Exemple #1
        public override string ToString()
            var nargs   = new int[Shape.Length];
            var strides = Utils.Shape2Strides(Shape);


            string result = "";
            var    last = strides.Length == 1 ? Count : strides[strides.Length - 2];
            string before, after;

            List <Type> listValues = GetData.ToList();

            if (Utils.IsDebugLvl1)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (Shape.Length > 1 || Shape[0] != 1)
                    sb.AppendLine($"Shape:({Shape.Glue()}) Version:{GetHashCode(),10}");

                string dbg = $" : np.array([{listValues.Glue(",")}], dtype={OpsT.dtype}).reshape({Shape.Glue(",")})";
                var    nd  = $"NDArray<{typeof(Type).Name}>";
                sb.AppendLine($"{nd,-20} {Shape.Glue("x")}{dbg}");
                sb.AppendLine($"Counters. DataAccess:{Counters.Data} / MethCall:{Counters.MethCall}");

            var    ml0 = listValues.Select(v => $"{v}").Max(v => v.Length);
            var    ml1 = listValues.Select(v => $"{v:F8}").Max(v => v.Length);
            string fmt = $"{{0,{ml0 + 2}}}";

            if (ml0 > ml1 + 3)
                fmt = $"{{0,{ml1 + 2}:F8}}";

            for (int idx = 0; idx < Count; ++idx)
                after = before = "";

                if (idx % last == 0 || idx % last == last - 1)
                    before = idx != 0 ? " " : "[";
                    after  = idx == Count - 1 ? "]" : "";
                    for (int l = strides.Length - 2; l >= 0; --l)
                        if (idx % strides[l] == 0)
                            before += "[";
                            before = " " + before;

                        if (idx % strides[l] == strides[l] - 1)
                            after += "]";

                result += idx % last == 0 ? before : "";
                var val = listValues[idx];
                result += string.Format(fmt, val);
                result += idx % last == last - 1 ? after + "\n" : "";
                result += after.Length > 1 && idx != Count - 1 ? "\n" : "";

            if (Utils.IsDebugNo)
                result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1);

Exemple #2
 public void ChangeShape(int[] shape)
     Shape   = shape;
     Strides = Strides.ToArray();
     Indices = new int[Shape.Length];
Exemple #3
        public Rnn(RnnType ty, Variable <T> x, int numLayers, int hiddenSize, bool isTraining = true, double dropout = 0.0, ulong dropoutSeed = 1337UL)
            Type        = ty;
            IsTraining  = isTraining;
            NumLayers   = numLayers;
            HiddenSize  = hiddenSize;
            Dropout     = isTraining ? dropout : 0.0;
            DropoutSeed = dropoutSeed;

            // X shape (seqLength, batch, inputSize)
            X = x;
            Util.EnsureEqual(3, X.Shape.Rank, "Input layout: (seqLength, batch, inputSize)");
            Util.EnsureTrue(X.Shape[0] >= 0, "Input layout: (seqLength, batch, inputSize)");
            Util.EnsureTrue(X.Shape[1] >= 0, "Input layout: (seqLength, batch, inputSize)");
            Util.EnsureTrue(X.Shape[2] >= 0, "Input layout: (seqLength, batch, inputSize)");
            SeqLength = (int)X.Shape[0];
            MiniBatch = (int)X.Shape[1];
            InputSize = (int)X.Shape[2];

            // Y Shape (seqLength, batch, hiddenSize)
            Y = Variable <T>(PartialShape.Create(SeqLength, MiniBatch, HiddenSize));

            // W shape will be determined during initialization
            W = Parameter <T>();

            // state variables
            var shape   = PartialShape.Create(NumLayers, MiniBatch, HiddenSize);
            var strides = Strides.Create(shape[1] * shape[2], shape[2], 1); // inner change most

            HX        = Variable <T>(shape);
            CX        = Variable <T>(shape);
            HY        = Variable <T>(shape);
            CY        = Variable <T>(shape);
            StateDesc = new TensorDescriptor();
            StateDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), shape.AsInt32Array, strides.AsInt32Array);

            // xDesc is an array, for each step
            shape   = PartialShape.Create(MiniBatch, InputSize, 1);
            strides = Strides.Create(shape[1] * shape[2], shape[2], 1);
            var xDesc = new TensorDescriptor();

            xDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), shape.AsInt32Array, strides.AsInt32Array);
            XDesc = Enumerable.Repeat(xDesc, SeqLength).ToArray();

            // yDesc is an array, for each step
            shape   = PartialShape.Create(MiniBatch, HiddenSize, 1);
            strides = Strides.Create(shape[1] * shape[2], shape[2], 1);
            var yDesc = new TensorDescriptor();

            yDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), shape.AsInt32Array, strides.AsInt32Array);
            YDesc = Enumerable.Repeat(yDesc, SeqLength).ToArray();

            // construct the graph
Exemple #4
        public override void Initialize(Executor executor)
            var context = executor.Context.ToGpuContext();
            var dnn     = context.Dnn;

            // dropout
            var    dropoutDesc = executor.DropoutDescDict[DropoutDesc];
            IntPtr dropoutStatesSize;

            dnn.DropoutGetStatesSize(out dropoutStatesSize);
            var dropoutStates = executor.GetTensor(DropoutStates, Shape.Create(dropoutStatesSize.ToInt64()));

            dropoutDesc.Set(dnn, (float)Dropout, dropoutStates.Buffer.Ptr, dropoutStatesSize, DropoutSeed);

            // rnn descriptor
            var rnnDesc = executor.RnnDescDict[RnnDesc];
            var mode    = RnnType.Mode;

            rnnDesc.Set(HiddenSize, NumLayers, dropoutDesc, RNNInputMode.LINEAR_INPUT, DirectionMode.UNIDIRECTIONAL, mode, Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>());

            // initialize weight, once only, using minibatch size 1
            var shape   = PartialShape.Create(1, InputSize, 1); // first dimension does not affect the weight shape and size TODO test all, tested only for LSTM
            var strides = Strides.Create(shape[1] * shape[2], shape[2], 1);
            var xDesc   = new TensorDescriptor();

            xDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), shape.AsInt32Array, strides.AsInt32Array);
            var    wDesc = executor.FilterDescDict[WDesc];
            IntPtr weightsSize;

            dnn.GetRNNParamsSize(rnnDesc, xDesc, out weightsSize, Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>());
            Util.EnsureTrue(weightsSize.ToInt64() % Gpu.SizeOf <T>() == 0);
            var shapeW = Shape.Create(weightsSize.ToInt64() / Alea.Gpu.SizeOf <T>());

            wDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), TensorFormat.CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, new [] { (int)shapeW[0], 1, 1 });

            // since we are using cuDNN, we'd better make sure these varaibles are allocated
            executor.GetTensor(W, shapeW);
            if (IsTraining)
                executor.GetGradient(W, shapeW);

            // init weights
            var numLinearLayers = RnnType.NumLinLayers;

            using (var filterDesc = new FilterDescriptor())
                var w          = executor.GetTensor(W);
                var filterDimA = new int[3];

                for (var layer = 0; layer < NumLayers; ++layer)
                    for (var linLayerId = 0; linLayerId < numLinearLayers; ++linLayerId)
                        int          nbDims;
                        DataType     dataType;
                        TensorFormat format;

                        deviceptr <T> linLayerMat;
                        dnn.GetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams(rnnDesc, layer, xDesc, wDesc, w.Buffer.Ptr, linLayerId, filterDesc, out linLayerMat);

                        filterDesc.GetND(out dataType, out format, out nbDims, filterDimA);
                        var length = filterDimA.Aggregate(ScalarOps.Mul);

                        var linLayerMatBuffer = new Buffer <T>(context.Device, w.Memory, new Layout(Shape.Create(length)), linLayerMat);
                        var linLayerMatTensor = new Tensor <T>(linLayerMatBuffer);
                        context.Assign(linLayerMatTensor, RandomNormal <T>(Shape.Create(length)) / (Math.Sqrt(HiddenSize + InputSize).AsScalar <T>()));

                        deviceptr <T> linLayerBias;
                        dnn.GetRNNLinLayerBiasParams(rnnDesc, layer, xDesc, wDesc, w.Buffer.Ptr, linLayerId, filterDesc, out linLayerBias);

                        filterDesc.GetND(out dataType, out format, out nbDims, filterDimA);
                        length = filterDimA.Aggregate(ScalarOps.Mul);

                        var linLayerBiasBuffer = new Buffer <T>(context.Device, w.Memory, new Layout(Shape.Create(length)), linLayerBias);
                        var linLayerBiasTensor = new Tensor <T>(linLayerBiasBuffer);
                        RnnType.InitBias(context, layer, linLayerId, linLayerBiasTensor);

Exemple #5
        public RnnDescr(Executor executor, RnnDynamic <T> rnn)
            var context = executor.Context.ToGpuContext();
            var dnn     = context.Dnn;

            Rnn = rnn;
            var x = executor.GetTensor(Rnn.X);

            SeqLength = (int)x.Shape[0];
            MiniBatch = (int)x.Shape[1];

            var shape = Shape.Create(SeqLength, MiniBatch, Rnn.HiddenSize);

            executor.GetTensor(Rnn.Y, shape);

            // state variables
            shape = Shape.Create(Rnn.NumLayers, MiniBatch, Rnn.HiddenSize);
            var strides = Strides.Create(shape[1] * shape[2], shape[2], 1); // inner change most

            executor.GetTensor(Rnn.HX, shape);
            executor.GetTensor(Rnn.CX, shape);
            executor.GetTensor(Rnn.HY, shape);
            executor.GetTensor(Rnn.CY, shape);
            StateDesc = new TensorDescriptor();
            StateDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), shape.AsInt32Array, strides.AsInt32Array);

            // xDesc is an array, for each step
            shape   = Shape.Create(MiniBatch, rnn.InputSize, 1);
            strides = Strides.Create(shape[1] * shape[2], shape[2], 1);
            var xDesc = new TensorDescriptor();

            xDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), shape.AsInt32Array, strides.AsInt32Array);
            XDesc = Enumerable.Repeat(xDesc, SeqLength).ToArray();

            // yDesc is an array, for each step
            shape   = Shape.Create(MiniBatch, rnn.HiddenSize, 1);
            strides = Strides.Create(shape[1] * shape[2], shape[2], 1);
            var yDesc = new TensorDescriptor();

            yDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), shape.AsInt32Array, strides.AsInt32Array);
            YDesc = Enumerable.Repeat(yDesc, SeqLength).ToArray();

            // workspace and reserved space
            var    rnnDesc = executor.RnnDescDict[rnn.RnnDesc];
            IntPtr workSize;

            dnn.GetRNNWorkspaceSize(rnnDesc, SeqLength, XDesc, out workSize);
            executor.GetTensor(Rnn.Workspace, Shape.Create(workSize.ToInt64()));

            if (Rnn.IsTraining)
                IntPtr reserveSize;
                dnn.GetRNNTrainingReserveSize(rnnDesc, SeqLength, XDesc, out reserveSize);
                executor.GetTensor(Rnn.ReserveSpace, Shape.Create(reserveSize.ToInt64()));

                executor.GetGradient(Rnn.X, x.Shape);
                executor.GetGradient(Rnn.Y, Shape.Create(SeqLength, MiniBatch, Rnn.HiddenSize));
                executor.GetGradient(Rnn.HX, Shape.Create(Rnn.NumLayers, MiniBatch, Rnn.HiddenSize));
                executor.GetGradient(Rnn.CX, Shape.Create(Rnn.NumLayers, MiniBatch, Rnn.HiddenSize));
Exemple #6
        public RnnCell(Executor executor, RnnType rnnType, Variable <T> w, int inputSize, int batch, int hiddenSize,
                       int numLayers, bool isTraining, double dropoutProbability, ulong dropoutSeed = 1337UL)
            IsTraining = isTraining;
            BatchSize  = batch;
            InputSize  = inputSize;
            HiddenSize = hiddenSize;
            NumLayers  = numLayers;
            RnnType    = rnnType;
            W          = w;

            var context = executor.Context.ToGpuContext();
            var dnn     = context.Dnn;

            // state variables
            var shape   = Shape.Create(numLayers, batch, hiddenSize);
            var strides = Strides.Create(shape[1] * shape[2], shape[2], 1); // inner change most

            StateDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), shape.AsInt32Array, strides.AsInt32Array);

            // xDesc is an array of one element because we do only one step
            shape   = Shape.Create(batch, inputSize, 1);
            strides = Strides.Create(shape[1] * shape[2], shape[2], 1);
            var xDesc = new TensorDescriptor();

            xDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), shape.AsInt32Array, strides.AsInt32Array);
            XDesc = Enumerable.Repeat(xDesc, 1).ToArray();

            // yDesc is an array of one element because we do only one step
            shape   = Shape.Create(batch, hiddenSize, 1);
            strides = Strides.Create(shape[1] * shape[2], shape[2], 1);
            var yDesc = new TensorDescriptor();

            yDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), shape.AsInt32Array, strides.AsInt32Array);
            YDesc = Enumerable.Repeat(yDesc, 1).ToArray();

            IntPtr dropoutStatesSize;

            dnn.DropoutGetStatesSize(out dropoutStatesSize);
            DropoutStates = executor.Context.Device.Allocate <byte>(Shape.Create(dropoutStatesSize.ToInt64()));
            DropoutDesc.Set(dnn, (float)dropoutProbability, DropoutStates.Buffer.Ptr, dropoutStatesSize, dropoutSeed);

            var mode = rnnType.Mode;

            RnnDesc.Set(hiddenSize, numLayers, DropoutDesc, RNNInputMode.LINEAR_INPUT, DirectionMode.UNIDIRECTIONAL, mode, Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>());

            IntPtr workSize;

            dnn.GetRNNWorkspaceSize(RnnDesc, 1, XDesc, out workSize);
            Workspace = executor.Context.Device.Allocate <byte>(Shape.Create(workSize.ToInt64()));

            if (isTraining)
                IntPtr reserveSize;
                dnn.GetRNNTrainingReserveSize(RnnDesc, 1, XDesc, out reserveSize);
                ReserveSize = reserveSize.ToInt64();
                //ReserveSpace = executor.AttentionState.Device.Allocate<byte>(Shape.Create(reserveSize.ToInt64()));

            IntPtr weightsSize;

            dnn.GetRNNParamsSize(RnnDesc, xDesc, out weightsSize, Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>());
            Util.EnsureTrue(weightsSize.ToInt64() % Gpu.SizeOf <T>() == 0);
            var shapeW = Shape.Create(weightsSize.ToInt64() / Alea.Gpu.SizeOf <T>());

            WDesc.SetND(Dnn.DataTypeOf <T>(), TensorFormat.CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, new[] { (int)shapeW[0], 1, 1 });

            executor.GetTensor(W, shapeW);
            if (isTraining)
                executor.GetGradient(W, shapeW);