// Clear our internal caches
 internal static void ClearCachedData()
     s_cachedCultures = null;
     s_cachedRegions = null;
        internal static CultureData GetCultureData(String cultureName, bool useUserOverride)
            // First do a shortcut for Invariant
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureName))
                return CultureData.Invariant;

            // Try the hash table first
            String hashName = AnsiToLower(useUserOverride ? cultureName : cultureName + '*');
            StringCultureDataDictionary tempHashTable = s_cachedCultures;
            if (tempHashTable == null)
                // No table yet, make a new one
                tempHashTable = new StringCultureDataDictionary();
                // Check the hash table
                bool ret;
                CultureData retVal;
                lock (s_lock)
                    ret = tempHashTable.TryGetValue(hashName, out retVal);
                if (ret && retVal != null)
                    return retVal;

            // Not found in the hash table, need to see if we can build one that works for us
            CultureData culture = CreateCultureData(cultureName, useUserOverride);
            if (culture == null)
                return null;

            // Found one, add it to the cache
            lock (s_lock)
                tempHashTable[hashName] = culture;

            // Copy the hashtable to the corresponding member variables.  This will potentially overwrite
            // new tables simultaneously created by a new thread, but maximizes thread safety.
            s_cachedCultures = tempHashTable;

            return culture;
        internal static CultureData GetCultureDataForRegion(String cultureName, bool useUserOverride)
            // First do a shortcut for Invariant
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureName))
                return CultureData.Invariant;

            // First check if GetCultureData() can find it (ie: its a real culture)
            CultureData retVal = GetCultureData(cultureName, useUserOverride);
            if (retVal != null && (retVal.IsNeutralCulture == false)) return retVal;

            // Not a specific culture, perhaps it's region-only name
            // (Remember this isn't a core clr path where that's not supported)

            // If it was neutral remember that so that RegionInfo() can throw the right exception
            CultureData neutral = retVal;

            // Try the hash table next
            String hashName = AnsiToLower(useUserOverride ? cultureName : cultureName + '*');
            StringCultureDataDictionary tempHashTable = s_cachedRegions;
            if (tempHashTable == null)
                // No table yet, make a new one
                tempHashTable = new StringCultureDataDictionary();
                // Check the hash table
                lock (s_lock)
                    tempHashTable.TryGetValue(hashName, out retVal);
                if (retVal != null)
                    return retVal;

            // Not found in the hash table, look it up the hard way

            // If not a valid mapping from the registry we'll have to try the hard coded table
            if (retVal == null || (retVal.IsNeutralCulture == true))
                // Not a valid mapping, try the hard coded table
                string name;
                if (RegionNames.TryGetValue(cultureName, out name))
                    // Make sure we can get culture data for it
                    retVal = GetCultureData(name, useUserOverride);

            // If not found in the hard coded table we'll have to find a culture that works for us
            if (retVal == null || (retVal.IsNeutralCulture == true))
                retVal = GetCultureDataFromRegionName(cultureName);

            // If we found one we can use, then cache it for next time
            if (retVal != null && (retVal.IsNeutralCulture == false))
                // first add it to the cache
                lock (s_lock)
                    tempHashTable[hashName] = retVal;

                // Copy the hashtable to the corresponding member variables.  This will potentially overwrite
                // new tables simultaneously created by a new thread, but maximizes thread safety.
                s_cachedRegions = tempHashTable;
                // Unable to find a matching culture/region, return null or neutral
                // (regionInfo throws a more specific exception on neutrals)
                retVal = neutral;

            // Return the found culture to use, null, or the neutral culture.
            return retVal;