Exemple #1
        public async Task <string> UpdateUserInfo([FromBody] User user)
                if (user != null)
                    StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                    user.Id = Guid.Parse(stringConversion.DecryptString(user.UpdatedId));
                    var extendUserResponse = await _bosAuthClient.ExtendUserAsync(user);

                    if (extendUserResponse != null && extendUserResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        return("User's information updated successfully");
                        return(extendUserResponse != null ? extendUserResponse.BOSErrors[0].Message : "We are unable to update this user's information at this time. Please try again.");
                    return("User data inputted is inaccurate. Please try again");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Users", "UpdateUserInfo", ex);
Exemple #2
        public async Task <string> ForcePasswordChange([FromBody] JObject data)
                if (data != null)
                    StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                    string           userId           = stringConversion.DecryptString(data["userId"].ToString()); //Decrypting the userId sent from the View

                    string password = data["password"].ToString();
                    var    response = await _bosAuthClient.ForcePasswordChangeAsync(Guid.Parse(userId), password); //Making an call to the BOS API to ForceChange the Password. This is done because at this point there is no way of knowing the user's original password

                    if (response != null && response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        return("Password updated successfully"); //On success, returing a message
                        Logger.LogException("Auth", "ForcePasswordChange", null);
                        return("Something went wrong. We are not able to change the password at this moment. Please try again later.");
                    return("Data cannot be null");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Auth", "ForcePasswordChange", ex);
                return("Something went wrong. We are not able to change the password at this moment. Please try again later.");
        public async Task <string> UpdateUserRolesByAdmin([FromBody] JObject data)
                List <Role>      updatedRoles     = data["UpdatedRoles"].ToObject <List <Role> >();
                var              updatedUserId    = data["UserId"].ToString();
                StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                Guid             userId           = Guid.Parse(stringConversion.DecryptString(updatedUserId));
                if (updatedRoles.Count > 0)
                    var response = await _bosAuthClient.AssociateUserToMultipleRolesAsync(userId, updatedRoles);

                    if (response != null && !response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        throw new Exception("Something went wrong while updating the roles. Please try again later");
                        return("User's roles updates successfully");
                    return("Roles to associate with the user cannot be empty");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Roles", "UpdateRole", ex);
Exemple #4
        public async Task <string> DeleteUser([FromBody] string userId)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                    StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                    string           actualUserId     = stringConversion.DecryptString(userId);

                    var response = await _bosAuthClient.DeleteUserAsync(Guid.Parse(actualUserId));

                    if (response != null && response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        return("User deleted successfully");
                        return(response != null ? response.BOSErrors[0].Message : "We are unable to delete this user at this time. Please try again.");
                    return("UserId cannot be null. Please check and try again.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Users", "DeleteUser", ex);
Exemple #5
        public async Task <string> DeleteUser([FromBody] string userId)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)) //Confirming a non-null, non-empty userId
                    StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                    string           actualUserId     = stringConversion.DecryptString(userId);    //Since the userId sent to the view is encrypted, before sending it to the BOS API, we have to decrypt it

                    var response = await _bosAuthClient.DeleteUserAsync(Guid.Parse(actualUserId)); //Making an API call to BOS to delete the user

                    if (response != null && response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        return("User deleted successfully"); //On success, return the message
                        return(response != null ? response.BOSErrors[0].Message : "We are unable to delete this user at this time. Please try again."); //Else, return the BOS error message
                        //An example could be, if there is no user with the id
                    return("UserId cannot be null. Please check and try again.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Users", "DeleteUser", ex);
        public async Task <IActionResult> EditUser(string userId)
                dynamic          model            = new ExpandoObject();
                StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                string           actualUserId     = stringConversion.DecryptString(userId);
                var userInfo = await _bosAuthClient.GetUserByIdWithRolesAsync <User>(Guid.Parse(actualUserId));

                if (userInfo.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    userInfo.User.UpdatedId = userId;
                    model.UserInfo          = userInfo.User;

                List <string> rolesList = new List <string>();
                foreach (UserRole role in userInfo.User.Roles)
                model.RolesList = rolesList;
                var availableRoles = await _bosAuthClient.GetRolesAsync <Role>();

                if (availableRoles.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    model.AvailableRoles = availableRoles.Roles;

                return(View("EditUser", model));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        public async Task <string> ForcePasswordChange([FromBody] JObject data)
                StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                string           userId           = stringConversion.DecryptString(data["userId"].ToString());

                string password = data["password"].ToString();
                var    response = await _bosAuthClient.ForcePasswordChangeAsync(Guid.Parse(userId), password);

                if (response != null && response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    return("Password updated successfully");
                    Logger.LogException("Auth", "ForcePasswordChange", null);
                    return("Something went wrong. We are not able to change the password at this moment. Please try again later.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Auth", "ForcePasswordChange", ex);
                return("Something went wrong. We are not able to change the password at this moment. Please try again later.");
        public async Task <string> UpdateUserInfo([FromBody] User user)
                if (user != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.UpdatedId)) //Checking for a non-null user object
                    StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                    user.Id = Guid.Parse(stringConversion.DecryptString(user.UpdatedId)); //Since the userId sent to the view is encrypted, before sending it to the BOS API, we have to decrypt it
                    var extendUserResponse = await _bosAuthClient.ExtendUserAsync(user);  //Making an API call to BOS to update the user's information

                    if (extendUserResponse != null && extendUserResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        return("User's information updated successfully"); //On success, returning the message
                        //Else, return the BOS error message. An example could be, if there is no user with the id
                        return(extendUserResponse != null ? extendUserResponse.BOSErrors[0].Message : "We are unable to update this user's information at this time. Please try again.");
                    return("User data cannot be null. Please try again");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Users", "UpdateUserInfo", ex);
Exemple #9
        public async Task <string> UpdateUserRolesByAdmin([FromBody] JObject data)
                if (data != null && data["UpdatedRoles"] != null)                              //Checking for non-null input data and roles list
                    List <Role> updatedRoles = data["UpdatedRoles"].ToObject <List <Role> >(); //Converting the data to a list of roles
                    Guid        userId       = Guid.Empty;
                    if (data["UserId"] != null)
                        var updatedUserId = data["UserId"].ToString(); //The userId sent to the View is in an encrypted format. So, we will have to decrypt it before sending it to the BOS API
                        StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                        userId = Guid.Parse(stringConversion.DecryptString(updatedUserId));

                    if (updatedRoles.Count > 0) //Confirming that there is at least one role in the list
                        if (userId != Guid.Empty)
                            var response = await _bosAuthClient.AssociateUserToMultipleRolesAsync(userId, updatedRoles); //Making an API call to BOS to associate user with the roles

                            if (response != null && response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                                return("User's roles updates successfully"); //On success, returing appropriate message
                            else if (response != null && response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                                return("Token Expired, Please try again");//Token Expired
                                return(response.BOSErrors[0].Message); //Else, return BOS error message
                            return("Incorrect user id");
                        return("Roles to associate with the user cannot be empty");
                    return("Roles to associate with the user cannot be empty");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Roles", "UpdateRole", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Author: BOS Framework, Inc
        /// Description: Is triggered when the 'Edit' link is clicked. Returns the view with the form to edit the selected user, with the information pre-filled.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <IActionResult> EditUser(string userId)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                    dynamic model = await GetPageData();

                    if (model == null)
                        model = new ExpandoObject();

                    StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                    string           actualUserId     = stringConversion.DecryptString(userId);
                    var userInfo = await _bosAuthClient.GetUserByIdWithRolesAsync <User>(Guid.Parse(actualUserId));

                    if (userInfo != null && userInfo.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        userInfo.User.UpdatedId = userId;
                        model.UserInfo          = userInfo.User;

                    List <string> rolesList = new List <string>();
                    foreach (UserRole role in userInfo.User.Roles)
                    model.RolesList = rolesList;
                    var availableRoles = await _bosAuthClient.GetRolesAsync <Role>();

                    if (availableRoles != null && availableRoles.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        model.AvailableRoles = availableRoles.Roles;

                    return(View("EditUser", model));
                    ModelState.AddModelError("CustomError", "The selected user has inaccurate id. Please try again.");
                    return(View("Index", await GetPageData()));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Users", "EditUser", ex);

                dynamic model = new ExpandoObject();
                model.Message    = ex.Message;
                model.StackTrace = ex.StackTrace;
                return(View("ErrorPage", model));
        public async Task <string> UpdateUserInfo([FromBody] User user)
            StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();

            user.Id = Guid.Parse(stringConversion.DecryptString(user.UpdatedId));
            var extendUserResponse = await _bosAuthClient.ExtendUserAsync(user);

            if (extendUserResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                return("User's information updated successfully");
        public async Task <string> DeleteUser([FromBody] string userId)
            StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
            string           actualUserId     = stringConversion.DecryptString(userId);

            var response = await _bosAuthClient.DeleteUserAsync(Guid.Parse(actualUserId));

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                return("User deleted successfully");
                throw new Exception(response.BOSErrors[0].Message);
Exemple #13
        public async Task <string> ForcePasswordChange([FromBody] JObject data)
            StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
            string           userId           = stringConversion.DecryptString(data["userId"].ToString());

            string password = data["password"].ToString();
            var    response = await _bosAuthClient.ForcePasswordChangeAsync(Guid.Parse(userId), password);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                return("Password updated successfully");
                throw new Exception(response.BOSErrors[0].Message);
Exemple #14
        public async Task <string> UpdateUserInfo([FromBody] JObject user)
                if (user != null) //Confirm non-null input data
                    StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                    Guid             myId             = Guid.Parse(stringConversion.DecryptString(Convert.ToString(user["UpdatedId"])));
                    bool             confirmed        = false;
                    string           emailConfirmed   = Convert.ToString(user["EmailConfirmed"]);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailConfirmed))
                        confirmed = true;
                    User edituser = new User {
                        Id = myId, Active = Convert.ToBoolean(user["Active"]), Email = Convert.ToString(user["Email"]), FirstName = Convert.ToString(user["FirstName"]), LastName = Convert.ToString(user["LastName"]), Username = Convert.ToString(user["Username"]), EmailConfirmed = Convert.ToBoolean(confirmed), Deleted = false
                    var extendUserResponse = await _bosAuthClient.ExtendUserAsync(edituser);

                    if (extendUserResponse != null && extendUserResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        return("User's information updated successfully"); //On success, returning the message
                    else if (extendUserResponse != null && extendUserResponse.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                        return("Token Expired, Please try again");//Token Expired
                        //Else, return the BOS error message. An example could be, if there is no user with the id
                        return(extendUserResponse != null ? extendUserResponse.BOSErrors[0].Message : "We are unable to update this user's information at this time. Please try again.");
                    return("User data cannot be null. Please try again");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Users", "UpdateUserInfo", ex);
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Author: BOS Framework, Inc
        /// Description: Is triggered when the 'Edit' link is clicked. Returns the view with the form to edit the selected user, with the information pre-filled.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <IActionResult> EditUser(string userId)
                /*-------- LOGIC ----------
                 * Confirm non-null userId sent as the input
                 * Decrypt the userId to get the actual userId
                 * Get the user's information and associated roles via BOS API call
                 * Get all the roles in the application
                 * Prepare the model object that is required to render the page
                 * Navigate to the "EditUsewr" view with data
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))       //Checking for a non-null, non-empty userId
                    dynamic model = await GetPageData(); //Getting the data that is required for rendering the page

                    if (model == null)
                        model = new ExpandoObject(); //If the method returns null, then re-ininitate a dynamic object

                    StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                    string           actualUserId     = stringConversion.DecryptString(userId);                     //The userID that is sent to the view is encrypted. Before sending it to the BOS API, we'll have to decrypt it
                    var userInfo = await _bosAuthClient.GetUserByIdWithRolesAsync <User>(Guid.Parse(actualUserId)); //Making an API call to BOS to get the user's information together with the associated roles

                    if (userInfo != null && userInfo.IsSuccessStatusCode && userInfo.User != null)
                        userInfo.User.UpdatedId = userId;        //Setting rhe updated (encrypted) userID, so it can be used in the View
                        model.UserInfo          = userInfo.User; //User's data is assigned to the model

                        List <string> rolesList = new List <string>();
                        foreach (UserRole role in userInfo.User.Roles)
                        model.RolesList = rolesList; //All the roles that the user is already associated with

                    var availableRoles = await _bosAuthClient.GetRolesAsync <Role>(); //Making a BOS API Call to fetch all the Roles in the application

                    if (availableRoles != null && availableRoles.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        model.AvailableRoles = availableRoles.Roles; //On success, setting the complete Roles list

                    return(View("EditUser", model)); //Returning to the "EditUser" view, that has the form to edit user's information and roles, with the data required  to render the page
                    ModelState.AddModelError("CustomError", "The selected user has inaccurate id. Please try again.");
                    return(View("Index", await GetPageData()));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Users", "EditUser", ex);

                dynamic model = new ExpandoObject();
                model.Message    = ex.Message;
                model.StackTrace = ex.StackTrace;
                return(View("ErrorPage", model));
Exemple #16
        public async Task <string> ChangeUserActiveStatus([FromBody] JObject data)
                if (data != null)
                    if (data["UserId"] == null)
                        return("UserId cannot be null");
                    else if (data["Action"] == null)
                        return("Action cannot be null");

                    StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion();
                    string           actualUserId     = stringConversion.DecryptString(data["UserId"]?.ToString()); //Since the userId sent to the view is encrypted, before sending it to the BOS API, we have to decrypt it

                    var action = data["Action"]?.ToString();

                    //Based on the action that has been requested, we either make a call to the BOS' ActivateUser API or DeactivateUser API
                    if (action == "activate")
                        var response = await _bosAuthClient.ActivateUserAsync(Guid.Parse(actualUserId)); //Making the BOS API call with the userId

                        if (response != null && response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            return("The user has been activated successfully"); //On success, returning an appropriate message
                            return(response.BOSErrors[0].Message); //On error, returing the BOS error message
                    else if (action == "deactivate")
                        var response = await _bosAuthClient.DeactivateUserAsync(Guid.Parse(actualUserId));  //Making the BOS API call with the userId

                        if (response != null && response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            return("The user has been deactivated successfully"); //On success, returning an appropriate message
                            return(response.BOSErrors[0].Message); //On error, returing the BOS error message
                        return("You are trying to perform an unrecognized operation");
                    return("Data cannot be null");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException("Users", "ChangeUserActiveStatus", ex);