public void testUpper() { string str = "ABCDEF"; StringTheory theory = new StringTheory("AbCDeF"); theory.Upper(); Assert.True(str.Equals(theory.ToString()), "uppered str doesn't match the comparison string!"); str = "AbCdEFG"; theory = new StringTheory("abcdefg"); theory.Upper(0); theory.Upper(2); theory.Upper(4); theory.Upper(5); theory.Upper(6); Assert.True(str.Equals(theory.ToString()), "uppered(idx) str doesn't match the comparison string!"); str = "abCDEfg"; theory = new StringTheory("abcdefg"); theory.Upper(2, 3); Assert.True(str.Equals(theory.ToString()), "uppered(idx, len) str doesn't match the comparison string!"); }
public void testTouched() { StringTheory theory = new StringTheory("mares eat oats"); theory.Append(theory.Cut(5, 4)); Assert.True(theory.Touched(), "str doesn't think it was touched."); theory = new StringTheory("mares eat oats"); theory.Upper(7); Assert.True(theory.Touched(), "str doesn't think it was touched. 2"); }