/// <summary>
        ///     Removes the specified vishraams from a string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text to remove vishraams from.</param>
        /// <param name="vishraams">The vishraams to remove. Defaults to all.</param>
        /// <returns>A vishraam-less Gurmukhi string.</returns>
        public static string StripVishraams(string text,
                                            Vishraam vishraams = Vishraam.Heavy | Vishraam.Medium | Vishraam.Light)
            var vishraamMapping = Mapping.VishraamMapping();

            var vishraamOptions = Enum.GetValues(vishraams.GetType())
                                  .Cast <Enum>()
                                  .Select(value => vishraamMapping[value.ToString()].ToString());

            return(Regex.Replace(text, StringRegexHelper.GetRegexClass(vishraamOptions), ""));
        /// <summary>
        ///    Strips line endings from any Gurmukhi or translation string.
        ///    Accepts both Unicode and ASCII input.
        ///    Useful for generating accurate first letters or modifying non-Gurbani for better display.
        ///    *Not* designed for headings or Sirlekhs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text to stip endings from.</param>
        /// <returns>A ending-less version of the text.</returns>
        public static string StripEndings(string text)
            // Line endings in both ASCII, Unicode, and English
            var endingClass = StringRegexHelper.GetRegexClass(new[] { "।", "॥", "]", "[", "|" });
            // Sometimes translation line endings begin with these characters, before numbers
            var optionalEndingClass = StringRegexHelper.GetRegexClass(new[] { "(" });
            // Remove any broken endings
            var brokenEndingClass = StringRegexHelper.GetRegexGroup(new[] { "()" });

            // All numbers in ASCII, Unicode
            var numbers = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).ToArray()
                          .Select(i => i.ToString())

            var numberClass = StringRegexHelper.GetRegexClass(

            // Rahao in English, ASCII, Unicode
            var pauseGroup = StringRegexHelper
                             .GetRegexGroup(new[] { "ਰਹਾਉ", ToAsciiGurmukhi("ਰਹਾਉ"), "Pause" });

            // Matchers to strip out of input string
            var matchers = new[]
                // Any pause (ending + pause word) => match the rest of the line
                $" ?{endingClass} ?{pauseGroup}.*",
                // Any ending followed by any number => match the rest of the line
                $" ?({endingClass}|{optionalEndingClass}){numberClass}.*",
                // Any sequence at the end of a line with numbers, periods, and spaces beginning with a number
                $" ?{numberClass}({numberClass}|[. ])*$",
                // Clean up any lingering ending characters
                $" ?{brokenEndingClass}",
                $" ?{endingClass}",

            return(matchers.Aggregate(text, (a, b) =>
                                      Regex.Replace(a, b, "").Trim()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Represents text in syllables according to Sanskrit prosody, Pingala, Matra/Meter/Morae
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The string to convert</param>
        /// <returns>A syllabic representation of 1"s (laghu/light/short) and 2"s (guru/heavy/long).</returns>
        public static string ToSyllabicSymbols(string text)
            // These have no impact on weight, therfore remove before processing
            var zeroWeightSigns = new[]

            // For the rest, need to analyze the string
            // Base characters counts as one syllable (light)
            // Base characters with any number of long (deeragh) sounds counts as two syllables (heavy)
            var syllableSymbols = new
                Light         = "1",
                Deeragh       = "s",
                HeavySequence = "1s",
                Heavy         = "2",

            // The list of base characters for analysis
            var baseCharacters = new[]

            // The list of long sound characters for analysis
            var deeraghModifiers = new[]

            // Some symbols represent multiple characters in a single unicode entity.
            // These should be considered unsplittable and unmodifiable by other vowels/signs.
            // The following represent a base character and deeragh in one unicode entity point.
            // Since author is unaware of whether these can be further modified with deeragh
            // they"ll be processed as a heavy sequence (base char + deeragh) in the mapping.
            // If that is not the case and these characters cannot have further deeragh modifiers,
            // then they can be safely mapped directly to syllableSymbol.heavy
            var twoUnitSyllables = new[] { "ਊ", "ਓ", "ਈ", "ਏ", "ਐ", "ਆ", "ਔ" };

            // Create a map for each character to a syllableSymbol, for further processing/analysis
            var syllabicMapping = new[]
                new { Symbol = syllableSymbols.Light, GroupedCharacters = baseCharacters },
                new { Symbol = syllableSymbols.Deeragh, GroupedCharacters = deeraghModifiers },
                new { Symbol = syllableSymbols.HeavySequence, GroupedCharacters = twoUnitSyllables }
            .SelectMany(sm =>
                        sm.GroupedCharacters.Select(c => new { Character = c, sm.Symbol }))
            // Add any missing mappings which do not fit in the above patterns
            // These rules are "as is", and are not modified in the reducer above
            .Append(new { Character = "ੴ", Symbol = "21 2221" }) // Ik Oankaar / ਇੱਕ ਓਅੰਕਾਰ
            .Append(new { Character = " ", Symbol = " " })       // Preserve spacing between words
            .ToDictionary(k => k.Character, v => v.Symbol);

            // Create Regex rules for replacements
            var zeroWeightSignsRegex        = new Regex(StringRegexHelper.GetRegexGroup(zeroWeightSigns));
            var multipleSpaceCharsRegex     = new Regex(" +");
            var multipleDeeraghSymbolsRegex = new Regex("s+");
            var heavySequenceRegex          = new Regex("1s");

            text = ToUnicodeGurmukhi(text);

            var result = string
                         .Join("", zeroWeightSignsRegex
                               .Replace(text, "")
                               .Select(value =>
                                       syllabicMapping.TryGetValue(value.ToString(), out var val) ? val : " "));

            result = multipleSpaceCharsRegex.Replace(result, " ");
            result = multipleDeeraghSymbolsRegex.Replace(result, syllableSymbols.Deeragh);
            result = heavySequenceRegex.Replace(result, syllableSymbols.Heavy);
