAction[] { new Actions.SetTile(25, true, true), new Actions.PlaceWall(3, true) };
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, all, Actions.Chain(setTile));
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeDatum1), new Actions.SetTile(0, true, true));
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeDatum2), new Actions.ClearTile(true));
            ModShapes.All all1          = new ModShapes.All(shapeDatum1);
            GenAction[]   isTouchingAir = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.IsTouchingAir(true), null, null };
            ushort[]      numArray1     = new ushort[] { 25 };
            isTouchingAir[1] = new Modifiers.NotTouching(false, numArray1);
            isTouchingAir[2] = new Actions.SetTile(23, true, true);
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, all1, Actions.Chain(isTouchingAir));
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeDatum3), new Actions.PlaceWall(69, true));
            structures.AddStructure(bounds, 2);
Exemple #15
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Dictionary <ushort, int> resultsOutput = new Dictionary <ushort, int>();

            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X - 25, origin.Y - 25), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(50, 50), (GenAction) new Actions.TileScanner(new ushort[2]
            if (resultsOutput[(ushort)0] + resultsOutput[(ushort)1] < 1250)
            Point result1;
            bool  flag = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Up(1000), new Conditions.IsSolid().AreaOr(1, 50).Not()), out result1);
            Point result2;

            if (WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Up(origin.Y - result1.Y), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsTile(new ushort[1]
            })), out result2) || !flag)
            result1.Y += 50;
            ShapeData data1     = new ShapeData();
            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
            Point     point1    = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y + 20);
            Point     point2    = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y + 30);
            float     xScale    = (float)(0.800000011920929 + (double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 0.5);

            if (!structures.CanPlace(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(point1.X - (int)(20.0 * (double)xScale), point1.Y - 20, (int)(40.0 * (double)xScale), 40), 0) || !structures.CanPlace(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(origin.X, result1.Y + 10, 1, origin.Y - result1.Y - 9), 2))
            WorldUtils.Gen(point1, (GenShape) new Shapes.Slime(20, xScale, 1f), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.4), new Actions.ClearTile(true).Output(data1)));
            WorldUtils.Gen(point2, (GenShape) new Shapes.Mound(14, 14), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 1, 0.8), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)0, false, true), new Actions.SetFrames(true).Output(shapeData)));
            data1.Subtract(shapeData, point1, point2);
            WorldUtils.Gen(point1, (GenShape) new ModShapes.InnerOutline(data1, true), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)2, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
            WorldUtils.Gen(point1, (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(data1), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-40, 40, 0, 40), (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsEmpty(), (GenAction) new Actions.SetLiquid(0, byte.MaxValue)));
            WorldUtils.Gen(point1, (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(data1), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall((byte)68, true), (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(new ushort[1]
            }), (GenAction) new Modifiers.Offset(0, 1), (GenAction) new ActionVines(3, 5, 52)));
            ShapeData data2 = new ShapeData();

            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X, result1.Y + 10), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(1, origin.Y - result1.Y - 9), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.2), new Actions.ClearTile(false).Output(data2), (GenAction) new Modifiers.Expand(1), (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(new ushort[1]
            }), new Actions.SetTile((ushort)397, false, true).Output(data2)));
            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X, result1.Y + 10), (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(data2), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true));
            if (GenBase._random.Next(3) == 0)
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(point2.X, point2.Y - 15, 187, true, false, -1, 17);
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(point2.X, point2.Y - 15, 186, true, false, -1, 15);
            WorldUtils.Gen(point2, (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(shapeData), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Offset(0, -1), (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(new ushort[1]
            }), (GenAction) new Modifiers.Offset(0, -1), (GenAction) new ActionGrass()));
            structures.AddStructure(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(point1.X - (int)(20.0 * (double)xScale), point1.Y - 20, (int)(40.0 * (double)xScale), 40), 4);
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - 3, origin.Y), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(200), new Conditions.IsSolid().AreaAnd(6, 1)), out Point result))
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(new Point(result.X, result.Y - 5), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Up(120), new Conditions.IsSolid().AreaOr(6, 1)), out Point result2) || result.Y - 5 - result2.Y > 60)
            if (result.Y - result2.Y < 30)
            if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(result.X - 30, result.Y - 60, 60, 90)))
            Dictionary <ushort, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <ushort, int>();

            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result.X - 25, result.Y - 25), new Shapes.Rectangle(50, 50), new Actions.TileScanner(0, 59, 147, 1).Output(dictionary));
            int num  = dictionary[0] + dictionary[1];
            int num2 = dictionary[59];
            int num3 = dictionary[147];

            if (num3 > num2 || num > num2 || num2 < 50)
            int    num4 = (result.Y - result2.Y - 9) / 5;
            int    num5 = num4 * 5;
            int    num6 = 0;
            double num7 = GenBase._random.NextDouble() + 1.0;
            double num8 = GenBase._random.NextDouble() + 2.0;

            if (GenBase._random.Next(2) == 0)
                num8 = 0.0 - num8;
            for (int i = 0; i < num4; i++)
                double num9  = (double)(i + 1) / 12.0;
                int    num10 = (int)(Math.Sin(num9 * num7 * 3.1415927410125732) * num8);
                int    num11 = (num10 < num6) ? (num10 - num6) : 0;
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result.X + num6 + num11, result.Y - (i + 1) * 5), new Shapes.Rectangle(6 + Math.Abs(num10 - num6), 7), Actions.Chain(new Actions.RemoveWall(), new Actions.SetTile(383), new Actions.SetFrames()));
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result.X + num6 + num11 + 2, result.Y - (i + 1) * 5), new Shapes.Rectangle(2 + Math.Abs(num10 - num6), 5), Actions.Chain(new Actions.ClearTile(frameNeighbors: true), new Actions.PlaceWall(78)));
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result.X + num6 + 2, result.Y - i * 5), new Shapes.Rectangle(2, 2), Actions.Chain(new Actions.ClearTile(frameNeighbors: true), new Actions.PlaceWall(78)));
                num6 = num10;
            int num12 = 6;

            if (num8 < 0.0)
                num12 = 0;
            List <Point> list = new List <Point>();

            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                double num13 = ((double)j + 1.0) / 3.0;
                int    num14 = num12 + (int)(Math.Sin((double)num4 * num13 / 12.0 * num7 * 3.1415927410125732) * num8);
                double num15 = GenBase._random.NextDouble() * 0.78539818525314331 - 0.78539818525314331 - 0.20000000298023224;
                if (num12 == 0)
                    num15 -= 1.5707963705062866;
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result.X + num14, result.Y - (int)((double)(num4 * 5) * num13)), new ShapeBranch(num15, GenBase._random.Next(12, 16)).OutputEndpoints(list), Actions.Chain(new Actions.SetTile(383), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true)));
                num12 = 6 - num12;
            int num16 = (int)(Math.Sin((double)num4 / 12.0 * num7 * 3.1415927410125732) * num8);

            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result.X + 6 + num16, result.Y - num5), new ShapeBranch(-0.68539818525314333, GenBase._random.Next(16, 22)).OutputEndpoints(list), Actions.Chain(new Actions.SetTile(383), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true)));
            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result.X + num16, result.Y - num5), new ShapeBranch(-2.45619455575943, GenBase._random.Next(16, 22)).OutputEndpoints(list), Actions.Chain(new Actions.SetTile(383), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true)));
            foreach (Point item in list)
                WorldUtils.Gen(item, new Shapes.Circle(4), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Blotches(4, 2), new Modifiers.SkipTiles(383), new Modifiers.SkipWalls(78), new Actions.SetTile(384), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true)));
            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                float angle = (float)k / 3f * 2f + 0.57075f;
                WorldUtils.Gen(result, new ShapeRoot(angle, GenBase._random.Next(40, 60)), new Actions.SetTile(383, setSelfFrames: true));
            WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(result.X + 3, result.Y - 1, (GenBase._random.Next(4) != 0) ? WorldGen.GetNextJungleChestItem() : 0, notNearOtherChests: false, 10);
            structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(result.X - 30, result.Y - 30, 60, 60));
Exemple #17
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(200), new Conditions.IsSolid()), out Point result) || result == origin)
            Rectangle room       = GetRoom(result);
            Rectangle rectangle  = GetRoom(new Point(room.Center.X, room.Y + 1));
            Rectangle rectangle2 = GetRoom(new Point(room.Center.X, room.Y + room.Height + 10));

            rectangle2.Y = room.Y + room.Height - 1;
            float num  = RoomSolidPrecentage(rectangle);
            float num2 = RoomSolidPrecentage(rectangle2);

            room.Y       += 3;
            rectangle.Y  += 3;
            rectangle2.Y += 3;
            List <Rectangle> list = new List <Rectangle>();

            if (GenBase._random.NextFloat() > num + 0.2f)
                rectangle = room;
            if (GenBase._random.NextFloat() > num2 + 0.2f)
                rectangle2 = room;
            Dictionary <ushort, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <ushort, int>();

            foreach (Rectangle item4 in list)
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(item4.X - 5, item4.Y - 5), new Shapes.Rectangle(item4.Width + 10, item4.Height + 10), new Actions.TileScanner(0, 59, 147, 1, 161, 53, 396, 397, 368, 367, 60, 70).Output(dictionary));
            List <Tuple <BuildData, int> > list2 = new List <Tuple <BuildData, int> >();

            list2.Add(Tuple.Create(BuildData.Default, dictionary[0] + dictionary[1]));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create(BuildData.Jungle, dictionary[59] + dictionary[60] * 10));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create(BuildData.Mushroom, dictionary[59] + dictionary[70] * 10));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create(BuildData.Snow, dictionary[147] + dictionary[161]));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create(BuildData.Desert, dictionary[397] + dictionary[396] + dictionary[53]));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create(BuildData.Granite, dictionary[368]));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create(BuildData.Marble, dictionary[367]));
            BuildData item = list2[0].Item1;

            foreach (Rectangle item5 in list)
                if (item != BuildData.Granite && WorldUtils.Find(new Point(item5.X - 2, item5.Y - 2), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Rectangle(item5.Width + 4, item5.Height + 4).RequireAll(mode: false), new Conditions.HasLava()), out Point _))
                if (!structures.CanPlace(item5, _blacklistedTiles, 5))
            int num3 = room.X;
            int num4 = room.X + room.Width - 1;
            List <Rectangle> list3 = new List <Rectangle>();

            foreach (Rectangle item6 in list)
                num3 = Math.Min(num3, item6.X);
                num4 = Math.Max(num4, item6.X + item6.Width - 1);
            int num5 = 6;

            while (num5 > 4 && (num4 - num3) % num5 != 0)
            for (int i = num3; i <= num4; i += num5)
                for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
                    Rectangle rectangle3 = list[j];
                    if (i < rectangle3.X || i >= rectangle3.X + rectangle3.Width)
                    int num6 = rectangle3.Y + rectangle3.Height;
                    int num7 = 50;
                    for (int k = j + 1; k < list.Count; k++)
                        if (i >= list[k].X && i < list[k].X + list[k].Width)
                            num7 = Math.Min(num7, list[k].Y - num6);
                    if (num7 > 0)
                        Point result3;
                        bool  flag = WorldUtils.Find(new Point(i, num6), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(num7), new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result3);
                        if (num7 < 50)
                            flag    = true;
                            result3 = new Point(i, num6 + num7);
                        if (flag)
                            list3.Add(new Rectangle(i, num6, 1, result3.Y - num6));
            List <Point> list4 = new List <Point>();

            foreach (Rectangle item7 in list)
                if (FindSideExit(new Rectangle(item7.X + item7.Width, item7.Y + 1, 1, item7.Height - 2), isLeft: false, out int exitY))
                    list4.Add(new Point(item7.X + item7.Width - 1, exitY));
                if (FindSideExit(new Rectangle(item7.X, item7.Y + 1, 1, item7.Height - 2), isLeft: true, out exitY))
                    list4.Add(new Point(item7.X, exitY));
            List <Tuple <Point, Point> > list5 = new List <Tuple <Point, Point> >();

            for (int l = 1; l < list.Count; l++)
                Rectangle rectangle4 = list[l];
                Rectangle rectangle5 = list[l - 1];
                int       num8       = rectangle5.X - rectangle4.X;
                int       num9       = rectangle4.X + rectangle4.Width - (rectangle5.X + rectangle5.Width);
                if (num8 > num9)
                    list5.Add(new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(rectangle4.X + rectangle4.Width - 1, rectangle4.Y + 1), new Point(rectangle4.X + rectangle4.Width - rectangle4.Height + 1, rectangle4.Y + rectangle4.Height - 1)));
                    list5.Add(new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(rectangle4.X, rectangle4.Y + 1), new Point(rectangle4.X + rectangle4.Height - 1, rectangle4.Y + rectangle4.Height - 1)));
            List <Point> list6 = new List <Point>();

            if (FindVerticalExit(new Rectangle(rectangle.X + 2, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width - 4, 1), isUp: true, out int exitX))
                list6.Add(new Point(exitX, rectangle.Y));
            if (FindVerticalExit(new Rectangle(rectangle2.X + 2, rectangle2.Y + rectangle2.Height - 1, rectangle2.Width - 4, 1), isUp: false, out exitX))
                list6.Add(new Point(exitX, rectangle2.Y + rectangle2.Height - 1));
            foreach (Rectangle item8 in list)
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(item8.X, item8.Y), new Shapes.Rectangle(item8.Width, item8.Height), Actions.Chain(new Actions.SetTile(item.Tile), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true)));
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(item8.X + 1, item8.Y + 1), new Shapes.Rectangle(item8.Width - 2, item8.Height - 2), Actions.Chain(new Actions.ClearTile(frameNeighbors: true), new Actions.PlaceWall(item.Wall)));
                structures.AddStructure(item8, 8);
            foreach (Tuple <Point, Point> item9 in list5)
                Point     item2     = item9.Item1;
                Point     item3     = item9.Item2;
                int       num10     = (item3.X > item2.X) ? 1 : (-1);
                ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
                for (int m = 0; m < item3.Y - item2.Y; m++)
                    shapeData.Add(num10 * (m + 1), m);
                WorldUtils.Gen(item2, new ModShapes.All(shapeData), Actions.Chain(new Actions.PlaceTile(19, item.PlatformStyle), new Actions.SetSlope((num10 == 1) ? 1 : 2), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true)));
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(item2.X + ((num10 == 1) ? 1 : (-4)), item2.Y - 1), new Shapes.Rectangle(4, 1), Actions.Chain(new Actions.Clear(), new Actions.PlaceWall(item.Wall), new Actions.PlaceTile(19, item.PlatformStyle), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true)));
            foreach (Point item10 in list4)
                WorldUtils.Gen(item10, new Shapes.Rectangle(1, 3), new Actions.ClearTile(frameNeighbors: true));
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(item10.X, item10.Y, 10, mute: true, forced: true, -1, item.DoorStyle);
            foreach (Point item11 in list6)
                WorldUtils.Gen(item11, new Shapes.Rectangle(3, 1), Actions.Chain(new Actions.ClearMetadata(), new Actions.PlaceTile(19, item.PlatformStyle), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true)));
            foreach (Rectangle item12 in list3)
                if (item12.Height > 1 && GenBase._tiles[item12.X, item12.Y - 1].type != 19)
                    WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(item12.X, item12.Y), new Shapes.Rectangle(item12.Width, item12.Height), Actions.Chain(new Actions.SetTile(124), new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true)));
                    Tile tile = GenBase._tiles[item12.X, item12.Y + item12.Height];
                    tile.halfBrick(halfBrick: false);
            Point[] choices = new Point[7]
                new Point(14, item.TableStyle),
                new Point(16, 0),
                new Point(18, item.WorkbenchStyle),
                new Point(86, 0),
                new Point(87, item.PianoStyle),
                new Point(94, 0),
                new Point(101, item.BookcaseStyle)
            foreach (Rectangle item13 in list)
                int num11 = item13.Width / 8;
                int num12 = item13.Width / (num11 + 1);
                int num13 = GenBase._random.Next(2);
                for (int n = 0; n < num11; n++)
                    int num14 = (n + 1) * num12 + item13.X;
                    switch (n + num13 % 2)
                    case 0:
                        int     num15  = item13.Y + Math.Min(item13.Height / 2, item13.Height - 5);
                        Vector2 vector = WorldGen.randHousePicture();
                        int     type   = (int)vector.X;
                        int     style  = (int)vector.Y;
                        if (!WorldGen.nearPicture(num14, num15))
                            WorldGen.PlaceTile(num14, num15, type, mute: true, forced: false, -1, style);

                    case 1:
                        int num15 = item13.Y + 1;
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num14, num15, 34, mute: true, forced: false, -1, GenBase._random.Next(6));
                        for (int num16 = -1; num16 < 2; num16++)
                            for (int num17 = 0; num17 < 3; num17++)
                                GenBase._tiles[num16 + num14, num17 + num15].frameX += 54;
                int num18 = item13.Width / 8 + 3;
                while (num18 > 0)
                    int num19 = GenBase._random.Next(item13.Width - 3) + 1 + item13.X;
                    int num20 = item13.Y + item13.Height - 2;
                    switch (GenBase._random.Next(4))
                    case 0:
                        WorldGen.PlaceSmallPile(num19, num20, GenBase._random.Next(31, 34), 1, 185);

                    case 1:
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num19, num20, 186, mute: true, forced: false, -1, GenBase._random.Next(22, 26));

                    case 2:
                        int num21 = GenBase._random.Next(2, WorldGen.statueList.Length);
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num19, num20, WorldGen.statueList[num21].X, mute: true, forced: false, -1, WorldGen.statueList[num21].Y);
                        if (WorldGen.StatuesWithTraps.Contains(num21))
                            WorldGen.PlaceStatueTrap(num19, num20);

                    case 3:
                        Point point = Utils.SelectRandom(GenBase._random, choices);
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num19, num20, point.X, mute: true, forced: false, -1, point.Y);
            foreach (Rectangle item14 in list)
            bool flag2 = false;

            foreach (Rectangle item15 in list)
                int num22  = item15.Height - 1 + item15.Y;
                int style2 = (num22 > (int)Main.worldSurface) ? item.ChestStyle : 0;
                for (int num23 = 0; num23 < 10; num23++)
                    int i2 = GenBase._random.Next(2, item15.Width - 2) + item15.X;
                    if (flag2 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i2, num22, 0, notNearOtherChests: false, style2))
                if (flag2)
                for (int num24 = item15.X + 2; num24 <= item15.X + item15.Width - 2; num24++)
                    if (flag2 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(num24, num22, 0, notNearOtherChests: false, style2))
                if (flag2)
            if (!flag2)
                foreach (Rectangle item16 in list)
                    int num25  = item16.Y - 1;
                    int style3 = (num25 > (int)Main.worldSurface) ? item.ChestStyle : 0;
                    for (int num26 = 0; num26 < 10; num26++)
                        int i3 = GenBase._random.Next(2, item16.Width - 2) + item16.X;
                        if (flag2 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i3, num25, 0, notNearOtherChests: false, style3))
                    if (flag2)
                    for (int num27 = item16.X + 2; num27 <= item16.X + item16.Width - 2; num27++)
                        if (flag2 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(num27, num25, 0, notNearOtherChests: false, style3))
                    if (flag2)
            if (!flag2)
                for (int num28 = 0; num28 < 1000; num28++)
                    int i4     = GenBase._random.Next(list[0].X - 30, list[0].X + 30);
                    int num29  = GenBase._random.Next(list[0].Y - 30, list[0].Y + 30);
                    int style4 = (num29 > (int)Main.worldSurface) ? item.ChestStyle : 0;
                    if (flag2 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i4, num29, 0, notNearOtherChests: false, style4))
            if (item == BuildData.Jungle && _sharpenerCount < GenBase._random.Next(2, 5))
                bool flag3 = false;
                foreach (Rectangle item17 in list)
                    int num30 = item17.Height - 2 + item17.Y;
                    for (int num31 = 0; num31 < 10; num31++)
                        int num32 = GenBase._random.Next(2, item17.Width - 2) + item17.X;
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num32, num30, 377, mute: true, forced: true);
                        if (flag3 = (GenBase._tiles[num32, num30].active() && GenBase._tiles[num32, num30].type == 377))
                    if (flag3)
                    for (int num33 = item17.X + 2; num33 <= item17.X + item17.Width - 2; num33++)
                        if (flag3 = WorldGen.PlaceTile(num33, num30, 377, mute: true, forced: true))
                    if (flag3)
                if (flag3)
            if (item == BuildData.Desert && _extractinatorCount < GenBase._random.Next(2, 5))
                bool flag4 = false;
                foreach (Rectangle item18 in list)
                    int num34 = item18.Height - 2 + item18.Y;
                    for (int num35 = 0; num35 < 10; num35++)
                        int num36 = GenBase._random.Next(2, item18.Width - 2) + item18.X;
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num36, num34, 219, mute: true, forced: true);
                        if (flag4 = (GenBase._tiles[num36, num34].active() && GenBase._tiles[num36, num34].type == 219))
                    if (flag4)
                    for (int num37 = item18.X + 2; num37 <= item18.X + item18.Width - 2; num37++)
                        if (flag4 = WorldGen.PlaceTile(num37, num34, 219, mute: true, forced: true))
                    if (flag4)
                if (flag4)
Exemple #18
        // Token: 0x06000FD4 RID: 4052 RVA: 0x003FB3F4 File Offset: 0x003F95F4
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            if (WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y))
            ushort type = Utils.SelectRandom <ushort>(GenBase._random, new ushort[]
                (ushort)((WorldGen.goldBar == 19) ? 8 : 169),
                (ushort)((WorldGen.silverBar == 21) ? 9 : 168),
                (ushort)((WorldGen.ironBar == 22) ? 6 : 167),
                (ushort)((WorldGen.copperBar == 20) ? 7 : 166)
            double num = GenBase._random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((num > 0.0) ? (GenSearch) new Searches.Right(40) : new Searches.Left(40), new GenCondition[]
                new Conditions.IsSolid()
            }), out origin))
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(80), new GenCondition[]
                new Conditions.IsSolid()
            }), out origin))
            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
            Ref <int> @ref      = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> ref2      = new Ref <int>(0);

            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ShapeRunner(10f, 20, new Vector2((float)num, 1f)).Output(shapeData), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.3),
                new Actions.Scanner(@ref),
                new Modifiers.IsSolid(),
                new Actions.Scanner(ref2)
            if (ref2.Value < @ref.Value / 2)
            Rectangle area = new Rectangle(origin.X - 15, origin.Y - 10, 30, 20);

            if (!structures.CanPlace(area, 0))
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData), new Actions.SetTile(type, true, true));
            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X - (int)(num * -5.0), origin.Y - 5), new Shapes.Circle(5), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.3),
                new Actions.ClearTile(true)
            Point point;
            bool  arg_2B0_0 = true & WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - ((num > 0.0) ? 3 : -3), origin.Y - 3), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(10), new GenCondition[]
                new Conditions.IsSolid()
            }), out point);
            int   num2 = (GenBase._random.Next(4) == 0) ? 3 : 7;
            Point point2;

            if (!(arg_2B0_0 & WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - ((num > 0.0) ? (-num2) : num2), origin.Y - 3), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(10), new GenCondition[]
                new Conditions.IsSolid()
            }), out point2)))
            Tile expr_2E7 = GenBase._tiles[point.X, point.Y + 1];

            for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                WorldUtils.ClearTile(point2.X + i, point2.Y, false);
                Tile tile = GenBase._tiles[point2.X + i, point2.Y + 1];
                if (!WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(tile))
                WorldUtils.TileFrame(point2.X + i, point2.Y + 1, true);
            WorldGen.PlaceTile(point.X, point.Y, 141, false, false, -1, 0);
            WorldGen.PlaceTile(point2.X, point2.Y, 411, true, true, -1, 0);
            WorldUtils.WireLine(point, point2);
            structures.AddStructure(area, 5);
Exemple #19
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            if (WorldGen.BiomeTileCheck(origin.X, origin.Y))
            if (this._slabs == null)
                this._slabs = new MarbleBiome.Slab[56, 26];
            int num1 = GenBase._random.Next(80, 150) / 3;
            int num2 = GenBase._random.Next(40, 60) / 3;
            int num3 = (num2 * 3 - GenBase._random.Next(20, 30)) / 3;

            origin.X -= num1 * 3 / 2;
            origin.Y -= num2 * 3 / 2;
            for (int index1 = -1; index1 < num1 + 1; ++index1)
                double num4 = (double)(index1 - num1 / 2) / (double)num1 + 0.5;
                int    num5 = (int)((0.5 - Math.Abs(num4 - 0.5)) * 5.0) - 2;
                for (int index2 = -1; index2 < num2 + 1; ++index2)
                    bool hasWall = true;
                    bool flag1   = false;
                    bool flag2   = MarbleBiome.IsGroupSolid(index1 * 3 + origin.X, index2 * 3 + origin.Y, 3);
                    int  num6    = Math.Abs(index2 - num2 / 2) - num3 / 4 + num5;
                    if (num6 > 3)
                        flag1   = flag2;
                        hasWall = false;
                    else if (num6 > 0)
                        flag1   = index2 - num2 / 2 > 0 | flag2;
                        hasWall = index2 - num2 / 2 < 0 || num6 <= 2;
                    else if (num6 == 0)
                        flag1 = GenBase._random.Next(2) == 0 && index2 - num2 / 2 > 0 | flag2;
                    if (Math.Abs(num4 - 0.5) > 0.349999994039536 + (double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 0.100000001490116 && !flag2)
                        hasWall = false;
                        flag1   = false;
                    this._slabs[index1 + 1, index2 + 1] = MarbleBiome.Slab.Create(flag1 ? new MarbleBiome.SlabState(MarbleBiome.SlabStates.Solid) : new MarbleBiome.SlabState(MarbleBiome.SlabStates.Empty), hasWall);
            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < num1; ++index1)
                for (int index2 = 0; index2 < num2; ++index2)
                    this.SmoothSlope(index1 + 1, index2 + 1);
            int   num7  = num1 / 2;
            int   val1  = num2 / 2;
            int   num8  = (val1 + 1) * (val1 + 1);
            float num9  = (float)((double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 2.0 - 1.0);
            float num10 = (float)((double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 2.0 - 1.0);
            float num11 = (float)((double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 2.0 - 1.0);
            float num12 = 0.0f;

            for (int index1 = 0; index1 <= num1; ++index1)
                float num4 = (float)val1 / (float)num7 * (float)(index1 - num7);
                int   num5 = Math.Min(val1, (int)Math.Sqrt((double)Math.Max(0.0f, (float)num8 - num4 * num4)));
                if (index1 < num1 / 2)
                    num12 += MathHelper.Lerp(num9, num10, (float)index1 / (float)(num1 / 2));
                    num12 += MathHelper.Lerp(num10, num11, (float)((double)index1 / (double)(num1 / 2) - 1.0));
                for (int index2 = val1 - num5; index2 <= val1 + num5; ++index2)
                    this.PlaceSlab(this._slabs[index1 + 1, index2 + 1], index1 * 3 + origin.X, index2 * 3 + origin.Y + (int)num12, 3);
            structures.AddStructure(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(origin.X, origin.Y, num1 * 3, num2 * 3), 8);
Exemple #20
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Ref <int> @ref = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> ref2 = new Ref <int>(0);

            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(10), Actions.Chain(new Actions.Scanner(ref2), new Modifiers.IsSolid(), new Actions.Scanner(@ref)));
            if (@ref.Value < ref2.Value - 5)
            int num  = GenBase._random.Next(6, 10);
            int num2 = GenBase._random.Next(5);

            if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(origin.X - num, origin.Y - num, num * 2, num * 2)))
            ShapeData data    = new ShapeData();
            Point     origin2 = origin;

            Shapes.Slime shape = new Shapes.Slime(num);
            GenAction[]  array = new GenAction[6]
                new Modifiers.Blotches(num2, num2, num2, 1).Output(data),
                new Modifiers.Offset(0, -2),
                new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(53),
                new Actions.SetTile(397, setSelfFrames: true),
            byte[] types = new byte[1];
            array[4] = new Modifiers.OnlyWalls(types);
            array[5] = new Actions.PlaceWall(16);
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin2, shape, Actions.Chain(array));
            Point origin3 = origin;

            ModShapes.All shape2 = new ModShapes.All(data);
            GenAction[]   array2 = new GenAction[5]
                new Actions.ClearTile(),
                new Actions.SetLiquid(0, 0),
                new Actions.SetFrames(frameNeighbors: true),
            byte[] types2 = new byte[1];
            array2[3] = new Modifiers.OnlyWalls(types2);
            array2[4] = new Actions.PlaceWall(16);
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin3, shape2, Actions.Chain(array2));
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(10), new Conditions.IsSolid()), out Point result))
            int  num3 = result.Y - 1;
            bool flag = GenBase._random.Next() % 2 == 0;

            if (GenBase._random.Next() % 10 != 0)
                int num4 = GenBase._random.Next(1, 4);
                int num5 = flag ? 4 : (-(num >> 1));
                for (int i = 0; i < num4; i++)
                    int num6 = GenBase._random.Next(1, 3);
                    for (int j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(origin.X + num5 - i, num3 - j, 331);
            int num7 = (num - 3) * ((!flag) ? 1 : (-1));

            if (GenBase._random.Next() % 10 != 0)
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(origin.X + num7, num3, 186);
            if (GenBase._random.Next() % 10 != 0)
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(origin.X, num3, 215, mute: true);
                if (GenBase._tiles[origin.X, num3].active() && GenBase._tiles[origin.X, num3].type == 215)
                    GenBase._tiles[origin.X, num3].frameY         += 36;
                    GenBase._tiles[origin.X - 1, num3].frameY     += 36;
                    GenBase._tiles[origin.X + 1, num3].frameY     += 36;
                    GenBase._tiles[origin.X, num3 - 1].frameY     += 36;
                    GenBase._tiles[origin.X - 1, num3 - 1].frameY += 36;
                    GenBase._tiles[origin.X + 1, num3 - 1].frameY += 36;
            structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(origin.X - num, origin.Y - num, num * 2, num * 2), 4);
Exemple #21
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            var count1 = new Ref <int>(0);
            var count2 = new Ref <int>(0);

            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(10),
                           Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count2), (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsSolid(),
                                         (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count1)));
            if (count1.Value < count2.Value - 5)
            var radius = _random.Next(6, 10);
            var num1   = _random.Next(5);

            if (!structures.CanPlace(
                    new Rectangle(origin.X - radius, origin.Y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2), 0))
            var data = new ShapeData();

            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Slime(radius), Actions.Chain(
                               new Modifiers.Blotches(num1, num1, num1, 1, 0.3).Output(data), (GenAction) new Modifiers.Offset(0, -2),
                               (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyTiles((ushort)53), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile(397, true, true),
                               (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyWalls(new byte[1]), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall(16, true)));
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(data),
                           Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(false), (GenAction) new Actions.SetLiquid(0, 0),
                                         (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true), (GenAction) new Modifiers.OnlyWalls(new byte[1]),
                                         (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall(16, true)));
            Point result;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin,
                                 Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result))
            var j    = result.Y - 1;
            var flag = _random.Next() % 2 == 0;

            if (_random.Next() % 10 != 0)
                var num2 = _random.Next(1, 4);
                var num3 = flag ? 4 : -(radius >> 1);
                for (var index1 = 0; index1 < num2; ++index1)
                    var num4 = _random.Next(1, 3);
                    for (var index2 = 0; index2 < num4; ++index2)
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(origin.X + num3 - index1, j - index2, 331, false, false, -1, 0);

            var num5 = (radius - 3) * (flag ? -1 : 1);

            if (_random.Next() % 10 != 0)
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(origin.X + num5, j, 186, false, false, -1, 0);
            if (_random.Next() % 10 != 0)
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(origin.X, j, 215, true, false, -1, 0);
                if (_tiles[origin.X, j].active() && _tiles[origin.X, j].type == 215)
                    _tiles[origin.X, j].frameY         += 36;
                    _tiles[origin.X - 1, j].frameY     += 36;
                    _tiles[origin.X + 1, j].frameY     += 36;
                    _tiles[origin.X, j - 1].frameY     += 36;
                    _tiles[origin.X - 1, j - 1].frameY += 36;
                    _tiles[origin.X + 1, j - 1].frameY += 36;

                new Rectangle(origin.X - radius, origin.Y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2), 4);
Exemple #22
        // Token: 0x06000FB3 RID: 4019 RVA: 0x003F7BAC File Offset: 0x003F5DAC
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Ref <int> @ref = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> ref2 = new Ref <int>(0);

            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Circle(10), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                new Actions.Scanner(ref2),
                new Modifiers.IsSolid(),
                new Actions.Scanner(@ref)
            if (@ref.Value < ref2.Value - 5)
            int num  = GenBase._random.Next(6, 10);
            int num2 = GenBase._random.Next(5);

            if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(origin.X - num, origin.Y - num, num * 2, num * 2), 0))
            ShapeData data = new ShapeData();

            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new Shapes.Slime(num), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                new Modifiers.Blotches(num2, num2, num2, 1, 0.3).Output(data),
                new Modifiers.Offset(0, -2),
                new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(new ushort[]
                new Actions.SetTile(397, true, true),
                new Modifiers.OnlyWalls(new byte[1]),
                new Actions.PlaceWall(16, true)
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(data), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                new Actions.ClearTile(false),
                new Actions.SetLiquid(0, 0),
                new Actions.SetFrames(true),
                new Modifiers.OnlyWalls(new byte[1]),
                new Actions.PlaceWall(16, true)
            Point point;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(10), new GenCondition[]
                new Conditions.IsSolid()
            }), out point))
            int  num3 = point.Y - 1;
            bool flag = GenBase._random.Next() % 2 == 0;

            if (GenBase._random.Next() % 10 != 0)
                int num4 = GenBase._random.Next(1, 4);
                int num5 = flag ? 4 : (-(num >> 1));
                for (int i = 0; i < num4; i++)
                    int num6 = GenBase._random.Next(1, 3);
                    for (int j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(origin.X + num5 - i, num3 - j, 331, false, false, -1, 0);
            int num7 = (num - 3) * (flag ? -1 : 1);

            if (GenBase._random.Next() % 10 != 0)
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(origin.X + num7, num3, 186, false, false, -1, 0);
            if (GenBase._random.Next() % 10 != 0)
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(origin.X, num3, 215, true, false, -1, 0);
                if (GenBase._tiles[origin.X, num3].active() && GenBase._tiles[origin.X, num3].type == 215)
                    Tile expr_2CD = GenBase._tiles[origin.X, num3];
                    expr_2CD.frameY += 36;
                    Tile expr_2F0 = GenBase._tiles[origin.X - 1, num3];
                    expr_2F0.frameY += 36;
                    Tile expr_313 = GenBase._tiles[origin.X + 1, num3];
                    expr_313.frameY += 36;
                    Tile expr_336 = GenBase._tiles[origin.X, num3 - 1];
                    expr_336.frameY += 36;
                    Tile expr_35B = GenBase._tiles[origin.X - 1, num3 - 1];
                    expr_35B.frameY += 36;
                    Tile expr_380 = GenBase._tiles[origin.X + 1, num3 - 1];
                    expr_380.frameY += 36;
            structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(origin.X - num, origin.Y - num, num * 2, num * 2), 4);
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            if (WorldGen.BiomeTileCheck(origin.X, origin.Y))
            if (_slabs == null)
                _slabs = new Slab[56, 26];
            int num  = GenBase._random.Next(80, 150) / 3;
            int num2 = GenBase._random.Next(40, 60) / 3;
            int num3 = (num2 * 3 - GenBase._random.Next(20, 30)) / 3;

            origin.X -= num * 3 / 2;
            origin.Y -= num2 * 3 / 2;
            for (int i = -1; i < num + 1; i++)
                double num4 = (double)(i - num / 2) / (double)num + 0.5;
                int    num5 = (int)((0.5 - Math.Abs(num4 - 0.5)) * 5.0) - 2;
                for (int j = -1; j < num2 + 1; j++)
                    bool hasWall = true;
                    bool flag    = false;
                    bool flag2   = IsGroupSolid(i * 3 + origin.X, j * 3 + origin.Y, 3);
                    int  num6    = Math.Abs(j - num2 / 2) - num3 / 4 + num5;
                    if (num6 > 3)
                        flag    = flag2;
                        hasWall = false;
                    else if (num6 > 0)
                        flag    = j - num2 / 2 > 0 || flag2;
                        hasWall = j - num2 / 2 < 0 || num6 <= 2;
                    else if (num6 == 0)
                        flag = GenBase._random.Next(2) == 0 && (j - num2 / 2 > 0 || flag2);
                    if (Math.Abs(num4 - 0.5) > (double)(0.35f + GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 0.1f) && !flag2)
                        hasWall = false;
                        flag    = false;
                    _slabs[i + 1, j + 1] = Slab.Create(flag ? new SlabState(SlabStates.Solid) : new SlabState(SlabStates.Empty), hasWall);
            for (int k = 0; k < num; k++)
                for (int l = 0; l < num2; l++)
                    SmoothSlope(k + 1, l + 1);
            int   num7   = num / 2;
            int   num8   = num2 / 2;
            int   num9   = (num8 + 1) * (num8 + 1);
            float value  = GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 2f - 1f;
            float num10  = GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 2f - 1f;
            float value2 = GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 2f - 1f;
            float num11  = 0f;

            for (int m = 0; m <= num; m++)
                float num12 = (float)num8 / (float)num7 * (float)(m - num7);
                int   num13 = Math.Min(num8, (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0f, (float)num9 - num12 * num12)));
                num11 = ((m >= num / 2) ? (num11 + MathHelper.Lerp(num10, value2, (float)m / (float)(num / 2) - 1f)) : (num11 + MathHelper.Lerp(value, num10, (float)m / (float)(num / 2))));
                for (int n = num8 - num13; n <= num8 + num13; n++)
                    PlaceSlab(_slabs[m + 1, n + 1], m * 3 + origin.X, n * 3 + origin.Y + (int)num11, 3);
            structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(origin.X, origin.Y, num * 3, num2 * 3), 8);
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Point y;
            Point point;
            Dictionary <ushort, int> nums = new Dictionary <ushort, int>();
            Point point1 = new Point(origin.X - 25, origin.Y - 25);

            Shapes.Rectangle rectangle = new Shapes.Rectangle(50, 50);
            ushort[]         numArray  = new ushort[] { 0, 1 };
            WorldUtils.Gen(point1, rectangle, (new Actions.TileScanner(numArray)).Output(nums));
            if (nums[0] + nums[1] < 1250)
            Searches.Up    up = new Searches.Up(1000);
            GenCondition[] genConditionArray = new GenCondition[] { (new Conditions.IsSolid()).AreaOr(1, 50).Not() };
            bool           flag   = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(up, genConditionArray), out y);
            Point          point2 = origin;

            Searches.Up    up1       = new Searches.Up(origin.Y - y.Y);
            GenCondition[] isTile    = new GenCondition[1];
            ushort[]       numArray1 = new ushort[] { 53 };
            isTile[0] = new Conditions.IsTile(numArray1);
            if (WorldUtils.Find(point2, Searches.Chain(up1, isTile), out point))
            if (!flag)
            y.Y = y.Y + 50;
            ShapeData shapeDatum  = new ShapeData();
            ShapeData shapeDatum1 = new ShapeData();
            Point     point3      = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y + 20);
            Point     point4      = new Point(origin.X, origin.Y + 30);
            float     single      = 0.8f + GenBase._random.NextFloat() * 0.5f;

            if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(point3.X - (int)(20f * single), point3.Y - 20, (int)(40f * single), 40), 0))
            if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(origin.X, y.Y + 10, 1, origin.Y - y.Y - 9), 2))
            Shapes.Slime slime  = new Shapes.Slime(20, single, 1f);
            GenAction[]  blotch = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.4), (new Actions.ClearTile(true)).Output(shapeDatum) };
            WorldUtils.Gen(point3, slime, Actions.Chain(blotch));
            Shapes.Mound mound          = new Shapes.Mound(14, 14);
            GenAction[]  genActionArray = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 1, 0.8), new Actions.SetTile(0, false, true), (new Actions.SetFrames(true)).Output(shapeDatum1) };
            WorldUtils.Gen(point4, mound, Actions.Chain(genActionArray));
            shapeDatum.Subtract(shapeDatum1, point3, point4);
            ModShapes.InnerOutline innerOutline = new ModShapes.InnerOutline(shapeDatum, true);
            GenAction[]            setTile      = new GenAction[] { new Actions.SetTile(2, false, true), new Actions.SetFrames(true) };
            WorldUtils.Gen(point3, innerOutline, Actions.Chain(setTile));
            ModShapes.All all           = new ModShapes.All(shapeDatum);
            GenAction[]   rectangleMask = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.RectangleMask(-40, 40, 0, 40), new Modifiers.IsEmpty(), new Actions.SetLiquid(0, 255) };
            WorldUtils.Gen(point3, all, Actions.Chain(rectangleMask));
            ModShapes.All all1      = new ModShapes.All(shapeDatum);
            GenAction[]   placeWall = new GenAction[] { new Actions.PlaceWall(68, true), null, null, null };
            ushort[]      numArray2 = new ushort[] { 2 };
            placeWall[1] = new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(numArray2);
            placeWall[2] = new Modifiers.Offset(0, 1);
            placeWall[3] = new ActionVines(3, 5, 52);
            WorldUtils.Gen(point3, all1, Actions.Chain(placeWall));
            ShapeData shapeDatum2 = new ShapeData();
            Point     point5      = new Point(origin.X, y.Y + 10);

            Shapes.Rectangle rectangle1 = new Shapes.Rectangle(1, origin.Y - y.Y - 9);
            GenAction[]      onlyTile   = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.2), (new Actions.ClearTile(false)).Output(shapeDatum2), new Modifiers.Expand(1), null, null };
            ushort[]         numArray3  = new ushort[] { 53 };
            onlyTile[3] = new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(numArray3);
            onlyTile[4] = (new Actions.SetTile(397, false, true)).Output(shapeDatum2);
            WorldUtils.Gen(point5, rectangle1, Actions.Chain(onlyTile));
            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X, y.Y + 10), new ModShapes.All(shapeDatum2), new Actions.SetFrames(true));
            if (GenBase._random.Next(3) != 0)
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(point4.X, point4.Y - 15, 186, true, false, -1, 15);
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(point4.X, point4.Y - 15, 187, true, false, -1, 17);
            ModShapes.All all2      = new ModShapes.All(shapeDatum1);
            GenAction[]   offset    = new GenAction[] { new Modifiers.Offset(0, -1), null, null, null };
            ushort[]      numArray4 = new ushort[] { 2 };
            offset[1] = new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(numArray4);
            offset[2] = new Modifiers.Offset(0, -1);
            offset[3] = new ActionGrass();
            WorldUtils.Gen(point4, all2, Actions.Chain(offset));
            structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(point3.X - (int)(20f * single), point3.Y - 20, (int)(40f * single), 40), 4);
Exemple #25
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Point result1;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - 3, origin.Y), Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(200), new Conditions.IsSolid().AreaAnd(6, 1)), out result1))
            Point result2;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(new Point(result1.X, result1.Y - 5), Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Up(120), new Conditions.IsSolid().AreaOr(6, 1)), out result2) || result1.Y - 5 - result2.Y > 60 || (result1.Y - result2.Y < 30 || !structures.CanPlace(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(result1.X - 30, result1.Y - 60, 60, 90), 0)))
            Dictionary <ushort, int> resultsOutput = new Dictionary <ushort, int>();

            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result1.X - 25, result1.Y - 25), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(50, 50), (GenAction) new Actions.TileScanner(new ushort[4]
            int num1 = resultsOutput[(ushort)0] + resultsOutput[(ushort)1];
            int num2 = resultsOutput[(ushort)59];

            if (resultsOutput[(ushort)147] > num2 || num1 > num2 || num2 < 50)
            int    num3 = (result1.Y - result2.Y - 9) / 5;
            int    num4 = num3 * 5;
            int    num5 = 0;
            double num6 = GenBase._random.NextDouble() + 1.0;
            double num7 = GenBase._random.NextDouble() + 2.0;

            if (GenBase._random.Next(2) == 0)
                num7 = -num7;
            for (int index = 0; index < num3; ++index)
                int num8 = (int)(Math.Sin((double)(index + 1) / 12.0 * num6 * 3.14159274101257) * num7);
                int num9 = num8 < num5 ? num8 - num5 : 0;
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result1.X + num5 + num9, result1.Y - (index + 1) * 5), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(6 + Math.Abs(num8 - num5), 7), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.RemoveWall(), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)383, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(false)));
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result1.X + num5 + num9 + 2, result1.Y - (index + 1) * 5), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(2 + Math.Abs(num8 - num5), 5), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(true), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall((byte)78, true)));
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result1.X + num5 + 2, result1.Y - index * 5), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(2, 2), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(true), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall((byte)78, true)));
                num5 = num8;
            int num10 = 6;

            if (num7 < 0.0)
                num10 = 0;
            List <Point> endpoints = new List <Point>();

            for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index)
                double num8  = ((double)index + 1.0) / 3.0;
                int    num9  = num10 + (int)(Math.Sin((double)num3 * num8 / 12.0 * num6 * 3.14159274101257) * num7);
                double angle = GenBase._random.NextDouble() * 0.785398185253143 - 0.785398185253143 - 0.200000002980232;
                if (num10 == 0)
                    angle -= 1.57079637050629;
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result1.X + num9, result1.Y - (int)((double)(num3 * 5) * num8)), (GenShape) new ShapeBranch(angle, (double)GenBase._random.Next(12, 16)).OutputEndpoints(endpoints), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)383, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
                num10 = 6 - num10;
            int num11 = (int)(Math.Sin((double)num3 / 12.0 * num6 * 3.14159274101257) * num7);

            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result1.X + 6 + num11, result1.Y - num4), (GenShape) new ShapeBranch(-0.685398185253143, (double)GenBase._random.Next(16, 22)).OutputEndpoints(endpoints), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)383, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(result1.X + num11, result1.Y - num4), (GenShape) new ShapeBranch(-2.45619455575943, (double)GenBase._random.Next(16, 22)).OutputEndpoints(endpoints), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)383, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
            foreach (Point origin1 in endpoints)
                Shapes.Circle circle = new Shapes.Circle(4);
                GenAction     action = Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(4, 2, 0.3), (GenAction) new Modifiers.SkipTiles(new ushort[1]
                }), (GenAction) new Modifiers.SkipWalls(new byte[1]
                }), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)384, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true));
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin1, (GenShape)circle, action);
            for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index)
                float angle = (float)((double)index / 3.0 * 2.0 + 0.570749998092651);
                WorldUtils.Gen(result1, (GenShape) new ShapeRoot(angle, (float)GenBase._random.Next(40, 60), 4f, 1f), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)383, true, true));
            WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(result1.X + 3, result1.Y - 1, GenBase._random.Next(4) == 0 ? 0 : WorldGen.GetNextJungleChestItem(), false, 10);
            structures.AddStructure(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(result1.X - 30, result1.Y - 30, 60, 60), 0);
Exemple #26
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Ref <int> @ref = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> ref1 = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> ref2 = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> ref3 = new Ref <int>(0);

            Shapes.Circle circle   = new Shapes.Circle(15);
            GenAction[]   scanner  = new GenAction[] { new Actions.Scanner(ref2), new Modifiers.IsSolid(), new Actions.Scanner(@ref), null, null, null, null };
            ushort[]      numArray = new ushort[] { 60, 59 };
            scanner[3] = new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(numArray);
            scanner[4] = new Actions.Scanner(ref1);
            ushort[] numArray1 = new ushort[] { 60 };
            scanner[5] = new Modifiers.OnlyTiles(numArray1);
            scanner[6] = new Actions.Scanner(ref3);
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, circle, Actions.Chain(scanner));
            if ((float)ref1.Value / (float)@ref.Value < 0.75f || ref3.Value < 2)
            if (!structures.CanPlace(new Rectangle(origin.X - 50, origin.Y - 50, 100, 100), 0))
            int x   = origin.X;
            int y   = origin.Y;
            int num = 150;

            for (int i = x - num; i < x + num; i = i + 10)
                if (i > 0 && i <= Main.maxTilesX - 1)
                    for (int j = y - num; j < y + num; j = j + 10)
                        if (j > 0 && j <= Main.maxTilesY - 1)
                            if (Main.tile[i, j].active() && Main.tile[i, j].type == 226)
                            if (Main.tile[i, j].wall == 87 || Main.tile[i, j].wall == 3 || Main.tile[i, j].wall == 83)
            int x1   = origin.X;
            int y1   = origin.Y;
            int num1 = 0;

            int[]   x2       = new int[10];
            int[]   y2       = new int[10];
            Vector2 vector2  = new Vector2((float)x1, (float)y1);
            Vector2 vector21 = vector2;
            int     num2     = WorldGen.genRand.Next(2, 5);

            for (int k = 0; k < num2; k++)
                int num3 = WorldGen.genRand.Next(2, 5);
                for (int l = 0; l < num3; l++)
                    vector21 = WorldGen.Hive((int)vector2.X, (int)vector2.Y);
                vector2  = vector21;
                x2[num1] = (int)vector2.X;
                y2[num1] = (int)vector2.Y;
            for (int m = 0; m < num1; m++)
                int  num4 = x2[m];
                int  num5 = y2[m];
                bool flag = false;
                int  num6 = 1;
                if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(2) == 0)
                    num6 = -1;
                while (num4 > 10 && num4 < Main.maxTilesX - 10 && num5 > 10 && num5 < Main.maxTilesY - 10 && (!Main.tile[num4, num5].active() || !Main.tile[num4, num5 + 1].active() || !Main.tile[num4 + 1, num5].active() || !Main.tile[num4 + 1, num5 + 1].active()))
                    num4 = num4 + num6;
                    if (Math.Abs(num4 - x2[m]) <= 50)
                    flag = true;
                if (!flag)
                    num4 = num4 + num6;
                    for (int n = num4 - 1; n <= num4 + 2; n++)
                        for (int o = num5 - 1; o <= num5 + 2; o++)
                            if (n < 10 || n > Main.maxTilesX - 10)
                                flag = true;
                            else if (Main.tile[n, o].active() && Main.tile[n, o].type != 225)
                                flag = true;
                    if (!flag)
                        for (int p = num4 - 1; p <= num4 + 2; p++)
                            for (int q = num5 - 1; q <= num5 + 2; q++)
                                if (p < num4 || p > num4 + 1 || q < num5 || q > num5 + 1)
                                    Main.tile[p, q].active(true);
                                    Main.tile[p, q].type = 225;
                                    Main.tile[p, q].active(false);
                                    Main.tile[p, q].liquid = 255;
                                    Main.tile[p, q].honey(true);
                        num6 = num6 * -1;
                        int num7 = 0;
                        while ((num7 < 4 || WorldGen.SolidTile(num4, num5)) && num4 > 10 && num4 < Main.maxTilesX - 10)
                            num4 = num4 + num6;
                            if (!WorldGen.SolidTile(num4, num5))
                            WorldGen.PoundTile(num4, num5);
                            if (Main.tile[num4, num5 + 1].active())
                            Main.tile[num4, num5 + 1].active(true);
                            Main.tile[num4, num5 + 1].type = 225;
            WorldGen.larvaX[WorldGen.numLarva] = Utils.Clamp <int>((int)vector2.X, 5, Main.maxTilesX - 5);
            WorldGen.larvaY[WorldGen.numLarva] = Utils.Clamp <int>((int)vector2.Y, 5, Main.maxTilesY - 5);
            WorldGen.numLarva = WorldGen.numLarva + 1;
            int x3 = (int)vector2.X;
            int y3 = (int)vector2.Y;

            for (int r = x3 - 1; r <= x3 + 1 && r > 0 && r < Main.maxTilesX; r++)
                for (int s = y3 - 2; s <= y3 + 1 && s > 0 && s < Main.maxTilesY; s++)
                    if (s == y3 + 1)
                        Main.tile[r, s].active(true);
                        Main.tile[r, s].type = 225;
                        Main.tile[r, s].slope(0);
                        Main.tile[r, s].halfBrick(false);
                        Main.tile[r, s].active(false);
            structures.AddStructure(new Rectangle(origin.X - 50, origin.Y - 50, 100, 100), 5);
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            if (WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y))
            ushort type = Utils.SelectRandom <ushort>(GenBase._random, new ushort[4]
                WorldGen.goldBar == 19 ? (ushort)8 : (ushort)169,
                WorldGen.silverBar == 21 ? (ushort)9 : (ushort)168,
                WorldGen.ironBar == 22 ? (ushort)6 : (ushort)167,
                WorldGen.copperBar == 20 ? (ushort)7 : (ushort)166
            double num1 = GenBase._random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(num1 > 0.0 ? (GenSearch) new Searches.Right(40) : (GenSearch) new Searches.Left(40), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out origin))
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(80), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out origin))
            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
            Ref <int> count1    = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> count2    = new Ref <int>(0);

            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ShapeRunner(10f, 20, new Vector2((float)num1, 1f)).Output(shapeData), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.3), (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count1), (GenAction) new Modifiers.IsSolid(), (GenAction) new Actions.Scanner(count2)));
            if (count2.Value < count1.Value / 2)
            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle area = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(origin.X - 15, origin.Y - 10, 30, 20);
            if (!structures.CanPlace(area, 0))
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(shapeData), (GenAction) new Actions.SetTile(type, true, true));
            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X - (int)(num1 * -5.0), origin.Y - 5), (GenShape) new Shapes.Circle(5), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Modifiers.Blotches(2, 0.3), (GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(true)));
            Point result1;
            bool  flag = ((true ? 1 : 0) & (WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - (num1 > 0.0 ? 3 : -3), origin.Y - 3), Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result1) ? 1 : 0)) != 0;
            int   num2 = GenBase._random.Next(4) == 0 ? 3 : 7;
            Point result2;

            if (((flag ? 1 : 0) & (WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - (num1 > 0.0 ? -num2 : num2), origin.Y - 3), Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result2) ? 1 : 0)) == 0)
            Tile tile1 = GenBase._tiles[result1.X, result1.Y + 1];

            for (int index = -1; index <= 1; ++index)
                WorldUtils.ClearTile(result2.X + index, result2.Y, false);
                Tile tile2 = GenBase._tiles[result2.X + index, result2.Y + 1];
                if (!WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(tile2))
                WorldUtils.TileFrame(result2.X + index, result2.Y + 1, true);
            WorldGen.PlaceTile(result1.X, result1.Y, 141, false, false, -1, 0);
            WorldGen.PlaceTile(result2.X, result2.Y, 411, true, true, -1, 0);
            WorldUtils.WireLine(result1, result2);
            structures.AddStructure(area, 5);
Exemple #28
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            if (WorldGen.SolidTile(origin.X, origin.Y))
            ushort type = Utils.SelectRandom <ushort>(GenBase._random, (ushort)((WorldGen.goldBar == 19) ? 8 : 169), (ushort)((WorldGen.silverBar == 21) ? 9 : 168), (ushort)((WorldGen.ironBar == 22) ? 6 : 167), (ushort)((WorldGen.copperBar == 20) ? 7 : 166));
            double num  = GenBase._random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((num > 0.0) ? ((GenSearch) new Searches.Right(40)) : ((GenSearch) new Searches.Left(40)), new Conditions.IsSolid()), out origin))
            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(80), new Conditions.IsSolid()), out origin))
            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
            Ref <int> @ref      = new Ref <int>(0);
            Ref <int> ref2      = new Ref <int>(0);

            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ShapeRunner(10f, 20, new Vector2((float)num, 1f)).Output(shapeData), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Blotches(), new Actions.Scanner(@ref), new Modifiers.IsSolid(), new Actions.Scanner(ref2)));
            if (ref2.Value < @ref.Value / 2)
            Rectangle area = new Rectangle(origin.X - 15, origin.Y - 10, 30, 20);

            if (!structures.CanPlace(area))
            WorldUtils.Gen(origin, new ModShapes.All(shapeData), new Actions.SetTile(type, true));
            WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin.X - (int)(num * -5.0), origin.Y - 5), new Shapes.Circle(5), Actions.Chain(new Modifiers.Blotches(), new Actions.ClearTile(true)));
            bool  flag = true;
            Point result;

            flag &= WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - ((num > 0.0) ? 3 : (-3)), origin.Y - 3), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(10), new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result);
            Point result2;

            if (!(flag & WorldUtils.Find(new Point(origin.X - ((num > 0.0) ? (-3) : 3), origin.Y - 3), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(10), new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result2)))
            Tile tile = GenBase._tiles[result.X, result.Y + 1];

            for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                WorldUtils.ClearTile(result2.X + i, result2.Y);
                Tile tile2 = GenBase._tiles[result2.X + i, result2.Y + 1];
                if (!WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(tile2))
                WorldUtils.TileFrame(result2.X + i, result2.Y + 1, true);
            WorldGen.PlaceTile(result.X, result.Y, 141);
            WorldGen.PlaceTile(result2.X, result2.Y, 411, true, true);
            WorldUtils.WireLine(result, result2);
            structures.AddStructure(area, 5);
Exemple #29
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Point result1;

            if (!WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(200), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result1) || result1 == origin)
            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle room1 = this.GetRoom(result1);
            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle room2 = this.GetRoom(new Point(room1.Center.X, room1.Y + 1));
            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle room3 = this.GetRoom(new Point(room1.Center.X, room1.Y + room1.Height + 10));
            room3.Y = room1.Y + room1.Height - 1;
            float num1 = this.RoomSolidPrecentage(room2);
            float num2 = this.RoomSolidPrecentage(room3);

            room1.Y += 3;
            room2.Y += 3;
            room3.Y += 3;
            List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle> rectangleList1 = new List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle>();

            if ((double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() > (double)num1 + 0.200000002980232)
                room2 = room1;
            if ((double)GenBase._random.NextFloat() > (double)num2 + 0.200000002980232)
                room3 = room1;
            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle in rectangleList1)
                if (rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height > Main.maxTilesY - 220)
            Dictionary <ushort, int> resultsOutput = new Dictionary <ushort, int>();

            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle in rectangleList1)
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(rectangle.X - 10, rectangle.Y - 10), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(rectangle.Width + 20, rectangle.Height + 20), (GenAction) new Actions.TileScanner(new ushort[12]
            List <Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int> > tupleList1 = new List <Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int> >();

            tupleList1.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Default, resultsOutput[(ushort)0] + resultsOutput[(ushort)1]));
            tupleList1.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Jungle, resultsOutput[(ushort)59] + resultsOutput[(ushort)60] * 10));
            tupleList1.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Mushroom, resultsOutput[(ushort)59] + resultsOutput[(ushort)70] * 10));
            tupleList1.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Snow, resultsOutput[(ushort)147] + resultsOutput[(ushort)161]));
            tupleList1.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Desert, resultsOutput[(ushort)397] + resultsOutput[(ushort)396] + resultsOutput[(ushort)53]));
            tupleList1.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Granite, resultsOutput[(ushort)368]));
            tupleList1.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Marble, resultsOutput[(ushort)367]));
            Comparison <Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int> > comparison = new Comparison <Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int> >(this.SortBiomeResults);

            int index1 = 0;

            CaveHouseBiome.BuildData buildData = tupleList1[index1].Item1;
            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle area in rectangleList1)
                if (buildData != CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Granite)
                    Point result2;
                    if (WorldUtils.Find(new Point(area.X - 2, area.Y - 2), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Rectangle(area.Width + 4, area.Height + 4).RequireAll(false), (GenCondition) new Conditions.HasLava()), out result2))
                if (!structures.CanPlace(area, CaveHouseBiome._blacklistedTiles, 5))
            int val1_1 = room1.X;
            int val1_2 = room1.X + room1.Width - 1;
            List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle> rectangleList2 = new List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle>();

            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle in rectangleList1)
                val1_1 = Math.Min(val1_1, rectangle.X);
                val1_2 = Math.Max(val1_2, rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1);
            int num3 = 6;

            while (num3 > 4 && (val1_2 - val1_1) % num3 != 0)
            int x1 = val1_1;

            while (x1 <= val1_2)
                for (int index2 = 0; index2 < rectangleList1.Count; ++index2)
                    Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle = rectangleList1[index2];
                    if (x1 >= rectangle.X && x1 < rectangle.X + rectangle.Width)
                        int y    = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height;
                        int num4 = 50;
                        for (int index3 = index2 + 1; index3 < rectangleList1.Count; ++index3)
                            if (x1 >= rectangleList1[index3].X && x1 < rectangleList1[index3].X + rectangleList1[index3].Width)
                                num4 = Math.Min(num4, rectangleList1[index3].Y - y);
                        if (num4 > 0)
                            Point result2;
                            bool  flag = WorldUtils.Find(new Point(x1, y), Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Down(num4), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result2);
                            if (num4 < 50)
                                flag    = true;
                                result2 = new Point(x1, y + num4);
                            if (flag)
                                rectangleList2.Add(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(x1, y, 1, result2.Y - y));
                x1 += num3;
            List <Point> pointList1 = new List <Point>();

            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle in rectangleList1)
                int exitY;
                if (this.FindSideExit(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width, rectangle.Y + 1, 1, rectangle.Height - 2), false, out exitY))
                    pointList1.Add(new Point(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1, exitY));
                if (this.FindSideExit(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + 1, 1, rectangle.Height - 2), true, out exitY))
                    pointList1.Add(new Point(rectangle.X, exitY));
            List <Tuple <Point, Point> > tupleList2 = new List <Tuple <Point, Point> >();

            for (int index2 = 1; index2 < rectangleList1.Count; ++index2)
                Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle1 = rectangleList1[index2];
                Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle2 = rectangleList1[index2 - 1];
                if (rectangle2.X - rectangle1.X > rectangle1.X + rectangle1.Width - (rectangle2.X + rectangle2.Width))
                    tupleList2.Add(new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(rectangle1.X + rectangle1.Width - 1, rectangle1.Y + 1), new Point(rectangle1.X + rectangle1.Width - rectangle1.Height + 1, rectangle1.Y + rectangle1.Height - 1)));
                    tupleList2.Add(new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(rectangle1.X, rectangle1.Y + 1), new Point(rectangle1.X + rectangle1.Height - 1, rectangle1.Y + rectangle1.Height - 1)));
            List <Point> pointList2 = new List <Point>();
            int          exitX;

            if (this.FindVerticalExit(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(room2.X + 2, room2.Y, room2.Width - 4, 1), true, out exitX))
                pointList2.Add(new Point(exitX, room2.Y));
            if (this.FindVerticalExit(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(room3.X + 2, room3.Y + room3.Height - 1, room3.Width - 4, 1), false, out exitX))
                pointList2.Add(new Point(exitX, room3.Y + room3.Height - 1));
            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle area in rectangleList1)
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(area.X, area.Y), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(area.Width, area.Height), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.SetTile(buildData.Tile, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(area.X + 1, area.Y + 1), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(area.Width - 2, area.Height - 2), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(true), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall(buildData.Wall, true)));
                structures.AddStructure(area, 8);
            foreach (Tuple <Point, Point> tuple in tupleList2)
                Point     origin1 = tuple.Item1;
                Point     point   = tuple.Item2;
                int       num4    = point.X > origin1.X ? 1 : -1;
                ShapeData data    = new ShapeData();
                for (int y = 0; y < point.Y - origin1.Y; ++y)
                    data.Add(num4 * (y + 1), y);
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin1, (GenShape) new ModShapes.All(data), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.PlaceTile((ushort)19, buildData.PlatformStyle), (GenAction) new Actions.SetSlope(num4 == 1 ? 1 : 2), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(origin1.X + (num4 == 1 ? 1 : -4), origin1.Y - 1), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(4, 1), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.Clear(), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceWall(buildData.Wall, true), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceTile((ushort)19, buildData.PlatformStyle), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
            foreach (Point origin1 in pointList1)
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin1, (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(1, 3), (GenAction) new Actions.ClearTile(true));
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(origin1.X, origin1.Y, 10, true, true, -1, buildData.DoorStyle);
            foreach (Point origin1 in pointList2)
                Shapes.Rectangle rectangle = new Shapes.Rectangle(3, 1);
                GenAction        action    = Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.ClearMetadata(), (GenAction) new Actions.PlaceTile((ushort)19, buildData.PlatformStyle), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true));
                WorldUtils.Gen(origin1, (GenShape)rectangle, action);
            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle in rectangleList2)
                if (rectangle.Height > 1 && (int)GenBase._tiles[rectangle.X, rectangle.Y - 1].type != 19)
                    WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y), (GenShape) new Shapes.Rectangle(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), Actions.Chain((GenAction) new Actions.SetTile((ushort)124, false, true), (GenAction) new Actions.SetFrames(true)));
                    Tile tile = GenBase._tiles[rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height];
                    int  num4 = 0;
                    int num5 = 0;
                    tile.halfBrick(num5 != 0);
            Point[] pointArray = new Point[7]
                new Point(14, buildData.TableStyle),
                new Point(16, 0),
                new Point(18, buildData.WorkbenchStyle),
                new Point(86, 0),
                new Point(87, buildData.PianoStyle),
                new Point(94, 0),
                new Point(101, buildData.BookcaseStyle)
            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle in rectangleList1)
                int num4 = rectangle.Width / 8;
                int num5 = rectangle.Width / (num4 + 1);
                int num6 = GenBase._random.Next(2);
                for (int index2 = 0; index2 < num4; ++index2)
                    int num7 = (index2 + 1) * num5 + rectangle.X;
                    switch (index2 + num6 % 2)
                    case 0:
                        int     num8    = rectangle.Y + Math.Min(rectangle.Height / 2, rectangle.Height - 5);
                        Vector2 vector2 = WorldGen.randHousePicture();
                        int     x2      = (int)vector2.X;
                        int     y       = (int)vector2.Y;
                        if (!WorldGen.nearPicture(num7, num8))
                            WorldGen.PlaceTile(num7, num8, x2, true, false, -1, y);

                    case 1:
                        int j = rectangle.Y + 1;
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num7, j, 34, true, false, -1, GenBase._random.Next(6));
                        for (int index3 = -1; index3 < 2; ++index3)
                            for (int index4 = 0; index4 < 3; ++index4)
                                GenBase._tiles[index3 + num7, index4 + j].frameX += (short)54;
                int num9 = rectangle.Width / 8 + 3;
                for (; num9 > 0; --num9)
                    int num7 = GenBase._random.Next(rectangle.Width - 3) + 1 + rectangle.X;
                    int num8 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 2;
                    switch (GenBase._random.Next(4))
                    case 0:
                        WorldGen.PlaceSmallPile(num7, num8, GenBase._random.Next(31, 34), 1, (ushort)185);

                    case 1:
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num7, num8, 186, true, false, -1, GenBase._random.Next(22, 26));

                    case 2:
                        int index2 = GenBase._random.Next(2, WorldGen.statueList.Length);
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num7, num8, (int)WorldGen.statueList[index2].X, true, false, -1, (int)WorldGen.statueList[index2].Y);
                        if (WorldGen.StatuesWithTraps.Contains(index2))
                            WorldGen.PlaceStatueTrap(num7, num8);

                    case 3:
                        Point point = Utils.SelectRandom <Point>(GenBase._random, pointArray);
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num7, num8, point.X, true, false, -1, point.Y);
            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle room4 in rectangleList1)
            bool flag1 = false;

            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle in rectangleList1)
                int j     = rectangle.Height - 1 + rectangle.Y;
                int Style = j > (int)Main.worldSurface ? buildData.ChestStyle : 0;
                int num4  = 0;
                while (num4 < 10 && !(flag1 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(GenBase._random.Next(2, rectangle.Width - 2) + rectangle.X, j, 0, false, Style)))
                if (!flag1)
                    int i = rectangle.X + 2;
                    while (i <= rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 2 && !(flag1 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i, j, 0, false, Style)))
                    if (flag1)
            if (!flag1)
                foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle in rectangleList1)
                    int j     = rectangle.Y - 1;
                    int Style = j > (int)Main.worldSurface ? buildData.ChestStyle : 0;
                    int num4  = 0;
                    while (num4 < 10 && !(flag1 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(GenBase._random.Next(2, rectangle.Width - 2) + rectangle.X, j, 0, false, Style)))
                    if (!flag1)
                        int i = rectangle.X + 2;
                        while (i <= rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 2 && !(flag1 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i, j, 0, false, Style)))
                        if (flag1)
            if (!flag1)
                for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 1000; ++index2)
                    int i       = GenBase._random.Next(rectangleList1[0].X - 30, rectangleList1[0].X + 30);
                    int num4    = GenBase._random.Next(rectangleList1[0].Y - 30, rectangleList1[0].Y + 30);
                    int num5    = num4 > (int)Main.worldSurface ? buildData.ChestStyle : 0;
                    int j       = num4;
                    int contain = 0;
                    int num6    = 0;
                    int Style   = num5;
                    if (WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i, j, contain, num6 != 0, Style))
            if (buildData == CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Jungle && this._sharpenerCount < GenBase._random.Next(2, 5))
                bool flag2 = false;
                foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle in rectangleList1)
                    int j = rectangle.Height - 2 + rectangle.Y;
                    for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 10; ++index2)
                        int i = GenBase._random.Next(2, rectangle.Width - 2) + rectangle.X;
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(i, j, 377, true, true, -1, 0);
                        if (flag2 = GenBase._tiles[i, j].active() && (int)GenBase._tiles[i, j].type == 377)
                    if (!flag2)
                        int i = rectangle.X + 2;
                        while (i <= rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 2 && !(flag2 = WorldGen.PlaceTile(i, j, 377, true, true, -1, 0)))
                        if (flag2)
                if (flag2)
                    this._sharpenerCount = this._sharpenerCount + 1;
            if (buildData == CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Desert && this._extractinatorCount < GenBase._random.Next(2, 5))
                bool flag2 = false;
                foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle in rectangleList1)
                    int j = rectangle.Height - 2 + rectangle.Y;
                    for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 10; ++index2)
                        int i = GenBase._random.Next(2, rectangle.Width - 2) + rectangle.X;
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(i, j, 219, true, true, -1, 0);
                        if (flag2 = GenBase._tiles[i, j].active() && (int)GenBase._tiles[i, j].type == 219)
                    if (!flag2)
                        int i = rectangle.X + 2;
                        while (i <= rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 2 && !(flag2 = WorldGen.PlaceTile(i, j, 219, true, true, -1, 0)))
                        if (flag2)
                if (flag2)
                    this._extractinatorCount = this._extractinatorCount + 1;
        public override bool Place(Point origin, StructureMap structures)
            Point point;
            bool  flag = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(200), new GenCondition[]
                new Conditions.IsSolid()
            }), out point);

            if (!flag || point == origin)
            Rectangle room       = this.GetRoom(point);
            Rectangle rectangle  = this.GetRoom(new Point(room.Center.X, room.Y + 1));
            Rectangle rectangle2 = this.GetRoom(new Point(room.Center.X, room.Y + room.Height + 10));

            rectangle2.Y = room.Y + room.Height - 1;
            float num  = this.RoomSolidPrecentage(rectangle);
            float num2 = this.RoomSolidPrecentage(rectangle2);

            room.Y       += 3;
            rectangle.Y  += 3;
            rectangle2.Y += 3;
            List <Rectangle> list = new List <Rectangle>();

            if (GenBase._random.NextFloat() > num + 0.2f)
                rectangle = room;
            if (GenBase._random.NextFloat() > num2 + 0.2f)
                rectangle2 = room;
            Dictionary <ushort, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <ushort, int>();

            foreach (Rectangle current in list)
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(current.X - 5, current.Y - 5), new Shapes.Rectangle(current.Width + 10, current.Height + 10), new Actions.TileScanner(new ushort[]
            List <Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int> > list2 = new List <Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int> >();

            list2.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Default, dictionary[0] + dictionary[1]));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Jungle, dictionary[59] + dictionary[60] * 10));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Mushroom, dictionary[59] + dictionary[70] * 10));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Snow, dictionary[147] + dictionary[161]));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Desert, dictionary[397] + dictionary[396] + dictionary[53]));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Granite, dictionary[368]));
            list2.Add(Tuple.Create <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int>(CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Marble, dictionary[367]));
            list2.Sort(new Comparison <Tuple <CaveHouseBiome.BuildData, int> >(this.SortBiomeResults));
            CaveHouseBiome.BuildData item = list2[0].Item1;
            foreach (Rectangle current2 in list)
                if (item != CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Granite)
                    Point point2;
                    bool  flag2 = WorldUtils.Find(new Point(current2.X - 2, current2.Y - 2), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Rectangle(current2.Width + 4, current2.Height + 4).RequireAll(false), new GenCondition[]
                        new Conditions.HasLava()
                    }), out point2);
                    if (flag2)
                        bool result = false;
                if (!structures.CanPlace(current2, CaveHouseBiome._blacklistedTiles, 5))
                    bool result = false;
            int num3 = room.X;
            int num4 = room.X + room.Width - 1;
            List <Rectangle> list3 = new List <Rectangle>();

            foreach (Rectangle current3 in list)
                num3 = Math.Min(num3, current3.X);
                num4 = Math.Max(num4, current3.X + current3.Width - 1);
            int num5 = 6;

            while (num5 > 4 && (num4 - num3) % num5 != 0)
            for (int i = num3; i <= num4; i += num5)
                for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
                    Rectangle rectangle3 = list[j];
                    if (i >= rectangle3.X && i < rectangle3.X + rectangle3.Width)
                        int num6 = rectangle3.Y + rectangle3.Height;
                        int num7 = 50;
                        for (int k = j + 1; k < list.Count; k++)
                            if (i >= list[k].X && i < list[k].X + list[k].Width)
                                num7 = Math.Min(num7, list[k].Y - num6);
                        if (num7 > 0)
                            Point point3;
                            bool  flag3 = WorldUtils.Find(new Point(i, num6), Searches.Chain(new Searches.Down(num7), new GenCondition[]
                                new Conditions.IsSolid()
                            }), out point3);
                            if (num7 < 50)
                                flag3  = true;
                                point3 = new Point(i, num6 + num7);
                            if (flag3)
                                list3.Add(new Rectangle(i, num6, 1, point3.Y - num6));
            List <Point> list4 = new List <Point>();

            foreach (Rectangle current4 in list)
                int  num8;
                bool flag4 = this.FindSideExit(new Rectangle(current4.X + current4.Width, current4.Y + 1, 1, current4.Height - 2), false, out num8);
                if (flag4)
                    list4.Add(new Point(current4.X + current4.Width - 1, num8));
                flag4 = this.FindSideExit(new Rectangle(current4.X, current4.Y + 1, 1, current4.Height - 2), true, out num8);
                if (flag4)
                    list4.Add(new Point(current4.X, num8));
            List <Tuple <Point, Point> > list5 = new List <Tuple <Point, Point> >();

            for (int l = 1; l < list.Count; l++)
                Rectangle rectangle4 = list[l];
                Rectangle rectangle5 = list[l - 1];
                int       num9       = rectangle5.X - rectangle4.X;
                int       num10      = rectangle4.X + rectangle4.Width - (rectangle5.X + rectangle5.Width);
                if (num9 > num10)
                    list5.Add(new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(rectangle4.X + rectangle4.Width - 1, rectangle4.Y + 1), new Point(rectangle4.X + rectangle4.Width - rectangle4.Height + 1, rectangle4.Y + rectangle4.Height - 1)));
                    list5.Add(new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(rectangle4.X, rectangle4.Y + 1), new Point(rectangle4.X + rectangle4.Height - 1, rectangle4.Y + rectangle4.Height - 1)));
            List <Point> list6 = new List <Point>();
            int          num11;
            bool         flag5 = this.FindVerticalExit(new Rectangle(rectangle.X + 2, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width - 4, 1), true, out num11);

            if (flag5)
                list6.Add(new Point(num11, rectangle.Y));
            flag5 = this.FindVerticalExit(new Rectangle(rectangle2.X + 2, rectangle2.Y + rectangle2.Height - 1, rectangle2.Width - 4, 1), false, out num11);
            if (flag5)
                list6.Add(new Point(num11, rectangle2.Y + rectangle2.Height - 1));
            foreach (Rectangle current5 in list)
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(current5.X, current5.Y), new Shapes.Rectangle(current5.Width, current5.Height), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                    new Actions.SetTile(item.Tile, false, true),
                    new Actions.SetFrames(true)
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(current5.X + 1, current5.Y + 1), new Shapes.Rectangle(current5.Width - 2, current5.Height - 2), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                    new Actions.ClearTile(true),
                    new Actions.PlaceWall(item.Wall, true)
                structures.AddStructure(current5, 8);
            foreach (Tuple <Point, Point> current6 in list5)
                Point     item2     = current6.Item1;
                Point     item3     = current6.Item2;
                int       num12     = (item3.X > item2.X) ? 1 : -1;
                ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
                for (int m = 0; m < item3.Y - item2.Y; m++)
                    shapeData.Add(num12 * (m + 1), m);
                WorldUtils.Gen(item2, new ModShapes.All(shapeData), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                    new Actions.PlaceTile(19, item.PlatformStyle),
                    new Actions.SetSlope((num12 == 1) ? 1 : 2),
                    new Actions.SetFrames(true)
                WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(item2.X + ((num12 == 1) ? 1 : -4), item2.Y - 1), new Shapes.Rectangle(4, 1), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                    new Actions.Clear(),
                    new Actions.PlaceWall(item.Wall, true),
                    new Actions.PlaceTile(19, item.PlatformStyle),
                    new Actions.SetFrames(true)
            foreach (Point current7 in list4)
                WorldUtils.Gen(current7, new Shapes.Rectangle(1, 3), new Actions.ClearTile(true));
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(current7.X, current7.Y, 10, true, true, -1, item.DoorStyle);
            foreach (Point current8 in list6)
                WorldUtils.Gen(current8, new Shapes.Rectangle(3, 1), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                    new Actions.ClearMetadata(),
                    new Actions.PlaceTile(19, item.PlatformStyle),
                    new Actions.SetFrames(true)
            foreach (Rectangle current9 in list3)
                if (current9.Height > 1 && GenBase._tiles[current9.X, current9.Y - 1].type != 19)
                    WorldUtils.Gen(new Point(current9.X, current9.Y), new Shapes.Rectangle(current9.Width, current9.Height), Actions.Chain(new GenAction[]
                        new Actions.SetTile(124, false, true),
                        new Actions.SetFrames(true)
                    Tile tile = GenBase._tiles[current9.X, current9.Y + current9.Height];
            Point[] choices = new Point[]
                new Point(14, item.TableStyle),
                new Point(16, 0),
                new Point(18, item.WorkbenchStyle),
                new Point(86, 0),
                new Point(87, item.PianoStyle),
                new Point(94, 0),
                new Point(101, item.BookcaseStyle)
            foreach (Rectangle current10 in list)
                int num13 = current10.Width / 8;
                int num14 = current10.Width / (num13 + 1);
                int num15 = GenBase._random.Next(2);
                for (int n = 0; n < num13; n++)
                    int num16 = (n + 1) * num14 + current10.X;
                    switch (n + num15 % 2)
                    case 0:
                        int     num17  = current10.Y + Math.Min(current10.Height / 2, current10.Height - 5);
                        Vector2 vector = WorldGen.randHousePicture();
                        int     type   = (int)vector.X;
                        int     style  = (int)vector.Y;
                        if (!WorldGen.nearPicture(num16, num17))
                            WorldGen.PlaceTile(num16, num17, type, true, false, -1, style);

                    case 1:
                        int num17 = current10.Y + 1;
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num16, num17, 34, true, false, -1, GenBase._random.Next(6));
                        for (int num18 = -1; num18 < 2; num18++)
                            for (int num19 = 0; num19 < 3; num19++)
                                Tile expr_E29 = GenBase._tiles[num18 + num16, num19 + num17];
                                expr_E29.frameX += 54;
                int num20 = current10.Width / 8 + 3;
                while (num20 > 0)
                    int num21 = GenBase._random.Next(current10.Width - 3) + 1 + current10.X;
                    int num22 = current10.Y + current10.Height - 2;
                    switch (GenBase._random.Next(4))
                    case 0:
                        WorldGen.PlaceSmallPile(num21, num22, GenBase._random.Next(31, 34), 1, 185);

                    case 1:
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num21, num22, 186, true, false, -1, GenBase._random.Next(22, 26));

                    case 2:
                        int num23 = GenBase._random.Next(2, WorldGen.statueList.Length);
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num21, num22, (int)WorldGen.statueList[num23].X, true, false, -1, (int)WorldGen.statueList[num23].Y);
                        if (WorldGen.StatuesWithTraps.Contains(num23))
                            WorldGen.PlaceStatueTrap(num21, num22);

                    case 3:
                        Point point4 = Utils.SelectRandom <Point>(GenBase._random, choices);
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num21, num22, point4.X, true, false, -1, point4.Y);
            foreach (Rectangle current11 in list)
            bool flag6 = false;

            foreach (Rectangle current12 in list)
                int num24  = current12.Height - 1 + current12.Y;
                int style2 = (num24 > (int)Main.worldSurface) ? item.ChestStyle : 0;
                for (int num25 = 0; num25 < 10; num25++)
                    int i2 = GenBase._random.Next(2, current12.Width - 2) + current12.X;
                    if (flag6 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i2, num24, 0, false, style2))
                if (flag6)
                int num26 = current12.X + 2;
                while (num26 <= current12.X + current12.Width - 2 && !(flag6 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(num26, num24, 0, false, style2)))
                if (flag6)
            if (!flag6)
                foreach (Rectangle current13 in list)
                    int num27  = current13.Y - 1;
                    int style3 = (num27 > (int)Main.worldSurface) ? item.ChestStyle : 0;
                    for (int num28 = 0; num28 < 10; num28++)
                        int i3 = GenBase._random.Next(2, current13.Width - 2) + current13.X;
                        if (flag6 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i3, num27, 0, false, style3))
                    if (flag6)
                    int num29 = current13.X + 2;
                    while (num29 <= current13.X + current13.Width - 2 && !(flag6 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(num29, num27, 0, false, style3)))
                    if (flag6)
            if (!flag6)
                for (int num30 = 0; num30 < 1000; num30++)
                    int i4     = GenBase._random.Next(list[0].X - 30, list[0].X + 30);
                    int num31  = GenBase._random.Next(list[0].Y - 30, list[0].Y + 30);
                    int style4 = (num31 > (int)Main.worldSurface) ? item.ChestStyle : 0;
                    if (flag6 = WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(i4, num31, 0, false, style4))
            if (item == CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Jungle && this._sharpenerCount < GenBase._random.Next(2, 5))
                bool flag7 = false;
                foreach (Rectangle current14 in list)
                    int num32 = current14.Height - 2 + current14.Y;
                    for (int num33 = 0; num33 < 10; num33++)
                        int num34 = GenBase._random.Next(2, current14.Width - 2) + current14.X;
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num34, num32, 377, true, true, -1, 0);
                        if (flag7 = (GenBase._tiles[num34, num32].active() && GenBase._tiles[num34, num32].type == 377))
                    if (flag7)
                    int num35 = current14.X + 2;
                    while (num35 <= current14.X + current14.Width - 2 && !(flag7 = WorldGen.PlaceTile(num35, num32, 377, true, true, -1, 0)))
                    if (flag7)
                if (flag7)
            if (item == CaveHouseBiome.BuildData.Desert && this._extractinatorCount < GenBase._random.Next(2, 5))
                bool flag8 = false;
                foreach (Rectangle current15 in list)
                    int num36 = current15.Height - 2 + current15.Y;
                    for (int num37 = 0; num37 < 10; num37++)
                        int num38 = GenBase._random.Next(2, current15.Width - 2) + current15.X;
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(num38, num36, 219, true, true, -1, 0);
                        if (flag8 = (GenBase._tiles[num38, num36].active() && GenBase._tiles[num38, num36].type == 219))
                    if (flag8)
                    int num39 = current15.X + 2;
                    while (num39 <= current15.X + current15.Width - 2 && !(flag8 = WorldGen.PlaceTile(num39, num36, 219, true, true, -1, 0)))
                    if (flag8)
                if (flag8)