Exemple #1
        protected bool makeStreets(
            RoadSegment <MetaInformation> approvedSeg,
            List <RoadSegment <MetaInformation> > potentialSegs)
            // Vaialble declarations
            bool  branchAppeared    = false;
            var   pendingBranchSegs = new List <RoadSegment <MetaInformation> >();
            float branchDigreeDiff  = 0f;
            Road  approvedRoad      = approvedSeg.getLastRoad();

            // If segment grows beyond the fixed length,
            // several branches will appear.
            if (approvedSeg.TotalLength >= Config.STREET_SEGMENT_MAX_LENGTH)
                branchAppeared = true;

            // growth segment will grow along last segment.
            var   pendingGrowthSegs = new List <RoadSegment <MetaInformation> >();
            float growthDigreeDiff  = Config.STREET_GROWTH_MAX_DEGREE - Config.STREET_GROWTH_MIN_DEGREE;

            // branch segment will make a branch from the end.
            if (branchAppeared)
                branchDigreeDiff = Config.STREET_BRANCH_MAX_DEGREE - Config.STREET_BRANCH_MIN_DEGREE;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                // get a growth digree randomly
                float growthDigree = Random.Range(-growthDigreeDiff, growthDigreeDiff);
                growthDigree += (growthDigree > 0) ?
                                Config.STREET_GROWTH_MIN_DEGREE : -Config.STREET_GROWTH_MIN_DEGREE;

                // figure out the end point of new road
                var rotation         = Quaternion.Euler(0, growthDigree, 0);
                var potentialRoadEnd = approvedRoad.end.position +
                                       rotation * approvedRoad.Direction.normalized * Config.STREET_DEFAULT_LENGTH;

                // create new road
                var potentialRoad = new Road(approvedRoad.end, potentialRoadEnd, Config.STREET_DEFAULT_WIDTH);
                var metaInfo      = new StreetMetaInfo();
                metaInfo.populationDensity = perlin.getValue(potentialRoadEnd.x, potentialRoadEnd.z);
                var potentialSeg = new RoadSegment <MetaInformation>(0, potentialRoad, metaInfo);

                if (branchAppeared)
                    // get a branch digree randomly
                    float branchDigree = Random.Range(-branchDigreeDiff, branchDigreeDiff);
                    branchDigree += (branchDigree > 0) ?
                                    Config.STREET_BRANCH_MIN_DEGREE : -Config.STREET_BRANCH_MIN_DEGREE;

                    // Original solution 1:
                    // While a branch is being generated, it will appear at
                    // the centre of whole segment. This is to avoid those
                    // which are too close to other roads.
                    var branchStart =
                        approvedSeg.roads[approvedSeg.roads.Count / 2].start;

                    // figure out the end point of new branch road
                    rotation         = Quaternion.Euler(0, branchDigree, 0);
                    potentialRoadEnd = branchStart.position +
                                       rotation * approvedRoad.Direction.normalized * Config.STREET_DEFAULT_LENGTH;

                    // create new branch road
                    // appears where people live only
                    var populationDensity = perlin.getValue(potentialRoadEnd.x, potentialRoadEnd.z);
                    if (populationDensity > Config.MIN_STREET_APPEAR_POPULATION_DENSITY_VALUE)
                        potentialRoad = new Road(branchStart, potentialRoadEnd, Config.STREET_DEFAULT_WIDTH);
                        var streetMetaInfo = new StreetMetaInfo();
                        streetMetaInfo.populationDensity = populationDensity;
                        potentialSeg = new RoadSegment <MetaInformation>(0, potentialRoad, streetMetaInfo);

            // pick out the road where has the most population density
            var maxDensityGrowthRoad =
                .OrderByDescending(x => ((StreetMetaInfo)x.metaInformation).populationDensity)

            if (branchAppeared)
                var maxDensityBranchRoad =
                    .OrderByDescending(x => ((StreetMetaInfo)x.metaInformation).populationDensity)

                // add the street

                // as for growth road, add it to result directly
                if (maxDensityBranchRoad.Count() > 0)
                // segment grows
                approvedSeg.metaInformation = maxDensityGrowthRoad.metaInformation;


            return(potentialSegs.Count > 0);
Exemple #2
        protected bool makeHighwaysByPopulationDensity(
            RoadSegment <MetaInformation> approvedSeg,
            List <RoadSegment <MetaInformation> > potentialSegs)
            // Vaialble declarations
            bool  highwayBranchAppeared = false;
            var   pendingBranchSegs     = new List <RoadSegment <MetaInformation> >();
            float branchDigreeDiff      = 0f;

            // If segment grows beyond the fixed length,
            // several branches will appear.
            if (approvedSeg.TotalLength >= Config.HIGHWAY_SEGMENT_MAX_LENGTH)
                highwayBranchAppeared = true;

            // growth segment will grow along last segment.
            var   pendingGrowthSegs = new List <RoadSegment <MetaInformation> >();
            float growthDigreeDiff  = Config.HIGHWAY_GROWTH_MAX_DEGREE - Config.HIGHWAY_GROWTH_MIN_DEGREE;

            // branch segment will make a branch from the end.
            if (highwayBranchAppeared)
                branchDigreeDiff = Config.HIGHWAY_BRANCH_MAX_DEGREE - Config.HIGHWAY_BRANCH_MIN_DEGREE;
                branchDigreeDiff = Config.STREET_BRANCH_MAX_DEGREE - Config.STREET_BRANCH_MIN_DEGREE;

            Road approvedRoad = approvedSeg.getLastRoad();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                // get a growth digree randomly
                float growthDigree = Random.Range(-growthDigreeDiff, growthDigreeDiff);
                growthDigree += (growthDigree > 0) ?
                                Config.HIGHWAY_GROWTH_MIN_DEGREE : -Config.HIGHWAY_GROWTH_MIN_DEGREE;

                // figure out the end point of new road
                var rotation         = Quaternion.Euler(0, growthDigree, 0);
                var potentialRoadEnd = approvedRoad.end.position +
                                       rotation * approvedRoad.Direction.normalized * Config.HIGHWAY_DEFAULT_LENGTH;

                // create new road
                var potentialRoad = new Road(approvedRoad.end, potentialRoadEnd, Config.HIGHWAY_DEFAULT_WIDTH);
                var metaInfo      = new HighwayMetaInfo();
                metaInfo.populationDensity = perlin.getValue(potentialRoadEnd.x, potentialRoadEnd.z);
                var potentialSeg = new RoadSegment <MetaInformation>(0, potentialRoad, metaInfo);

                if (highwayBranchAppeared)
                    // get a branch digree randomly
                    float branchDigree = Random.Range(-branchDigreeDiff, branchDigreeDiff);
                    branchDigree += (branchDigree > 0) ?
                                    Config.HIGHWAY_BRANCH_MIN_DEGREE : -Config.HIGHWAY_BRANCH_MIN_DEGREE;

                    // figure out the end point of new branch road
                    rotation         = Quaternion.Euler(0, branchDigree, 0);
                    potentialRoadEnd = approvedRoad.end.position +
                                       rotation * approvedRoad.Direction.normalized * Config.HIGHWAY_DEFAULT_LENGTH;

                    // create new branch road
                    potentialRoad = new Road(approvedRoad.end, potentialRoadEnd, Config.HIGHWAY_DEFAULT_WIDTH);
                    metaInfo      = new HighwayMetaInfo();
                    metaInfo.populationDensity = perlin.getValue(potentialRoadEnd.x, potentialRoadEnd.z);
                    potentialSeg = new RoadSegment <MetaInformation>(0, potentialRoad, metaInfo);
                    // get a branch digree randomly
                    float branchDigree = Random.Range(-branchDigreeDiff, branchDigreeDiff);
                    branchDigree += (branchDigree > 0) ?
                                    Config.STREET_BRANCH_MIN_DEGREE : -Config.STREET_BRANCH_MIN_DEGREE;

                    // figure out the end point of new branch road
                    rotation         = Quaternion.Euler(0, branchDigree, 0);
                    potentialRoadEnd = approvedRoad.end.position +
                                       rotation * approvedRoad.Direction.normalized * Config.STREET_DEFAULT_LENGTH;

                    // create new branch road
                    // appears where people live only
                    var populationDensity = perlin.getValue(potentialRoadEnd.x, potentialRoadEnd.z);
                    if (populationDensity > Config.MIN_POPULATION_DENSITY_VALUE + 0.15f)
                        potentialRoad = new Road(approvedRoad.end, potentialRoadEnd, Config.STREET_DEFAULT_WIDTH);
                        var streetMetaInfo = new StreetMetaInfo();
                        streetMetaInfo.populationDensity = populationDensity;
                        potentialSeg = new RoadSegment <MetaInformation>(0, potentialRoad, streetMetaInfo);

            // pick out the road where has the most population density
            var maxDensityGrowthRoad =
                .OrderByDescending(x => ((HighwayMetaInfo)x.metaInformation).populationDensity)

            if (highwayBranchAppeared)
                var maxDensityBranchRoad =
                    .OrderByDescending(x => ((HighwayMetaInfo)x.metaInformation).populationDensity)

                // as for growth road, add it to result directly

                // as for branch road, add if it has higher population density
                var growthRoadDensity = ((HighwayMetaInfo)maxDensityGrowthRoad.metaInformation).populationDensity;
                foreach (var road in maxDensityBranchRoad)
                    if (((HighwayMetaInfo)road.metaInformation).populationDensity > growthRoadDensity)
                var maxDensityBranchRoad =
                    .OrderByDescending(x => ((StreetMetaInfo)x.metaInformation).populationDensity)

                // segment grows
                approvedSeg.metaInformation = maxDensityGrowthRoad.metaInformation;


                // add the street

            return(potentialSegs.Count > 0);