public static unsafe void Echo(Serializer.Message front, string message) //Used to send the given message with the given message ID to all clients minus the client with the IP of the last packet
        char * oGIP   = GetLastPacketIP();                                   //Get the IP of the packet from the original sender to prevent ghosting
        IntPtr careIP = (IntPtr)oGIP;
        StraightCharPointer *IPdata = (StraightCharPointer *)careIP;
        string newIP = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)IPdata->mes);

        for (int i = 0; i < mConnectedClients.Count; ++i)
            if (mConnectedClients[i].IP != newIP)
                SendData((int)front, message, message.Length, mConnectedClients[i].IP);
    public static unsafe void addClient()
        char * ip      = GetLastPacketIP();
        IntPtr careTwo = (IntPtr)ip;
        StraightCharPointer *dataTwo = (StraightCharPointer *)careTwo;
        string newIP = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)dataTwo->mes);
        ConnectedClientInfo newClient = new ConnectedClientInfo();

        newClient.IP = newIP;
        newClient.ID = clientID.ToString();

        string gOCount = allGOs.Length.ToString() + "|";

        SendData((int)Serializer.Message.LOADLEVEL, gOCount, gOCount.Length, newIP);
        for (int i = 0; i < allGOs.Length; ++i)
            string serializedObj = Serializer.serialize(allGOs[i]);
            SendData((int)Serializer.Message.GO_UPDATE, serializedObj, serializedObj.Length, newIP);

        SendData((int)Serializer.Message.LEVELLOADED, gOCount, gOCount.Length, newIP);