public async Task Attachment_CreateVideo_ErrorOccursAtPostAttachment_ThrowsIS24Exception()
            RestClient.RespondWith(r =>
                return(new VideoUploadTicket {
                    Auth = "secret", UploadUrl = "", VideoId = "xyz"
            }).ThenWith(r =>
            }).ThenWith(r =>
                return(new RestResponseStub {
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, ResponseObject = new Messages()

            await AssertEx.ThrowsAsync <IS24Exception>(async() =>
                var video = new StreamingVideo {
                    Title = "Video"
                var re = new RealEstateItem(new ApartmentRent {
                    Id = 4711
                }, Client.Connection);
                await re.Attachments.CreateStreamingVideoAsync(video, @"..\..\..\test.avi");
        public async Task Attachment_CreateVideo_CanDeserializeResponse()
            RestClient.RespondWith(r =>
                return(new VideoUploadTicket {
                    Auth = "secret", UploadUrl = "", VideoId = "xyz"
            }).ThenWith(r =>
            }).ThenWith(r =>
                return(new Messages {
                    Message = { new Message {
                                    MessageCode = MessageCode.MESSAGE_RESOURCE_CREATED, MessageProperty = "Resource with id [4711] has been created.", Id = "4711"
                                } }

            var video = new StreamingVideo {
                Title = "Video"
            var re = new RealEstateItem(new ApartmentRent {
                Id = 4711
            }, Client.Connection);
            await re.Attachments.CreateStreamingVideoAsync(video, @"..\..\..\test.avi");

            Assert.Equal(4711, video.Id);
            Assert.Equal("xyz", video.VideoId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a video stream attachment (upload to
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="video">The attachment.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The path to the attachment file.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public async Task CreateStreamingVideoAsync(StreamingVideo video, string path)
            // 1. Request a ticket for upload
            var req = Connection.CreateRequest("videouploadticket");
            var videoUploadTicket = await ExecuteAsync <VideoUploadTicket>(Connection, req);

            // 2. Upload your video to screen9
            var uploadClient = Connection.RestClientFactory(videoUploadTicket.UploadUrl);

            req = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

            req.AddParameter("auth", videoUploadTicket.Auth);

            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(path);

            byte[] bytes = null;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 4096, true))
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                    await fs.CopyToAsync(ms);

                    bytes = ms.ToArray();

            req.AddFile("videofile", bytes, fileName, "application/octet-stream");

            var resp = await uploadClient.ExecuteTaskAsync(req);

            if (resp.ErrorException != null)
                throw new IS24Exception(string.Format("Error uploading video {0}.", path), resp.ErrorException);
            if ((int)resp.StatusCode >= 400)
                throw new IS24Exception(string.Format("Error uploading video {0}: {1}", path, resp.StatusDescription));

            // 3. Post StreamingVideo attachment
            req = Connection.CreateRequest("realestate/{id}/attachment", Method.POST);
            req.AddParameter("id", RealEstate.Id, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
            video.VideoId = videoUploadTicket.VideoId;
            req.AddBody(video, typeof(Attachment));

            var msg = await ExecuteAsync <Messages>(Connection, req);

            var id = msg.ExtractCreatedResourceId();

            if (!id.HasValue)
                throw new IS24Exception(string.Format("Error creating attachment {0}: {1}", path, msg.ToMessage()))
                          Messages = msg

            video.Id = id.Value;
        public async Task Attachment_CreateVideo_ErrorOccurs_ThrowsIS24Exception()
            RestClient.RespondWith(r =>
                return(new RestResponseStub {
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, ResponseObject = new Messages()

            await AssertEx.ThrowsAsync <IS24Exception>(async() =>
                var video = new StreamingVideo {
                    Title = "Video"
                var re = new RealEstateItem(new ApartmentRent {
                    Id = 4711
                }, Client.Connection);
                await re.Attachments.CreateStreamingVideoAsync(video, @"..\..\..\test.avi");
        public async Task Attachment_CreateVideo_RequestsCorrectResource()
            RestClient.RespondWith(r =>
                Assert.Equal(Method.GET, r.Method);
                Assert.Equal("", RestClient.BuildUri(r).AbsoluteUri);
                return(new VideoUploadTicket {
                    Auth = "secret", UploadUrl = "", VideoId = "xyz"
            }).ThenWith(r =>
                Assert.Equal(Method.POST, r.Method);
                Assert.Equal("secret", (string)r.Parameters.Single(p => p.Name == "auth").Value);
                Assert.Equal("", RestClient.BuildUri(r).AbsoluteUri);
            }).ThenWith(r =>
                Assert.Equal(Method.POST, r.Method);
                var v = new BaseXmlDeserializer().Deserialize <Attachment>(new RestResponse {
                    Content = (string)r.Body()
                Assert.Equal("xyz", ((StreamingVideo)v).VideoId);
                Assert.Equal("Video", ((StreamingVideo)v).Title);
                Assert.Equal("", RestClient.BuildUri(r).AbsoluteUri);
                return(new Messages {
                    Message = { new Message {
                                    MessageCode = MessageCode.MESSAGE_RESOURCE_CREATED, MessageProperty = "Resource with id [4711] has been created.", Id = "4711"
                                } }

            var video = new StreamingVideo {
                Title = "Video"
            var re = new RealEstateItem(new ApartmentRent {
                Id = 4711
            }, Client.Connection);
            await re.Attachments.CreateStreamingVideoAsync(video, @"..\..\..\test.avi");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a video stream attachment (upload to
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="video">The attachment.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The path to the attachment file.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public async Task CreateStreamingVideoAsync(StreamingVideo video, string path)
            // 1. Request a ticket for upload
            var req = Connection.CreateRequest("videouploadticket");
            var videoUploadTicket = await ExecuteAsync<VideoUploadTicket>(Connection, req);

            // 2. Upload your video to screen9
            var uploadClient = new RestClient(videoUploadTicket.UploadUrl);
            if (Connection.HttpFactory != null) uploadClient.HttpFactory = Connection.HttpFactory;
            req = new RestRequest();

            req.AddParameter("auth", videoUploadTicket.Auth);

            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(path);
            byte[] bytes = null;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 4096, true))
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                await fs.CopyToAsync(ms);
                bytes = ms.ToArray();

            req.AddFile("videofile", bytes, fileName, "application/octet-stream");

            var resp = await uploadClient.ExecutePostTaskAsync(req);
            if (resp.ErrorException != null) throw new IS24Exception(string.Format("Error uploading video {0}.", path), resp.ErrorException);
            if ((int)resp.StatusCode >= 400) throw new IS24Exception(string.Format("Error uploading video {0}: {1}", path, resp.StatusDescription));

            // 3. Post StreamingVideo attachment
            req = Connection.CreateRequest("realestate/{id}/attachment", Method.POST);
            req.AddParameter("id", RealEstate.Id, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
            video.VideoId = videoUploadTicket.VideoId;
            req.AddBody(video, typeof(Attachment));

            var msg = await ExecuteAsync<Messages>(Connection, req);
            var id = msg.ExtractCreatedResourceId();

            if (!id.HasValue)
                throw new IS24Exception(string.Format("Error creating attachment {0}: {1}", path, msg.ToMessage())) { Messages = msg };

            video.Id = id.Value;
Exemple #7
        private static async Task TestAsync(Config config)
            var connection = new IS24Connection
                ConsumerKey = config.ConsumerKey,
                ConsumerSecret = config.ConsumerSecret,
                AccessToken = config.AccessToken,
                AccessTokenSecret = config.AccessSecret,
                BaseUrlPrefix = @""

            var searchResource = new SearchResource(connection);
            var query = new RadiusQuery
                Latitude = 52.49023,
                Longitude =  13.35939,
                Radius = 1,
                RealEstateType = RealEstateType.APARTMENT_RENT,
                Parameters = new
                    Price = new DecimalRange { Max = 1000 },
                    LivingSpace = new DecimalRange { Min = 100 },
                    NumberOfRooms = new DecimalRange { Min = 4 },
                    Equipment = "balcony"
                Channel = new HomepageChannel("me")
            var results = await searchResource.Search(query);

            var api = new ImportExportClient(connection);
            RealtorContactDetails contact = null;

                contact = await api.Contacts.GetAsync("Hans Meiser", isExternal: true);
            catch (IS24Exception ex)
                if (ex.Messages.Message.First().MessageCode != MessageCode.ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND) throw;

            if (contact == null)
                contact = new RealtorContactDetails
                    Lastname = "Meiser",
                    Firstname = "Hans",
                    Address = new Address
                        Street = "Hauptstraße",
                        HouseNumber = "1",
                        Postcode = "10827",
                        City = "Berlin",
                        InternationalCountryRegion = new CountryRegion { Country = CountryCode.DEU, Region = "Berlin" }
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    ExternalId = "Hans Meiser"

                await api.Contacts.CreateAsync(contact);

                contact.Address.HouseNumber = "1a";
                await api.Contacts.UpdateAsync(contact);

            IRealEstate realEstate = null;

                realEstate = await api.RealEstates.GetAsync("Hauptstraße 1", isExternal: true);
            catch (IS24Exception ex)
                if (ex.Messages.Message.First().MessageCode != MessageCode.ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND) throw;

            if (realEstate == null)
                var re = new ApartmentRent
                    Contact = new RealEstateContact { Id = contact.Id },
                    ExternalId = "Hauptstraße 1",
                    Title = "IS24RestApi Test",
                    Address = new Wgs84Address { Street = "Hauptstraße", HouseNumber = "1", City = "Berlin", Postcode = "10827" },
                    BaseRent = 500.0,
                    LivingSpace = 100.0,
                    NumberOfRooms = 4.0,
                    ShowAddress = true,
                    Courtage = new CourtageInfo { HasCourtage = YesNoNotApplicableType.NO }

                await api.RealEstates.CreateAsync(re);

                re.BaseRent += 100.0;
                await api.RealEstates.UpdateAsync(re);

                realEstate = new RealEstateItem(re, connection);
                var re = (ApartmentRent)realEstate.RealEstate;
                re.BaseRent += 100.0;
                await api.RealEstates.UpdateAsync(re);
                re.BaseRent -= 100.0;
                await api.RealEstates.UpdateAsync(re);

            var projects = await api.RealEstateProjects.GetAllAsync();
            if (projects.RealEstateProject.Any())
                var project = projects.RealEstateProject.First();
                var entries = await api.RealEstateProjects.GetAllAsync(project.Id.Value);
                if (!entries.RealEstateProjectEntry.Any(e => e.RealEstateId.Value == realEstate.RealEstate.Id.Value))
                    await api.RealEstateProjects.AddAsync(project.Id.Value, realEstate.RealEstate);

            var placement = await realEstate.PremiumPlacements.GetAsync();

            var atts = await realEstate.Attachments.GetAsync();
            if (atts == null || !atts.Any())
                var att = new Picture
                    Floorplan = false,
                    TitlePicture = true,
                    Title = "Zimmer",

                await realEstate.Attachments.CreateAsync(att, @"..\..\test.jpg");

                att.Title = "Zimmer 1";
                await realEstate.Attachments.UpdateAsync(att);

                var link = new Link { Title = "Test", Url = "" };

                await realEstate.Attachments.CreateAsync(link);

                var video = new StreamingVideo { Title = "Video" };
                await realEstate.Attachments.CreateStreamingVideoAsync(video, @"..\..\test.avi");

            var res = new List<RealEstate>();
            await api.RealEstates.GetAsync().ForEachAsync(x => res.Add(x.RealEstate));