Exemple #1
        static void TestCreatePlanGetPlan(StripePayment payment)
            StripePlan plan  = CreatePlan(payment);
            var        plans = payment.GetPlans(10, 10);

        public decimal GetPlanPrice(string planId)
            StripePlan plan   = GetPlan(planId);
            decimal    result = ((decimal)plan.Amount) / 100;

Exemple #3
        public static async Task <string> CreateInitialPlanAsync(StripePlanCreateOptions options)

            StripePlanCreateOptions planOptions = new StripePlanCreateOptions()
                Product = new StripePlanProductCreateOptions()
                    Name = "Initial_test_04_10_18_(1)"
                Active          = options.Active,
                Amount          = 1190,
                BillingScheme   = options.BillingScheme,
                Currency        = options.Currency,
                Interval        = options.Interval,
                IntervalCount   = options.IntervalCount,
                Nickname        = options.Nickname,
                TrialPeriodDays = options.TrialPeriodDays,
                UsageType       = options.UsageType

            StripePlanService planService = new StripePlanService();
            StripePlan        plan        = await planService.CreateAsync(planOptions);

        private StripePlan GetPlan(string planId)
            StripePlanService service = new StripePlanService();
            StripePlan        result  = service.Get(planId);

Exemple #5
        public transform_usage_plan_fixture()
            ProductCreateOptions = new StripeProductCreateOptions
                Name = $"test-product-{ Guid.NewGuid() }",
                Type = "service"

            var productService = new StripeProductService(Cache.ApiKey);
            var product        = productService.Create(ProductCreateOptions);
            var transformUsage = new StripePlanTransformUsageOptions()
                DivideBy = 100,
                Round    = "up"

            PlanCreateOptions = new StripePlanCreateOptions()
                Nickname       = "tiered-plan-name",
                Amount         = 1000,
                Currency       = "usd",
                Interval       = "month",
                ProductId      = product.Id,
                TransformUsage = transformUsage,

            var planService = new StripePlanService(Cache.ApiKey);

            Plan          = planService.Create(PlanCreateOptions);
            PlanRetrieved = planService.Get(Plan.Id);
Exemple #6
        public add_plan_to_product_fixture()
            ProductCreateOptions = new StripeProductCreateOptions
                Name = $"test-product-{ Guid.NewGuid() }",
                Type = "service"

            var productService = new StripeProductService(Cache.ApiKey);

            Product = productService.Create(ProductCreateOptions);

            PlanCreateOptions = new StripePlanCreateOptions()
                Nickname  = "plan-name",
                Amount    = 5000,
                Currency  = "usd",
                Interval  = "month",
                ProductId = Product.Id

            var planService = new StripePlanService(Cache.ApiKey);

            Plan          = planService.Create(PlanCreateOptions);
            PlanRetrieved = planService.Get(Plan.Id);
Exemple #7
        static void TestInvoices2(StripePayment payment)
            StripeCustomer cust     = payment.GetCustomer("cus_ulcOcy5Seu2dpq");
            StripePlanInfo planInfo = new StripePlanInfo {
                Amount   = 1999,
                ID       = "testplan",
                Interval = StripePlanInterval.Month,
                Name     = "The Test Plan",
                //TrialPeriod = 7
            //payment.DeletePlan (planInfo.ID);
            StripePlan             plan    = payment.CreatePlan(planInfo);
            StripeSubscriptionInfo subInfo = new StripeSubscriptionInfo {
                Card    = GetCC(),
                Plan    = planInfo.ID,
                Prorate = true
            StripeSubscription sub = payment.Subscribe(cust.ID, subInfo);

            payment.CreateInvoiceItem(new StripeInvoiceItemInfo {
                CustomerID  = cust.ID,
                Amount      = 1337,
                Description = "Test single charge"

            var           invoices = payment.GetInvoices(0, 10, cust.ID);
            StripeInvoice upcoming = payment.GetUpcomingInvoice(cust.ID);

            payment.Unsubscribe(cust.ID, true);
            foreach (StripeLineItem line in upcoming)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} for type {1}", line.Amount, line.GetType());
 private void StripePlanToPlan(StripePlan stripePlan, Plan plan)
     plan.Name            = stripePlan.Name;
     plan.AmountInCents   = stripePlan.Amount;
     plan.Currency        = stripePlan.Currency;
     plan.Interval        = stripePlan.Interval;
     plan.TrialPeriodDays = stripePlan.TrialPeriodDays;
Exemple #9
        static void TestCreatePlanGetPlan(StripePayment payment)
            StripePlan        plan = CreatePlan(payment);
            int               total;
            List <StripePlan> plans = payment.GetPlans(10, 10, out total);

Exemple #10
        static StripePlan CreatePlan(StripePayment payment)
            StripePlan plan  = payment.CreatePlan(GetPlanInfo());
            StripePlan plan2 = payment.GetPlan(plan.ID);

            //DeletePlan (plan2, payment);
        public void UpdateSubscription(string id, string planName)
            var updatedPlan = new StripePlanUpdateOptions();

            updatedPlan.Name = planName;

            var        planService = new StripePlanService();
            StripePlan response    = planService.Update(id, updatedPlan);
Exemple #12
 public Plan(StripePlan plan)
     this.PlanId          = plan.Id;
     this.Amount          = plan.Amount / 100;
     this.Created         = plan.Created;
     this.Currency        = plan.Currency;
     this.Interval        = plan.Interval;
     this.IntervalCount   = plan.IntervalCount;
     this.Name            = plan.Name;
     this.TrialPeriodDays = plan.TrialPeriodDays;
 private static SubscriptionPlan SubscriptionPlanMapper(StripePlan stripePlan)
     return(new SubscriptionPlan
         Id = stripePlan.Id,
         Name = stripePlan.Name,
         Currency = stripePlan.Currency,
         Interval = GetInterval(stripePlan.Interval),
         Price = stripePlan.Amount,
         TrialPeriodInDays = stripePlan.TrialPeriodDays ?? 0,
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the given plan
        /// NOTE: Due to limitatons with Stripe, this can only update the name of the plan
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plan"></param>
        public static StripePlan UpdatePlan(IPlanEntity plan)
            StripePlanUpdateOptions options = new StripePlanUpdateOptions();

            options.Name = plan.Title;

            StripePlanService planService = new StripePlanService();
            StripePlan        updatedPlan = planService.Update(plan.PaymentSystemId, options);

            Logger.Log <StripeManager>("Updated plan in stripe: '{0}' with id '{1}'", LogLevel.Information, plan.Title, plan.PaymentSystemId);

Exemple #15
 public StripePlan GetPlansByPlanId(string planId)
         var        planService = new StripePlanService();
         StripePlan plan        = planService.Get(planId);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
        public void Setup()
            _client = new StripeClient(Constants.ApiKey);

            var id   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var card = new CreditCard {
                Number   = "4111111111111111",
                ExpMonth = 3,
                ExpYear  = 2015

            _plan     = _client.CreatePlan(id, 400M, "usd", PlanFrequency.Month, id);
            _customer = _client.CreateCustomer(card);
        public static StripePlan CreatePlan(StripePlanCreateOptions planOptions)
            var invoiceSevice = new StripeInvoiceService();

                var        planService = new StripePlanService();
                StripePlan plan        = planService.Create(planOptions);
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static StripePlan GetPlan(string PlanId)
            var plan = new StripePlan();

                var planService = new StripePlanService();
                plan = planService.Get(PlanId);
Exemple #19
 private static Invoice.Plan Map(StripePlan stripePlan)
     return(new Invoice.Plan
         AmountInCents = stripePlan.Amount,
         Created = stripePlan.Created,
         Currency = stripePlan.Currency,
         StatementDescriptor = stripePlan.StatementDescriptor,
         Interval = stripePlan.Interval,
         IntervalCount = stripePlan.IntervalCount,
         Name = stripePlan.Name,
         StripePlanId = stripePlan.Id,
         TrialPeriodDays = stripePlan.TrialPeriodDays
        public string CreateSubscription(int cost, string planName, string interval)
            string id      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var    newPlan = new StripePlanCreateOptions();

            newPlan.Id       = id;
            newPlan.Amount   = cost;         // all amounts on Stripe are in cents, pence, etc
            newPlan.Currency = "usd";        // "usd" only supported right now
            newPlan.Interval = interval;     // "month" or "year"
            newPlan.Name     = planName;

            var        planService = new StripePlanService();
            StripePlan response    = planService.Create(newPlan);

        /**** FROM STRIPE ****/
        public static SubscriptionPlan ToSubscriptionPlan(this StripePlan stripePlan)
            var plan = new SubscriptionPlan
                Id            = stripePlan.Id,
                Name          = stripePlan.Nickname,
                Amount        = ((int)stripePlan.Amount).ToDecimalAmount(),
                Currency      = stripePlan.Currency,
                IntervalCount = stripePlan.IntervalCount,
                Interval      = StripeHelpers.ToStripeInterval(stripePlan.Interval),
                ProductId     = stripePlan.ProductId

            //Product doesn't expand here, but can be contained.
        public ActionResult AjaxAddPlan(string PlanName, string PlanType, string PlanPrice, string Features)
            objResponse Response = new objResponse();
            string      planID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                Response = objSubscriptionManager.AddPlans(PlanName, PlanPrice, PlanType, "usd", planID);

                if (Response.ErrorCode == 0)
                    var myPlan = new StripePlanCreateOptions();
                    myPlan.Id       = planID;
                    myPlan.Amount   = Convert.ToInt32(PlanPrice) * 100; // all amounts on Stripe are in cents, pence, etc
                    myPlan.Currency = "usd";                            // "usd" only supported right now
                    myPlan.Interval = PlanType;                         // "month" or "year"
                    //myPlan.IntervalCount = 1;       // optional
                    myPlan.Name            = PlanName;
                    myPlan.TrialPeriodDays = 0;    // amount of time that will lapse before the customer is billed

                    var           planService = new StripePlanService();
                    StripePlan    response    = planService.Create(myPlan);
                    List <string> temp        = Features.Split(',').ToList <string>();
                    foreach (var feature in temp)
                        Response = objSubscriptionManager.AddPlanFeature(Convert.ToInt32(Response.ErrorMessage), feature);

                        if (Response.ErrorCode != 0)
                    PlanModel objPlanModel = new PlanModel();
                    objPlanModel.plans = objSubscriptionManager.GetPlans();
                    return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #23
        static void TestCreateSubscription(StripePayment payment)
            StripeCustomer cust = payment.CreateCustomer(new StripeCustomerInfo {
                Card = GetCC()
            //StripePlan temp = new StripePlan { ID = "myplan" };
            //DeletePlan (temp, payment);
            StripePlan         plan = CreatePlan(payment);
            StripeSubscription sub  = payment.Subscribe(cust.ID, new StripeSubscriptionInfo {
                Card    = GetCC(),
                Plan    = "myplan",
                Prorate = true
            StripeSubscription sub2 = payment.GetSubscription(sub.CustomerID);

            TestDeleteSubscription(cust, payment);
            DeletePlan(plan, payment);
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,Name")] Product product)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    product.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                    var service = new StripeProductService();
                    //var products = service.Create(new StripeProductCreateOptions
                    //    Name = product.Name,
                    //    Active = true,
                    //    Type= "service"
                    //product.StripeProductId = products.Id;
                    var options = new StripePlanCreateOptions
                        Product = new StripePlanProductCreateOptions
                            Name = product.Name
                        Amount   = 5000,
                        Currency = "usd",
                        Interval = "month",

                    var        services = new StripePlanService();
                    StripePlan plan     = services.Create(options);
                    product.PlanId          = plan.Id;
                    product.StripeProductId = plan.ProductId;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

Exemple #25
        public tiered_plan_fixture()
            ProductCreateOptions = new StripeProductCreateOptions
                Name = $"test-product-{ Guid.NewGuid() }",
                Type = "service"

            var productService = new StripeProductService(Cache.ApiKey);
            var product        = productService.Create(ProductCreateOptions);
            var tiers          = new List <StripePlanTierOptions>
                new StripePlanTierOptions()
                    Amount = 1000,
                    UpTo   = new StripePlanTierOptions.UpToBound()
                        Bound = 10
                new StripePlanTierOptions()
                    Amount = 2000,
                    UpTo   = new StripePlanTierOptions.UpToInf()

            PlanCreateOptions = new StripePlanCreateOptions()
                Nickname      = "tiered-plan-name",
                BillingScheme = "tiered",
                TiersMode     = "volume",
                Tiers         = tiers,
                Currency      = "usd",
                Interval      = "month",
                ProductId     = product.Id

            var planService = new StripePlanService(Cache.ApiKey);

            Plan          = planService.Create(PlanCreateOptions);
            PlanRetrieved = planService.Get(Plan.Id);
        public void RetreivePlan(string Api_Key, string planId, ref string Response, ref string Errors, ref int ErrorCode)

                var        stripePlanService = new StripePlanService();
                StripePlan stripePlan        = stripePlanService.Get(planId);
                Response  = stripePlan.StripeResponse.ResponseJson;
                ErrorCode = 0;
            catch (StripeException e)
                ErrorCode = 1;
                Serializer  serializer  = new Serializer();
                StripeError stripeError = e.StripeError;
                Errors = serializer.Serialize <StripeError>(stripeError);
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new plan inside of Stripe, using the given subscription plan's information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plan"></param>
        public static void CreatePlan(IStripeSubscriptionPlan plan)
            // Save it to Stripe
            StripePlanCreateOptions newStripePlanOptions = new StripePlanCreateOptions();

            newStripePlanOptions.Amount          = Convert.ToInt32(plan.Price * 100.0);                          // all amounts on Stripe are in cents, pence, etc
            newStripePlanOptions.Currency        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(plan.Currency) ?  "usd" : plan.Currency; // "usd" only supported right now
            newStripePlanOptions.Interval        = "month";                                                      // "month" or "year"
            newStripePlanOptions.IntervalCount   = 1;                                                            // optional
            newStripePlanOptions.Name            = plan.Title;
            newStripePlanOptions.TrialPeriodDays = plan.TrialDays;                                               // amount of time that will lapse before the customer is billed
            newStripePlanOptions.Id = plan.PaymentSystemId;

            StripePlanService planService = new StripePlanService();
            StripePlan        newPlan     = planService.Create(newStripePlanOptions);

            plan.PaymentSystemId = newPlan.Id;

            System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("Created new plan in stripe: '{0}' with id {1}", plan.Title, plan.PaymentSystemId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new plan inside of Stripe, using the given subscription plan's information
        /// NOTE: Unlike other method calls, this requires that the plan object already have a defined PaymentSystemId property set
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plan"></param>
        public static StripePlan CreatePlan(IPlanEntity plan)
            // Save it to Stripe
            StripePlanCreateOptions newStripePlanOptions = new StripePlanCreateOptions();

            newStripePlanOptions.Amount          = Convert.ToInt32(plan.Price * 100.0); // all amounts on Stripe are in cents, pence, etc
            newStripePlanOptions.Currency        = "usd";                               // "usd" only supported right now
            newStripePlanOptions.Interval        = "month";                             // "month" or "year"
            newStripePlanOptions.IntervalCount   = 1;                                   // optional
            newStripePlanOptions.Name            = plan.Title;
            newStripePlanOptions.TrialPeriodDays = plan.TrialDays;                      // amount of time that will lapse before the customer is billed
            newStripePlanOptions.Id = plan.PaymentSystemId;

            StripePlanService planService = new StripePlanService();
            StripePlan        newPlan     = planService.Create(newStripePlanOptions);

            Logger.Log <StripeManager>("Created new plan in stripe: '{0}' with id {1}", LogLevel.Information, plan.Title, plan.PaymentSystemId);

        public void CreatePlan(string Api_Key, string stripePlanCreateOptionsJSON, ref string Response, ref string Errors, ref int ErrorCode)

                Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
                StripePlanCreateOptions stripePlanCreateOptions = serializer.Deserialize <StripePlanCreateOptions>(stripePlanCreateOptionsJSON);

                var        stripePlanService = new StripePlanService();
                StripePlan stripePlan        = stripePlanService.Create(stripePlanCreateOptions);
                Response  = stripePlan.StripeResponse.ResponseJson;
                ErrorCode = 0;
            catch (StripeException e)
                ErrorCode = 1;
                Serializer  serializer  = new Serializer();
                StripeError stripeError = e.StripeError;
                Errors = serializer.Serialize <StripeError>(stripeError);
Exemple #30
        public void TestPlans()
            // Arrange
            IPlanEntity plan = CreateMockPlanA();


            // Act - create
            StripePlan createdPlan = StripeManager.CreatePlan(plan);

            // Assert - create

            // Act - update
            plan.Title = "Unit Test Plan - Name Changed";
            StripePlan updatedPlan = StripeManager.UpdatePlan(plan);

            // Assert - update

            // Act - Delete

            // Assert
                StripePlanService planService = new StripePlanService();
                Assert.Fail(); // We should not get to this line
            catch (Exception ex)
                // We should get an exception that says "No such plan"
                Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.Contains("No such plan"));