public ImportCollector(ClassesProcessor.ClassNode root) { // set of field names in this class and all its predecessors. string clName = root.classStruct.qualifiedName; int index = clName.LastIndexOf('/'); if (index >= 0) { string packageName = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(clName, 0, index); currentPackageSlash = packageName + '/'; currentPackagePoint = packageName.Replace('/', '.'); } else { currentPackageSlash = string.Empty; currentPackagePoint = string.Empty; } Dictionary <string, StructClass> classes = DecompilerContext.GetStructContext().GetClasses (); LinkedList <string> queue = new LinkedList <string>(); StructClass currentClass = root.classStruct; while (currentClass != null) { if (currentClass.superClass != null) { queue.AddLast(currentClass.superClass.GetString()); } Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(queue, currentClass.GetInterfaceNames()); // all field names for the current class .. foreach (StructField f in currentClass.GetFields()) { setFieldNames.Add(f.GetName()); } // .. all inner classes for the current class .. StructInnerClassesAttribute attribute = currentClass.GetAttribute(StructGeneralAttribute .Attribute_Inner_Classes); if (attribute != null) { foreach (StructInnerClassesAttribute.Entry entry in attribute.GetEntries()) { if (entry.enclosingName != null && entry.enclosingName.Equals(currentClass.qualifiedName )) { setInnerClassNames.Add(entry.simpleName); } } } // .. and traverse through parent. currentClass = !(queue.Count == 0) ? classes.GetOrNull(Sharpen.Collections.RemoveFirst (queue)) : null; while (currentClass == null && !(queue.Count == 0)) { currentClass = classes.GetOrNull(Sharpen.Collections.RemoveFirst(queue)); } } }
public static void ClearEnum(ClassWrapper wrapper) { StructClass cl = wrapper.GetClassStruct(); // hide values/valueOf methods and super() invocations foreach (MethodWrapper method in wrapper.GetMethods()) { StructMethod mt = method.methodStruct; string name = mt.GetName(); string descriptor = mt.GetDescriptor(); if ("values".Equals(name)) { if (descriptor.Equals("()[L" + cl.qualifiedName + ";")) { wrapper.GetHiddenMembers().Add(InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey(name, descriptor)); } } else if ("valueOf".Equals(name)) { if (descriptor.Equals("(Ljava/lang/String;)L" + cl.qualifiedName + ";")) { wrapper.GetHiddenMembers().Add(InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey(name, descriptor)); } } else if (ICodeConstants.Init_Name.Equals(name)) { Statement firstData = Statements.FindFirstData(method.root); if (firstData != null && !(firstData.GetExprents().Count == 0)) { Exprent exprent = firstData.GetExprents()[0]; if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Invocation) { InvocationExprent invExpr = (InvocationExprent)exprent; if (Statements.IsInvocationInitConstructor(invExpr, method, wrapper, false)) { firstData.GetExprents().RemoveAtReturningValue(0); } } } } } // hide synthetic fields of enum and it's constants foreach (StructField fd in cl.GetFields()) { string descriptor = fd.GetDescriptor(); if (fd.IsSynthetic() && descriptor.Equals("[L" + cl.qualifiedName + ";")) { wrapper.GetHiddenMembers().Add(InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey(fd.GetName(), descriptor )); } } }
public virtual void Init() { DecompilerContext.SetProperty(DecompilerContext.Current_Class, classStruct); DecompilerContext.SetProperty(DecompilerContext.Current_Class_Wrapper, this); DecompilerContext.GetLogger().StartClass(classStruct.qualifiedName); int maxSec = System.Convert.ToInt32(DecompilerContext.GetProperty(IFernflowerPreferences .Max_Processing_Method).ToString()); bool testMode = DecompilerContext.GetOption(IFernflowerPreferences.Unit_Test_Mode ); foreach (StructMethod mt in classStruct.GetMethods()) { DecompilerContext.GetLogger().StartMethod(mt.GetName() + " " + mt.GetDescriptor() ); MethodDescriptor md = MethodDescriptor.ParseDescriptor(mt.GetDescriptor()); VarProcessor varProc = new VarProcessor(mt, md); DecompilerContext.StartMethod(varProc); VarNamesCollector vc = varProc.GetVarNamesCollector(); CounterContainer counter = DecompilerContext.GetCounterContainer(); RootStatement root = null; bool isError = false; try { if (mt.ContainsCode()) { if (maxSec == 0 || testMode) { root = MethodProcessorRunnable.CodeToJava(mt, md, varProc); } else { MethodProcessorRunnable mtProc = new MethodProcessorRunnable(mt, md, varProc, DecompilerContext .GetCurrentContext()); Thread mtThread = new Thread(o => mtProc.Run()) { Name = "Java decompiler" }; long stopAt = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis() + maxSec * 1000L; mtThread.Start(); while (!mtProc.IsFinished()) { try { lock (mtProc.Lock) { Thread.Sleep(200); } } catch (Exception e) { KillThread(mtThread); throw; } if (Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis() >= stopAt) { string message = "Processing time limit exceeded for method " + mt.GetName() + ", execution interrupted."; DecompilerContext.GetLogger().WriteMessage(message, IFernflowerLogger.Severity.Error ); KillThread(mtThread); isError = true; break; } } if (!isError) { root = mtProc.GetResult(); } } } else { bool thisVar = !mt.HasModifier(ICodeConstants.Acc_Static); int paramCount = 0; if (thisVar) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(varProc.GetThisVars(), new VarVersionPair(0, 0), classStruct .qualifiedName); paramCount = 1; } paramCount += [email protected]; int varIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { varProc.SetVarName(new VarVersionPair(varIndex, 0), vc.GetFreeName(varIndex)); if (thisVar) { if (i == 0) { varIndex++; } else { varIndex += md.@params[i - 1].stackSize; } } else { varIndex += md.@params[i].stackSize; } } } } catch (Exception t) { string message = "Method " + mt.GetName() + " " + mt.GetDescriptor() + " couldn't be decompiled."; DecompilerContext.GetLogger().WriteMessage(message, IFernflowerLogger.Severity.Warn , t); isError = true; } MethodWrapper methodWrapper = new MethodWrapper(root, varProc, mt, counter); methodWrapper.decompiledWithErrors = isError; methods.AddWithKey(methodWrapper, InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey(mt.GetName(), mt. GetDescriptor())); if (!isError) { // rename vars so that no one has the same name as a field VarNamesCollector namesCollector = new VarNamesCollector(); classStruct.GetFields().ForEach((StructField f) => namesCollector.AddName(f.GetName ())); varProc.RefreshVarNames(namesCollector); // if debug information present and should be used if (DecompilerContext.GetOption(IFernflowerPreferences.Use_Debug_Var_Names)) { StructLocalVariableTableAttribute attr = mt.GetLocalVariableAttr(); if (attr != null) { // only param names here varProc.SetDebugVarNames(attr.GetMapParamNames()); // the rest is here methodWrapper.GetOrBuildGraph().IterateExprents((Exprent exprent) => { List <Exprent> lst = exprent.GetAllExprents(true); lst.Add(exprent); lst.Where(e => e.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var).ToList().ForEach((Exprent e) => { VarExprent varExprent = (VarExprent)e; string name = varExprent.GetDebugName(mt); if (name != null) { varProc.SetVarName(varExprent.GetVarVersionPair(), name); } } ); return(0); } ); } } } DecompilerContext.GetLogger().EndMethod(); } DecompilerContext.GetLogger().EndClass(); }
private void RenameClassIdentifiers(StructClass cl, Dictionary <string, string> names ) { // all classes are already renamed string classOldFullName = cl.qualifiedName; string classNewFullName = interceptor.GetName(classOldFullName); if (classNewFullName == null) { classNewFullName = classOldFullName; } // methods HashSet <string> setMethodNames = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (StructMethod md in cl.GetMethods()) { setMethodNames.Add(md.GetName()); } VBStyleCollection <StructMethod, string> methods = cl.GetMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Count; i++) { StructMethod mt = methods[i]; string key = methods.GetKey(i); bool isPrivate = mt.HasModifier(ICodeConstants.Acc_Private); string name = mt.GetName(); if (!cl.IsOwn() || mt.HasModifier(ICodeConstants.Acc_Native)) { // external and native methods must not be renamed if (!isPrivate) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(names, key, name); } } else if (helper.ToBeRenamed(IIdentifierRenamer.Type.Element_Method, classOldFullName , name, mt.GetDescriptor())) { if (isPrivate || !names.ContainsKey(key)) { do { name = helper.GetNextMethodName(classOldFullName, name, mt.GetDescriptor()); }while (setMethodNames.Contains(name)); if (!isPrivate) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(names, key, name); } } else { name = names.GetOrNull(key); } interceptor.AddName(classOldFullName + " " + mt.GetName() + " " + mt.GetDescriptor (), classNewFullName + " " + name + " " + BuildNewDescriptor(false, mt.GetDescriptor ())); } } // external fields are not being renamed if (!cl.IsOwn()) { return; } // fields // FIXME: should overloaded fields become the same name? HashSet <string> setFieldNames = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (StructField fd in cl.GetFields()) { setFieldNames.Add(fd.GetName()); } foreach (StructField fd in cl.GetFields()) { if (helper.ToBeRenamed(IIdentifierRenamer.Type.Element_Field, classOldFullName, fd .GetName(), fd.GetDescriptor())) { string newName; do { newName = helper.GetNextFieldName(classOldFullName, fd.GetName(), fd.GetDescriptor ()); }while (setFieldNames.Contains(newName)); interceptor.AddName(classOldFullName + " " + fd.GetName() + " " + fd.GetDescriptor (), classNewFullName + " " + newName + " " + BuildNewDescriptor(true, fd.GetDescriptor ())); } } }