Exemple #1
        private void AddCommentCollectionMenuOptions(ContextMenu newContextMenu, string title)
            // Make the header in the menu for the comment-specific options
            MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem();

            menuItem.Header = title;
            // We're using this item as a label, so don't let the user click it
            menuItem.IsHitTestVisible = false;
            // Change the colors to signal to the user that it's a label
            menuItem.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);
            menuItem.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 100, 100));
            menuItem.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;

            menuItem        = new MenuItem();
            menuItem.Header = "Add new comment";
            menuItem.Tag    = m_canvas.SelectedElement;

            // Use an anonymous delegate to handle the click event
            menuItem.Click += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                MenuItem tempMI = sender as MenuItem;
                PFD.Streams.StreamControl stream = tempMI.Tag as PFD.Streams.StreamControl;
                ProcessUnitControl        unit   = tempMI.Tag as ProcessUnitControl;

                // Get a reference to the comment collection
                IList <StickyNote> comments;
                if (null != stream)
                    comments = stream.Stream.Comments;
                    comments = unit.ProcessUnit.Comments;

                // Compute the location for the new comment
                MathCore.Vector location = StickyNoteControl.ComputeNewCommentNoteLocation(
                    m_canvas, tempMI.Tag, 100.0, 100.0);

                // Create the new sticky note and add it to the workspace. Event handlers will update
                // the UI appropriately
                StickyNote sn = new StickyNote()
                    Width     = 100.0,
                    Height    = 100.0,
                    LocationX = location.X,
                    LocationY = location.Y

                // Add an undo that will remove the comment
                m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection("Undo creation of comment",
                                                           new RemoveComment(comments, comments.IndexOf(sn))));

                // Make sure to remove the popup menu from the canvas
                m_contextMenu = null;

                // Flip back to the default state for the canvas (null)
                m_canvas.CurrentState = null;

            string objName = "selected object";

            if (m_canvas.SelectedElement is ProcessUnitControl)
                objName = (m_canvas.SelectedElement as ProcessUnitControl).ProcessUnit.Label;
            else if (m_canvas.SelectedElement is ChemProV.PFD.Streams.StreamControl)
                objName = "selected stream";

            // Add a new menu item to hide all comments
            menuItem        = new MenuItem();
            menuItem.Header = "Hide all comments for " + objName;
            menuItem.Tag    = m_canvas.SelectedElement;
            menuItem.Click += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                MenuItem tempMI = sender as MenuItem;
                (tempMI.Tag as UI.ICommentControlManager).HideAllComments();

                // Make sure to remove the popup menu from the canvas
                m_contextMenu = null;

                // Flip back to the default state for the canvas (null)
                m_canvas.CurrentState = null;

            // Add one to show all comments too
            menuItem        = new MenuItem();
            menuItem.Header = "Show all comments for " + objName;
            menuItem.Tag    = m_canvas.SelectedElement;
            menuItem.Click += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                MenuItem tempMI = sender as MenuItem;
                (tempMI.Tag as UI.ICommentControlManager).ShowAllComments();

                // Make sure to remove the popup menu from the canvas
                m_contextMenu = null;

                // Flip back to the default state for the canvas (null)
                m_canvas.CurrentState = null;
        public void MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // If the placement icon is null then we don't do anything
            if (null == m_placementIcon)

            // Remove the placement icon from the canvas
            m_placementIcon = null;

            // Make sure we don't leave anything highlighted

            Point mousePt = e.GetPosition(m_canvas);

            // Get a reference to the workspace
            Workspace ws = m_canvas.GetWorkspace();

            // There are two possibilities for a mouse-down. The first is that the mouse isn't over
            // any object that can have comments created for it, in which case we create a free-
            // floating comment. The second is that there is and we need to create an anchored comment.
            UIElement uie = m_canvas.GetChildAtIncludeStreams(mousePt);

            if (uie is ProcessUnitControl || uie is PFD.Streams.StreamControl)
                // All we need to do is add a comment to the appropriate collection in the workspace,
                // but we need to compute a smart location for it. There's a static method in the
                // sticky note control that does this for is.
                MathCore.Vector pos = StickyNoteControl.ComputeNewCommentNoteLocation(
                    m_canvas, uie, 100.0, 100.0);

                // Create the new sticky note and add it to the workspace. Event handlers will update
                // the UI appropriately.
                StickyNote sn = new StickyNote()
                    Width     = 100.0,
                    Height    = 100.0,
                    LocationX = pos.X,
                    LocationY = pos.Y
                if (uie is ProcessUnitControl)
                    (uie as ProcessUnitControl).ProcessUnit.Comments.Add(sn);
                    (uie as PFD.Streams.StreamControl).Stream.Comments.Add(sn);

                // Create an undo
                m_canvas.GetWorkspace().AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection(
                                                    "Undo creation of anchored comment", new Logic.Undos.RemoveStickyNote(sn)));

                // Tell the control palette to switch back to select mode. It will also set the drawing
                // canvas's state to null
                // This means we need to create a free-floating sticky note.
                StickyNote note = new StickyNote();
                note.Height    = note.Width = 100.0;
                note.LocationX = mousePt.X;
                note.LocationY = mousePt.Y;

                // Add it to the workspace. Event subscribers will update the UI automatically.

                // Add an undo that will remove the sticky note
                m_canvas.GetWorkspace().AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection(
                                                    "Undo creation of free-floating comment",
                                                    new Logic.Undos.RemoveStickyNote(note)));

                // Tell the control palette to switch back to select mode. It will also set the drawing
                // canvas's state to null