//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Streams the set of dates included in the range. /// <para> /// This returns a stream consisting of each date in the range. /// The stream is ordered. /// /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="startInclusive"> the start date </param> /// <param name="endExclusive"> the end date </param> /// <returns> the stream of dates from the start to the end </returns> internal static Stream <LocalDate> stream(LocalDate startInclusive, LocalDate endExclusive) { IEnumerator <LocalDate> it = new IteratorAnonymousInnerClass(startInclusive, endExclusive); long count = endExclusive.toEpochDay() - startInclusive.toEpochDay() + 1; Spliterator <LocalDate> spliterator = Spliterators.spliterator(it, count, Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.NONNULL | Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.SORTED | Spliterator.SIZED | Spliterator.SUBSIZED); return(StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false)); }
public virtual Stream <NodeResult> GraphAlgosDijkstra(Node start, Node end, string relType, string weightProperty) { PathFinder <WeightedPath> pathFinder = GraphAlgoFactory.dijkstra(PathExpanders.forTypeAndDirection(RelationshipType.withName(relType), Direction.BOTH), weightProperty); WeightedPath path = pathFinder.FindSinglePath(start, end); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Method reference constructor syntax is not converted by Java to C# Converter: return(StreamSupport.stream(path.Nodes().spliterator(), false).map(NodeResult::new)); }
public virtual Stream <AvailableAnalyzer> ListAvailableAnalyzers() { Stream <AnalyzerProvider> stream = Accessor.listAvailableAnalyzers(); return(stream.flatMap(provider => { string description = provider.description(); Spliterator <string> spliterator = provider.Keys.spliterator(); return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false).map(name => new AvailableAnalyzer(name, description)); })); }
/// <summary> /// Create a stream from the given iterator with given characteristics. /// <para> /// <b>Note:</b> returned stream needs to be closed via <seealso cref="Stream.close()"/> if the given iterator implements /// <seealso cref="Resource"/>. /// /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="iterator"> the iterator to convert to stream </param> /// <param name="characteristics"> the logical OR of characteristics for the underlying <seealso cref="Spliterator"/> </param> /// @param <T> the type of elements in the given iterator </param> /// <returns> stream over the iterator elements </returns> /// <exception cref="NullPointerException"> when the given iterator is {@code null} </exception> public static Stream <T> Stream <T>(IEnumerator <T> iterator, int characteristics) { Objects.requireNonNull(iterator); Spliterator <T> spliterator = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, characteristics); Stream <T> stream = StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false); if (iterator is Resource) { return(stream.onClose((( Resource )iterator).close)); } return(stream); }
// Service loader can't inject via the constructor public virtual void Inject(TopologyService topologyService, Config config, LogProvider logProvider, MemberId myself) { this.TopologyService = topologyService; this.Config = config; this.Log = logProvider.getLog(this.GetType()); this.Myself = myself; this.DbName = config.Get(CausalClusteringSettings.database); ReadableName = StreamSupport.stream(Keys.spliterator(), false).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); Log.info("Using upstream selection strategy " + ReadableName); Init(); }
private byte[] ReadImageDataFromChunk(string chunkName, AspNetCore.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessing.ReportChunkTypes chunkType) { byte[] array = null; string text = default(string); Stream chunk = base.m_chunkFactory.GetChunk(chunkName, chunkType, ChunkMode.Open, out text); Global.Tracer.Assert(chunk != null, "Could not find expected image data chunk. Name='{0}', Type={1}", chunkName, chunkType); using (chunk) { return(StreamSupport.ReadToEndUsingLength(chunk)); } }
public virtual Stream <Output> TestFailingResourceProcedure(long failCount) { IEnumerator <Output> failingIterator = new IteratorAnonymousInnerClass(this, failCount); IEnumerable <Output> failingIterable = () => failingIterator; Stream <Output> stream = StreamSupport.stream(failingIterable.spliterator(), false); stream.onClose(() => { Counters.closeCountTestFailingResourceProcedure++; }); Counters.openCountTestFailingResourceProcedure++; return(stream); }
public virtual void TestSpliteratorInSequence() { List <int> x = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { x.Add(i); } IterableIterator <int> iter = new IterableIterator <int>(x.GetEnumerator()); ISpliterator <int> spliterator = iter.Spliterator(); IStream <int> stream = StreamSupport.Stream(spliterator, false); int[] next = new int[] { 0 }; stream.ForEach(null); }
public void CopyDataChunksTo(IChunkFactory chunkFactory, out bool hasDataChunks) { hasDataChunks = false; foreach (Chunk allChunk in this.m_allChunks) { if (allChunk.Header.ChunkType == 5) { hasDataChunks = true; using (Stream to = chunkFactory.CreateChunk(allChunk.Header.ChunkName, AspNetCore.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessing.ReportChunkTypes.Data, null)) { allChunk.Stream.Position = 0L; StreamSupport.CopyStreamUsingBuffer(allChunk.Stream, to, 4096); } } } }
public override bool?TernaryEquals(AnyValue other) { if (other == null || other == NO_VALUE) { return(null); } else if (!(other is MapValue)) { return(false); } MapValue otherMap = ( MapValue )other; int size = size(); if (size != otherMap.Size()) { return(false); } //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Method reference constructor syntax is not converted by Java to C# Converter: string[] thisKeys = StreamSupport.stream(KeySet().spliterator(), false).toArray(string[] ::new); Arrays.sort(thisKeys, string.compareTo); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Method reference constructor syntax is not converted by Java to C# Converter: string[] thatKeys = StreamSupport.stream(otherMap.Keys.spliterator(), false).toArray(string[] ::new); Arrays.sort(thatKeys, string.compareTo); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (thisKeys[i].CompareTo(thatKeys[i]) != 0) { return(false); } } bool?equalityResult = true; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { string key = thisKeys[i]; bool? s = Get(key).ternaryEquals(otherMap.Get(key)); if (s == null) { equalityResult = null; } else if (!s.Value) { return(false); } } return(equalityResult); }
/// <summary>A helper function for dumping the accuracy of the trained classifier.</summary> /// <param name="classifier">The classifier to evaluate.</param> /// <param name="dataset">The dataset to evaluate the classifier on.</param> public static void DumpAccuracy(IClassifier <ClauseSplitter.ClauseClassifierLabel, string> classifier, GeneralDataset <ClauseSplitter.ClauseClassifierLabel, string> dataset) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00%"); Redwood.Log("size: " + dataset.Size()); Redwood.Log("split count: " + StreamSupport.Stream(dataset.Spliterator(), false).Filter(null).Collect(Collectors.ToList()).Count); Redwood.Log("interm count: " + StreamSupport.Stream(dataset.Spliterator(), false).Filter(null).Collect(Collectors.ToList()).Count); Pair <double, double> pr = classifier.EvaluatePrecisionAndRecall(dataset, ClauseSplitter.ClauseClassifierLabel.ClauseSplit); Redwood.Log("p (split): " + df.Format(pr.first)); Redwood.Log("r (split): " + df.Format(pr.second)); Redwood.Log("f1 (split): " + df.Format(2 * pr.first * pr.second / (pr.first + pr.second))); pr = classifier.EvaluatePrecisionAndRecall(dataset, ClauseSplitter.ClauseClassifierLabel.ClauseInterm); Redwood.Log("p (interm): " + df.Format(pr.first)); Redwood.Log("r (interm): " + df.Format(pr.second)); Redwood.Log("f1 (interm): " + df.Format(2 * pr.first * pr.second / (pr.first + pr.second))); }
public virtual void TestSpliteratorInParallel() { List <int> x = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { x.Add(i); } IterableIterator <int> iter = new IterableIterator <int>(x.GetEnumerator()); ISpliterator <int> spliterator = iter.Spliterator(); IStream <int> stream = StreamSupport.Stream(spliterator, true); bool[] seen = new bool[1000]; stream.ForEach(null); for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < 1000; ++i_1) { NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(seen[i_1]); } }
public override int CompareTo(VirtualValue other, IComparer <AnyValue> comparator) { if (!(other is MapValue)) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Cannot compare different virtual values"); } MapValue otherMap = ( MapValue )other; int size = size(); int compare = Integer.compare(size, otherMap.Size()); if (compare == 0) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Method reference constructor syntax is not converted by Java to C# Converter: string[] thisKeys = StreamSupport.stream(KeySet().spliterator(), false).toArray(string[] ::new); Arrays.sort(thisKeys, string.compareTo); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Method reference constructor syntax is not converted by Java to C# Converter: string[] thatKeys = StreamSupport.stream(otherMap.Keys.spliterator(), false).toArray(string[] ::new); Arrays.sort(thatKeys, string.compareTo); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { compare = thisKeys[i].CompareTo(thatKeys[i]); if (compare != 0) { return(compare); } } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { string key = thisKeys[i]; compare = comparator.Compare(Get(key), otherMap.Get(key)); if (compare != 0) { return(compare); } } } return(compare); }
public virtual Stream <ScoreEntry> Stream() { return(StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(this, Spliterator.ORDERED), false)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a {@code Stream}, the elements of which are lines read from /// this {@code BufferedReader}. The <seealso cref="Stream"/> is lazily populated, /// i.e., read only occurs during the /// <a href="../util/stream/package-summary.html#StreamOps">terminal /// stream operation</a>. /// /// <para> The reader must not be operated on during the execution of the /// terminal stream operation. Otherwise, the result of the terminal stream /// operation is undefined. /// /// </para> /// <para> After execution of the terminal stream operation there are no /// guarantees that the reader will be at a specific position from which to /// read the next character or line. /// /// </para> /// <para> If an <seealso cref="IOException"/> is thrown when accessing the underlying /// {@code BufferedReader}, it is wrapped in an {@link /// UncheckedIOException} which will be thrown from the {@code Stream} /// method that caused the read to take place. This method will return a /// Stream if invoked on a BufferedReader that is closed. Any operation on /// that stream that requires reading from the BufferedReader after it is /// closed, will cause an UncheckedIOException to be thrown. /// /// </para> /// </summary> /// <returns> a {@code Stream<String>} providing the lines of text /// described by this {@code BufferedReader} /// /// @since 1.8 </returns> public virtual Stream <String> Lines() { IEnumerator <String> iter = new IteratorAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this); return(StreamSupport.Stream(Spliterators.SpliteratorUnknownSize(iter, java.util.Spliterator_Fields.ORDERED | java.util.Spliterator_Fields.NONNULL), false)); }
internal virtual Stream <NeighbourOutput> FindNeighbours(Node node) { return(StreamSupport.stream(node.GetRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING).spliterator(), false).map(relationship => new NeighbourOutput(relationship, relationship.getOtherNode(node)))); }
private static Stream <T> EnumerationAsStream <T>(IEnumerator <T> e) { return(StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(new IteratorAnonymousInnerClass(e) , Spliterator.ORDERED), false)); }
/// <summary> /// Finds which format, if any, succeeded the specified format. Only formats in the same family are considered. /// </summary> /// <param name="format"> to find successor to. </param> /// <returns> the format with the lowest generation > format.generation, or None if no such format is known. </returns> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Nonnull public static java.util.Optional<RecordFormats> findSuccessor(@Nonnull final RecordFormats format) //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are ignored unless the option to convert to C# 7.2 'in' parameters is selected: public static Optional <RecordFormats> FindSuccessor(RecordFormats format) { return(StreamSupport.stream(RecordFormatSelector.AllFormats().spliterator(), false).filter(candidate => FormatFamily.IsSameFamily(format, candidate)).filter(candidate => candidate.generation() > format.Generation()).reduce((a, b) => a.generation() < b.generation() ? a : b)); }
private static string NicelyCommaSeparatedList(IEnumerable <string> keys) { return(StreamSupport.stream(keys.spliterator(), false).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))); }
public static IList <R> Records <R, A>(IEnumerable <Org.Neo4j.Kernel.impl.transaction.state.RecordAccess_RecordProxy <R, A> > changes) where R : Org.Neo4j.Kernel.impl.store.record.AbstractBaseRecord { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Method reference arbitrary object instance method syntax is not converted by Java to C# Converter: return(StreamSupport.stream(changes.spliterator(), false).map(Org.Neo4j.Kernel.impl.transaction.state.RecordAccess_RecordProxy::forChangingData).collect(Collectors.toList())); }
public override Stream <AnalyzerProvider> ListAvailableAnalyzers() { IEnumerable <AnalyzerProvider> providers = AnalyzerProvider.load(typeof(AnalyzerProvider)); return(StreamSupport.stream(providers.spliterator(), false)); }
/// <param name="resources"> <seealso cref="System.Collections.IEnumerable"/> over resources to close. </param> public static void CloseAll <T>(IEnumerable <T> resources) where T : Resource { CloseAll(StreamSupport.stream(resources.spliterator(), false)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a stream that wraps this iterator. /// <para> /// The stream will process any remaining rows in the CSV file. /// As such, it is recommended that callers should use this method or the iterator methods and not both. /// /// </para> /// </summary> /// <returns> the stream wrapping this iterator </returns> public Stream <CsvRow> asStream() { Spliterator <CsvRow> spliterator = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(this, Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.NONNULL); return(StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false)); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> private static IStream <SimpleSentiment.SentimentDatum> Unlabelled(string path) { return(StreamSupport.Stream(IOUtils.IterFilesRecursive(new File(path)).Spliterator(), true).FlatMap(null)); }
public virtual IEnumerable <File> AllFiles() { return(StreamSupport.stream(RotationStrategy.candidateFiles().spliterator(), false).filter(_fs.fileExists).collect(Collectors.toList())); }
private static IStream <SimpleSentiment.SentimentDatum> Imdb(string path, SentimentClass label) { return(StreamSupport.Stream(IOUtils.IterFilesRecursive(new File(path)).Spliterator(), true).Map(null)); }
private static IStream <SimpleSentiment.SentimentDatum> Twitter(string path) { return(StreamSupport.Stream(IOUtils.ReadLines(path).Spliterator(), true).Map(null)); }
private static IEnumerable <SimpleSentiment.SentimentDatum> Stanford(string path) { return(StreamSupport.Stream(IOUtils.ReadLines(path).Spliterator(), true).Map(null)); }
protected internal virtual Stream <T> Stream <T>(IEnumerable <T> iterable) { return(StreamSupport.stream(iterable.spliterator(), false)); }