Exemple #1
        public void MergeFrom(OfflineUserDataJob other)
            if (other == null)
            if (other.ResourceName.Length != 0)
                ResourceName = other.ResourceName;
            if (other.HasId)
                Id = other.Id;
            if (other.HasExternalId)
                ExternalId = other.ExternalId;
            if (other.Type != global::Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V10.Enums.OfflineUserDataJobTypeEnum.Types.OfflineUserDataJobType.Unspecified)
                Type = other.Type;
            if (other.Status != global::Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V10.Enums.OfflineUserDataJobStatusEnum.Types.OfflineUserDataJobStatus.Unspecified)
                Status = other.Status;
            if (other.FailureReason != global::Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V10.Enums.OfflineUserDataJobFailureReasonEnum.Types.OfflineUserDataJobFailureReason.Unspecified)
                FailureReason = other.FailureReason;
            if (other.operationMetadata_ != null)
                if (operationMetadata_ == null)
                    OperationMetadata = new global::Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V10.Resources.OfflineUserDataJobMetadata();
            switch (other.MetadataCase)
            case MetadataOneofCase.CustomerMatchUserListMetadata:
                if (CustomerMatchUserListMetadata == null)
                    CustomerMatchUserListMetadata = new global::Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V10.Common.CustomerMatchUserListMetadata();

            case MetadataOneofCase.StoreSalesMetadata:
                if (StoreSalesMetadata == null)
                    StoreSalesMetadata = new global::Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V10.Common.StoreSalesMetadata();

            _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
Exemple #2
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (ResourceName.Length != 0)
                hash ^= ResourceName.GetHashCode();
            if (HasId)
                hash ^= Id.GetHashCode();
            if (HasExternalId)
                hash ^= ExternalId.GetHashCode();
            if (Type != global::Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V10.Enums.OfflineUserDataJobTypeEnum.Types.OfflineUserDataJobType.Unspecified)
                hash ^= Type.GetHashCode();
            if (Status != global::Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V10.Enums.OfflineUserDataJobStatusEnum.Types.OfflineUserDataJobStatus.Unspecified)
                hash ^= Status.GetHashCode();
            if (FailureReason != global::Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V10.Enums.OfflineUserDataJobFailureReasonEnum.Types.OfflineUserDataJobFailureReason.Unspecified)
                hash ^= FailureReason.GetHashCode();
            if (operationMetadata_ != null)
                hash ^= OperationMetadata.GetHashCode();
            if (metadataCase_ == MetadataOneofCase.CustomerMatchUserListMetadata)
                hash ^= CustomerMatchUserListMetadata.GetHashCode();
            if (metadataCase_ == MetadataOneofCase.StoreSalesMetadata)
                hash ^= StoreSalesMetadata.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= (int)metadataCase_;
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an offline user data job for uploading store sales transactions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offlineUserDataJobServiceClient">The offline user data job service
        ///     client.</param>
        /// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.</param>
        /// <param name="offlineUserDataJobType">The type of user data in the job (first or third
        ///     party). If you have an official store sales partnership with Google, use
        ///     StoreSalesUploadThirdParty. Otherwise, use StoreSalesUploadFirstParty or
        ///     omit this parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="externalId">Optional (but recommended) external ID to identify the offline
        ///     user data job.</param>
        /// <param name="advertiserUploadDateTime">Date and time the advertiser uploaded data to the
        ///     partner. Only required if uploading third party data.</param>
        /// <param name="bridgeMapVersionId">Version of partner IDs to be used for uploads. Only
        ///     required if uploading third party data.</param>
        /// <param name="partnerId">ID of the third party partner. Only required if uploading third
        ///     party data.</param>
        /// <returns>The resource name of the created job.</returns>
        private string CreateOfflineUserDataJob(
            OfflineUserDataJobServiceClient offlineUserDataJobServiceClient, long customerId,
            OfflineUserDataJobType offlineUserDataJobType, long?externalId,
            string advertiserUploadDateTime, string bridgeMapVersionId, long?partnerId)
            // TIP: If you are migrating from the AdWords API, please note that Google Ads API uses
            // the term "fraction" instead of "rate". For example, loyaltyRate in the AdWords API is
            // called loyaltyFraction in the Google Ads API.

            // Please refer to https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7506124 for additional
            // details.
            StoreSalesMetadata storeSalesMetadata = new StoreSalesMetadata()
                // Sets the fraction of your overall sales that you (or the advertiser, in the third
                // party case) can associate with a customer (email, phone number, address, etc.) in
                // your database or loyalty program.
                // For example, set this to 0.7 if you have 100 transactions over 30 days, and out
                // of those 100 transactions, you can identify 70 by an email address or phone
                // number.
                LoyaltyFraction = 0.7,
                // Sets the fraction of sales you're uploading out of the overall sales that you (or
                // the advertiser, in the third party case) can associate with a customer. In most
                // cases, you will set this to 1.0.
                // Continuing the example above for loyalty fraction, a value of 1.0 here indicates
                // that you are uploading all 70 of the transactions that can be identified by an
                // email address or phone number.
                TransactionUploadFraction = 1.0

            // Creates additional metadata required for uploading third party data.
            if (offlineUserDataJobType == OfflineUserDataJobType.StoreSalesUploadThirdParty)
                StoreSalesThirdPartyMetadata storeSalesThirdPartyMetadata =
                    new StoreSalesThirdPartyMetadata()
                    // The date/time must be in the format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss".
                    AdvertiserUploadDateTime = advertiserUploadDateTime,

                    // Sets the fraction of transactions you received from the advertiser that
                    // have valid formatting and values. This captures any transactions the
                    // advertiser provided to you but which you are unable to upload to Google
                    // due to formatting errors or missing data.
                    // In most cases, you will set this to 1.0.
                    ValidTransactionFraction = 1.0,

                    // Sets the fraction of valid transactions (as defined above) you received
                    // from the advertiser that you (the third party) have matched to an
                    // external user ID on your side.
                    // In most cases, you will set this to 1.0.
                    PartnerMatchFraction = 1.0,

                    // Sets the fraction of transactions you (the third party) are uploading out
                    // of the transactions you received from the advertiser that meet both of
                    // the following criteria:
                    // 1. Are valid in terms of formatting and values. See valid transaction
                    // fraction above.
                    // 2. You matched to an external user ID on your side. See partner match
                    // fraction above.
                    // In most cases, you will set this to 1.0.
                    PartnerUploadFraction = 1.0,

                    // Sets the version of partner IDs to be used for uploads.
                    // Please speak with your Google representative to get the values to use for
                    // the bridge map version and partner IDs.
                    BridgeMapVersionId = bridgeMapVersionId,

                    // Sets the third party partner ID uploading the transactions.
                    PartnerId = partnerId

                storeSalesMetadata.ThirdPartyMetadata = storeSalesThirdPartyMetadata;

            // Creates a new offline user data job.
            OfflineUserDataJob offlineUserDataJob = new OfflineUserDataJob()
                Type = offlineUserDataJobType,
                StoreSalesMetadata = storeSalesMetadata

            if (externalId.HasValue)
                offlineUserDataJob.ExternalId = externalId.Value;

            // Issues a request to create the offline user data job.
            CreateOfflineUserDataJobResponse createOfflineUserDataJobResponse =
                    customerId.ToString(), offlineUserDataJob);
            string offlineUserDataJobResourceName = createOfflineUserDataJobResponse.ResourceName;

            Console.WriteLine("Created an offline user data job with resource name: " +