public bool Contains(StockWrapper item)
            Debug.Assert(_list.Contains(item) == _itemKeyDic[item.Item.ID].Contains(item));
            return _list.Contains(item);
        public void TestWrapperEventHandler()
            StockWrapper.m_wrapperFired = false;

            StockWrapper wrapper = new StockWrapper(m_stock);

            wrapper.PriceChanged += StockWrapper.WrapperEvtHandler;
            wrapper.Price         = m_newPrice;

        /// <summary>
        /// 기존의 InOutStock 데이터를 수정할 때 쓰이는 생성자입니다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewModel"></param>
        /// <param name="ioStockWrapper"></param>
        public StockWrapperEditorViewModel(StockWrapperViewModel viewModel, StockWrapper ioStockWrapper) : base(ioStockWrapper)
            if (ioStockWrapper == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            _target = ioStockWrapper;

            //수정할 데이터를 변경할 수 없도록 고정
            ItemList = new ItemWrapper[] { _target.Item };
            SpecificationList = new SpecificationWrapper[] { _target.Specification };
            WarehouseList = new Observable<Warehouse>[] { _target.Warehouse };

            Item = ItemList.First();
            Specification = SpecificationList.First();
            Warehouse = WarehouseList.First();
        /// <summary>
        /// 수정 또는 새로 추가할 데이터를 데이터베이스와 ViewModel의 Items 속성에 각각 추가 및 적용한다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public StockWrapper Update()
            //추가 및 적용의 최소 조건들
            if (Item == null)
                throw new Exception("리스트박스에서 품목을 선택하세요.");
            if (Specification == null)
                throw new Exception("리스트박스에서 규격을 선택하세요.");

            InventoryWrapperDirector iwd = InventoryWrapperDirector.GetInstance();
            InventoryWrapper invenw = iwd.SearchAsSpecificationKey(Specification.ID);
            StockWrapper stockw = null;

            if (invenw != null)
                //재고의 개수를 수정
                invenw.Quantity = InventoryQuantity;
                //새로운 재고를 등록
                Inventory inven = new Inventory();
                inven.ItemID = this.Item.ID;
                inven.SpecificationID = this.Specification.ID;
                inven.Quantity = this.InventoryQuantity;
                inven.WarehouseID = this.Warehouse != null ? this.Warehouse.ID : null;
                invenw = new InventoryWrapper(inven);
                CollectionViewModelObserverSubject.GetInstance().NotifyNewItemAdded(invenw); //순서의 주의
                iwd.Add(invenw); //순서의 주의

            if (_target != null) //InOutStock 데이터의 수정 코드
                _target.Product = InOutStock;
                stockw = _target;
            else //새로운 InOutStock 데이터의 추가 코드
                InOutStock.InventoryID = invenw.ID;
                stockw = new StockWrapper(InOutStock);
            return stockw;
 public void Remove(StockWrapper item)
     if (Contains(item))
         _itemKeyDic.Remove(item.Item.ID, item);
         _invenKeyDic.Remove(item.Inventory.ID, item);
 public void Add(StockWrapper item)
     if (!Contains(item))
         _itemKeyDic.Add(item.Item.ID, item);
         _invenKeyDic.Add(item.Inventory.ID, item);
        public void TestWrapperEventHandler()
            StockWrapper.m_wrapperFired = false;

            StockWrapper wrapper = new StockWrapper(m_stock);
            wrapper.PriceChanged += StockWrapper.WrapperEvtHandler;
            wrapper.Price = m_newPrice;

Exemple #8
        public void OpenAppTest()
            driver.Url = ",fa_curratio_o1,fa_debteq_u0.5,fa_estltgrowth_o5,fa_pb_u2,fa_pe_u15,geo_usa&ft=2";
            List <IWebElement> links = driver.FindElements(By.ClassName("screener-link-primary")).ToList();

            List <StockWrapper> stocks = new List <StockWrapper>();
            string mydocpath           =

            // Write the string array to a new file named "WriteLines.txt".
            using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(mydocpath + @"\WriteLines.txt"))
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    StockWrapper newStock = new StockWrapper();
                    newStock.tickerSymbol = links[i].Text;
                    driver2.Url           = "" + links[i].Text + "/financials?btn=start_date&mode=annual_reports";
                    //Get date selector
                    // select the drop down list
                    var dateDropDown = driver.FindElement(By.Id("start_dateid"));
                    //create select element object
                    var selectElement = new SelectElement(dateDropDown);
                    // select by text
                    //Get old book value
                    IWebElement oldBookValueParent = driver2.FindElement(By.XPath("//td[contains(text(),'book value per share')]"));
                    IWebElement oldBookValue       = oldBookValueParent.FindElement(By.XPath("following-sibling::*"));
                    Decimal.TryParse(oldBookValue.Text, out newStock.oldBookValue);

                    //Get oldest date, which may not be 10 years behind the current date
                    IWebElement oldYearEndParent = driver2.FindElement(By.XPath("//td[contains(text(),'year end date')]"));
                    IWebElement oldYearEnd       = oldYearEndParent.FindElement(By.XPath("following-sibling::*"));
                    newStock.oldYear = oldYearEnd.Text;

                    //Set page to latest date
                    driver2.Url = "" + links[i].Text + "/financials?btn=start_date&mode=annual_reports";

                    //Get new book value
                    IWebElement newBookValueParent = driver2.FindElement(By.XPath("//td[contains(text(),'book value per share')]"));
                    IWebElement newBookValue       = newBookValueParent.FindElements(By.XPath("following-sibling::*")).LastOrDefault();
                    Decimal.TryParse(newBookValue.Text, out newStock.newBookValue);

                    //Get newest year
                    IWebElement newYearEndParent = driver2.FindElement(By.XPath("//td[contains(text(),'year end date')]"));
                    IWebElement newYearEnd       = newYearEndParent.FindElements(By.XPath("following-sibling::*")).LastOrDefault();
                    newStock.newYear = newYearEnd.Text;

                    //Get dividend
                    IWebElement dividendParent = driver2.FindElement(By.XPath("//td[contains(text(),'Dividends Paid Per Share')]"));
                    IWebElement dividend       = dividendParent.FindElements(By.XPath("following-sibling::*")).LastOrDefault();
                    Decimal.TryParse(dividend.Text, out newStock.dividend);

                    //Set page to current info
                    driver2.Url = "" + links[i].Text + "/financials";
                    IWebElement priceText   = driver2.FindElement(By.XPath("//span[contains(text(),'Price')]"));
                    IWebElement priceParent = priceText.FindElement(By.XPath("../.."));
                    IWebElement priceRow    = priceParent.FindElement(By.XPath("following-sibling::*"));
                    IWebElement price       = priceRow.FindElement(By.XPath("child::*"));
                    Decimal.TryParse(price.Text, out newStock.currentMarketValue);

                    outputFile.WriteLine(newStock.tickerSymbol + "- Book Value in " + newStock.oldYear + ": " +
                                         newStock.oldBookValue + ", Book Value in " + newStock.newYear + ": " + newStock.newBookValue + ", Dividend: " +
                                         newStock.dividend + ", Current Value: " + newStock.currentMarketValue);
 public StockWrapperProperties(StockWrapper stockWrapper) : base(stockWrapper)
     _target = stockWrapper;