Exemple #1
        public static void Clock()
            float  epsilon         = .2f;
            string uniqueKey       = "clock";
            int    numFeatures     = 1000;
            int    numIter         = 1000;
            int    numWarmup       = 100;
            int    numInteractions = 1;
            uint   numActions      = 10;

            double timeInit = 0, timeChoose = 0, timeSerializedLog = 0;

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            for (int iter = 0; iter < numIter + numWarmup; iter++)

                StringRecorder <SimpleContext> recorder = new StringRecorder <SimpleContext>();
                StringPolicy policy = new StringPolicy();
                MwtExplorer <SimpleContext>           mwt      = new MwtExplorer <SimpleContext>("mwt", recorder);
                EpsilonGreedyExplorer <SimpleContext> explorer = new EpsilonGreedyExplorer <SimpleContext>(policy, epsilon, numActions);

                timeInit += (iter < numWarmup) ? 0 : watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

                Feature[] f = new Feature[numFeatures];
                for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++)
                    f[i].Id    = (uint)i + 1;
                    f[i].Value = 0.5f;


                SimpleContext context = new SimpleContext(f);

                for (int i = 0; i < numInteractions; i++)
                    mwt.ChooseAction(explorer, uniqueKey, context);

                timeChoose += (iter < numWarmup) ? 0 : watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;


                string interactions = recorder.GetRecording();

                timeSerializedLog += (iter < numWarmup) ? 0 : watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

                for (int i = 0; i < numInteractions; i++)
                    mwt.ChooseAction(explorer, uniqueKey, context);
            Console.WriteLine("--- PER ITERATION ---");
            Console.WriteLine("# iterations: {0}, # interactions: {1}, # context features {2}", numIter, numInteractions, numFeatures);
            Console.WriteLine("Init: {0} micro", timeInit * 1000 / numIter);
            Console.WriteLine("Choose Action: {0} micro", timeChoose * 1000 / (numIter * numInteractions));
            Console.WriteLine("Get Serialized Log: {0} micro", timeSerializedLog * 1000 / numIter);
            Console.WriteLine("--- TOTAL TIME: {0} micro", (timeInit + timeChoose + timeSerializedLog) * 1000);
Exemple #2
        static void ExploreTauFirst <TContext>
            string appId,
            int policyType,
            JToken configPolicy,
            int tau,
            int numActions,
            string[] experimentalUnitIdList,
            TContext[] contextList,
            string outputFile
            var recorder = new StringRecorder <TContext>();

            bool isVariableActionContext = typeof(IVariableActionContext).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TContext));

            switch (policyType)
            case 0:     // fixed policy
                var policyAction = configPolicy["Action"].Value <uint>();

                var policy = new TestPolicy <TContext> {
                    ActionToChoose = policyAction

                var explorer = new TauFirstExplorer(tau);

                var mwt = isVariableActionContext ?
                          MwtExplorer.Create(appId, new VariableActionProvider <TContext>(), recorder, explorer, policy) :
                          MwtExplorer.Create(appId, numActions, recorder, explorer, policy);

                for (int i = 0; i < experimentalUnitIdList.Length; i++)
                    int numActionsVariable = isVariableActionContext ? ((IVariableActionContext)contextList[i]).GetNumberOfActions() : int.MaxValue;
                    mwt.ChooseAction(experimentalUnitIdList[i], contextList[i]);

                File.AppendAllText(outputFile, recorder.GetRecording());

Exemple #3
        static void ExploreGeneric <TContext>
            string appId,
            int policyType,
            JToken configPolicy,
            int numActions,
            string[] experimentalUnitIdList,
            TContext[] contextList,
            string outputFile
            var recorder = new StringRecorder <TContext>();

            bool isVariableActionContext = typeof(IVariableActionContext).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TContext));

            switch (policyType)
            case 0:     // fixed all-equal scorer
                var scorerScore = configPolicy["Score"].Value <int>();

                var scorer = new TestScorer <TContext>(scorerScore, numActions);

                var explorer = new GenericExplorer();

                var mwt = isVariableActionContext ?
                          MwtExplorer.Create(appId, new VariableActionProvider <TContext>(), recorder, explorer, scorer) :
                          MwtExplorer.Create(appId, numActions, recorder, explorer, scorer);

                for (int i = 0; i < experimentalUnitIdList.Length; i++)
                    int numActionsVariable = isVariableActionContext ? ((IVariableActionContext)contextList[i]).GetNumberOfActions() : int.MaxValue;
                    mwt.ChooseAction(experimentalUnitIdList[i], contextList[i]);

                File.AppendAllText(outputFile, recorder.GetRecording());


            case 1:     // integer-progression scorer
                var scorerStartScore = configPolicy["Start"].Value <int>();

                var scorer = new TestScorer <TContext>(scorerStartScore, numActions, uniform: false);

                var explorer = new GenericExplorer();

                var mwt = isVariableActionContext ?
                          MwtExplorer.Create(appId, new VariableActionProvider <TContext>(), recorder, explorer, scorer) :
                          MwtExplorer.Create(appId, numActions, recorder, explorer, scorer);

                for (int i = 0; i < experimentalUnitIdList.Length; i++)
                    int numActionsVariable = isVariableActionContext ? ((IVariableActionContext)contextList[i]).GetNumberOfActions() : int.MaxValue;
                    mwt.ChooseAction(experimentalUnitIdList[i], contextList[i]);

                File.AppendAllText(outputFile, recorder.GetRecording());

        public static void Run()
            string exploration_type = "greedy";

            if (exploration_type == "greedy")
                // Initialize Epsilon-Greedy explore algorithm using built-in StringRecorder and SimpleContext types

                // Creates a recorder of built-in StringRecorder type for string serialization
                StringRecorder <SimpleContext> recorder = new StringRecorder <SimpleContext>();

                int   numActions = 10;
                float epsilon    = 0.2f;
                // Creates an Epsilon-Greedy explorer using the specified settings
                var explorer = new EpsilonGreedyExplorer(epsilon);

                // Creates an MwtExplorer instance using the recorder above
                // Creates a policy that interacts with SimpleContext type
                var mwtt = MwtExplorer.Create("mwt", numActions, recorder, explorer, new StringPolicy());

                // Creates a context of built-in SimpleContext type
                SimpleContext context = new SimpleContext(new float[] { .5f, 1.3f, -.5f });

                // Performs exploration by passing an instance of the Epsilon-Greedy exploration algorithm into MwtExplorer
                // using a sample string to uniquely identify this event
                string uniqueKey = "eventid";
                int    action    = mwtt.ChooseAction(uniqueKey, context);


            else if (exploration_type == "tau-first")
                // Initialize Tau-First explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Policy & Context types
                MyRecorder recorder = new MyRecorder();

                int numActions = 10;
                int tau        = 0;

                //MwtExplorer<MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer<MyContext>("mwt", recorder);
                var mwtt = MwtExplorer.Create("mwt", numActions, recorder, new TauFirstExplorer(tau), new MyPolicy());

                int action = mwtt.ChooseAction("key", new MyContext());
                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetAllInteractions().Select(it => it.Action)));
            else if (exploration_type == "bootstrap")
                // TODO: add support for bootstrap
                //// Initialize Bootstrap explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Policy & Context types
                //MyRecorder recorder = new MyRecorder();
                ////MwtExplorer<MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer<MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                //uint numActions = 10;
                //uint numbags = 2;
                //MyPolicy[] policies = new MyPolicy[numbags];
                //for (int i = 0; i < numbags; i++)
                //    policies[i] = new MyPolicy(i * 2);
                //var mwtt = MwtExplorer.Create("mwt", recorder, new BootstrapExplorer(numActions));
                //uint action = mwtt.ChooseAction(new BootstrapExplorer<MyContext>(policies, numActions), "key", new MyContext());
                //Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetAllInteractions().Select(it => it.Action)));
            else if (exploration_type == "softmax")
                // TODO: add support for softmax
                //// Initialize Softmax explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Scorer & Context types
                //MyRecorder recorder = new MyRecorder();
                //MwtExplorer<MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer<MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                //uint numActions = 10;
                //float lambda = 0.5f;
                //MyScorer scorer = new MyScorer(numActions);
                //uint action = mwtt.ChooseAction(new SoftmaxExplorer<MyContext>(scorer, lambda, numActions), "key", new MyContext());

                //Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetAllInteractions().Select(it => it.Action)));
            else if (exploration_type == "generic")
                // TODO: add support for generic
                //// Initialize Generic explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Scorer & Context types
                //MyRecorder recorder = new MyRecorder();
                //MwtExplorer<MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer<MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                //uint numActions = 10;
                //MyScorer scorer = new MyScorer(numActions);
                //uint action = mwtt.ChooseAction(new GenericExplorer<MyContext>(scorer, numActions), "key", new MyContext());

                //Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetAllInteractions().Select(it => it.Action)));
            {  //add error here
Exemple #5
        public static void Run()
            string exploration_type = "greedy";

            if (exploration_type == "greedy")
                // Initialize Epsilon-Greedy explore algorithm using built-in StringRecorder and SimpleContext types
                StringRecorder <SimpleContext> recorder = new StringRecorder <SimpleContext>();
                MwtExplorer <SimpleContext>    mwtt     = new MwtExplorer <SimpleContext>("mwt", recorder);

                uint          numActions = 10;
                float         epsilon    = 0.2f;
                StringPolicy  policy     = new StringPolicy();
                SimpleContext context    = new SimpleContext(new Feature[] {
                    new Feature()
                        Id = 1, Value = 0.5f
                    new Feature()
                        Id = 4, Value = 1.3f
                    new Feature()
                        Id = 9, Value = -0.5f
                uint action = mwtt.ChooseAction(new EpsilonGreedyExplorer <SimpleContext>(policy, epsilon, numActions), "key", context);


            else if (exploration_type == "tau-first")
                // Initialize Tau-First explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Policy & Context types
                MyRecorder recorder          = new MyRecorder();
                MwtExplorer <MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer <MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                uint     numActions = 10;
                uint     tau        = 0;
                MyPolicy policy     = new MyPolicy();
                uint     action     = mwtt.ChooseAction(new TauFirstExplorer <MyContext>(policy, tau, numActions), "key", new MyContext());
                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetData()));
            else if (exploration_type == "bagging")
                // Initialize Bagging explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Policy & Context types
                MyRecorder recorder          = new MyRecorder();
                MwtExplorer <MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer <MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                uint       numActions = 10;
                uint       numbags    = 2;
                MyPolicy[] policies   = new MyPolicy[numbags];
                for (int i = 0; i < numbags; i++)
                    policies[i] = new MyPolicy(i * 2);
                uint action = mwtt.ChooseAction(new BaggingExplorer <MyContext>(policies, numbags, numActions), "key", new MyContext());
                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetData()));
            else if (exploration_type == "softmax")
                // Initialize Softmax explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Scorer & Context types
                MyRecorder recorder          = new MyRecorder();
                MwtExplorer <MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer <MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                uint     numActions = 10;
                float    lambda     = 0.5f;
                MyScorer scorer     = new MyScorer(numActions);
                uint     action     = mwtt.ChooseAction(new SoftmaxExplorer <MyContext>(scorer, lambda, numActions), "key", new MyContext());

                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetData()));
            else if (exploration_type == "generic")
                // Initialize Generic explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Scorer & Context types
                MyRecorder recorder          = new MyRecorder();
                MwtExplorer <MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer <MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                uint     numActions = 10;
                MyScorer scorer     = new MyScorer(numActions);
                uint     action     = mwtt.ChooseAction(new GenericExplorer <MyContext>(scorer, numActions), "key", new MyContext());

                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetData()));
            {  //add error here
        public static void Run()
            string exploration_type = "greedy";

            if (exploration_type == "greedy")
                // Initialize Epsilon-Greedy explore algorithm using built-in StringRecorder and SimpleContext types

                // Creates a recorder of built-in StringRecorder type for string serialization
                StringRecorder <SimpleContext> recorder = new StringRecorder <SimpleContext>();

                // Creates an MwtExplorer instance using the recorder above
                MwtExplorer <SimpleContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer <SimpleContext>("mwt", recorder);

                // Creates a policy that interacts with SimpleContext type
                StringPolicy policy = new StringPolicy();

                uint  numActions = 10;
                float epsilon    = 0.2f;
                // Creates an Epsilon-Greedy explorer using the specified settings
                EpsilonGreedyExplorer <SimpleContext> explorer = new EpsilonGreedyExplorer <SimpleContext>(policy, epsilon, numActions);

                // Creates a context of built-in SimpleContext type
                SimpleContext context = new SimpleContext(new Feature[] {
                    new Feature()
                        Id = 1, Value = 0.5f
                    new Feature()
                        Id = 4, Value = 1.3f
                    new Feature()
                        Id = 9, Value = -0.5f

                // Performs exploration by passing an instance of the Epsilon-Greedy exploration algorithm into MwtExplorer
                // using a sample string to uniquely identify this event
                string uniqueKey = "eventid";
                uint   action    = mwtt.ChooseAction(explorer, uniqueKey, context);


            else if (exploration_type == "tau-first")
                // Initialize Tau-First explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Policy & Context types
                MyRecorder recorder          = new MyRecorder();
                MwtExplorer <MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer <MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                uint     numActions = 10;
                uint     tau        = 0;
                MyPolicy policy     = new MyPolicy();
                uint     action     = mwtt.ChooseAction(new TauFirstExplorer <MyContext>(policy, tau, numActions), "key", new MyContext());
                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetAllInteractions().Select(it => it.Action)));
            else if (exploration_type == "bootstrap")
                // Initialize Bootstrap explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Policy & Context types
                MyRecorder recorder          = new MyRecorder();
                MwtExplorer <MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer <MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                uint       numActions = 10;
                uint       numbags    = 2;
                MyPolicy[] policies   = new MyPolicy[numbags];
                for (int i = 0; i < numbags; i++)
                    policies[i] = new MyPolicy(i * 2);
                uint action = mwtt.ChooseAction(new BootstrapExplorer <MyContext>(policies, numActions), "key", new MyContext());
                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetAllInteractions().Select(it => it.Action)));
            else if (exploration_type == "softmax")
                // Initialize Softmax explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Scorer & Context types
                MyRecorder recorder          = new MyRecorder();
                MwtExplorer <MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer <MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                uint     numActions = 10;
                float    lambda     = 0.5f;
                MyScorer scorer     = new MyScorer(numActions);
                uint     action     = mwtt.ChooseAction(new SoftmaxExplorer <MyContext>(scorer, lambda, numActions), "key", new MyContext());

                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetAllInteractions().Select(it => it.Action)));
            else if (exploration_type == "generic")
                // Initialize Generic explore algorithm using custom Recorder, Scorer & Context types
                MyRecorder recorder          = new MyRecorder();
                MwtExplorer <MyContext> mwtt = new MwtExplorer <MyContext>("mwt", recorder);

                uint     numActions = 10;
                MyScorer scorer     = new MyScorer(numActions);
                uint     action     = mwtt.ChooseAction(new GenericExplorer <MyContext>(scorer, numActions), "key", new MyContext());

                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", recorder.GetAllInteractions().Select(it => it.Action)));
            {  //add error here