internal StreamTask GetTask(string topicName) { StreamTask task = null; var id = builder.GetTaskIdFromPartition(new Confluent.Kafka.TopicPartition(topicName, 0)); if (tasks.ContainsKey(id)) { task = tasks[id]; } else { if (!builder.GetGlobalTopics().Contains(topicName)) { task = new StreamTask("thread-0", id, partitionsByTaskId[id], builder.BuildTopology(id), supplier.GetConsumer(configuration.ToConsumerConfig(), null), configuration, supplier, producer, new MockChangelogRegister(), metricsRegistry); task.InitializeStateStores(); task.InitializeTopology(); task.RestorationIfNeeded(); task.CompleteRestoration(); tasks.Add(id, task); } } return(task); }
public void Initialize() { streamMetricsRegistry = new StreamMetricsRegistry(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), MetricsRecordingLevel.DEBUG); config.ApplicationId = "test-stream-thread"; config.StateDir = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); config.Guarantee = ProcessingGuarantee.AT_LEAST_ONCE; config.PollMs = 10; config.CommitIntervalMs = 1; var builder = new StreamBuilder(); var stream = builder.Stream <string, string>("topic"); stream.GroupByKey().Count(); stream.To("topic2"); var topo = builder.Build(); id = new TaskId { Id = 0, Partition = 0 }; var processorTopology = builder.Build().Builder.BuildTopology(id); syncKafkaSupplier = new SyncKafkaSupplier(); var producer = syncKafkaSupplier.GetProducer(config.ToProducerConfig()); var consumer = syncKafkaSupplier.GetConsumer(config.ToConsumerConfig(), null); topicPartition = new TopicPartition("topic", 0); task = new StreamTask( threadId, id, new List <TopicPartition> { topicPartition }, processorTopology, consumer, config, syncKafkaSupplier, null, new MockChangelogRegister(), streamMetricsRegistry); task.GroupMetadata = consumer as SyncConsumer; task.InitializeStateStores(); task.InitializeTopology(); task.RestorationIfNeeded(); var activeRestorationSensor = streamMetricsRegistry.GetSensors().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name.Equals(GetSensorName(TaskMetrics.ACTIVE_RESTORATION))); Assert.AreEqual(1, activeRestorationSensor.Metrics[MetricName.NameAndGroup( TaskMetrics.ACTIVE_RESTORATION, StreamMetricsRegistry.TASK_LEVEL_GROUP)].Value); task.CompleteRestoration(); Assert.AreEqual(0, activeRestorationSensor.Metrics[MetricName.NameAndGroup( TaskMetrics.ACTIVE_RESTORATION, StreamMetricsRegistry.TASK_LEVEL_GROUP)].Value); }
public void WithNullMaterialize() { // CERTIFIED THAT SAME IF Materialize is null, a state store exist for count processor with a generated namestore var config = new StreamConfig <StringSerDes, StringSerDes>(); var serdes = new StringSerDes(); config.ApplicationId = "test-count"; var builder = new StreamBuilder(); Materialized <string, long, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > m = null; builder .Table <string, string>("topic") .GroupBy((k, v) => KeyValuePair.Create(k.ToUpper(), v)) .Count(m); var topology = builder.Build(); TaskId id = new TaskId { Id = 1, Partition = 0 }; var processorTopology = topology.Builder.BuildTopology(id); var supplier = new SyncKafkaSupplier(); var producer = supplier.GetProducer(config.ToProducerConfig()); var consumer = supplier.GetConsumer(config.ToConsumerConfig(), null); var part = new TopicPartition("-KTABLE-AGGREGATE-STATE-STORE-0000000005-repartition", 0); StreamTask task = new StreamTask( "thread-0", id, new List <TopicPartition> { part }, processorTopology, consumer, config, supplier, null, new MockChangelogRegister(), new StreamMetricsRegistry()); task.GroupMetadata = consumer as SyncConsumer; task.InitializeStateStores(); task.InitializeTopology(); task.RestorationIfNeeded(); task.CompleteRestoration(); Assert.AreEqual(1, task.Context.States.StateStoreNames.Count()); var nameStore1 = task.Context.States.StateStoreNames.ElementAt(0); Assert.IsNotNull(nameStore1); Assert.AreNotEqual(string.Empty, nameStore1); var store1 = task.GetStore(nameStore1); Assert.IsInstanceOf <ITimestampedKeyValueStore <string, long> >(store1); Assert.AreEqual(0, (store1 as ITimestampedKeyValueStore <string, long>).ApproximateNumEntries()); }
public void WithNullMaterialize() { // CERTIFIED THAT SAME IF Materialize is null, a state store exist for count processor with a generated namestore var config = new StreamConfig <StringSerDes, StringSerDes>(); var serdes = new StringSerDes(); config.ApplicationId = "test-window-count"; var builder = new StreamBuilder(); Materialized <string, long, IWindowStore <Bytes, byte[]> > m = null; builder .Stream <string, string>("topic") .GroupByKey() .WindowedBy(TumblingWindowOptions.Of(2000)) .Count(m); var topology = builder.Build(); TaskId id = new TaskId { Id = 0, Partition = 0 }; var processorTopology = topology.Builder.BuildTopology(id); var supplier = new SyncKafkaSupplier(); var producer = supplier.GetProducer(config.ToProducerConfig()); var consumer = supplier.GetConsumer(config.ToConsumerConfig(), null); var part = new TopicPartition("topic", 0); StreamTask task = new StreamTask( "thread-0", id, new List <TopicPartition> { part }, processorTopology, consumer, config, supplier, null, new MockChangelogRegister(), new StreamMetricsRegistry()); task.GroupMetadata = consumer as SyncConsumer; task.InitializeStateStores(); task.InitializeTopology(); task.RestorationIfNeeded(); task.CompleteRestoration(); Assert.AreEqual(1, task.Context.States.StateStoreNames.Count()); var nameStore = task.Context.States.StateStoreNames.ElementAt(0); Assert.IsNotNull(nameStore); Assert.AreNotEqual(string.Empty, nameStore); var store = task.GetStore(nameStore); Assert.IsInstanceOf <ITimestampedWindowStore <string, long> >(store); Assert.AreEqual(0, (store as ITimestampedWindowStore <string, long>).All().ToList().Count); }
public void StreamTaskWrittingCheckpoint() { var config = new StreamConfig <StringSerDes, StringSerDes>(); config.ApplicationId = "test-app"; config.StateDir = Path.Combine(".", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); var serdes = new StringSerDes(); var builder = new StreamBuilder(); var table = builder.Table("topic", RocksDb <string, string> .As("store").WithLoggingEnabled()); TaskId id = new TaskId { Id = 0, Partition = 0 }; var topology = builder.Build(); topology.Builder.RewriteTopology(config); var processorTopology = topology.Builder.BuildTopology(id); var supplier = new SyncKafkaSupplier(); var producer = supplier.GetProducer(config.ToProducerConfig()); var consumer = supplier.GetConsumer(config.ToConsumerConfig(), null); var part = new TopicPartition("topic", 0); StreamTask task = new StreamTask( "thread-0", id, new List <TopicPartition> { part }, processorTopology, consumer, config, supplier, producer, new MockChangelogRegister() , new StreamMetricsRegistry()); task.GroupMetadata = consumer as SyncConsumer; task.InitializeStateStores(); task.InitializeTopology(); task.RestorationIfNeeded(); task.CompleteRestoration(); List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> > messages = new List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> >(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { messages.Add( new ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> { Message = new Message <byte[], byte[]> { Key = serdes.Serialize($"key{i + 1}", new SerializationContext()), Value = serdes.Serialize($"value{i + 1}", new SerializationContext()) }, TopicPartitionOffset = new TopicPartitionOffset(part, offset++) }); } task.AddRecords(messages); Assert.IsTrue(task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())); while (task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())) { Assert.IsTrue(task.Process()); Assert.IsTrue(task.CommitNeeded); task.Commit(); } task.MayWriteCheckpoint(true); messages = new List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> >(); for (int i = 0; i < StateManagerTools.OFFSET_DELTA_THRESHOLD_FOR_CHECKPOINT + 10; ++i) { messages.Add( new ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> { Message = new Message <byte[], byte[]> { Key = serdes.Serialize($"key{i + 1}", new SerializationContext()), Value = serdes.Serialize($"value{i + 1}", new SerializationContext()) }, TopicPartitionOffset = new TopicPartitionOffset(part, offset++) }); } task.AddRecords(messages); while (task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())) { Assert.IsTrue(task.Process()); } task.MayWriteCheckpoint(false); var lines = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(config.StateDir, config.ApplicationId, "0-0", ".checkpoint")); Assert.AreEqual(3, lines.Length); Assert.AreEqual("test-app-store-changelog 0 10014", lines[2]); task.Suspend(); task.Close(); Directory.Delete(config.StateDir, true); }
public void StreamTaskSuspendResume() { var config = new StreamConfig <StringSerDes, StringSerDes>(); config.ApplicationId = "test-app"; var serdes = new StringSerDes(); var builder = new StreamBuilder(); builder.Table <string, string>("topic", InMemory <string, string> .As("store").WithLoggingDisabled()) .MapValues((k, v) => v.ToUpper()) .ToStream() .To("topic2"); TaskId id = new TaskId { Id = 0, Partition = 0 }; var topology = builder.Build(); var processorTopology = topology.Builder.BuildTopology(id); var supplier = new SyncKafkaSupplier(); var producer = supplier.GetProducer(config.ToProducerConfig()); var consumer = supplier.GetConsumer(config.ToConsumerConfig(), null); var part = new TopicPartition("topic", 0); StreamTask task = new StreamTask( "thread-0", id, new List <TopicPartition> { part }, processorTopology, consumer, config, supplier, producer, new MockChangelogRegister() , new StreamMetricsRegistry()); task.GroupMetadata = consumer as SyncConsumer; task.InitializeStateStores(); task.InitializeTopology(); task.RestorationIfNeeded(); task.CompleteRestoration(); List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> > messages = new List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> >(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { messages.Add( new ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> { Message = new Message <byte[], byte[]> { Key = serdes.Serialize($"key{i + 1}", new SerializationContext()), Value = serdes.Serialize($"value{i + 1}", new SerializationContext()) }, TopicPartitionOffset = new TopicPartitionOffset(part, offset++) }); } task.AddRecords(messages); Assert.IsTrue(task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())); while (task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())) { Assert.IsTrue(task.Process()); Assert.IsTrue(task.CommitNeeded); task.Commit(); } Assert.IsNotNull(task.GetStore("store")); task.Suspend(); Assert.IsNull(task.GetStore("store")); task.Resume(); task.RestorationIfNeeded(); Assert.IsNotNull(task.GetStore("store")); task.AddRecords(messages); Assert.IsTrue(task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())); while (task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())) { Assert.IsTrue(task.Process()); Assert.IsTrue(task.CommitNeeded); task.Commit(); } // CHECK IN TOPIC topic2 consumer.Subscribe("topic2"); List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> > results = new List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> >(); ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> result = null; do { result = consumer.Consume(100); if (result != null) { results.Add(result); consumer.Commit(result); } } while (result != null); Assert.AreEqual(10, results.Count); task.Close(); }